Chapter 9: Ryloth PT2

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Disclaimer: This chapter is very dark and other themes you may not be comfortable with, but it still goes into the theme of the consequences of being in a war.

A/N: Also, this chapter is 20,000 words long! So yeah, it took me a long time for me to finish. Enjoy.
~Location: Lessu, Ryloth Capitol~

Lessu; what used to be the Twi'lek Capitol of Ryloth is now on the firm grasp of the Techno Union Foreman, Wat Tambor. When he first stepped foot on Ryloth, his operation was to subjugate the population and steal all the treasures and valuables from Ryloth for his projects. This doesn't benefit the Separatist as a whole, this is more for his selfish goal just to be rich or his projects.

Twi'lek slaves can be seen outside the Capitol City Wall's with their poorly made camps, all hungry and dehydrated. Wat Tambor's Battle Droids are patrolling around the Capitol City Wall and the courtyard, keeping everything secured and the Twi'leks in check.

Inside Capitol, Wat Tambor sat on the throne room with Twi'lek slaves around him. Like he is a king or Emir.

TA-175 approaches him and states, "Emir Tambor, Jaune Arc is arriving at the Capitol."

"Really? Delightful, I was hoping to see him come here soon. He has been a competent commanding officer so far." Wat Tambor said delighted, "...Hopefully, he will teach these untrained slaves a lesson of resisting against me."

If only he knew how retarded he sounds when he said that.

The Separatist Shuttle lands on the courtyard of Ryloth's Capital and Jaune steps out with two other Battle Droids following him.

A B1 Battle Droid approaches him and greets him.

"Sir, you've made it-" Jaune merely ignores him and passes him, making his way to the Main Building.

He storms into the Capitol Building, walking through the corridors of the hallway and towards the throne room.

Jaune Arc is furious. Beyond furious! He can't believe what foreman do the Techno Union did to Ryloth and its Twi'leks.

As Jaune walks through the corridors, passing by Droid Patrols and Slaves alike, to the throne room which he predicted where Emir Tambor would be. When he arrived at the door of the throne room two Battle Droids saluted in response at Colonel.

He ignores the the B1-Series Droid and barges inside the room. When he entered he made his presence known.

"Emir!" He shouted.

His interruption and presence snap everyone's attention, including Emir Tambor.

"Ah, Colonel Jaune. It's an honor you finally join us." The Foreman of the Techno Union said delighted, as the Arc approaches him "I believe that congratulations are in order for your defense of the blockade."

Jaune sees the Foreman sitting on the throne with female Twi'lek slaves around him, all wearing chains on their necks and wearing some revealing clothing.

He tried to focus on the Emir than the beautiful Twi'lek women in the room, trying to keep his blush under control at the sight of the slaves. He has manners to attend to, and it has something to do with the foreman himself.

"Since you're here, I believe it's time to brief you the information of your mission-" Before Wat Tambor continues with his statement, he was cut off.

"What have you done..." Jaune his eyes narrowed at him.

The Skakaon questions him, "Pardon me, Colonel?"

"What... done!?!" The Arc exclaims, his voice echoing across the throne room.

"What I've done?" Wat Tambor, the confident Skakoan Foreman of the Techno Union he is, he snorts at the Arc's exclamation before stating proudly, not understanding what Jaune is saying, "...I'm ruling over the Twi'leks and this planet with an Iron Fist."

The Emir shrugs nonchalantly before leaning back on his throne, "...There's nothing wrong with that. The slaves are under the rule of the Techno Union, they are under new management. My management."

"This is not what you should be doing!" Jaune argued, his emotions getting the better him, "You're suppose to improve the livelihood of the Twi'leks! Not worsen it!"

"...I would watch my tone if I were you Colonel." Wat Tambor warns him.

"I have heard have claims of your subjugation, and I've seen the devastation you have brought amongst the Twi'leks!" Jaune Arc said, "...and this subjugation could have caused the Separatist this world!"

"...Why does it matter you, Colonel?" He questioned, irritated by the Arc's words, "Ryloth and its people are under Techno Union Rule, the subjugation of these Twi'leks should not matter to you nor should be your business, Colonel!"

The Foreman is slowly losing his patience on the Arc's argument and opposition to his rule.

"Such subjugation of the Twi'leks does matter to me and people of the Outer Rim as a whole! These are living beings!"

"This Planet and the Twi'leks are my property, Colonel!" It's Wat Tambor's turn to raise his voice at the Arc, "I own this planet, I have the authority and I decide to do any action as I please!"

"The actions you did aren't any different to the Republic! We're not like the Republic, we're the Confederacy of Independent System! This is tyranny! We fight against tyranny not embrace it! I will not stand by and watch you oppose everything the Confederacy stands for!" Jaune argued at the Foreman.

"Are you disobeying me, Colonel?!" Wat Tambor shouted as he stood from his throne and glares down at the Arc.

"I'm opposing your rule on these, Twi'leks! This is not what the Confederacy stands for!" Jaune Arc yells back at the Skakoan.

Wat Tambor marches towards the Arc and proclaims, "I am Emir Wat Tambor! The foreman of the Techno Union, a member of the Separatist Council! I advice you listen to my orders or I will have you executed for treason and insubordination! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD, COLONEL JAUNE ARC?!!"

His voice echoes across the room as he and Jaune stared intensely at each other, none of them back down.

The atmosphere became more tense as both Twi'lek and Droid alike can feel it grew tenser and tenser for the minute. The Twi'lek slaves are witnessing this event happen before they are shocked to see a Separatist Commander is willing to stand up against Wat Tambor's oppressive rule on Ryloth.

When they heard of Jaune's speech that the Separatist is supposed to be improving their livelihood, it brought slight hope to Twi'leks.

The Battle Droids in the throne room are unsure what to do. They just stood and watch this whole scene unfold to them. Even the ever so calculating Tactical Droid TA-175 just stood and watch.

After a few seconds of an intense standoff between the Foreman and the Colonel, Jaune lets out a sigh of defeat, backing down.

He knew he can't win this fight, not when he is up against someone who clearly outranks him and hold a higher position than him. He is just a colonel, he is no politician or a council member, he is in no place to oppose him.

His effort of negotiating or even being diplomatic to Wat Tambor won't change his mind. Opposing him would only worsen things not for Jaune but for the Twi'leks as a whole.

He could obviously reported this to Count Dooku about Wat Tambor's atrocities that stood against everything the Separatist stood and values for. But what does he have to say that would oppose Wat Tambor?

Was there anything to oppose Wat Tambor to begin with? He is a member of the Separatist Council, and a foreman of the Techno Union. Jaune reminded himself that Count Dooku allowed Wat Tambor in this Position of power on Ryloth in the first place, a position he can't voice his own concerns or objections but follow orders without question. Sadly, Count Dooku must be aware of what the foreman is doing to Ryloth. Dooku must have allowed the Foreman to do this just to keep the Techno Union's continuous support with the cause.

That means Jaune has no say in this.

He stares back at Wat Tambor before he reluctantly complies, backing down from this argument.

"Yes...sir..." He sneers.

Emir Tambor is satisfied by this, if his mouth is visible he would smiling in victory, "...Good, now do as you are told, Colonel."

He walks pass Jaune, who looks at Skakoan passing him. The two Droids guarding the Doorway opens the door for Tambor leave. He stops and glances back at him.

"I have high expectations on you Colonel, very high..." He said to Jaune, he halt turns to look at him, "I want the resistance to be put down swiftly as the pest they are! Search for each village of any rebels."

Jaune stood there in silence, as the foreman continues, "...if the Twi'leks of either village resisted or are any association with enemy, burn down their homes and make an example of them people! Pillage their valuables and treasures!"

He remains silent, taking all this information he is gathering from before he reluctantly acknowledged it with a slight nod.

"Good, you will begin your campaign against the Twi'lek Resistance tomorrow, I expect positive results, Colonel. Don't fail me on this, I expect your so-called moralistic values not to get away from your objective." Wat Tambor said to the Arc.

Jaune has a foreboding feeling and senses the Foreman will be ordering something he would not like.

He reluctantly responds, trying to hide the hesitation in his voice, "Y-yes Sir. I understand..."

Satisfied with the compliance, the Emir, and the Tactical Droid then walks away out of the room with two Droids following him before closing the door.

When the Skakoan left the room, Jaune stared where Wat Tambor has left before he grabs his face and rubs it over his head in frustration.

What has Jaune got himself into?

Meanwhile, with Wat Tambor, he is walking through the corridors with TA-175, who voiced his concern about putting Jaune on the operation.

"Emir, are you sure it's wise to put the Colonel on this operation?" TA-175 questioned, " is obvious that Colonel Jaune Arc is visibly upset of the subjugation on the Twi'lek people."

Wat Tambor being the prideful, confident, and greedy Skakoan Businessman he is, he says dismissively.

"I am confident the colonel will put these disobedient slaves on their place..." He shrugged it off, "...while the Colonel has a strong moral compass on these Twi'leks but he is the only competent officer I have on my disposal to get rid of the pests."

Wat Tambor stops and looks at the window as the sun sets, then stated coldly.

"Over time, Colonel Arc will learn to follow orders from his superiors without question or opposition..." His eyes glimmering with greed and pride, "...all he needs is a little push."

~Timeskip: Next Day~

In the streets of a plateau Twi'lek village, a Female Twi'lek was doing some of her chores while her children are in their room. Other Twi'leks are doing different mundane activities. Nothing out of the ordinary.

But that all changed.

[Begin Song; "The Final Solution" by Sabaton] (Keepy playing the song until it ends.)

In one of the houses of the Twi'lek family, the Female Twi'lek notices something from the distance of the mesas and valley, that even other villagers notice as well.

