My Love

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After a long day at school, Margo waited for Logan to come out to the parking lot after their last class. She was going to bring him right to her house for dinner. She finally spotted him heading over to Kira giving her the keys to his car. Then, he proceeded over towards Margo with a bright smile across his face.

As he walked up to her he gently pulled her in towards him so they're bodies were touching each other. She tilted her head up and smiled.

"Mar, I swear you get more beautiful as the days go by, and I don't understand how that's possible." He kissed her forehead and squeezed her lightly.

She giggled. "Logan, why do you always say the sweetest things?" She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him. He lightly grabbed her face and kissed her back, passionately. As they stopped, she saw a group of young Freshmen girls staring at them in disbelief. Probably wondering how Margo, only an average senior girl, could even get a guy like Logan.

Logan, obviously overhearing Margo's thoughts chuckled. "Why do you think that? You're definitely underestimating yourself. If anything they're wondering how someone so amazing as you would want to even be with a guy like me." She blushed as he said this to her even though she knew that was false.

"Do you always read my thoughts? You're invading my privacy, you know." She winked as she let go of him.

He shrugged. "It just kind of happens...most of the time I try to block it out, but with you...I like to know what you always feel and think of me." Margo bit her lip and rose an eyebrow seductively.

"Oh gosh, I'm sure you have laughed at most of my thoughts then." He smiled and winked.

As he hopped into the passenger's side, he said, "I'm usually very flattered by your thoughts. You seem to always put me on an unnecessary pedestal, but nonetheless it makes me feel good. It tells me how much you love me."

Margo smiled at him and started up the car. "Well, hopefully my parents will be just as in love with you as I am. But, I'm sure they will be...when I described you to them they seemed very eager to meet you." Logan looked out the window and scratched his head awkwardly.

"They don't know, right?" He looked over at her with a worried expression. "I want to impress your parents not freak them out."

"No they don't. I just described your personality and how amazing you are. I decided not to tell them that." He let out a sigh of relief and reached his hand over, placing his hand lightly on her thigh.

"Good... that would be best for now. I'm actually very excited to meet them."

As they drove, they talked about school and everyday normal things. They finally arrived and Logan seemed very anxious to walk in. He and Margo walked up to the front door and right away, Margo's mom answered.

"Well hello! I'm Margo's mom, Mrs. Shetfield. Please come in!" She gestured them to come inside and led them into the living room. " I have some snacks out for you both. Your father won't be home until 6 so we have a couple hours before dinner. It's so nice to finally meet you, Logan." She shook his hand and looked over at Margo, giving her a look of approval.

"It's so nice to finally meet you! I can see where Margo gets her loveliness from." At that last comment, Mrs. Shetfield blushed.

"Well, thank you Logan. You're too sweet." She smiled and began walking out of the living room. "I'm going to finish up getting dinner ready." With that, Logan and Margo sat on the couch awkwardly.

"So, um do you want a tour of the house?" Margo asked. Logan smiled and nodded.

"Sure...I mean I already know what your house looks like but having an actual physical tour would be nice." They both let out a laugh and headed up the stairs. She showed him their deck and everything. Then, they reached her room where Logan sat down on her bed and began sliding his hands across her fluffy pillows. "I really love your room. It's so could you ever feel sad in this room?" Just as he said this Margo rubbed her thumb nervously.

"That's the reason I tried to make it so bright in here, so I wouldn't have those horrible thoughts. I painted the walls these lighter and brighter colors of yellow and teal to make me feel better, but it only worked for a little bit." Margo could feel herself wanting to cry again, but she just sat down next to Logan on his right. He grabbed her hand and held it up to his mouth and kissed it.

"Well, we will make sure you start feeling better, okay?" He squeezed her hand and looked over towards the dresser where the knife still laid hidden underneath. "Can I please get that thing under your dresser out of here? It doesn't belong here." He smiled lightly and went over and grabbed it. He then wrapped it up in some paper towels that Margo had in her room and threw it out. "There. I feel like it's already a little better in here."

