Angel's Gift

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She woke up on one of the twin beds, with a cold compress on her head. Her head felt a little cloudy as she opened her eyes wider. She turned her head over to the other bed to see Logan eating pancakes. Instantly, Margo's mouth began to water at the delicious aroma that came from his plate.

Logan looked over towards her, his eyes twinkling. "Good morning. Jonni just made some pancakes...would you like me to get you some?" His blue eyes were bluer than ever before, and he bore a radiant smile. She also noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt, so she quickly turned away, shyly.

"Oh, yes that would be wonderful, but I can go get them myself. You need to rest." She quietly said as she got up from the bed and headed towards the door, but Logan stopped her.

"Wait!!" he exclaimed making her jump at first as she was still nervous about what had happened the night before. The vision of him on top of her with the dark eyes came to her causing a slight shiver down her spine

"Mar. I'm sorry...for lying and everything I may have done to you yesterday. I should've told you the truth." He slowly got out of the bed, grimacing in pain. He walked over to her cautiously, as if he were stepping around glass. She didn't realize how much his body took a toll.

She looked down at his bare chest, as he walked towards her. She noticed how muscular he really was, and boy! was she blushing. She looked up at his face and noticed that Logan looked as though he were to burst out in tears

Once he finally got over to her, he gave her a hug. Whispering, "I love you" in her ear. She hugged him back, happy that everything was okay. Although, she was still hurt that he lied to her, she knew that he just did because he was ashamed of himself. She forgave him.

She just wanted to stay in his warm embrace forever.

Just as they were hugging, Jonni walked in and scratched his head awkwardly. "Uh, good morning Margo. I whipped up a fresh new batch of pancakes if you would like some. Once you two are done, of course." He let out a little giggle, and Margo's face blushed a slight red.

"Yeah, I was just going to the kitchen." She let go of Logan and began to walk towards the kitchen before Logan spoke up.

"Mar... enjoy those pancakes like I enjoyed watching you check me out." Logan winked teasingly, making Margo blush. Could she have made it more apparent that she was checking him out??

With that, Margo simply stated, "Who says I was checking you out?" He laughed and shook his head, a playful smile pulling across the corners of his mouth. She giggled as she walked into the kitchen. Piling pancake after pancake on her plate, and drizzling some homemade maple syrup on top.

After she had finished eating what seemed like a mountain of pancakes and syrup, she headed back to the room to get her stuff to change and shower. She looked over at her phone and noticed she had fifteen missed calls from both her parents. Shoot, she thought. She forgot to message her parents. She decided to give them a call before hopping in the bathroom.

Her mom picked up right away and had a strain of worry and anger in her voice. "Oh my gosh, Margo! Your father and I have been worried sick about you! Why didn't you message us or call us? Where are you? Are you okay?"

Margo held her head in her hand in frustration. "I'm sorry, mom. I was with Zoey and then I was with my friend Kira. I slept over at her house because it got so late. I totally forgot to call....I'm so sorry." She didn't realize she hadn't been home in two days, and today was Monday! She was missing school!

"Are you at school?! You are grounded! I don't care if you're already 18, you still live in this house ya know!" She felt her stomach twist in a nervous way.

"Uh yeah, I'm at school. And okay...I understand. I'm sorry."

"Well, just make sure to call us next time, okay? Love you." Her mom didn't sound as upset.

"I will...and I love you too." She hung up and ran to the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower and getting ready, she bolted out to the front entrance.

She saw Jonni and Kira talking in the living room. "Hey, thank you again for taking care of me...I would stay longer, but I totally forgot about school" She let out a nervous laugh and Kira smiled.

"I called you in sick, don't worry. I pretended to be your mom." Margo puzzled at how she knew that, and how she was able to imitate her mom's unique voice. Her mom's voice was lower than most women's and was very easy to detect in a crowd. Kira had a higher voice that whenever she talked, she seemed to be singing.

"It's a gift fallen angel's still possess. I can read minds too, if I choose to." Those were the powers Logan had hinted at before. "Logan never told you?" Margo looked at her wide-eyed. She knew she better watch her thoughts around both her and Logan. Oh no! She wondered if Logan ever overheard her thoughts about him and how he made her knees weak whenever they made eye contact . Kira gave her a wink.

She gave an awkward smile back. "Well...uh thank you for calling for me. I probably should get going anyway... I have to run a few errands and go home. I am grounded, so I should probably get home early."

As she left she thanked Jonni for his hospitality and Kira for being such a good friend. She knew Logan was probably sleeping, so she decided to just send a quick text that she would call him later tonight. As she headed towards her car she thought about how everything had happened so fast these past few days. She fell in love, almost lost the love of her life to the devil, and almost died. She felt shivers crawl down her spine at the thought of Logan possibly hurting her to the point of death. She didn't want to think of him ever doing that; she just wanted to pretend that it never happened. It was all just a dream, right? Right, she thought.