They spot a separatist battalion approaching their village, they're armed and ready to cause damage. They are approaching their village fast. Everyone felt a foreboding feeling.

The Twi'leks feel the sense of danger that is about to befall on their settlement. Everyone immediately finds themselves in a panic.

The female Twi'lek quickly withdrew from the window and warned her family of the incoming Separatist Force.

The Separatist Force compromise of five AATs, four Snail Tank, two Hailfire Droids, and two OG-9 Homing Spider Droid with three Battalions of B1-series Battle Droids marching ahead.

The person leading this Separatist Force is non-other than, Jaune Arc.

He appears out of the turrets hatch before he uses his bio-binoculars. He zooms in so he can observe and get a better view of the plateau village is ahead.

Following his arrival to the surface of Ryloth, Wat Tambor ordered Jaune to begin inspection of villages that were suspected to provide cover and supplies to the Twi'lek insurgence during his campaign against the Twi'lek Resistance.

Jaune tried to argue again with the Foreman, but Skakoan threatens to have him replaced with someone more obedient and 'competent' as he put it.

If he didn't do what he was told, he would be put on court-martial for insubordination and would let someone do the dirty work for Emir Tambor, he knew he can't let that happen.

After some careful observation for any possible attacks or ambushes the Twi'lek Village may have prepared for them, Jaune puts away his bio binoculars.

He relays his order through via to his Battle Droids, "The Village is up ahead. Secure the area, begin inspection in their homes for resistance spies or supplies they could use to support the Twi'lek Resistance. Round up the rest of villagers on the town square. If they resist..."

Jaune paused before speaking, "...make an example out of them."

He said the last part hesitantly, remembering Wat Tambor's orders.

"Roger Roger!" The Battalion of Droids complied with his order without question or hesitation.

The Battalion of Droids march ahead to secure the perimeter and begin a hostile inspection to the village.

When they soon march towards the village, the sound of the clanking metal footsteps is heard across the village, sending fear and intimidation to the settlers as indistinct chatter is heard amongst the Twi'lek villagers.

Upon reaching the village, they immediately begun an aggressive inspection on the Twi'lek peoples' home. Breaking into their homes and rounding up the civilians in search of resistance spies.

As Jaune's Battle Droids begin inspecting their homes, a few unfortunate civilians tried to resist by defying them but were gunned down mercilessly by the Separatist Droid inspection force, thus started destroying some of their property as well even terrorizing the Twi'lek citizens, all for the sake that these Twi'leks are not supporting the resistance or any association with them or keep them on the line.

Inside one of the homes, a Tw'lek family is huddled together in fear as they watch the door, hearing loud bangs from it. Droids are attempting to break-in.

"{It will be alright...}" the Twi'lek mother reassures her children, who are crying in fear, "{Everything will be alright.}"

The Twi'lek children huddled closer to their mother until a few blaster shots were fired as the lasers pierce through the door, startling the poor children. Then the door breaks down as a couple of Droids storm into the house while the family screamed in terror.

"Hold it Right there!" The B1 Battle Droid shouted as he and his comrades aim their blasters at the terrified family.

One of the Battle Droids roughly grabs the family and pushes them out of their home, as the Droids ordered them to be with the others rounded up on the town square while the rest of his squad begin to inspect the house for any Resistance activity or association.

While the Twi'lek family were rounded, they watch on in fear as more Twi'leks are also being pushed out of their homes and rounded up in the center of their settlement while Battle Droids raid their home for any resistance activity.

In a horrific experience they also witness some more Twi'lek Villagers, who attempted to defy and fight the Battle Droids, were lined up and pinned on the wall as a couple of B1 Battle Droids formed a line.

It's obvious from the formation, they are forming similar to that of a firing squad.

Without any hesitation, the firing squad eventually executed the Twi'leks and their bodies were riddled up with blaster bolts.

It was a brutal and cruel sight to behold.

The Twi'lek Children turned away in fear and cried from the execution as their parents try to reassure or even calm them.

On top of the Turret of the AAT, Jaune stood and watch the whole event that took place with a regretful expression.

He surveys the rest of the operation, witnessing his Battle Droids break into their homes and force them out as the Droids inspect the building for any possible Twi'lek resistance Spy or any association with the Resistance.

The AATs' and other Separatist Vehicle's presence itself brings fear to the Twi'lek populace as the Droids continues to make a very aggressive search on their homes.

No one is safe, including the children.

While the whole inspection of their homes are going on, some of the Tw'leks took notice of the Separatist Officer on top of the AAT. They beg and plead to the Arc to stop his actions and tried to convince him they have nothing to hide nor do they have any association with the Free Ryloth Movement.

Jaune understood their fear and pleas, but the Colonel can't take any chances. No matter how much they beg to the Arc, he turns a blind eye to their pleas while their homes are burning around them as the Droids round up the villagers on the town square of the village.

The reason why Jaune has gone on to do such atrocities that are against the values he fought for as a Separatist due to Emir Wat Tambor ordering him to carry out this order. He believe the each village whether or not they are within range of the Capitol, are cooperating with the resistance. Since the Emir told him of the Resistance's network of spies everywhere and the Emir of Ryloth wants them eradicated swiftly and gives these Twi'leks an example or demonstration of their consequences for working with the Resistance.

He didn't mean for this to happen, he received this order after he was informed to take out a hidden Twi'lek Resistance Outpost from his scouts, it's part of his campaign to take out a Twi'lek resistance by taking them out one by one. But he was given this new task by Emir Tambor on the process.

Jaune was cut off from his train of thought when his has activated.

He patches the Holographic-transmitter disk through as the Holographic form of a B1 Battle Droid appears.

"What is it?" Jaune asked, hoping the answer he will receive is not what he is hoping for.

But what he heard is what he fears.

"/Sir, one of the houses are stocked up with lots of Weapons, ranging from blasters and anti-vehicle weapons. They're supplying the resistance./"


The holographic transmission of the Battle Droid then pushes the suspected Twi'lek resistance member, letting her get in view of the holographic disk. "/Her sir and a few couple of them. When we inspect the houses, we found a stock of weapons under their home after we pushed away a carpet revealing a secret basement. Shall we bring them in to question?/"

The Twi'lek woman on holographic comm. disk heard this and starts pleading in her native tongue, "/{No! Please! I'm innocent! I didn't supply the resistance! It was other members who stock their weapons on my home!}/"

Jaune is obviously not buying it and counters, "If you're innocent as you claim, why did you allow the Rebels to stock weapons under you home? You could have reported this to Emir Tambor."

The Twi'lek in the holographic transmission stammers, "/{}/"

If the silence followed with stammering is anything to go by, he concludes this Twi'lek is supporting the resistance.

Jaune turns and begins to inform Wat Tambor of his findings. The newly discovered Twi'lek resistance supporter begins to beg, "/{P-please! D-Don't tell the Emir! Please-}/"

Sadly, the Droid from the other side of the transmission cuts off before she could finish. Jaune stared at the cut off transmission before he hesitantly sends his transmission to Emir Wat Tambor at the Capitol City of Lessu.

And it didn't take long before the holographic transmission of Emir Tambor appears.

"/Colonel, I'm receiving your transmission. What's the status of your mission?/" Emir Tambor demanded.

Jaune hesitantly conceded, "Emir, during our inspection one of my droids discovered that a few Twi'leks families were secretly supplying the Resistance. They have weapons from regular blasters to anti-vehicle weaponry."

"/Do they know the location of the main HQ then?/"

"Unfortunately, they doesn't seem know the location. All we know they must supplying or disturbing the resistance with weapons with the use of their couriers or spies."

The Skakoan is visible displease that there's no helpful information about the HQ of the Twi'lek Resistance but is pleased to know that at least he is right about the village being suspected of supporting the Resistance.

"Shall we take her, or any possible associates, in for question?" Colonel Arc queried.

"/No.../" Wat Tambor denies, much to Jaune's surprise, "/...if she and the others doesn't know anything of their location other than supplying them with weaponry then it's no use.../"

What said next, caught Jaune off-guard and made him look on horror.

"/Execute the Twi'leks, all of them./"

Jaune stammers from his words, "W-what?!"

"/I said begin executing the Twi'leks on that village, every single one of them!/"

Jaune's fear grew, by Tambor's order. Just when executing a small handful of innocent Twi'leks was bad enough now he has to eradicate a whole population!

He thought Wat Tambor will be ordering him to do a mass execution on the Twi'leks or bombard the Village for their association with Resistance by using Hyena Bombers, a total execution or firebomb campaign.

But what the Techno Union foreman added created a pit inside Jaune's stomach, metaphorically speaking, and his pupils dilate in horror by the answer.

Wat Tambor's continues, "/...since these Twi'leks of this village has shown their true loyalty and support to the resistance, I want you incinerate the village and it's populace! And since I don't want to waste time on execution of the village, use the Defoliator Tank. It is on its way to your location./"

Jaune gape on horror by the order. Not only he will be doing a mass execution of a village, but he will also be taking command of a weapon he never thought of using; The Defoliator Tank.

It was a new weapon the Separatists received not to long ago and the results were both successful and terrifying, it was designed General by Lok Durd. This tank is capable of catastrophic destruction. A weapon which will destroy organic matter, but leave the Droids unharmed.

"/...I want your Droid forces to keep these slaves under watch until the Defoliator Tank arrives. This demonstration of force will show the consequences of associating themselves with the insurgents./" The Foreman asserted coldly, not caring for the Twi'lek people one bit.

Jaune stammered on his words by the order and insisted, "S-sir, with due respect w-we can't just incinerate an entire village! Surely we can just arrest those associated with the Resistance-"

"/If those Twi'leks are working with the resistance then the rest of the village is guilty as well! Regardless whether or not the rest are associated with resistance, we cannot take the chances!/" Wat Tambor opposed, slowly losing his patience on the Arc in this argument.

