Chapter 10: Ryloth PT3

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~Location: Lessu, Ryloth Capitol~

Colonel Jaune Arc of the Fleet of Admiral Trench is now in charge of Lessu, the Twi'lek Capitol.

In the weeks following the fall of the Twi'lek Resistance and the death of Emir Tambor, a lot has changed around Ryloth, of course, for the better. Not only the new administration but also to improve the life of the Twi'leks.

Jaune has managed the reconstruction operations while maintaining control of the Twi'leks, but not as brutal or violent as former Emir Ryloth.

In Lessu, the Twi'leks load plenty of goods in the MMTs with TA-175 monitoring the process with the aid of the Droids. He monitors the datapad and calculates that about 15 MMTs full of goods are ready to deliver to Ryloth settlements.

The current governor of Ryloth Jaune Arc then transmitted the He accepts the transfer and before him emerges the holographic figure of Jaune.

"/Commander Tact, report of progress./"

Oh, Jaune has a given name, Tact, TA-175, a name appropriate for his tactical leadership. The tactical droid would not have a designation since his serial number was all right, but the Arc insisted that he give it one so he allowed him, now he is called by his nickname by the droids under his command.

Then the Tactical Droid reported, "All supplies, Governor, are ready. All 15 MMTs are ready to be released. I predicted each supply to each particular hamlet inside the MMT would last around one month in advance of supply."

"/This is what I love to hear, really excellent. The Securing of the Convoy will be the job of Commander Blitz." Tactical Droid was told by Jaune.

Speak of Blitz, after the last fight with the Twi'lek Resistance, that nickname was given to OOM-116.  He was nicknamed OOM-116, Blitz, because of how quickly the Droid could answer instructions from Jaune and also create his strategies, particularly how swiftly he came back to the capital Lessu to assist with the defense against the assault.

Tact nodded with recognition of the fact, "Very well, Governor," as his hands clasp together.

He waits a while before Jaune cuts communications and recalls something to discuss.

"By the way, who will be the next Governor, and when will he arrive?"

Tact informs him, "According to current knowledge, the future Governor of Ryloth would be Civil Engineer Hristo Tambor, a member of the Techno Union." He'll be here in a couple of weeks."

Tact observed a change in Jaune's stance, and indeed the final name of the Governor appears to pique his interest.

And certainly, the last name, Hristo Tambor, piqued Jaune's attention and concern, indicating that he could be a Skakoan, a relative of the previous Emir of Ryloth and Foreman of the Techno Union.

This troubled Jaune because if Hristo is anything like his brother, all of his work and effort will be undone and the situation will escalate. He can't do the same stunt he did with Wat Tambor; killing a high-ranking official is already troublesome for the Separatists, especially since it's a member of the Separatist Council; do it twice, and Jaune will be suspected of treason and arrested and executed for treason.

Still, Jaune shouldn't jump to conclusions yet but; perhaps this Skakoan is different from Wat Tambor, but the question is if it's different in a good or bad way.

As per Jaune's knowledge of Wat Tambor's race, they are a sentient species of humanoid mammals distinguished by their dependence on a bulky pressurized suit to survive away from their homeworld, Skako. The Skakoans were a xenophobic species that hardly left their homeworld unless strictly necessary.

He'll ponder about this later; in the meantime, he needs to focus on the task at hand: rebuilding Ryloth.

The Hologram of Jaune then slips a mechanical finger under his chin and murmurs, "/A Techno Union member eager to be Ryloth's next Governor? Given the unfortunate incident with Wat Tambor, I thought the Techno Union doesn't want anything to do with the Twi'lek homeworld. I'm impressed a relative of Wat Tambor exists/."

"The Governor also has a seat in the Separatist Parliament; more information on his time as a member of the Parliament is available,"

"/...we'll go through it later; for now, concentrate on getting supplies to the Twi'leks."

"Yes, Governor." Tact nodded in acknowledgment.

With that, Jaune cuts transmission and Tact returns to oversee operations as MMTs form a convoy leaving the capital, with AATs and STAPs providing convoy security.

One of the Battle Droids working on one of the consoles sadly lowers its head.

"...I'd want to have a name."

All of the droids in the command center agreed on a moniker, such as Tact or Blitz. Tact doesn't blame them; Jaune may be the first separatist organic to genuinely care for one of their own.

Most military officers used them as shields, kill them when they become irritated, or send them to the scrapyard. Most commanders regard them as disposable soldiers, but Jaune does not and he treats them well. Without a doubt, as they were battling against the Twi'lek resistance, he made every effort to reduce losses to a minimum.

They are convinced that they will be in good hands under Colonel Arc's direction.

"Wait a minute! Stop talking! Return to your work!" Tact orders the Droids present in the room.

The Droids yelped and resumed their task. The Tactical Droid shook his head before monitoring the operations.

Within the Capital of Lessu, in the governor chamber, Jaune is checking over the datapad reports on the desk. He made note of the various positive reports about his governance of Ryloth, which had been restoring the home they have lost due to Wat Tambor's ruthless occupation. There seem to be no downsides and just a few positives.

