Secret Eyes

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As she drove into school, Margo still couldn't get that odd encounter that happened in her bedroom just an hour ago out of her head. She fantasized a tall and handsome man with angelic wings, stroking her arm and saying those words to her. A whisper that sent both warmth and chills down her spine. Instantly, she shook the fantasy out of her head as she pulled into the school's parking lot.

Once she walked out of the parking lot and into the school she saw her best friend, Zoey, running towards her. Zoey's lanky arms swung ferociously while her long legs proceeded. Her short, black hair swayed from side to side, just like her arms.

"Margo! Guess what?!" Margo's friend Zoey squealed as she approached her. "You've been nominated for homecoming queen...soooo cool!! I can't wait to make flyers and pins for you!" Margo's face brightened up as she heard this.

"Homecoming queen? Are you serious?" as Margo asked this, Zoey began explaining how she got more votes than Ella, one of the most popular girls in school.

Ella was always a jerk to Margo and Zoey; Margo despised Ella's cocky attitude and her perfect blonde hair and demeaning glare. "Who voted for me? Like, seriously." Her long fingers brushed a few blond strands from her forehead as she puzzled over how someone like her could even get nominated. Even her own "boyfriend", Bryan, said that Ella had homecoming queen in the bag. And of course Bryan said something like that to her; he never uplifted her like a good boyfriend should do to his girlfriend.

"So girlie, you may have a chance to dance with Skylar... the guy that totally has a huge crush on you. Ugh... why are you still dating Bryan? He doesn't even treat you like you should be treated. He ignores you unless you go up to him, and he doesn't even take you out on dates. He expects to just chill at his house or yours. You can do so much better than him, Mar." Zoey's remark was right, but Margo couldn't break up with him because that meant she could hurt him, and she hated hurting people.

"I know...I just ....can't break up with him. I don't want to hurt anyone. Plus he was our friend prior to him and I dating," Margo responded with tears welling in her eyes. Even her ex, Anthony, was better than her current boyfriend. She still had feelings for him, and every time she saw him, it crushed and warmed her up inside.

The upsetting thing too was that Bryan and Anthony hated each other, with a fierce passion due to a pity fight in the ninth grade. Each boy thought they were the coolest, and it went from "yo mama" jokes to them physically hurting each other.

Anthony ended up with a black eye, but Bryan got it the worst with a broken nose. This resulted in them both getting suspended from school for a week.

"Well, if you won't soon... then I will for you, so you don't have to see him put on fake tears and all that crap," Zoey reassured. Margo absently nodded as Zoey rubbed her back. "Things are going to get better...I mean're going to be homecoming queen, and we're going to the game tonight!" Somehow Margo still felt that burning urge to end it all again...but maybe Zoey was right, maybe things will get better.

The bell rang, and they both headed to class, unknowing of the dark and handsome stranger that watched them in the hallway. He followed Margo with his eyes as she headed into her math class.

As the day went on, Margo sat in her desk and doodled in her notebook as her teacher, Mr. Rubio, began writing equations on the board. She slouched further in her desk as he proceeded, in his monotone voice, to call on the students for answers. He then, came to Margo.

"Margo, could you tell me what the derivative of the function on the board would be?" he asked her, and she looked up from her drawing. She studied the equation on the whiteboard for a moment and responded with the correct answer.

Mr. Rubio nodded in approval, "Good, maybe you should space out more often."

She shrugged at the supposedly sarcastic comment and continued on with her drawings. In each class she drew the same thing over and over. An angel, with big beautiful wings with black hair and a kind face. She had this vision in her mind, of this powerful angel, protecting her. It was like she had seen him before, watching her. As she thought about this angel, she felt someone watching over her shoulder, and she turned around to see Skylar looking at her drawing and then her. He sat back in his seat and nodded in approval of her drawing, and she, of course, gave him a gawking grin of satisfaction. He smiled which showed his trademark dimple while combing his fingers through his dark blonde hair. She felt her cheeks burn up, and she quickly turned to face the front. Gosh, she had a way of making herself look like a complete idiot!

The class ended, and the rest of the school day ceased to an end. As she left her last class and went to her locker, she noticed a black-haired young man across the hall staring at her in an affectionate way which made her cheeks burn a slight red. He was dressed in all dark clothing and was extremely built.

She turned away and shrugged at how awkward that was. She figured it was nothing and proceeded to leave and go towards the parking lot.

The crisp, fall air blew across her face and made her hair flow gracefully as she walked to her car after school. She couldn't wait to get home and watch her favorite shows like "Revenge" and "Friends". Once she got to her car, Bryan stood there waiting for her, with a sarcastic grin on his face. His long and tall stature almost made him appear menacing, but everyone that knew him knew he was a somewhat chill guy...except when ever he hung out with his certain friends, like Ryan. Friends that tended to do drugs and go party every weekend , but he always said he didn't do it, just watched them. It still made Margo feel uneasy knowing he was still there as they partook in illegal things. She also didn't like the fact that he would change his behavior completely and become somewhat mean to her whenever he hung out with them or was around them.

It was something Margo hated but tried to get over as she really hated the thought of breaking up even more.

He cracked his knuckles as she approached. "So you got nominated for homecoming queen...funny, hey?!" he pulled her in close to him, but she was still as a statue. "Now let's say you and I hang out at my house tonight?" He leaned in for a kiss, but she squirmed away.

"No! Bryan...I'm sorry, but I want to go to the football game tonight more 'hanging out at your place'...okay? I'm tired at how crappy you've been treating me. You don't talk to me at school at all and then expect me to make out with you at your house all the time. Well...I'm done, Bryan. I'm done with all your crap," Margo blurted out in her mind, but really she said, "I wish I could, but I already made plans with Zoey for tonight." She wanted to cry, but she wouldn't let herself do that in front of him.

"Oh okay, fine." His voice had a razor sharp edginess to it which made her throat tighten and become dry and scratchy. "I better get going then." His blazing green eyes shone with intensity making her feel even more uncomfortable.

"Now Bryan, please don't do this to me. I want to spend time with you, but I made these plans last week with her. She is my best friend, you know and...We were going to go to the football game tonight," she said as she grabbed his arm. He sighed, bit his lip, and looked away towards a group of guys where one of the guys was watching them- the stranger that tended to watch Margo. She turned where he was staring and saw the same black haired boy watching them, but just for a second before he walked away.

He really was breathtaking, and it confused her as to why he kept watching her.

Regardless, she turned back to look at Bryan in the eyes. She had to admit Bryan had some of the prettiest eyes she had ever saw. They were an intense emerald green, and even though she hated seeing him mad, that's when his eyes looked the prettiest. She knew his eyes were probably the biggest reason why she had a crush on him in the beginning, but later on, she also knew he was a good kisser. Shaking the thought out of her mind, he looked at her again and his face softened.

"I guess I could meet up with you at the game...I don't mind watching football," he said while bringing her in towards him again and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you at the game." She stood there in shock, he had never acted like this before. He acted somewhat decent towards her... he must be up to something, she thought. There was no way he could act like this out of the blue. It made her even more nervous and awkward than if he would have just screamed at her.

After standing for a quick second, she hopped in her car and drove home.
She couldn't figure out what he may be planning on doing. Was he going to humiliate her somehow or be aggressive, or was he actually noticing how much of a jerk he has been towards her and wanted to be better. It was either of the first two. Or....he knew something she didn't...but what could it be, Bryan had a few classes with Skylar...Skylar must have said something to him about her being homecoming queen.

Shoot, Bryan must have blew up at him or devised a plan for tonight, she thought.

She hoped that the game would be okay. Nothing bad could happen, right?

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