"S-sir, we can't do t-this is a war crim-"

"/That is an order Jaune Arc! Do as you are told!!/" The outburst of the holographic image of the Skakoan caught the attention of a few Battle Droids and Twi'leks.


"/These Twi'leks are associated with the enemy! I don't care if you don't like the idea of this or your pointless morality! It has no place here! FOLLOW YOUR ORDER COLONEL! INCINERATE THE VILLAGE/" The Skakoan glared intensely at the insubordination of the Arc.

The Twi'leks overheard what was given, they started pleading for their lives.

The sound of the Twi'leks pleas are heard around Jaune, begging to him that they are innocent or spare them, that they are not connected with resistance in any way. Jaune has sweat running down his face as their pleas soon ring into his ears. His heart is thumping hard that he can hear it.

These people are just guilty of association with the enemy, but it was only a few number of them. He doesn't want to do it, he wants to disobey the order! He doesn't want to hurt the innocents!

But if he disobeyed, someone would take over his operations and the lead campaign against the insurgents, and would possibly do more damage to the Twi'lek people than what he is doing.

Jaune thought on evacuating the villagers first, he can could save them from such horrific-

"/Emir, we have arrived./" TA-175's voice is heard off screen, Wat Tambor's posture shifts slightly while Jaune's fears grew.

One of the Battle Droids walks up to his tank and calls out to him.

"Sir, the defoliator tank has arrived." The Battle Droid reported.

Jaune's fears worsen before looks over the mesas hill and his face pales greatly. The Defoliator tank indeed arrived and he sees it is stationed on top of the slope of the hill.

An addition to that, a Separatist shuttle also arrives and lands on the same hillside where the defoliator tank is stationed. When the ramp of the shuttle lowers, Wat Tambor and TA-175, who are holding the holographic projector disk on hand, exits the shuttle with two Battle Droids following behind.

The Skakoan decide to supervise the operation, he has a feeling Jaune's morality towards hurting the Twi'leks, even those associated with the enemy, would make him follow the order ineffectively. He decided to keep an eye on the boy.

Jaune can't evacuate the Twi'leks now. If he is caught disobeying orders from Wat Tambor, he will be noted for his insubordination and be replaced by someone else.

His train of thought broke when Wat Tambor shouts at him.

"/Colonel Jaune Arc! I will not repeat myself! Incinerate the village!!!/" Wat Tambor yelled angrily, putting the pressure on Jaune even further.

Jaune found himself in dilemma.

Follow the order and leave the villagers to their fate, or disobey their order and let someone else do the dirty work and make the situation for the Twi'leks even worse? Both choices have bad results, either he chooses one that he is doing now or someone will further the damage. It's a lose-lose scenario.

With no choice in hand, he follows the order. Forever sealing the fate of these innocent Twi'lek settlers.

"Yes, sir..." Jaune said, his tone devoid of emotion and for once ignoring the pleas from the distress Twi'lek. His heart aches on what he is about to do.

He relays the order to the rest of the Droids to leave the village while he ordered some Droids to remain to keep the Twi'lek from running away or leaving the village. The Droids complies without question and soon the Separatist Droid forces left the village towards the hill where Wat Tambor, TA-175, and the Defoliators Tank are positioned on.

It didn't take long for Jaune to positions his forces on the slope of the mesas hill. He positioned his AAT close to the Defoliator Tank as the Skakoan observes closely.

The Droids pick and load the incendiary shells in the tank.

"Sir, Incendiary Shell loaded." The Battle Droid reported.

"Good..." Wat Tambor lets out before looking at Jaune, who is on top of the AAT, " may fire when ready."

Jaune glances at him before relaying his command to the Droids manning the Defoliator Tank.

"Ready..." He commences.

The Tank's heavy cannon positions in a 80° angle.


The Tank's cannon aims at the direction of the village. Jaune then yells out the single word that sealed the fate of the Twi'lek village.

"FIRE!!!" He finishes.

The Defoliator Tanks fires its incendiary shell at the Twi'lek village in an arc angle. The populace looks on in fear as the incendiary shell flies down at them as those with families huddled together.

Then it happened.

When it impacted on the center of the plateau village the shell exploded. At that moment, an intense burst of intense radiation energy is spread, and heat began expanding outwards consuming everything with the organic matter within the blast.

The blast's intense heat has destroyed any foliage and organic matter on its way, that even some Twi'lek were unable to comprehend what is happening.

For the Twi'lek populace, it was unimaginable terror as they couldn't even register what was happening. Everything within seconds their entire body has been disintegrated from the intense heat, even their skeletons are turned to ash.

Some tried to escape their horrific fate but the Droids stationed there kept them on place, before the blast has too taken escaping the Twi'leks' life. What's left of the populace of the Twi'lek village is gone, as fire has spread throughout the village. While the Droid stationed there are remained unharmed.

The Men, Women, and even the children were not spared from such cruel fate.

When the blast is cleared Jaune quickly hops out of his AAT and stands on the ground below.

He had a look of extreme horror on his face, he never seen the results of the defoliator tank before, sure he has seen the weapon testing of it in the Holo-screen but to see it happen to an innocent village. This left him horrified and speechless to his core.

Wat Tambor meanwhile is delighted at the results.

"This death and destruction will be a constant reminder to those Twi'leks who dares to oppose my rule or show any association with the Resistance. Good job Colonel..." The Skakoan mumbled as he pats his shoulder for his compliance while the Arc is still horrified by such death and destruction.

Wat Tambor paid no mind to Jaune's mental state, and he made his way back to the Separatist shuttle with TA-175 and the two Battle Droids who accompanied him. Not before reminding Jaune of his main objective.

"Colonel, remember your main objective; hunt down the Resistance HQ and its members associated with them. I want them dealt with swiftly." Wat Tambor reminded before he entering the shuttle.

Jaune breaks out of his shock trance before looking over his shoulder at Wat Tambor, who entered the shuttle and along with those who accompanied him. The shuttle soon flies off back to Capitol even the defoliator tank heads back the to capital while Jaune and his forces remain.

Jaune looks at his droids and orders, "A-all Droids... move out!"

His Droid forces complies without question before returning to the MTTs. He walks up to his AAT but stops for a moment and takes one last glance at the village he has the Defoliator Tank fire upon.

He can still hear the screams of terror of the Twi'leks echoing in his mind. His heart ache's at the sight and guilt fills his head. This is an event that would forever haunt him until the end of days.

A constant reminder of the cruel reality of war.

Turning away, a lone tear rolls down his cheeks before he mutters.

"I'm sorry..." Jaune mumbled his tone of voice full of regret and sadness, before walking away from the scene and entering the AAT.


Not long after that roller coaster of emotions he has endured, Jaune sat inside his AAT as his army march their way to the hidden Twi'lek outpost which not far from where they are.

There was silence throughout the whole trip, only the sounds of the AAT, Defoliator tank, and MTT's repulsor lift engines is heard, outside the sounds of clanking footsteps of his Battle Droids.

The Arc sat silently inside the AAT, thinking of the experience has gone through. He can't stop replaying the destruction he caused in that village he was forced to massacre.

The flames... the flames of that village continues to play in his head, and the Twi'leks' screams are still heard in his mind he can't get his mind out of it.

Guilt continues invade his mind, he just committed a war crime, a war crime he was forced to commit and he would never forgive himself. Genocide on innocent civilians.

Did he make things right for the Twi'leks or was he another cause and factor of their suffering?

Suddenly, his activation of his com. link breaks Jaune out of his thought.

"Sir, we arrived..."

Jaune then looks at the Command Droid and responded, "oh um... form a defensive stance, have the MMTs deploy the Droids. Have all Separatist armored vehicles prepare to open fire by my command."

"Roger Roger."

As Jaune appears from his watch, pulls out his electro-binoculars to get a better observation of the outpost's defenses. To Outpost itself is within the huge cracks of a rock formation in the small hill. From the look thing, he can see a makeshift trench around the outpost but it is well-concealed by the rocks and some plantation.

While Jaune continues to observe, the MTTs' deployment hatch opens up as the Deployment Rack extends, revealing the B1-Series Battle Droids and B2-Series Battle Droids. They're not on their compressed forms like in the Old Variants of the MTT, instead are already out of their configured forms and are now standing.

The MTTs provided to him are equipped with new racks that allow Droids to be deployed faster without going through the process of unfolding themselves when deployed.

While it did fix the issue of the speed of deployment it did limit the amount Battle Droids that could be brought to the battlefield. Older Variants have the MTT carry over 122 B1 Battle Droids and 24 Super Battle Droids, but the new variant carries only 60 Battle Droids and 12 Super Battle Droids.

Nevertheless, the B1s and B2s, that were deployed from the MTT, activates then released from their racks as they land on the sandy ground. B1-Series grab their blasters stored on their backpacks, while the Super Droids have their Wrist-Blasters at the ready.

After Jaune finishes his observation on the outpost's defenses he gives the order to his AATs, OG-9s, and Hailfire tanks to open fire on the outpost.

"Fire at will!" Jaune authorized.

By his command the Separatist Vehicles discharge their weapons at the enemy. It didn't take long before the Rebels inside got out of their hideout and took cover behind one of the makeshift trenches before retaliating.

Jaune saw them and continues to have his Armored Vehicles to press on their attack to soften the defenses before he would send his infantry to direct combat.

After a few seconds on bombarding the outpost and pestering their defenses, Jaune ceases the bombardment.

With defenses softened he sent six platoons of B1 Battle Droids to charge towards the enemy's position in a loose formation instead of a tight formation. They have little to no resistance since the heavy bombardment from the separatist vehicles has left their enemies disorganized.