Even though it was Wat Tambor's fault, Ryloth's forced secession to the Separatists was kept hidden from the Republic. If the Republic attempted to reclaim or "liberate" Ryloth from the Separatists, Arc made a mental note to request Count Dooku to create a defensive fleet that was neither too huge nor too little, just a good balance of offense and defense.

Jaune is now contemplating what to do next, other than strengthening Ryloth's livelihood, which is security and order.

He considered reinforcing his ties with the Twi'leks by recruiting them in the Separatist Militia Program, but there was a little drawback.

Certain wounds have yet to heal. He is aware that several of the Twi'lek Villages that were subjected to harsh inspections during Wat Tambor's rule may still harbor hatred toward him or the Separatists as a whole.

Jaune should play his cards carefully or else he would face another insurgency. He is aware that many Twi'leks are unwilling to join the Separatist Militia out of loyalty since many of them still harbor anger toward the Separatists or are afraid of them, or both. He will have to enlist Twi'leks from communities that have shown any allegiance or regard to him, as well as Twi'leks from villages that Jaune secretly ruled under Wat Tambor's authority.

This is just to keep tensions between the Twi'leks and the Separatists to a minimum. Jaune wants to promote the effectiveness that all Separatists can provide to the Twi'lek lifestyle and culture, as well as to prove that they are fighting on their side. He wishes to persuade Ryloth to the Separatist cause.

Jaune glanced through the data pads' findings, then hummed to himself, 'I cannot rely on Droids to preserve order on Ryloth forever; it would only spread terror.'

He lays down the datapad and relaxes back on his chair.

He sighs internally, 'Wat Tambor's influence has had such an adverse effect on Ryloth that the mere sight of a B1 Battle Droid would have the Twi'leks whimpering in dread. I need that one living element where the Twi'leks can feel safe around my droids.'

He thought and thought about any ideas he might employ, but he came up with none. He is worried by the fact that he cannot come up with a suitable solution to the problem of friction between Separatists and Twi'leks.

His musings were interrupted when his holo-disk revealed the holographic form of OOM-116, named Blitz at the occasion.

"/Colonel./" Blitz gives him a salute.

"Ah, Blitz, what is it?" Jaune asks, looking away from the datapad to the OOM-Command Droid.

"/I apologize for interrupting Colonel, but I just wanted to give you an update on the convoy./"


Blitz stops saluting and says, "/Well, we're still on our way to our destination, but that's not what I'm here to report.../"

"Explain..." Jaune makes a motion.

"/...we were recently ambushed by some... Rebels, but we were able to hold them off," Blitz nods. We only lost one tank and handful droids in the process./"

"What?!?" says Jaune, wide-eyed, "Rebels!? I thought the Twi'lek rebellion had died out!"

"/I guess there are some stragglers left.../" Blitz muses this, "/...either that, there are some holdouts that are yet to be discovered./"

Jaune looks understandably unsettled by this before he looks at Blitz and said, "Good job, on informing me this. I'll have Commander Tact increase security in both the convoys and the capitol. Get back to distributing those supplies."

"/Roger Roger./" Blitz the says, "/Also... you finally gave me a name after what?! Four years?!/"

"Hey! I was still thinking of a good name, alright?" Jaune says sheepishly. But if Blitz can show expressions he would be deadpanning at him.

"/Uh-huh Yeah, sure you were.../" Blitz then cuts the transmission.

The Arc runs his prosthetic arm across his hair as he thought, 'Great... there are still holdouts of Rebels out there, insurgence from Twi'leks is not what I wanted right now, it needs to be resolved. Looks like enlistment would be problematic now, though they might be small in numbers out there I shouldn't underestimate them. Any wrong move would lead to more problems than before. But I need to push on to the Separatist Militia Program to Ryloth. But who will be the one to train any potential recruits? Not me, I have much important stuff to do and I have my hands full, like rebuilding Ryloth... what should I do?'

After some deep thinking, an idea came to mind.

"Of course!" He exclaims out loudly startling the Droids in the room.

"AH!" The Droids exclaims startled.

He looks over one of them and states, "You there, what's your designation?"

"Um... RK-981, sir." The Droid replies.

"I want you to inform Tact to send and encrypt transmission message to Rodia." Jaune says to the Droid, "I would like to require their assistance."

"Roger Roger." RK-981 salutes before leaving the room.

Jaune hopes what he has in mind will work.

~Timeskip; 3 days later~

At the courtyard of the Capital, Leseu there stood about 96 Twi'leks on the courtyard in attention as B1 Battle Droids place two weapon crates, both filled with E-5 Blasters and E-5C Blaster.

When Jaune opened up the Separatist Militia Program, he made Lessu a temporary booting camp; multiple military tents are set up for the recruits to rest or sleep in, a target practice range is set up. He was able to gain some form of recruits is from the villages he governed in secret, most of them, willingly joined the Separatist Militia out of respect for Jaune Arc since he is the one who liberated them and is rebuilding Ryloth's prosperity.

From the top of the walls, Jaune observe the trainees as they stood in attention to their instructors.

One of their instructors is Separatist Militia Commander Ondro Thuc. When Jaune sent an encrypted message to Rodia, he requests at least three Separatist Militia Lieutenants to be transferred to Ryloth to train a small batch of Separatist Militia Twi'lek Rookies.