She drove home and checked the clock, she would be getting home at this time anyway due to her late study hall. As she walked in the door, her mom gave her a cool look.

Crap...she's still upset.

"You know I wasn't kidding about you being grounded. I mean it. No going out with friends for a week and no car usage unless you're driving to school and back here, got it?" Her mom sat on their sofa with her arms crossed while wearing what Margo noted to be a wearable blanket. Her mom had to buy that stupid thing when she saw the commercials.

"You can wear a blanket! It's the 'Wear-y Blank-y'. It's yours for only $19.95!" the voice of the commentator for the commercial spoke in her head as she giggled at her mom's own 'Wear-y Blank-y'.

She brushed the silly thought aside and responded in a serious manner, "I know, mom. I'm so sorry for not calling...everything just happened so fast, and I just forgot. It won't happen again." Her mom smiled at the response back and lightly waved her to proceed to her room.

As she went up the stairs, her mom said to her, "Oh, sweetie...I want to meet your new beau if that's alright. I talked to Zoey's mom, and she said that Zoey told her that you had a new boyfriend. I heard he's so kind and good-looking! I'll let you have him over here for dinner tomorrow if you'd like." Her mom always somehow knew so much, but she didn't mind it this time because she wanted her family to meet Logan. They would be so impressed by him that they'd completely forget about Bryan.

"That would be great! I'll call him right now!" Margo quickly ran up the stairs to her room. As she plopped down on her bed; she dialed his number. After the third ring Logan picked up.

"Hey Mar, how did it go with your mom?" His voice was so smooth and dreamy, and once again, making Mar's heart flutter.

She felt her cheeks blush as he said her name. "It went well actually. Well, I mean, I'm still grounded, but she invited you for dinner tomorrow night. That's only if you would like to come."

There was a long pause before he answered. "Uh yes, I'd love to join you and your family." There was sort of a nervous twinge in his voice, making Margo uneasy. "Margo...have you been, feeling okay? Like, you haven't noticed anything different about you, have you?"

Margo felt her pulse quicken at his concerning questions. " Um, no I haven't. I feel perfectly fine. Why? Should I be concerned?"

Logan let out a sigh in either relief or anguish; Margo couldn't exactly tell which. "Okay. Just was making sure as I don't know how Jonni and Kira were able to get the demon out of me on their own. It must have passed on to someone else... I just don't know how or who. But don't worry, you should be okay."

He didn't sound confident that she would be okay. " Oh gosh, okay. I will see you tomorrow then." She didn't know if he was implying that she had the demon or not. She was confused and utterly distraught at how he said everything to her. She was just starting to feel better about life too.

"I will see you tomorrow then, Mar." And like that, he hung up on her...without saying I love you. She knew they just had started dating, but they already reached the point of saying 'I love you' to each other. It was odd to hear him not say it since he seemed to always say it to her.

She decided to brush it off as they did just go through a very traumatic couple days, and he was just probably very worried about her; just like she was of him. The only thing she could even think of worrying about was how her parents were going to approve of him. She knew they would really like him, but what if something crazy happened. Something like the demon coming back. Just as she thought of the devil a very sharp shiver went down her spine and throughout her body, fingertip-to-fingertip. She tried clearing her mind by looking up what homework she had missed.

After about a couple hours of catching up on all the studying and homework she needed to do, she walked downstairs for dinner. Her mom was in the kitchen taking a chicken casserole out of the oven. Margo didn't realize how hungry she was until she saw her mom place it on the kitchen table and the aroma reached her nose.

They all sat down and enjoyed dinner, casually talking. After talking about school and Margo's homecoming dance coming up in a couple weeks, Margo's dad asked about Logan. Margo's throat became dry. She knew to just describe his looks, personality and such, avoiding talk about what had all happened the last few days.

"Well, um he is tall and handsome and is the kindest person ever, and I know you both will love him." She didn't know what else to say. Like, she couldn't say, "yeah he's a fallen angel that got kicked out of heaven and tried to kill me the other day, but he still loves me and I love him". She chuckled to herself at how unreal that all sounded.

Her mom smiled while her dad seemed uneasy.

"Margo, he isn't like your last boyfriend, Bryan?" He questioned while grabbing another scoopful of casserole. "I mean, I liked the kid, but he seemed like a troublemaker."

Margo shook her head no so ferociously that her mom gave her a weird look.

"No, no not at all. He's a good student and always helps others out. Trust me, you will love him." She wasn't completely lying. He helped her out so many times, and his grades were stellar even though he seemed to never have to study. "He is very excited to finally meet you both." At that last remark, they both smiled, and Margo's smile widened.

All she could think of that night before drifting off to sleep was their dinner tomorrow.

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