As the Droids came in range, Jaune observing the advance then relays his orders to the droids in the frontal assault, "You're in range, blast them!"

Under his command Battle Droids fires an endless barrage of red lasers bolt at the outpost while the defenders hid behind their covers and attempts to retaliate but are easily overwhelmed by the droid's superior firepower and numerical advantage, especially when the OG-9 Spider Droids partake in the assault by firing a beam of lasers at the enemy defenses and in the process killing those that were unfortunate to be on the crossfire of the Spider Droid's beam.

The Twi'lek defenders are disarray and taking causalities as they are unable to process the situation they found themselves in. The loud clanking along with the endless tsunami of lasers left the defenders morally weakened, and any courage they have left is instantly thrown out of the window, metaphorically speaking.

About just a few minutes after their onslaught, the defenders soon eventually surrendered to Droid forces.

A few Battle Droids approach the surrendered Twi'leks with their blaster trained on them, "You're under arrest Rebel Dogs!"

The Rebel Twi'leks said nothing but bow their head in defeat.

The casualties of the Droid Task Force are minimal while the defenders suffered heavy casualties.

From Jaune's position in his AAT, he watches as his Droids round up the Rebels before he sends a transmission back to Capital which was received by TA-175.

"TA-175, the Twi'lek outpost has been taken down. And an added note we have some prisoners with us."

"/Good... I'll inform Emir Tambor of this success, he will be mostly please./" TA-175 said to Jaune, "/Make sure you inspect the outpost for any information that would be vital to your campaign./"

Jaune just nods in acknowledgment before ordering his Droids to inspect the outpost The shuttles eventually arrived at their location and escorted the Twi'lek Rebels back to the Capital for interrogation.

It didn't take long before the Droids finish with their inspection and uncovered some vital information regarding the location of the other rebel outposts but none mentioning or withheld information about their main HQ.

With that said, he ordered his troops to move out. As his Droids are being configured into the MTT, Jaune just started at the burning ruins of the rebel outpost. The ruins of the outpost remind him of the village he has massacred; the screams of the Twi'leks begging and pleading for their lives continue to invade his mind.

Jaune shakes his head from that thought and imagery. He turns away from the outpost, and with his forces finally prepared and packed they moved out, not after he takes one last glance at the destroyed outpost before focusing on the path ahead.

~Small Timeskip~

Night falls and Jaune's forces stops to make camp. He could just sleep in the AAT for protection, but it's not comfortable sleeping in a tank than it is in a sleeping bag.

He had his camp set up and would update Wat Tambor of the current situation overtime.

He sat on his sleeping bag, inside his tent as the Droids secures the perimeter.

He is in deep thought of the events that followed accordingly; Wat Tambor's brutal occupation of Ryloth, the enslavement of the Twi'leks, and finally the execution of a whole Twi'lek village.

He thought further; How would Zoh feel about this? For one he will be horrified to hear his best friend has been executing innocent Twi'lek villagers since its subjugation. Worst, he might have accidentally killed anyone related to Zoh.

Now he's thinking about, the idea of encountering any of Zoh's relative made him remember the conversation he had with Zoh'Lusat for the past years.

During his time in Raxus, Zoh opened up his more of his past to him. He remembers it very well.

~Flashback: 26 BBY, Raxus~

In a cafe in Raxus,  Jaune and Zoh are seen sitting across each other, the duo conversing.

"Then I said, 'Well the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it.' " Jaune joked.

Zoh burst out laughing at the so-called pickup line, while Jaune laughed as well.

The Green Twi'lek exclaims, "W-what kind of p-pick up line is that!?"

"I-I don't know! I thought it was good at that time!" Jaune shares a laugh.

The duo of friends continues share a laugh at the Arc's backstory. The duo continues to laugh before calming down.

"Oh man... That's, t-that's gold!"

Jaune snickers, "Yeah..."

"You know... If only my sister is here she would enjoy your company... though it's better than the life I once had at home in Ryloth." Zoh said, before a sip from his cup.

Jaune's smile falters a bit at the mention of Zoh's mention of his sister. Just like when they first met, they both shared similarities of abandonment and betrayal by those they thought they could trust.

"Are you... in any way able to see her from time and time?" Jaune asked his roommate, " know, remaining in connection with her?"

"Unfortunately no..." Zoh said, "...just like what I said before, my home planet is not technologically advanced as the rest of Galaxy, and sadly I can't contact her since we don't have access to any form of communication such as a com. link, projector or node."

He takes a sip from his drink.

"...and even if I was able to make contact with her, there's a possible chance my so-called father will confiscate it."

Jaune then asks, "How about visitation? Surely you-"

"...The Village I once reside in made bluntly it clear I'm never to return." He said, "...Though even I'm unable to keep in contact with her, at least I know she's fine without me."

Jaune looks at his friend sadly, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Hey, it's fine..." Zoh assured him before taking a sip from his drink.

Jaune then went to ask, "...if by any chance I ever go Ryloth, I encounter your sister should I tell her how you are?"

Zoh smirks, "If you do encounter her, tell her that I am safe and I miss her."

Jaune smiles back, "You have my word... so what is her name?"

"Huh..." Zoh said, "...for two years I never told you her name... weird."

"I can see that." He said to him, "...though if it's your privacy I respect that."

"Nah, it's fine..." Zoh said, "...You told me of your sister Saphron, and I believe it's best I do the same."

"Very well..." he says to the Twi'lek.

The Twi'lek Doctor looks at him and answers, "It's Nallihi... Nallihi 'Lusat."

~Flashback ends~

Jaune soon took in a look of resolve, he knows he has to make this right somehow. Let Jaune slowly gain the Twi'leks trust and show them he is not what Twi'lek resistance perceives him.

An idea popped in Jaune's mind. He sends a transmission to OOM-116, who in turn accepts the transmission.

"Colonel?" OOM-116 asked, in surprise.

"OOM-116..." Jaune begins, "...I have an important mission for you."

~Timeskip: Two Days Later~

It wasn't long before word of the destruction of multiple Twi'lek villages close to the capital spread like wildfire over Ryloth, and to the Resistance, spreading fear amongst them.

Jaune's forces were ordered to attacked settlements that were suspect to provide cover and supplies to the Twi'lek Resistance. There was no mercy, several executions of many Twi'lek were committed by the orders of Emir Wat Tambor and Jaune Arc is the one to execute it.

He's recent action and also the using Defoliator Tank to use in execution or  indiscriminate massacre has given him the unofficial title by the Twi'lek Resistance;

The Butcher of Ryloth.

His actions for massacring a village of Twi'leks instead of getting rid of the Resistance Members, left a stain on many Twi'leks and many feared the Arc even though it was Emir Tambor who pressured him to do it.

It didn't stop there, two days since the campaign about a few number of villages have been raided by Jaune's forces in inspection for any Rebels Alignment or association. Many of those Twi'lek villages are left unharmed, save for a few that attempted to resist but got gun down in the process, while some were unfortunate to be massacred or place into slavery according to Emir Tambor's order.

Any thought or mention of the 'Butcher' left many Twi'leks scared for their lives at the idea of the Butcher coming to their villages and indiscriminately execute the population for supporting or helping the resistance.

The demonstration of consequence for aligning themselves to the Rebels is very effective in keeping Twi'lek villagers from joining or supporting them.

It became so effective that some Twi'leks that once supported the Resistance, out of fear and desperation, backstabbed out their Resistance Allies to have their villages spared from the Butcher's wrath, which led to several Resistance Outposts to discovered and eliminated.

The Twi'leks will continue to fear the Butcher, that is Colonel Jaune Arc until the Resistance is no more.

But that all will change today.

In the Separatist Occupied City of Nabat, the same city Jaune first witness Wat Tambor's brutal occupation of Ryloth, the Twi'leks inhabitants are all suffering from hunger and exhaustion of the Droid occupation force under a Tactical Droid designated as TX-20 after its capture.

He had droids installed Five Proton Cannons and used the inhabitants as human shields. Many Twi'leks inhabitants were too afraid of weak to even fight back or resist. Those that attempts to escape or even hide from the Droids were all captured, killed or punished accordingly.

But today, that will change. On the mobile command center, one of the Battle Droids managing on the mobile command center reported to the tactical droid.

"Sir, a couple of Separatist Shuttles are heading towards the city."

TX-20 turns at him, "Separatist Shuttles? I didn't receive word from Emir Tambor of Shuttles arriving to Nabat."

He said this as about 15 Separatist Shuttles soon came into view. The Twi'lek people, who were rounded up at the center of Nabat, watch in anticipation as the shuttles soon descend and land at the same area where the Twi'lek people and proton cannons are located.

TX-20 walks off from his Forward Command Center towards the Shuttle with his Droids following suit.

The Shuttles soon opens up, revealing about 40 Battle Droids with the Arc Insignia plastered on their armor. 30 B1-series Battle Droids, 5 B2 HA-Series Super Battle Droids, and B2-Series Battle Droid.

Twi'lek people watch as the Droids sent by Jaune were opening the crates revealing supplies of food and water.

The Twi'lek looks on with hunger and thirst at the sight of the supplies, but they are too weak or too afraid to do anything while TX-20 looks bewildered by the sight of the supplies, his droids don't require sustenance to operate so why are there supplies that are meant for organics here?

One of the female Twi'leks whispered to male Twi'lek close to her, "{It should have some water? Or maybe food?}"

"{I don't know, I'm not sure why they have those.}"

One Twi'lek, who was laying down on his stomach, exhausted, dehydrated and starving, dared to screams out in Twi'lek at the Droids holding the supplies he desperately needed.

"{Water...! Please! Water!}"

The Twi'lek around him looks at him as if he is insane to call out or provoke the Droids who has a crate of supplies. A few brave or desperate Twi'lek soon joined and begged for the food and water, but many remained quiet in fear of provoking the droids.