The Separatist Senator Farr of Rodia complied with his request, so he sent Ondro and the other two Separatist Militia Commanders to Ryloth since they have already finished their training a few weeks ago, and they proved their worth as leaders.

Also, Ondro was promoted to captain after he showed exceptional skills of leadership and combat during training and after the unintentional defense of Ryloth that happened a few months ago.

During Rodia, Ondro has begun his career as a soldier of the Separatist Militia, but he impressed his teaching advisors especially Senator Farr with his fighting skills. And these were not just confined to hand-to-hand combat. He also seems to have the ability to organize others. In other words, he was showing leadership potential.

And as a result of the defense of Rodia, he rose to through the ranks and became one of Rodia's most devoted loyal Separatist Militia Commanders, and someone who would greatly influence all of the future Separatist Militia in Rodia.

In short, when they arrived at Ryloth training the recruits are split into different instructors, each of the three Lieutenants has to teach small by the hand of Twi'leks Recruits. One lieutenant for thirty-two Twi'lek recruits.

So 96 of the Twi'leks Recruits are split and place under the teachings of their respective lieutenant. After the Droids placed the Weapons crates, the Droid then stood beside Ondro's side as he observed. After a few seconds of silence, he spoke up to the recruits under his leadership.

"Attention!!" The Twi'leks straighten, as Ondro paced in front of the Twi'lek Recruits.

"...this here is your first day of being a part of the Separatist Militia here on Ryloth! Remember this, you will have to adapt and follows the rules; disobedience and insubordination will be met with punishment! You will all address me as Commander or Sir! Is that understood?!" Ondro shouted with authority as he face the Twi'leks.

"Sir, Yes Sir!" The Recruits responded, to which Jaune from the top of the walls, can't help but feel a sense of deja vu when he heard this. Obvious to the fact that his teachings from Admiral Trench are being passed on.

"Good... you will all undergo two months of Military training, before entering service, the purpose of the Separatist Militia is not only just to be a planetary local defense force against any Republic attack, it is also to keep order and security amongst the locals," Ondro explained as the Tiw'lek recruits listened.

Ondro said, "...Now before we being training, head in the tents and put on your uniform and equipment."

He orders, to which the Twi'leks comply entered their tents, along with other recruits from the two different Separatist Militia Commanders.

After a few minutes, the Recruits come back wearing their standard Separatist Militia Uniform.

When everyone is back to their positions, Ondro went on to explain the weaponry of the Blasters the CIS commonly uses, like the E-5 Blasters, and E-5C Blasters to the recruits. He went on to explain the pros and cons of the firearms the droids used for warfare, etc.

And throughout the whole day, the recruits were lectured and did their training and other forms of Military exercises whole session.

This is enough to satisfy Jaune when he sees the process similar to that of his time in Rodia. He can see that his teachings have as well influenced the Separatist Militia in Rodia.

Next, he watches as Ondro then instructs them to the firing range as they fired their E-5 Blasters at the training clone dummies. Their accuracy is quite laughable because they miss their shots no doubt it's the cause of the E-5 Blaster's inaccuracy and as well lack of combat and use of firearms.

But his satisfaction was caught short when a Droid approach him from behind and informs him, "Sir, Governor Hristo will be arriving at Ryloth soon in 20 Minutes."

Just when he was about to put his mind at ease, now a member of the Techno Union will be arriving at the very same day the Separatist Militia Program has been released.

He isn't looking forward to meeting the Skakoan, so of course, he sighs and looks at the B1-Series Battle Droid, "Tell Commander Ondro and the rest of the Separatist Militia Commanders to prepare for Governor Hristo's arrival. Let's give him a good greeting."

"By your command." The B1 Battle Droid acknowledges before he left the Colonel to his thoughts.

Jaune stares at the horizon over the wall, before looking upward at the skies. Governor Hristo, a possible relative of Wat Tambor, will be arriving in a matter of minutes and he would be replaced as governor. This greatly worries Jaune.

While he's not interested in politics, the only concern he has are the Twi'leks and their livelihood. Being Governor is not an easy task as Jaune has zero experience with politics and this is the only time he's placed in a position of power to govern the Planet Ryloth until proper management arrives but he rather has it be someone that is not a member of the Techno Union and not a possible relative of Wat Tambor.

Sooner or later the cycle of brutal subjugation will begin again.

'I pray to Oum that Hristo will be different...' Jaune prayed to any existing deity out there, but he feel his prayers will only be met with silence.


Jaune has been dreading Hristo's arrival ever since he heard his family name, but he's not the only one. Even Blitz and a couple of Twi'leks Recruits are also tensed but the latter are more affected by it since the name Tambor and anyone associated with it is seen as a bad omen by many.

So he and the rest of his subordinates are at the main shuttle area near the Command Center, awaiting the arrival of the Hristo Tambor.

As predicted and estimated by Commander Tact, the Governor's Shuttle is seen arriving at the main landing area in Lessu while being escorted by four Vulture Droids.

The droid fighters land first before the shuttle then touched down. Jaune and other Twi'leks held their breaths in anticipation as the shuttle door opens and the ramp dropped as six commando droids steps out of the shuttle, no doubt adding further security after what happened to Wat Tambor, before standing in attention making way for Governor Hristo.