He then walked over to the mirror next to the bathroom. In that instant, Margo realized that if Logan used to watch over her....he saw her naked already! Oh my gosh, she couldn't believe she just had realized that. Of course, right as she thought that he had read her mind, and he began laughing.

"Margo, are you seriously freaking out about that? It's different than what you are thinking. In heaven, we don't view the human body as something don't worry I didn't pay much attention to it." He walked over to her and drew her up by him.

"You still know what I look like naked which is kind of uncomfortable for me." She let out a nervous laugh. He just rolled his eyes and drew her mouth to his and kissed her.

"A body means less to me when you've seen the soul and fell in love with it." He kissed her forehead and led her out of her room. "I'm not saying you don't have a beautiful body either. It's just the soul is more important to me than that."

Margo couldn't believe how he could say the perfect thing to her and make her feel a million times better. She knew dinner would go amazing tonight.

When her dad finally came, they all sat down and began eating, Her dad and Logan really hit it off well, and Margo's mom kept giving Margo smiles of approval. Honestly, this dinner couldn't go any better, Margo thought to herself as Logan and her dad began talking about their faith. They shared very similar views which obviously made Mr.Shetfield very enthusiastic about Margo's boyfriend.

"I must say, Logan, you're a very wise young man for your age. Not many have your faith so strong at your age, and it's relieving to know that Margo is associating herself with people such as yourself. We should go play golf one day if you're interested." Margo sat absolutely stunned, for the two other times Margo had dated, her dad not once invited her boyfriends to go golfing with him; it showed how much he really like Logan.

Margo shot Logan a beaming smile, Logan smiled back with the same brightness. "I would love to go golfing sometime with you, Mr. Shetfield. I must say I'm not the best, but I guess practice will improve my barely existing skills." They all laughed at Logan's remark, and all Margo could do was smile the biggest and cheesiest smile throughout the rest of dinner.

Afterwards, Margo offered to bring Logan home, but her parents kept talking to him insisting him on coming back for dinner very soon. Logan kept thanking them for inviting him and being so welcoming towards him.

Once Margo and Logan were able to "peel away" from Margo's parents they hopped in her car and drove towards his place. Margo turned up the radio as Ellie Goulding's "Love me Like You Do" song came on. She rolled the windows down slightly and began humming the song.

"Margo, your parents are so nice. You really are blessed to have them," Logan said as he tucked some of Margo's hair behind her ear.

"Yeah. They never are this excited about anyone...even Zoey. They really like you, like a lot. I'm just so happy they see what I see in you." Margo kept her eyes on the road as she said this with a smile.

"Hey, do you mind stopping at the park for a second. I'm sure your parents won't mind." Logan asked. Margo turned into one of the parking spots near the park.

"Why do you want to stop here?" Margo stopped the engine and looked over at Logan.

He smiled and got out of the car and gestured Margo to do the same. He began walking towards the bench that he first told her he loved her. He proceeded to sit down and patted his hand down on the spot next to him. "Sit down for a second."

Margo sat down but was confused as to what he was doing. Just then he pulled out a little box out of his pocket. She became really confused. He isn't going to propose to her this early, was he? Once again Logan read her thoughts and laughed.

"Mar, it's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring. I saw it the other day and instantly thought of you. I wanted to bring you to the spot where I told you that I loved you or at least made it obvious that I do." He took the cute little ring, that was heart shaped with a ruby in the middle, her birthstone, and placed it on her ring finger on her right hand. "I love you, Margo."

Margo began tearing up, wiping the tears away before saying, "I love you, Logan." She wrapped her arms around him, and they sat there embraced in each other's arms.

He then whispered in her ear, "So, my love, does that mean you'll go to homecoming with me too?" 


AWWW OMG!! Ugh...I wish I had a Logan :( 

LOL...anyways, just wanted to tell ya'll that this is probably my favorite chapter ( yes, due partly because of all the sappiness) but I also love it because he points out to her how beautiful her soul is ...he is attracted to her ( not just what she appears to appearance wise). Logan also reassures Margo that everything will be okay, which is something she needs to hear. 

Thank you again (if you're reading this) for giving my book a chance. Like always, please leave a comment or message and vote! 

Much love<3

~Madelyn Joy

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