OOM-116 notices the dehydrated Twi'lek, along with the other stave Twi'leks rounded up, on the ground and gestures his droids to give them the needed necessities.

The Droids complies with his silent Command, some grabbed a few supplies of food and water to distribute to the Twi'lek while some carried a couple of crate towards the Twi'leks.

TX-20 notices this action and orders, "Don't give them anything. That's an order."

The Battle Droids, under OOM-116, ignores his command and continues to bring the supplies to Twi'leks before distributing it to them.

One Droids gave the Dehydrated Twi'lek from earlier the water he needed as he quickly drinks it while the rest of the Droids continues to do the same with the others.

Seeing this is happening the other Twi'leks soon starts begging for the needed supplies as well, the Droids under OOM-116 immediately distributed the supplies to the Twi'leks.

TX-20 continues to watch scene before he looks at OOM-116, and orders, "Unit OOM-116, I order you to stop this action. This is against Protocol. These are my prisoners."

OOM-116 scoffs, "Your Prisoners? By the maker, please. Look at these poor Twi'leks they are starving!"

He then grabs a few supplies and is about to distribute it to the other starving Twi'leks.

"Unit OOM-116 what are you doing?" The Tactical Droid demands. He looks over to one of his droids. He grabs the Droid's blaster and aims it on the air and fires.

The sudden discharge of the blaster stops OOM-116 and his droids on the tracks and averted their attention to Tactical Droid, who still has a blaster in hand.

"I order you to stop." TX-20 ordered, "Unit OOM-116, this is against Emir Tambor's orders."

OOM-116 just scoffs, "Surely you must at these poor organics to prove your commitment to your programming. You should know by now what Emir Tambor is doing is not what the Separatists stand for."

The Twi'leks listend while OOM-116's Battle Droids have their weapons ready if thing started going south.

"Emir Tambo gave us strict orders not to feed the Twi'leks, these organics are not important to Emir Tambor's rule. They are just slaves." TX-20 stated in his monotone voice.

If OOM-116 has a face, he would be glaring at the Tactical Droid in disgust, it's not a surprise to him that this Tactical Droid is just full cold logic and obedience. He merely turned around to distribute the supplies to the rest of the Twi'leks.

TX-20 didn't take kindly to this and aims his blaster at OOM-116.

"Stop!" The Tactical Droid ordered.

OOM-116 turns around and aims his blaster at him. But to TX-20's surprise, the Battle Droids with the Arc's insignia aimed their blaster at TX-20 while his droids did the same on them. Twi'leks are surprised or stunned to see this sudden turn of events.

The Droids on TX-20's side are also surprise by this. They never thought to see such an event like this.

There was an intense stand-off between the Arc Battle Droids and Emir Tambor's Battle Droids while the Twi'lek people feels the atmosphere becoming tense by the second. It would take one shot before all hell breaks loose.

Then it happened.

OOM-116 fired the first shot. The blaster bolt shot TX-20's arm off. He falls on ground with his arm missing. When his droids saw what happened, they begin to opened fire on the Command Droid but he hops out of the way and his Droids retaliated by opening fire on TX-20's Battle Droids.

Thus the skirmish of between the Droid Battalions begun.

When the fighting commence, OOM-116 have his Battle Droids move the Twi'lek prisoners out of the crossfire to prevent casualties from the skirmish. When the Twi'leks are safe from the battle he has his droids to take over behind the walls of a building or fallen debris to mitigate casualties from his Droid.

Arc Battle Droids and TX-20's Droids exchanged blaster fire and explosion, with one side minimal casualties while the other is receiving a huge amount of casualties. TX-20's AAT attempted to provide Heavy armor support but the OOM-116's B2 HA-Series Battle Droids prioritize the enemy's armored vehicles and fired their cannon arm at the AAT. Five shots hit the AAT before it erupts in flames.

During firefight, the Droids manning the five of the Proton Cannons start turning the cannons towards OOM-116's Droids as one of them said.

"Fire the cannons on the traitors!" The Battle Droid manning the Proton Cannon shouted.

"Setting Alpha five to six!" Another Battle Droid said as the five Proton Cannons begins to turn their barrels at the Arc Battle Droids.

OOM-116 sees this and immediately sent the order to his droids.

"I need some Droids Hijack the three cannons close to us and use them against the enemy!" He ordered to the Droids around him and through his, "..We'll provide suppressing fire!"

"Roger Roger!" The small squad of Battle Droids comply before they run out of the open towards the Proton Cannons while OOM-116 and his other Droids provide suppressing fire.

His Droids charge towards the Proton Cannon closest to them and took out the Droids manning the cannons. When the three Proton Cannons were hijacked, they turned the barrel of the Cannon towards the enemy Droids and the Proton Cannons.

When the three hijacked Proton Cannons got their crossfire on the TX-20's Proton Cannons, the Droids manually loaded the Proton shells into the cannon.

TX-20's Droids manning the two Proton Cannons notice the three Proton Cannons aimed at their position and before they could react or acknowledged he fact the Arc Droids has hijacked the Cannons, the Three Proton Cannons immediately fires on them. Two Proton Cannons fired on them while one focuses on taking the Droid infantry.

This resulted with two of the TX-20's Proton Cannons getting destroyed and also taking out a huge chunk of TX-20's Droid forces.

The Droids turn their attention to the Hijacked Proton Cannons and were about to open fire but were taken down by OOM-116's Droid Forces.

The fighting soon turned to OOM-116's favor as TX-20's Droids dwindle in numbers. Seeing that their numerical advantage is no more, OOM-116 exploited this and relayed it.

"Their numbers are falling!" He said throughout the, "All units charge!"

He gets out of their cover and the rest of the Droids follow suit and advance on the last remaining droids of TX-20. The huge barrage of blaster bolts hit his droids, and any remaining Droid who doesn't heave the Arc's symbol was taken down with little resistance.

As his droids took care with the rest OOM-116 approaches the damaged TX-20, who lost his arm and legs during the unintentional battle that took place. He attempts to crawl towards Mobile Command Center to warn Emir Tambor of the betrayal that took place.

But OOM-116 steps him on his back and turns him round. He has his barely of his blaster aimed at the Tactical Droid's head.

Keeping his blaster trained on the Tactical Droid laying on the ground, he states, "As I said before, these Twi'leks are not your prisoner!"

The Tactical Droid stares at him before responding, "Emir Tambor will be noted of Colonel Jaune Arc's treachery."

OOM-116 retorted, "While that's true, but you can't squeal on us if you are decommissioned."

With a click form blaster his it primed up before it discharges, the blaster bolt pierces TX-20 head, leaving a gaping hole on his head.

After disposing TX-20, he walks towards the console of the mobile command center as his Battle Droids pushes the destroyed Battle Droids away from the control console before his Droid begins manning it. Now they have control of the Command Center.

When the fighting is over, the Twi'lek that were taking cover starts to come out of hiding spot and approach the Separatist Mobile Command Center looking at the droid that gave them the supplies.

OOM-116 took notice of them while his Droids went back to distribute the supplies or help those that were caught in the crossfire and heal them from their injuries.

When most of the citizens are in the center of the OOM-116 then announces.

"Citizens of Nabat," He begins as the Twi'leks listen, "...You don't have fear, you will all secretly be under new management outside of Wat Tambor's rule by Colonel Jaune Arc..."

The Twi'leks immediately flinch in fear when they heard the name of 'The Butcher of Ryloth' but their fear mitigated when they hear what was said next.

"But I can assure you, the conditions you live in will improve for the better of your livelihood. The first order is to secretly distribute supplies to other Twi'lek villages that suffered under the subjugation. This is given by Colonel Jaune Arc himself. You don't have to fear any longer."

The Twi'leks look skeptical at first, but the fact that the Butcher of Ryloth is willingly offering them the necessary supplies for their needs and even over throwing those currently governing them like they did with TX-20. And the fact the Butcher himself is secretly governing them and helping brought hope to the Twi'leks of Nabat.

The Twi'leks can't help but cheer at this, but what was said next cease their cheering.

"But does anyone here go by the name of Nallihi 'Lusat?" OOM-116 asked, but the Twi'lke didn't respond back. He then added, "You don't have to worry, you will not be harmed or hurt."

Immediately everyone steps back, leaving on female Twi'leks infront of them.

She looks around to see that she is the only one in front. She sighs and hesitantly step forward nervously, "..H-here I am..."

OOM-116 sees her and say, "...You're ordered to have a talk or meeting with Colonel Jaune Arc."

Her heart sank at the thought of meeting the Butcher face to face.

"W-what? But I'm not associated with the resistance!" Nallihi stammered in fear.

The Command Droid assures her, "No, he's not asking for information about the Resistance or its location. He just wants to talk with you, it's nothing too serious or life-threatening."

He steps off from the command center and gestures her to follow him to the Shuttle.

Nallihi said nothing but follows him nonetheless. Just as they are about to enter the shuttle, OOM-116 turned to one of his Droids and ordered, "You will help the Twi'leks in fixing their homes, make sure our operations remain secret from Emir Tambor."

"Roger Roger." The Battle Droid complies before walking off with his squads to do their task.

With said, OOM-116 and Nallihi alongside a couple of Battle Droids enter the shuttle before ascending from ground and out of the City of Nabat towards their target destination.

~small Timeskip~

The journey took around 30 minutes with Nallihi being a nervous wrecked at the idea of meeting the Butcher in person.

It just a matter of time before they finally arrived at their destination, Jaune's Military Camp.

After a few more minutes, the shuttle eventually arrived at their destination.

The Pilot Droid informs from the cockpit, "Sir, we have arrived."

"Good." OOM-116 said.