Hristo Tambor casually saunters down the gantry, walking past his Commando Droids before standing in front of the Colonel Jaune Arc. The Arc can see the resemblance to the former so-called Emir of Ryloth. Aesthetic wise it remains the same but there are noticeable differences like the color of his clothing.

"Governor." Jaune salutes to the new Governor of Ryloth.

Hristo responded, surprisingly quite kindly, "So you're, Colonel Jaune Arc? It's pleasure to meet you." He extends his hand to Jaune who was surprised by his mannerism nonetheless shook it.

"Likewise sir." Jaune nods, "...shall we take you inside the building? We have so much to discuss Ryloth."

"Yes, yes we should." Hristo Tambor acknowledges this and Jaune leads the way while Blitz, and Tact follow him leaving Ondro and the rest of the Twi'lek recruits to return to their business or training with the Twi'lek Recruits.

On the way to the office, there was tension in the air because Jaune dreads what this new Governor would do. He doesn't want any more problems to arise, the small batch of Rebels in the region is somewhat troublesome and Commander Tact considered them a minor threat but Jaune would never let that slide as sometimes something minor would end being something major. And he dreads any hidden agendas that Hristo Tambor has in mind for Ryloth.

But Jaune doesn't have to worry. Hristo is mesmerized by the architecture of the Twi'lek capital. Its interior and exterior are something he respects from the Twi'lek. Hristo is a Skakoan interested in the architecture and culture of a foreign planet and sees how the inhabitants live. He is a civil engineer and he was been studying Ryloth's history, culture, and architecture before arriving here.

As he examines the place while still making his way to the main office or main room of the capital, he spots something on a table sidewall.

"Huh?" Hristo walks up to it picks it up and says, "What's this doing here?"

Jaune turns to him and says, "Oh that? That I'm not sure."

Hristo examines sit before he turns to him and inquires, "Do you know what this is Colonel?"

"I some kind of artifact or something valuable, I guess." Jaune guesses but Hristo shook his head.

"What you said is half-true but it is far beyond what you said." Hristo explained, "...this what I hold on my hand is Kalikori."

Jaune raises his eyebrow in curiosity. Hristo decides to satisfy his curiosity as he lectures him.

"A revered Twi'lek heirloom passed from parent to child through generations. Worthless to outsiders, priceless to family." Hristo lectured

Jaune widens his eyes in shock, he didn't know that the Kalikori is an important family heirloom.

"So where did you get this? Don't tell me you decided to keep one as trophy or sort." Hristo speculates, worried that this colonel stole something from the Twi'lek homeland.

"N-no sir, I would never."

"So why is it here in Capital?"

Jaune explains, "Before Wat Tambor's death, he ordered my force to have anything of value to be pillage for his own, you know wealth."

Hristo sighs and states, "That's my brother all right only cares about money rather than the aesthetic value of this planet and its culture. Perhaps his death was a blessing to these Twi'leks."

Jaune is surprised to hear this, "You... you don't seem moved by his death."

"How could I? He never showed any form of familial affection towards me so I cared less for his death. Though it won't stop me from taking his place after I heard the unrest happening here. Especially that I'm well experienced with more than just engineering, but in bureaucracy as well."

Hristo then puts the Kalikori down and asks the Colonel.

"How many of these family heirlooms have been stolen or pillage from the village?" Hristo asks.

Jaune answers, "About a few hundred, they're inside the vault, sir."

What the Skakoan said next dissolves that mindset from what he thought of Hristo last time, "I want you to return these Kalikori's to their rightful owners, a family heirloom shouldn't be kept as an item of currency. I want these return as soon as possible."

Jaune was surprise by this order and recomposes himself, "Yes, Governor."

He then looks at the Tactical Droid and orders, "Tact, I want to have a full estimation of many of these Kalikori have been stolen and I want you to start setting up a convoy to have these heirlooms returned to any village that has been plundered."

"Yes sir, Colonel." Tact acknowledges and left.

Hristo is satisfied to hear this so the trio continues their way to the main office to discuss manners at the hand of the fate of Ryloth.


In the afternoon on a Twi'lek village not far from Lessu, a young Twi'lek girl and Twi'lek mother stood over the grave of a relative, more precisely a father of the young girl.

Her father died during the siege of Lessu, a desperate attempt to free Ryloth but all attempts failed and because of this defeat they have lost any hope to continue the fight. The remaining members of the Twi'lek Resistance held up at a hideout farther from the capital since the previous Hideout has been comprised. Only a small number of these rebels remain. Some radical members of the Twi'lek resistance became extremists and it strays away from the goals of her father.

They started attacking convoys that are crucial to rebuilding the prosperity that Ryloth and its citizens deserve, and due to those growing incidents security increased around convoys especially around Twi'lek settlements. This in turn didn't strengthen the Twi'lek resistance but only weakened it as they lost a few members during each raid.

Worst this new so-called Twi'lek Resistance from the one her once father organized became so extreme that they started executing members who thought of the idea of surrender or even think of co-existing with the enemy. Even innocent villages were attacked due to their cooperation with the Separatists, viewing them as traitors.

