Heavenly Embrace

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Once she arrived home, she plopped down on her couch with a bowl of popcorn and watched some reruns of Full House. She was waiting for Zoey to arrive so they both could get ready for the game, she couldn't get her mind off of Bryan and how he acted. She was really worried he might do something drastic towards her. She quickly pushed her normal dark thoughts away and texted Zoey. She needed her now.  Her phone buzzed with Zoeys short but relieving response of , "Almost there! see ya soon!" Margo paced back and forth for five minutes until Zoey had arrived in her driveway.

    When Zoey came in the door she had a whole basket of black and blue fan gear, ranging from pom poms, face paint, and poofy tutus. "Did I go overboard this time?" Zoey asked as she set the basket down on the living room floor. "I pretty much bought all the black and blue items at Walmart."  Margo laughed as she pulled out the pom poms.

    "I think it is perfect! We are the Lakewood Giant's biggest fans! Plus, this is one of their biggest games, so we have to deck ourselves out." Margo and Zoey instantly began putting on the black and blue socks, tutus and their fan jerseys. Zoey began applying the face paint until the doorbell rang.

    Zoey rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I'm not finished! Once you've answered the door..come right back!" Zoey insisted as Margo got up to check to see who was at the door.

    Margo opened the door to see Bryan in his blue and black spirit jersey leaning up against the door frame with a seductive grin. "Hey...what's up?" His smile didn't make Margo uncomfortable, in fact, it made her feel reassured that tonight was going to be alright.

    "Well I'm getting my face painted for the game...um do you wanna come in?" she eagerly spoke but he frowned as she said this to him.

    "I can't... Ryan is driving, and he wants to quick get something before we head to the game. I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I'll see you there," he quickly said as Ryan honked the horn for him to hurry. "I gotta go... bye." He gave her a kiss on the cheek and paced down the driveway and hopped into Ryan's car, and they sped off going twenty miles over the speed limit.

    "Mar, what the heck was Bryan doing here? And why was he with the Ryan, that stupid druggy? ...Oh my gosh...is Bryan doing drugs... I swear I'm gonna go crazy on Ryan!! He, first cheated on me, then he befriended OUR friend, and changed him and now he's getting him into..." Zoey began to ramble on but was cut off quickly by Margo.

    "He isn't doing drugs...I mean yeah Bryan has some problems at home and all, but he wouldn't resort to drugs...not him...not ...ever." Tears began falling from Margo's face, but she quickly brushed them away before her makeup got smudged. "I'm not going to cry...I don't want to ruin your masterpiece." Zoey led her back to the chair so she could finish her

Margo could tell that Zoey was still tense. Whenever Ryan's name popped up or whenever she saw him, her blood would boil. Ryan and Zoey used to date for a little over a year until a couple weeks before the start of their junior year. She went to a party one night and saw Ryan with another girl, doing things he shouldn't have been. Zoey was crushed and he continued to make her life a living nightmare by tormenting her for the rest of the year.

Margo looked at her friend's face soften as she took a deep breath.

    "Don't worry, he's fine. And I'm sure he isn't partaking in any of it, maybe just watching," Zoey said, trying to reassure Margo as she painted her face. Margo only nodded but remained silent as Zoey finished putting on her makeup.

    When they were finally done, they headed off to the game in Zoey's cute little 2005 chevy malibu. Zoey cranked up the radio, and they jammed out all the way to the school's football field.

Once they parked, they got some candy and sat down in the front of the student section. Down on the track, the cheerleaders began cheering as the boys ran down the field. One of the cheerleaders exclaimed, "Let's go Giants! U Rah Rah!", followed by the other cheerleaders. The one leading the cheers was Ella. That jerk.  She looked up at Margo and glared, Margo just smiled back but a deep shudder ran down her back causing her to wince. Just as she shuddered a loud bang in the parking lot occurred. Everyone in the stands jolted and started looking towards the parked cars. The band stop playing and one of the cheer stunts fell down. Someone came running through the cars screaming. It wasn't clear what they said but everyone knew it wasn't good.

    "What the heck was that? It sounded like two cars slamming into each other," Zoey exclaimed as she grabbed onto Margo's arm with fear in her eyes. Everyone waited in silence for a few minutes, and then the police and ambulances came and Margo got that sick feeling again. She had to make sure Bryan was okay, so she called up his phone. Voicemail. She tried again, and the same thing happened.

    "I have to go to the parking lot and check to make sure that it isn't Bryan...his phone keeps going to voicemail. I'll be right back!" Margo quickly said as she ran towards the parking lot. Her pulse quickened with every step.  Once she got to the parking lot she saw two cars smashed together and a gun lying on the ground while the police put tape up. "Excuse me, do you know who was part of this... Was there any Bryan Deggan here?" One of the officers shrugged.

    "Two have been claimed dead, one shot himself with the gun and the other due to the crash. The other in the car is in critical condition. Not sure who that is, and we haven't identified the bodies yet. I'm sorry," he calmly stated. She cried, who could've done this? And why? "I'm sorry but you'll have to step back a bit...we are trying to clear the area for examination."