The Shuttle shook as it soon descend into the make shift landing pad. The ramp opens and the passengers exits the shuttles. As Nallihi being escorted, she is met with a sight of a huge Droid Battalion. She watches as squads of Battle Droids march around the perimeter of the camp, and Separatist Droid vehicles being repaired.

She stops looking at Droid forces around her before focusing her attention ahead of her. It didn't take long before they arrived at the Army Tent, possibly where Jaune is.

When they reach the Tent, OOM-116 then gestures her to enter. Nallihi looks at the tent and gulps. After some hesitation, she eventually enters the tent and she sees Jaune with his back facing her as his attention is on the Battle map while speaking to one of the OOM-Command Droids.

"...from the information our scouts gathered, from northeast of this map we will find another rebel outpost 20 miles from here." Jaune said, "...since we have the element of surprise we will attack them where they least expected is that understood?"

"Roger Roger." The Command Droids acknowledges.

Nallihi clears her throat, catching Jaune and the OOM-Command Droids' attention.

"O-okay..." She said, "...I'm here."

Jaune turns around to look her. "You're here, good." He looks at OOM Command Droids, "...leave us."

The Droids complied and walks out of tent leaving Jaune, Nallihi, and only two Battle Droids inside the tent.

"Pleasure to see you, Nallihi Lusat..." Jaune says before taking a seat on the other side of the table, "...please take a seat."

Nallihi hesitantly takes a seat and stares at Jaune. The Colonel can feel the fear radiating from her. Not that he could blame her.

"Ms. Lusat..." She flinched when he spoke, "...I see that you're scared of seeing me."

Nallihi Lust replies, this time trying to be a bit brave, "W-well, it's not every day I get to meet Butcher himself."

She realized what she blurted out and cover her mouth.

"Butcher?" Jaune raises his eyebrow.

She removes her hand from her mouth and replies, "Yes... the Butcher of Ryloth; the man responsible for the massacre of multiple Twi'lek villages."

Jaune sighs sadly at this, "Looks my reputation in Ryloth exceeds me greatly... now I have an official title for myself."

Nallihi hears this and glares at him.

"Well what did you expect, you killed slaughtered of many Twi'leks." She glares at him.

Jaune sees her glaring at him, not that he could blame her.

He sighs sadly agin, "...It's not like I have a choice, either follow the order or disobey the order and have someone replace me for my insubordination."

"Perhaps your replacement would be much better than you!" She said bluntly, not caring if she provoked the Butcher of Ryloth.

Jaune narrows his eyes at her, "...What makes you think of that?"

It didn't take long before she exclaims at him.

"Do you have any idea how many atrocities you are have committed?! How many villages you have destroyed?! How many Twi'lek families you have killed?! How many are left homeless, orphaned and sacred because of you!" She listed, anger evident in her voice.

Jaune replies, " wasn't my intention. I didn't want all of this to happen."

"But you did, didn't you? You slaughtered multiple villages without question or hesitation! Why else did you think many would refer you as Butcher!?"

"Does it look like I have a choice Nallihi 'Lusat?" Jaune retorts he raises his voice, "...You think disobeying Emir Tambor's orders will make everything fine or make the lives of the Twi'leks better? It will not be fine! It will be worse! I will be replaced by someone who would probably cause more damage than what I have done already!"

Nallihi just sneers at him, anger evident on her voice.

"Big excuse from a man who takes pride in killing Twi'leks..." She sneers at him.


Without warning Jaune slams his prosthetic fist on the table, causing her and the droids to flinch. He takes offense to those claims. No one, in this damn forsaken galaxy or dimension should assume he takes pride on taking away the life of an innocent.

"Do you think I take pride in killing innocent Twi'leks?!" Jaune growls at the accusation, causing her to flinch and the fear returning go her, thinking she might get executed for provoking the Butcher of Ryloth, "I don't take pride of it! I despise it! I am against the whole idea of executing Twi'leks!"

Her earlier defiance and anger deteriorated into fear when she hears him growl.

"I never once in my kriffing life I ever thought of taking away innocent lives!" Jaune shouted, "Never in this forsaken kriffing Galaxy should anyone, assume I take lives of the innocent! I never enjoy it, I never will! And I'm planning on changing that!"

She quickly regains her composure and asked.

"T-then what are you going to do?"

Jaune clams down and then responded immediately.

"What I'm going to do? I'm going to do what the Emir failed to do and present what the Separatist truthfully stand for..."

"Then what will that be?" She narrows her eyes at him.

His answer greatly surprises the Twi'lek. His answer is not what she suspected.

"Freedom against Tyranny, a Confederacy of Independence."

Jaune looks directly at the surprise Twi'lek and continues solemnly, " may call me a monster, a butcher of innocents, heck maybe... I'm no better than Emir Tambor. My intentions are always for peace, stability and prosperity for the Outer Rim. And my hands are stain with too much blood of the innocents because of this subjugation. But there is one thing you should know, my loyalty is only to the Separatist and the Outer Rim, the ideals they value; Freedom and Independence."

Leans back on his chair before continuing, "...I have many bad deeds to rectify. I don't expect your forgiveness or for you to understand. But if you allow yourself to get a better grasp of my situation and the hard choices I have to make, you will understand why I obeyed them."

Jaune pauses before continuing, "...I deserve every glare and gossip in my direction, but all is ask is for you to understand my place. I never wanted to  harm the Twi'leks."

Nallihi is stunned to hear his answer, she never expects such words of a Separatist. Yet his words could be a bunch of lies to trick her, however, the look in his eyes he is telling the truth.

"I promise... I will find away to help the Twi'leks as much as I can."

He said with resolve, this is something that Nallihi didn't expect to hear from the Butcher of Ryloth himself, or if he is even a butcher, to begin with as many Twi'leks claimed.

Jaune straightened himself and replies, "Now excuse me, I've got a campaign to finish."

With that said, he then makes his way out of the tent he stops at the entrance and said.

"By the way..." Jaune looks over his shoulder, "...Zoh' Lusat said 'Hi' and he misses you greatly."

Nallhili further taken aback by what his sentence when he mentions about her brother whom her father disown him. Before she could ask how he knew Zoh, he already left the tent and the two Droids escorted back to the shuttle.

Jaune Arc has a campaign to finish.


Over the next weeks, Jaune's campaign against the resistance has been very successful. Bringing a reign of Terror is what you would call it.

With multiple assaults on their hidden outposts over every region in Ryloth, the resistance are now on their last foot, with many of hideouts being discovered and the losing of many of their members. Among those losses are the unfortunate Twi'lek villages that were on the crossfire.

With success after success of Jaune's campaign, the Resistance dwindles in numbers and support. Things are looking grim for Ryloth while Emir War Tambor sits on his throne, happy as a Hutt.

Emir Tambor feels pride at the thought he was able to break Jaune's moral compass and shape him into an obedient and 'competent' officer that follows his orders without question. He believes he finally shaped him to an equivalent of that of a Tactical Droid; following orders without question.

When the Twi'lek Resistance is defeated, Emir Tambor plans to have Count Dooku to make arrangements to have Jaune as his Personal Guard due to his successes against the insurgents.

Emir Tambor fantasizes at the idea of future invasions in Republic worlds with Jaune taking down each insurgent and Republic scum that dares to oppose him in his way.

But unbeknownst to the Twi'lek Resistance and Emir Tambor, Jaune is secretly undermining Emir Tambor's attempts to beat down the Twi'Leks free will. He is also secretly providing them what the Separatist Council member should have done in the first during their occupation, which is providing them food and water, and improving their livelihood.

Though it was kept a secret from the Emir since his focus is on the valuables and treasury of Ryloth.

Needless to say, despite Jaune carrying out and executing the order to attack and raid innocent settlements and even burning down a few settlements, the people of Ryloth have more respect for Jaune than the current Emir of Ryloth though some still fear the Arc.

At this point forward, Jaune will find a way to free the Twi'leks from Emir Tambor's grasp.

On a recently made Separatist Camp, Jaune is seen looking over the holographic map of ryloth, with Separatist Icons showing each location of the  Resistance Outpost that were discovered and destroyed by his forces.

The campaign is going smoothly and the eventual fall of the Resistance is near.

"Sir..." Jaune breaks out of his thoughts and turned to look at the Holographic Battle Droid communicating him through the

"/Our scouts have found the Resistance HQ, they are located around a region of a barren flatland; Cazne.../"

"...the same region where many Twi'leks were massacred during Emir Tambor's subjugation." Jaune mutters and frowned, "...I'm quite surprised they made their hideout around that region."

He then replies back to the B1 Battle Droid scout, "Good work... Return to Base, I'll have OOM-116 take over of this operation."

"/Roger Roger./" The Battle Droid complied before cutting communication off.

Jaune then gets inside the AAT and brought a small battalion of Battle Droids to escort him back to the Capital to report to Emir Tambor face to face about the location and assault of the main Resistance hideout.

~Location: Cazne, Main Twi'lek Resistance HQ~

In the main Twi'lek Resistance HQ, Cham Syndalla looked over the map of a specific region in Ryloth, showing the territories they currently have or lost. The miniature blue flag symbolizes the Separatist's recent assaults and victories on their outposts and the miniature orange flags represent the Twi'lek Resistance flags.

There used to be many of hidden outposts around Ryloyh, now they dwindle in numbers and only a few remains. Ever since Jaune's led a campaign against the Twi'lek Resistance, they've been losing more battles and members than they previously had.

Cham Syndulla can't believe this sudden change of events just happened in just a span of 9 nine days.

Guerilla warfare was widely used throughout their fight against the Separatist Occupation as an open wide battle will be costly and suicide, but it soon became insufficient when the Separatists became more organized than before.