She and her mother knew how dangerous it is to remain in an organization that is becoming radical and to ensures their safety, the young Twi'lek girl and her mother returned to their village in secret that was once thought to be destroyed but at the process being rebuilt by their Separatist Oppressors and being secured by a battalion of Droids.

When she and her mother arrived they are shock and scared; a shock that the Separatists are now helping to rebuild their homes and scared at the sight of the Battle Droids. The other Twi'lek villagers don't seem to mind but she and her mother remained cautious.

This leads us to here, the young girl and mother paying respects to the dead father. Her father; Cham Syndulla.

The young girl's name is Hera Syndulla, she stares at the grave of her father. Tears flow down her face, she wishes that things ended differently. Maybe if her father wasn't so desperate to free Ryloth he would be alive, maybe just maybe...

She doesn't know what to think, all she knows is that her mother is the only family she has left. She hugs her mother as they both mourn the loss of Cham Syndulla.

After spending a couple of hours paying respect to the dead. The two return home to their village, the journey was only a couple of minutes and as they approach the village they see something big, gray, and blue in the distance.

When they reach the village the view became clear and they stiff at the sight.

A Separatist Convoy compromised of two MTT and four AATs along with a Battalion of Battle Droids close by. They don't know what's going on here but they do see a huge crowd of Twi'lek villagers surrounding the convoy and the Battle Droids seem to be distributing something to the Twi'lek populace one by one as the other Twi'lek are looking through their stash of the MTT.

The two are left confusing and curious, they're wondering what they distributing. Supplies? That's not possible, a convoy arrived here a week ago so why are they here?

As the two made their way to the crowd, they see what seems to be heirlooms, the Kalikori. The Twi'leks have looks of joy as they receive what was once lost during the time of the brutal subjugation.

Hera was shock and surprise to see this, and she watch as the other Twi'lek Villagers continue to look through the stash for their missing Heirloom. Hera looks on for hope, she wonders no, she hopes that maybe her family's Kalikori is within the stash of the MTT.

Just as the young Twi'lek is about to let go of her mother's hand and approach the Droid's stash of Kalikori. She froze at the sight of the Tactical Droid, on his hand, it is her Family's Kalikori.

She is hesitant to approach the Tactical Droid, no scared to approach the Tactical Droid and the rest of the Battle Droids near the MTT. She has had nightmares of these droids ever since their subjugation from Wat Tambor. She is scared and her memories continue to resurface each time she sees these Droids.

Many horrific thoughts of cloud her mind, is this the Tactical Droid that ended her father's life? Is he a part of the defeating her father? Is he in any association with the name she dares to think, "The Butcher of Ryloth?"

So many thoughts came to her mind and more horrific scenarios clouded any sense of awareness of her surroundings. She was broken out of her thoughts by a mechanical voice.

"Is there something you need, child?"

She looks shook her head and looks up only to freeze at the sight of the Tactical Droid looming over her.

She was so lost in thought that she wasn't able to notice the Tactical Droid approaching her and the Twi'leks giving way for the Tactical Droid to approach the duo. She wasn't able to utter a word as only fear filled every fiber of her body. But she dares to look at the Kalikori on the Tactical Droid's hand. She is too petrified to even ask for it back, even her mother is unsure what to do.

Commander Tact notices the girl's gaze on the Kalikori he held in his hand. It didn't take long for the tactical droid to put the pieces together that this is the young girl's family heirloom. He can see the fear in her eyes, and he feels eyes on him from both Twi'lek and Droids alike anticipating what he will do next.

Tact understands the emotions the girl is feeling; fear. Fear of the Droids, and fear of what he will do to her, fear of the beings made of mechanical parts.

He ignores this and to ease the girl's fear he gets down on one knee and presents the Kalikori to Hera.

"Is this yours, youngling?" Tact questioned, referring to the Kalikori.

Hera hesitantly nodded, which confirms Tact's suspicions.

The Tactical Droid then offers Kalikori to her. The young girl visibly flinch, as Tact stated, "Take it, as the words of Governor Hristo said; a family heirloom shouldn't be kept as an item of currency. But should be cherished as a family value."

Everyone is caught off-guard by his words, especially the Battle Droids accompanying him. As far the droids knew him, and his series, Tactical Droid is usually cold calculating and wouldn't care for the feelings of organic life. Perhaps, his time serving under Jaune's kindhearted nature for these couple of weeks has developed the Droid's personality that far overrides their original programming.

Hera hesitantly grabs the Kalikori off the Tactical Droid's hand and the droid retracts as the girl has gotten back her family heirloom.

Seeing that her family's Kalikori has returned, she looks back at the Tactical Droid mutters, "Thank You."

Tact is satisfied to hear this and goes back to MTT to distribute more of Kalikori to the Twi'lek people.

Her mother carries her and smiles as they have gotten back to their family heirloom. They walk away from the crowd back to their home. The young girl glances back at the Tactical Droid who is distributing the rest of the Kalikori to the Twi'leks, and this single act of kindness from Tact has changed her outlook. Perhaps not all droids are bad after all.

Ironically this is the same Tactical Droid who tricked most of Cham Syndulla's forces into falling to their deaths and contributed to killing the Resistance Leader.

~Location: Lessu, Capital of Ryloth~

Inside one of the Capitals of Ryloth, Jaune Arc is one of the towers of the command center, looking over the reports about Tact's new objective. So far, things are looking good for now time.