    "The two people in this black car were just innocent bystanders in their car pulling in the driveway...they had mcdonalds with them and one had a bouquet of roses...one is in critical condition when hit by this red van," the other police officer stated as he wrote down something on his notepad. He ripped off a sheet of paper and gave it to her. "This is where the young man was taken. The doctors are checking to see if they can revive them at Lakewood Hospital. You can show them this note I gave you." He gave her a nervous smile and continued to the scene, talking to witnesses.

    She looked at the note. She jolted back to the stands while everyone nervously chattered about the horrific crash that occurred just a few minutes ago. "Mar! Hey...what the heck happened...someone said there was a crash...like who was in it?" Zoey yelled as she approached Margo running up to their seats. "Like is everyone alright? Someone said that it looked really bad...that they don't think they survived it."

    Margo's face said it all. The crash was not good. Two people died and one is in critical condition, and hopefully that was Bryan. She decided to call his phone one last time.

    The phone rang and a voice answered it. "Hello..."

"Oh Bryan, I'm so glad you're okay...I was so..." She was cut off.

"Oh this isn't uh Bryan...I found this phone in the parking lot...someone left it with the battery out of it. I put it back together...who is this?" the voice asked quietly. It was a young man, a very shy young man.

    "Uh I'm Margo Shetfield...this is my boyfriend's phone...Bryan Deggan's ...who is this?" Margo's voice became very weak. Her throat began to clamp up again, making her strain to breathe and even keep herself up. She became nauseous and wanted to run home and cry.

"Oh, Margo...this is Logan...Logan Hayden...we're in chemistry together...you sit on the left side of me and always talk to Skylar." She couldn't think of who he was because, in that class, she only paid attention to Skylar, and of course the lesson...sometimes. It was weird how he instantly knew all of that, he must like her. "I can meet you by the gate...I can give you his phone."

"Sure uh yeah I'll be right there." Oh my gosh...he never leaves his phone, she thought. As she pondered these different things, she finally walked up to the gate. This young man, Logan, stood with an elegance and didn't seem like the soft-spoken man on the phone just a few short minutes ago. After staring at him for a few seconds , it clicked. He was the guy who kept staring at her at school today ... but she never fully took in his looks. He was simply stunning, almost to surreal to actually be a human. She didn't know why she never actually looked at him. She hesitated before asking, "Are you Logan?"

He shyly smiled, and nodded. "Here is Bryan's phone. I'm so sorry...about Bryan...he seemed like a nice guy." She gave him a blank stare as she carefully took the phone from us hands and tears welled in her eyes. Was he implying that Bryan was, in fact, dead? First the officer with the note, now him with her boyfriend's phone.

"What...how did you find out? I ... I...had a feeling it was him but...but...what..." she began to cry. Logan, not even thinking, reached out and grabbed her hand tenderly. He pulled her in and gave her a hug. Wrapped in his arms, she began crying softly. As she cried he rubbed her back affectionately, as though he had known this was something that calmed her down whenever she was upset.

"Margo, he's in a better place now...he's not in pain anymore. I'm sorry, I thought you knew that it was him and Ryan in the black car. I'm here go ahead, let it out," his voice was so calming. It was like he was her guardian angel sent from above, but that'd be impossible. She didn't understand who he was and how he seemed to know so much. It still creeped her out that he is the guy that she always felt his eyes on her, but being in his arms just felt so right and she wasn't going to let go.

Just as she began to stop crying, she then realized how warm he was and how gentle his arms laid around her. She felt as though she were in heaven.

"Mar...I ...hey is everything okay? uh..." Zoey said as she stared at the two embraced. She had her purse with her in one hand and was carrying Margo's in the other. Her light brown eyes scanned Margo and then at the handsome stranger that held her BFF in his arms. Margo could see Zoey slowly checking him out, she thought, seriously who wouldn't?

"Zoey," Mar said as she broke away from Logan, "Bryan was in the black car with Ryan...he might be dead. Logan found his phone and told me the news." Zoey looked like she was about to cry, yet she didn't.

"Oh my gosh, Mar...I'm so sorry...oh my gosh...I don't know what to say. And uh nice to meet you Logan," Zoey quietly stuttered. She instantly looked at her phone and texted someone back. "Mar...I have to go home...my parents heard about the crash and are freaking out... do you want me to bring you home?"

"Uh no, I have to go to the hospital to see him one last time...I don't want to go alone..." Margo began to say and was cut off by Logan.

"I can bring Margo to the hospital...I actually was going to head out that way anyway...if that's alright with you, Margo?"

His dark indigo eyes, looked almost black in the night sky lighting, and his dark hair flowed gently across his head. Margo couldn't believe she never noticed him, especially with his dark and attractive features. She could feel her cheeks burn up as she let her eyes roam his body. He seemed to notice and give a slight wink.

Did he just wink?? Margo thought. And she felt herself swoon at his playful smile. Did he know what she was thinking?

After taking in his beautiful features, she pondered over what he had said to her. Should she trust him to take her to the hospital?

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