Cham Syndulla used to have a Network or informants and a network of Spies everywhere in Ryloth's settlements to inform them of the enemies' position, but when that blasted Arc came to the picture and many of them no longer breathes due to the inspections and raids on the villages. Only a handful of them is in the Ryloth Capital.

The mention of the name, Jaune Arc, sprout fear among the hardened Twi'lek Freedom Fighters.

Ever since his arrival and successes in his campaign against them, Jaune was granted the unofficial title of "The Butcher of Ryloth" by the Resistance.

As his demonstration of incineration and raids on Twi'lek villages has something to go by. Especially the indiscriminate execution of the Twi'leks Villagers and pillaging of Twi'lek settlements and cities for their treasure, and also leveling the Twi'lek Villages to the Ground.

The Resistance has been using his unofficial title as a Propaganda tool to encourage the Twi'leks to rise against their Separatists Oppressors and kill 'The Butcher of Ryloth.'

Unfortunately it wasn't that effective as many Twi'lek villages are too afraid to join the resistance and feared they would be next in execution for their association, thus making the Twi'leks kept in line. The simple mention of the Arc name makes them quake and tremble, ready to beg for mercy should it be needed. Only a few were willing to join but it's not enough to strengthen the Freedom Fighter's numbers.

For those who has seen the good side of Jaune, despite the atrocities, they didn't join the Resistance as they've seen what the Separatist actually stands for and Jaune represents the good side of the Separatist. The many villagers understood why Jaune carries out such order as It was Wat Tambor who forced and pressured him to execute it. Though it didn't stop them from fearing him.

Those that joined the Resistance were only out for revenge against 'The Butcher of Ryloth.' But were also in the ideals to stop the Separatist but it seems unlikely with their current situation.

While Cham Syndulla is looking through the map, one of his subordinates, known as Folpace, spoke.

"Cham Syndulla, we should do something!" Folpace spoke, "...Sitting around won't help! We need act now! We need to attack the capital immediately!"

Folpace is one of the unfortunate victim during Jaune's Campaign. His village was attacked a week ago and remembers that day very well.

Cham Syndalla looks at him and retort, "We're doing everything we can but we lost lots of our members and we have limited resources! A straight forward attack towards the Capitol will be suicide!"

"Then we should kill that blasted Arc! With that Butcher dead, the Separatist will lose their tactical advantage over Ryloth then we could finally get an edge over them."

"That's crazy!" A Female Twi'lek freedom fighter shouted.

"It's impossible and you know it, the Butcher is always protected by his droids and rarely leaves the safety of his army." Another Resistance Fighter shouted.

"I don't care! I want that butcher dead!" The Resistance Twi'lek Fighter shouted angrily back at him, pain and sadness in his heart, "My wife died because him! She died on my arms! You were not there when that monster raided my village!"

Folpace then took in a look of sorrow, remembering the day that his wife was killed during the inspection of their spies and also the pillaging of their treasure.


Folpace watch from the streets of his village as Battle Droids raid and inspect the homes of his village, pushing Twi'lek Families out of their homes and grouping them in the center of town.

He looks over to see other forms of treasury from their homes as more indistinct murmuring and cries are heard from the Twi'leks followed by the loud clanking of Battle Droids in the area.

A sudden Blaster sound is heard in another section of his village. The section where his home is located. Alarmed he quickly makes his way to the other section of the village while avoiding Battle Droids. By the time he made it, he takes a look of horror and despair.

He sees a couple of dead bodies and among those victims is his wife, laying on the ground motionless with a squad of B1 Battle Droids standing over her with the barrel of the blaster smoking. It didn't take a second to know what happened; the wife was gunned down mercilessly.

He goes unnoticed by the Droids and they march away to continue inspection of the village.

When they march away, Folpace takes the opportunity to run towards her motionless body. He when he stands over her, he trembles at the sight of his beloved unmoving on the ground.

He falls on his knees and cradles body her while saying, "" over and over again.

After feeling no pulse, he holds her close as he cried, tears pour out of his eyes. A feeling of despair.

He hears the sound of a repulser lift engine and he raises his head to see an AAT ahead of him. He sees the man responsible for such tragedy; Jaune Arc.

He sees him on top of the AAT as they made eye contact. They stared at each other before Jaune looks away and continues on his way. Folpace mean while glared at the Arc, eyes full of malice and revenge. There is no doubt in his mind that Folpace will remember tragedy and he will make sure that Jaune Arc will die by his hands!

~Flashback ends~

Ever since that day, Folpace joined the Twi'lek Resistance out for only revenge. But their goals differ, while Cham Syndulla seeks to free Ryloth from the Separatist, Folpace main goal and desire is to see Colonel Jaune Arc to die by his hands. In those weeks, he trained himself intensively in hand-to-hand combat and blaster combat. Even to the point of pushing himself from his limits.

This just so he could, possibly, in equal ground against Jaune and beat him in combat. Or maybe get his revenge on him.

Cham Syndulla looks at him with sympathy, "I'm sorry for you lose, we share our loss from the Butcher's wrath."

"For every one of us the Butcher killed, we should kill him! No, make him suffer!!"

"And what makes you think killing him would bring your wife back?"

"Don't lecture me Syndulla! My wife is dead! Our people, slaughtered! Where were you when we need you the most!?"

Cham Synudallu was silent for a second before answering, "Nothing I will say would change your mind but we are doing everything we can to beat them."

Before any more words could be spoken out, a Twi'lek Rebel barges in.

"Cham Syndalla!" A Twi'lek Rebel calls out as he hurriedly enters the conference room.t

"What is it, what's wrong?!" Cham Syndalla asked urgently.

The Twi'lek Rebel panted before looking at him with urgency, "S-sir! We got information from our spies, we have been compromised! The enemy knows of the location of our Main hideout!"

Cham Syndalla looks in shock and soon turned into fear; the Separatist has found them! He should have known, it was inevitable until they are discovered.

When the Freedom Fighters got word that a huge droid invasion force will be coming to them, it brought fear amongst the Freedom Fighters of Ryloth. They usually use Guerrilla Warfare in smaller locations and avoid direct combat when fighting against the CIS, meaning a loss of a small camp or base isn't all too punishing since the overall damage is minor.

However, this is the main HQ of the "Twi'lek Resistance" meaning the loss of the HQ will deal a severe blow to the Freedom Fighter's moral.

"What? How?"

"One of their Probe Droids spotted one of our own returning to the base, they were unaware of their presence."

Cham Syndulla feels hopeless the more he hears of this information from his subordinates, he reluctantly asks, "Any more information you can tell us?"

"Majority of the Separatist forces at the Capitol has left to attack our headquarters, only a minority remained at the Capitol.

"And of the Butcher?" Folpace asked.

"He left his Droid Commander in charge of the attack, he is returning to the Capitol as we speak."

When Cham Synudulla heard that a majority of the Droid forces are going to attack the HQ within a hour, he felt all hope is lost but there is a small glimmer of hope he could use that could help possibly turn the tides of their conflict.

"Have our troops ready for our assault, inform our spies inside we'll begin our attack soon!"

The Twi'lek resistance spy member nodded and runs off to tell the rest of the recent order.

Cham Syndulla With this new found hope he turns to his followers and stated. "Today will be the end of the Separatist Occupation!"


About a few hours later, OOM-116's Droid forces arrived at their destination.

"Sir, we are approaching the Twi'lek base." The Droid Tank Driver from one of the AATs informs OOM-116.

OOM-116 then relays his orders to the rest of the Droid forces, "Position every tank and Droid to Surround the base! Don't let any Twi'lek Resistance members escape!"

The Droid complies to the order given by OOM-116 as they start surround the place, making sure there are no exit for any Twi'lek resistance members to escape.

All Separatist Vehicles, ranging from AATs to OG-9 Spider Droid, have their weapons primed and ready, as they all trained it at the Headquarters while waiting for OOM-116 to give the order to attack.

The Command Droid is surveying the hideout for any defender with his macro binoculars that would peek their heads out.

'Him... odd.' He thought to himself as he continues to survey the exterior of the hideout for any defenders. He is sure that Probe Droid's information provided to him isn't false. The Colonel himself confirmed that his Probe Droid spotted Twi'leks entering the same location on where they arrived in.

Despite this, OOM-116 deduce the defenders are inside their headquarters, waiting for the opportunity strike when they least expected. With his combined forces he could take down the resistance from here. He places the electro-binoculars down and relayed his order.

"Open Fire!" OOM-116 relays.

AATs soon fires their main cannon with maximum effect at the hideout, tearing down bits and chunks of rocky wall of the Twi'lek HG. The OG-9 Homing Spider Droid fires its dish-shaped laser cannon, a top-mounted long-range laser emplacement, at the Twi'lek hideout, also destroying small chunks of it.

After a few minutes, of continuous cannon fire on the Resistance HQ, OOM-116 observe the HQ again to see of anything happened. He then ceases the attack.

"Cease fire!" OOM-116 relays the order to his droids.

All Separatist vehicles cease firing as the smoke clears, chunks of the HQ has been destroyed, but the rest remains intact.

OOM-116 then sends an order to the Droids operating inside the MTTs, "Deploy the Droids!"

The MMTs' deployment hatch opens up as the Deployment Rack extends, revealing the B1-Series Battle Droids and B2-Series Battle Droids. They're not on their compressed forms like in the Old Variants of the MTT, but instead are already standing.

The B1s and B2s, that were deployed from the MTT, activates then are released from their racks as they land on the sandy ground. The B1-Series grab their blasters stored on their backpacks, while the Super Droids have their Wrist-Blasters at the ready.

The Droids get into position, forming into ranks. The Droid Infantry is ready and awaiting further orders.

"Wave 1, Prepare to Advance the attack!" OOM-116 ordered, using one of the common Separatist Strategies; overwhelming the enemy with waves of Droids.