Hristo is in the main room of the Capital getting accustomed to buildings, heck a couple of times Jaune has seen him walk out and about from the main room of the building.

But that's beside the point, as Jaune continues to survey the recent reports of their operations, the door slides open and Blitz comes in which caught Jaune's attention.

"Colonel." Blitz salutes to him.

"Blitz, any recent progress of Tact's mission?"

"Well, sir before I get into that I find it hard to believe you sent a Tactical Droid to do the errands instead of me or anyone." Blitz said, "Despite his position as a commander you've kind of demoted him to an errands boy."

Jaune chuckles at his friend's words.

"Believe me, I have no intentions to demote him to something low as that. I see him as someone viable for the task at hand, also in a way let him develop any form of empathy. Help him understand morality and ethics, he could be an inspiring individual even if he were a droid. After all, a droid develops and learns through experience." Jaune explains to his droid companion, he puts down the datapad and asks, "Now, what of the progress Blitz?"

"Well sir, we are only able to return one-third of the heirlooms to villages but we still have a long way to go," Blitz explained.

Jaune likes the sound of this, "Good, I'll report this to the Governor soon."

"Yes sir..."

Jaune then grabs the datapad and starts looking over the recent reports.

Blitz meanwhile didn't leave, he just stood there. There is something that has been meaning to ask Jaune ever since the former Arc told his origins to him. Something that has been bothering his processor ever since they came to Ryloth. Since the death of Wat Tambor.

He knows it is something very personal to ask, but he wants to satisfy his curious mind.

Blitz then speaks up, which startled Jaune a bit since he wasn't aware of his presence was still here, "Sir...can I ask you something."

Jaune raises an eyebrow at this but nodded for him to continue. What came out of Blitz's vocal cords almost made Jaune drop his datapad.
"What would you do when you find Remnant?"

After a few seconds of silence, Jaune looks at him and questioned, "Pardon? What do you mean Blitz?"

"I said what would you do when you find Remnant?" Blitz repeated his question.

Jaune then replies, "Blitz, I don't think that's possible since we only saw Remnant through a Vortex."

"I know what I mean is after this war of over, what happens when you're given the opportunity again to return to Remnant? What now?"

Silence befalls on the duo, as Jaune just stared at OOM-116. He sinks deep in thoughts of that possibility. What would happen when he returns to Remnant? What happens when he is given that opportunity?

This is a question that Jaune has been wondering to himself.

It's a simple question and so the answer should be simple, but alas he couldn't find a satisfactory answer to such inquiry. He has been so focusing on the war effort and the values and ideals of the Confederacy he didn't consider the possibility of returning to his planet of origin.

It shouldn't be possible since he is in a different galaxy, but if that Vortex is anything to go by then it should be a possibility. But it doesn't answer his question;

What would he do when finds Remnant?

Many thoughts plague his mind before Jaune looks at Blitz and takes a deep breath and exhaling. He decided to give his honest answer, one that he is not certain of.

"Honestly, Blitz. I'm not sure myself of what happens when I do find Remnant." Jaune said as he place the datapad down on his desk, "I mean it's nice to see Remnant again, but I don't think I'm needed. I'm unimportant. If my family disowned me, teammates abandoning me, I'm no importance to Remnant or I have a role in that planet that would change anything."

Jaune paces around a bit as he states.

"...Even if I do find Remnant, I have no interest in letting the Separatist colonizing it. I can't just go to Remnant try to conquer it. I have no interests in that planet, it has nothing to benefit the Separatist or doesn't have anything in return. Beside aura and semblance, it's a backwater planet."

Jaune stops and he stares out onto the window, "And I don't think the Separatist Council and Parliament would allow me to meddle with foreign affairs."

Blitz decided to asks again, "Don't you have... friends and family worried for you?" Jaune stiffen at those words, as Blitz continued, "What about Ruby? Velvet? Your sister and nephew? Don't you want to see them, they must be worried sick that you all of a sudden disappeared from the face of Remnant."

Jaune's fist clenched at each word told to him by his SIC, already it's getting too personal.

"If I have known any better, they must think your dea-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" Jaune snapped at Blitz who took a step back in shock and fear. This is the first time he would be yelled at by his commanding officer. He must have gotten too personal.

Jaune realizes what he has done and calms down, he looks at the frightened OOM-Command Droid before sitting down on his chair and leaning back.

"...forgive me, Blitz but... your prying into things that I'm not comfortable with." The Arc looks at his SIC before he removals his officer cap and places it down on the desk before he states, " answer your question; when this war is over, I would try to find Remnant, not to conquer it, not to enslave it. But, just so I could see Saphron, Adrian, Ruby, Velvet... anyone that has been by my sides since then on. I miss them, every single day since I've got here and if we weren't in the war, I would have entered that vortex without hesitation just to see them."

Jaune rubs his face with his non-prosthetic hand as he looks down sadly, reflecting on everything that has happened to him. His family that doesn't have faith in his abilities and later disowned him, his team that he once thought of as friends left him, the door to his dream to be a hero like his grandfather crushed slammed into his face, but another door opened.

Jaune looks at OOM-116 with a frown, "Does that answer your question, Blitz?"

OOM-116 said nothing but was a mix between emotions on how he should feel now that Jaune answered his inquiry. On one hand, he is satisfied to have an answer to his question, but on the other, he feels guilty that he pried into things he should touch upon.

"...Yes, colonel."

Jaune gets up from his chair and turns around to face the window where the sun is setting, "...we'll never speak of this again."

Blitz said nothing but nodded at Jaune's orders before he left, leaving Jaune to gaze at the window as the sun set, reflecting on what his SIC told him.


Weeks prior to his arrival, Hristo Tambor has been doing well as the new Governor of Ryloth. And Jaune was wrong to assume he was anything like his brother, he has the qualities that he believes a leader should be; someone who would do anything to keep the stability and help improve the livelihood of the people while still keeping security around to protect them.

However, that will all change. About recent in a Twi'lek village far from the Capital, many Twi'leks were found injured and some died after a sudden terrorist attack from the remnants of the Twi'lek Resistance. It's entirely made up of fanatic followers of what used to be a noble cause.

Only a small squad of the Separatist Militia from Rodia and droids were there to fight off the invaders and suffered major casualties. The village was later overrun by the Terrorist. Reinforcements were sent to quell the threat but they were an hour too late.

They arrived to be described a massacre, they saw the heads of Twi'lek villagers impaled in spikes with bodies piled on the middle of town. The heads of Separatist Rodian Militia Soldiers were seen on the pikes, as well as villagers from the village that was burnt down.

There are writing on the village walls written in blood, sending a message, with words like, [Traitors!], [Those who follow the Separatist shall be punished with death!], etc.

From that day on, security has increased across Twi'lek villages and heavy inspection of explosives and weaponry is advised by Colonel Jaune to prevent another travesty from happening again. The Twi'lek that once oppress the Separatists now wishes for protection against the growing terrorist threat.

And these grueling weeks, the Separatists were all ready for whatever the Terrorist are going to be thrown at them. The some of Twi'lek cadets that join the Separatist Militia were revealed to come from the village that has burnt down and been attacked by the Twi'lek Terrorists. They wanted nothing more but revenge against the growing terrorist threat, and this attack did inspire recruitment from Twi'leks across all over Ryloth just so they could protect their homes.

At the Capital, Lessu, Hristo and Jaune are interviewing the Separatist Militia Lieutenant Ondro's report.

"Did our spies have any useful information on the Terrorist?" Hristo asked hopefully.

"Affirmative Sir, our spies have discovered the of the Hideout of the Terrorist." The Separatist Militia Lieutenant Ondro reported to both General Jaune Arc and the new Foreman of the Techno Union, Hristo Tambor.

"Hm... was there any rumor of Terrorist Leader, Enat'sasad accepting surrendering or Separatist Rule soon?"

The Separatist Militia Lieutenant shook his head, much to the dismay of the Separatist General and New Foreman of the Techno Union.

Hristo rubs his hand across his face in frustration as he said, "I don't understand... these rebels continue to be troublesome and are slowly growing each day."

"Sir, I believe it's because of Wat Tambor's previous rule, many of Twi'lek are still distrustful and bitter with Separatist, despite General Jaune's effort on convincing the rest of Ryloth that Foreman Hristo is helping improve life on Ryloth." The Separatist Militia Sergeant remarks.

Jaune sighs at this, "We should quell this threat..."

"Then maybe you should be negotiating with their leader for a peace agreement, so this Rebellion crisis can finally end, like what you did with others." Foreman Hristo suggests.

"Sir, as words are powerful and useful as weapons, but this might not be the case..."

"What do you mean?"

Jaune sighs and states, "From what I've observed, they won't heed negotiation from the same people who invaded their homes. I do not blame, them Wat Tambor's influence has affected them greatly to the point that some of them fear us or became fanatic followers out of revenge against us."

Hristo nodded, "I see your point colonel, looks like they have us no choice but to force our hand. Colonel, mobilize your forces and I want every single hideout found at once!"

Jaune nodded as he left the room.


During these weeks of reconstruction of the Twi'lek homes and keeping an eye out for any Twi'lek terrorists, supplies continue to help bolster the prosperity of Ryloth, and an added note the Separatist Military increased the space defense over the orbit of Ryloth.

Hristo is adapting well to governing the rest of Ryloth. Jaune meanwhile has been spending most of his free time inside his office in Lessu to build a new blaster for the Separatist as standard than the E-5 Blaster.

The E-5 Blaster is strong on its own but it is more reliable with droids than it is with organics. He recently read up multiple reports of Separatist Militia Soldiers getting injuries from the frequent overheating of the E-5 blasters even with the gloves mitigating the pain of handling one.

So he with the help of Civil Engineer Hristo, who is surprisingly good at helping with engineering blaster, made blueprints of the new blaster, one that would be standard for the Separatist Militia. After they finish created the blueprints he request a meeting with the Techno Union. He proposed his new blaster design to them. Hristo, thanks to his position as a Civil Engineer of the Techno Union, was able to provide the necessary resources from Baktoid Armored Workshop to Ryloth.

So Jaune, Blitz, and some Twi'lek blaster smiths created the prototype of the newly formed blasters, he even presented the prototype of what Jaune would call, the R-1 Blasters. The beginning of the R-Series Blasters. 'Ryloth automatic blaster'; known as the just R-1 Blaster. Not the most creative name that Jaune thought of since but it's the best he can think of since it was built in ryloth.

After Hristo convinced the higher-ups of the Techno Union to have these new Blaster Design should be the new standard for the Separatist Militia, they went into production about a week after. But it will take at least another week for their Baktoid's blaster factories to manufacture the first batch of R-1 blasters.

At this moment, the new blasters are being tested by a squad Separatist Militia Twi'leks. These blasters will be used later on a mission to eradicate or attack the Terrorist Hideout.

~POV of the Separatist Militia Twi'lek Captain~

I surveyed the front of the Outpost from our position. We are in a prone position, as I surveyed the outpost I was able to pick at least two sentries out on the outpost.

It's best to take them out, they could alert the rest outpost of our presence.

I put down my binoculars, I look to our sniper, and ordered, "Take the point and take out the sentries."

The sniper nodded, and he runs to find a suitable position to take out the sentries without detection.

After our sniper took down the sentries, I lead my squad and we quietly approach our objective; take out the Rebels and apprehend any that remains and search the hideout for any data or information of any remaining rebel hideouts to eradicate for the sake of

As we approach the main objective, we got ready to test the newest blasters given to us courtesy of Colonel Jaune Arc and Governor Hristo.

I set my blasters to semi-automatic and my team stealthy entered the outpost with our blasters raised and ready. We split up to cover more ground, and when I turned a corner I see the Terrorist with his back turned on us, I quietly approach the Terrorist and before he could get a chance to react I snapped his neck and his body falls limp.

Never in my life, I ever thought I would feel satisfied with killing my fellow Twi'lek, but these bastards took away my family and the Separatists gave me that revenge.

Just then another Terrorist turned corner and saw us, and immediately he raise his blaster at us but I was quick to pull out my blaster and shoot him straight on the chest with the R-1 Blasters. There was hardly any kick or recoil from the blaster, and its shots were accurate hits straight on the Terrorist chest.

Satisfied with my kill, I have know the moment I pulled the trigger the rest of the base would be aware of our presence so made a quick sweep through the hideout.

This time... the Terrorist will be the one begging for mercy.

We made clean sweat across the hideout, we only suffered minor casualties as we coordinated our attack against the Twi'lek Terrorist.

About an hour or so after we have eradicated all of the Terrorists, some survived but they instead killed themselves to avoid capture. But we made sure to search the whole outpost for intel, needless to say, we found a good amount of them.

We relayed our findings and our success in the mission, they asked if the blasters worked as intended, I merely replied, "They are far enough to give to this Terrorist hell."

I smiled as I grip the R-1 Blaster, to think we would have a blaster named after our home. This brings a smile to my face and peace but I know it's not over yet, we still have more scum to eradicate from the face of the Ryloth. Only then, I will be in peace.

~3rd POV, Timeskip, Munificent Star-Frigate: The Hunstman~

3 days after the success of the R-1 Blaster, Jaune is seen inside his Munificent Star-Frigate with Blitz by his side as Droids work on the monitor. Now that Ryloth is becoming self-sufficient, and Emir Hristo keeping the Twi'leks in check, he can safely say that Ryloth is in good hands.

Lieutenant Ondro remained in Ryloth to keep the peace and ensure the training of the Separatist Militia will continue. With the success of the R-1 Blasters, they've become a new standard for the Separatist Militia.

As for the Terrorist threat, it's still at large and the main threat for Separatist Occupied Ryloth for now. Hristo with the help of Tact, they are are able to handle the situation well.

As of now, Jaune is tasked by Admiral Trench to aid one of the worlds that are undergoing secession from the Galactic Republic but a republic task force was sent to prevent the planet to fall onto Separatist hands.

Jaune understands this and orders his fleet to bring him to the planet at once.

Jaune's fleet has since been updated to have six Munificent Frigates, one Recusant-Class Light Destroyer. It's a step up from his original fleet but it should be enough to provide the needed assistance for now.

Jaune takes one last look at the planet down below. He reflects on what has happened since then; he stopped a republic attack, he became a monster and did horrendous deeds, he redeemed himself by taking out the scum who wants nothing but money, and finally, he helped rebuild Ryloth in what it should. A self-sufficient planet and Twi'leks the prosperity, for now.

Jaune looks at OOM-116, "Blitz, inform the fleet to make the jump into Hyperspace." He orders which, OOM-116 complies.

"By your command!" Blitz saluted, before looking at Pilot Droids, "Prepare to make the jump to hyperspace. And give the order to the rest of our fleet."

"Roger Roger!" The Pilot Droids nodded as they start working on the console, while Jaune sat on his Command Chair.

Droids are seen typing in the coordinates before B1-875 announces.

"Jumping into Hyperspace in 3... 2... 1!"

The fleet soon jumps into hyperspace leaving Ryloth's space on another destination.


To be continued

Well, this chapter is done, and the Ryloth Arc is finally finished!

I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter and I apologize for the very long delay, I have too many stories to focus on and art to finish for this chapter, including the college task I have to focus most my time on as well. I hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned!

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