"Preparing to advance." Another Command Droid on the ranks stated as the rest of first wave droids prepare themselves.

"Commence the attack!"

The First Wave of Droids then made a rush towards their target destination: the hideout.

The OOM-116's first wave march onto the HQ as they fired their blaster at the base expecting some opposition. Droid army marched as they fired. By the time they drew closer and closer, nothing happened.

By the time they finally close in to hideout's entrance, they are surprise to discover that there are no defenders or any defenses at all. They stop firing and went inspect the rest of the exterior defenses for any enemies only to none.

Back with OOM-116, he watches the operation from the safety of his AAT before receiving transmission from one of his Droids in the frontal attack.

"/Sir, we reach the outside of the base but there don't seem to any enemies in outside and it seems the neater need is covered up./"

"No defenders outside the base? That's a relief." OOM-116 then relayed an order, "Send in a squadron of Battle Droids to break down the entrance."

A Droids Demolition squad was sent to break down the entrance.

After a few minutes, he receives another transmission from the droid demolition squad member.

"/Sir, we have Place multiple Detonators on the door, do you think we should have more?/"

At the outside of the Twi'lek HQ, a Battle Droid armed another detonator at the door, the view pans out that the Droids didn't just need place a couple, basically it covered up the entire entrance. Overkill.

Back with OOM-116 "...Hm... place a few more..."

With the word said, more detonators were place and after filling the whole entrance with explosives the droids activates the detonators and exploded. The detonation, unfortunately, killed the lone droid that is about to place another detonator on the wall but got killed in the explosion when it detonated without warning from his squad members.

After the detonators were detonated, it created an opening at the entrance of the Twi'lek Base.

"Okay.... what's the organic term for something amazing?" The Battle Droid asked, his comrade beside him.

"That's is what you call, AWESOME!" The second Battle Droid answered.

"Alright grunts, enough chit-chat!" The Lead Droid of the said, "... let's move out!"

The Droids complied without question before a few squads of Droids start entering the hideout searching for Cham Syndulla and his followers.

From OOM-116's position in the safety of his AAT, he waits patiently for any updates from the operation. He waits to see if his Droids have come in contact with Rebels inside. He's under the assumption that the Rebels are inside to make their last stand.

After a few minutes of waiting, he finally removes transmission from the droid squadron.

"/um... sir./" One of his Battle Droids says through the, "/ seems we are indeed the right location of the HQ, it has conference room, barracks, armory and a...stable? But the place is abandoned/."

"Huh?!" OOM-116 exclaims in shock, "A-abandoned?!"


OOM-116 wonders why the Resistance is no where to be found, this should be the Resistance's Hideout! From what was reported in the interior of the HQ has a meeting room, armory, conference room, and everything a Rebel hideout needs.

'But why would they abandoned it?' OOM-116 thought, 'Unless they heard of our incoming attack and...'

He stops his train of thought and looks at the forces provided to him by Emir Tambor. OOM-116 took note that the Emir has given a huge Task Force to take care of the HQ while Jaune was returning to report Emir Tambor of OOM-116's assault to the Twi'lek Resistance HQ.

It hits him, that only a small percentage of the Droid forces are left in the Capitol and the rest of the Twi'lek Forces are not in the HQ... it finally dawns to him that it means only one thing.

Cham Syndulla is now leading a daring attack on Capitol.

With this realization in his procesors he frantically ordered his Droid, "All units! We must return to the Capitol immediately! IMMEDIATELY!"

The Droids are quick to obey his command as the Droids hurriedly made their way back to the MTT while some got on the base of the AAT.

OOM-116 and the other AATs wasted no time started making fast drive back. With AATs being faster than the OG-9s and MMT, they drove ahead of them to reach the Capitol before it gets under attack.

~Location: Lessu, Ryloth Capita~

When Jaune arrives he reports to Wat Tambor, in person face to face, that the Twi'Lek resistance may as well be standing on broken legs.

"Colonel, I want updates in your operation. I have sent majority of the Droid Forces to aid you in this attack." Emir Tambor said.

Jaune can't help but internally sigh at this, Wat Tambor overestimated the enemy. He can't tell if sending a huge droid bridge to an insurgent is either smart or stupid. But Emir Tambor is a businessman, not a military officer.

"I sent OOM-116 and my Droids to take care of the HQ." Jaune reports, "They are attacking the HQ as we speak, the Twi'lek Resistance may as well be standing on its broken legs."

Tambor couldn't have been happier, "You've done well Colonel Jaune Arc, I'm glad these 'disobedient slaves' are finally being put in their place."

Jaune was about to make an angry comment until the building they were in shook, as they stumbled.

[Play "Rorke Drift's" by Sabaton] (Play until the song ends.)

"What the?! What is going on?!" Emir Tambor exclaims as he gains his footing.

Jaune looked out of the window to see the last of the Twi'Lek resistance attacking the capital, and their leader, Cham Syndulla, was leading the fray. They're using stolen CIS Equipment, from blaster to Separatist Vehicles: AATs and STAPs.

A transmission from Jaune's activates as the Droid from the other exclaims, "/Sir! We're under attack!/"

Before Jaune could give out any orders to his droid forces stationed in the Capitol, the door of the command centre was destroyed and several Twi'Lek Slaves armed with blaster were coming into the room.

One of the Female Twi'lek Slave shouted in her native language before shooting at them, "{Death to the Separatist!}"

Jaune and the only four B2-series Super Battle Droid returned fire while Tambor hid like the coward he is.

One Twi'lek charged forward and tried to tackle the Arc, but he quickly apprehends and grabs her by the neck before e activated his electrified servo, electrocuting her to death while the B2-Series Battle Droid help deal with the rest of the Twi'lek slave before them.

From the outside, the Twi'lek Resistance is attacking the Capitol, as the stolen AATs are firing upon the Capitol's walls.

When they got word that majority of the Separatist Forces that used to be in the Capitol went to deal with their main headquarters, Cham Syndulla used this opportunity to attack the Ryloth Capital by using his remaining forces as a last-ditch effort in defeating and killing the Separatist Council Member and Separatist Colonel would boost the morale of the Twi'lek people and let them stand up against their oppressors.

If only he knew Jaune Arc has been undermining Wat Tambor's rule on the Twi'lek people.

"People of Ryloth! Do not falter, we will free Ryloth from tyranny! Keep the pressure on them!"

The Freedom Fighters cheered their moral boosted. Folpace then said to his leader, "You deal with the droids! I'll deal with the butcher!"

He runs off to one of the Stolen-STAP.

"No, Folpace wait!"

He ignores his leader words and took off in the STAP and flies towards one of the buildings of the Capital City, a likely place where the Emir and Arc could be located.

The droids that were currently manning the defense of wall saw the Twi'lek flying over them and they immediately fired upon him, two Battle Droids in STAPs pursued him and fired upon him aswell. Folpace dodges the incoming blaster fire from the Droids.

Unfortunately for him one of the blaster bolts hits the engines of his STAP, causing it to lose altitude and plummet to one of the buildings where Jaune and Emir Tambor are located.

He tried to keep his STAP in control and flew towards the building that Jaune and Emir Tambor are in. He doesn't care for his well-being, all he cares about killing the Separatist Colonel. His mind is only filled with vengeance towards the Arc who causes harm to all of Ryloth. His desire for revenge blinds him from rational thought or reasoning.

He flew towards the window of the throne room and as he breaks through, he sees him. He sees Jaune and his Battle Droids having a skirmish with the Twi'Lek. Though his sudden interruption averted everyone's attention the Twi'lek riding on the STAP.

But when his sights are on Jaune, vengeful rage fills inside him. He directs his STAP at him and roared.

"JJJAAAAUNNNEEE AAAAARRRCCC!!!" Folpace roared in anger, he fires the STAP's weapons at Jaune but he was able to dodge the incoming blaster fire. Just when his STAP is about to crash on the ground he hops towards the Colonel.

He tackles the Colonel to ground, catching him off-Guard. But Jaune was able to push him off.

The Super Battle Droids were about to provide Jaune some assistance but Twi'lek slaves then continued to fire on them and Emir Tambor shouting from his hiding place.

"Forget him! Protect me!" Emir Tambor shouted from his hiding place. The Droids complied and went to deal with the Twi'lek slaves while Jaune and Folpace are fighting.

Meanwhile outside the Capitol City, six Free Ryloth Movement AATs aim their main cannon at the Capitol walls.

"FIRE!" Cham Syndulla orders.

Then the tanks fired upon the Capitol Wall as each blast impacted the wall, creating dents on the Separatist Defenses.

Due to the absence of Orders from Jaune Arc, the Droid Defenders are in disarray and are scrabbling on what to do.

Fortunately for the Droids, TA-175 took Command of the droid defenders and ordered them to form a defensive positions to hold the Twi'leks back as multiple squadrons of Battle Droids positioned themselves on top of the wall while some entered inside the wall and use the multiple slits on the walls for the Droids to fire from as the Command Droids are also giving orders to other the droids.

"Get into defensive positions!"

"Open Fire!"

"Take out those tanks!"

As this was going on, they have another problem to deal with. It's within the Capitol itself.

When the Twi'lek slaves in the Capitol saw that majority of the Droid forces left the Capitol towards the HQ of the Twi'lek Resistance and with the siege taking place, they use this opportunity to fight back against their Separatist oppressors.

They broke into the armory and stole a couple of Blasters to fight against the Droid Defenders and possibly kill the Separatist Council Member and Jaune Arc, the Butcher of Ryloth.

This result to a skirmish between the Tw'leks Slaves/Resistance and the Separatist Droid forces, both beyond and within the walls of the Capital. Now the Separatist has to deal with both insurrections, a war on two fronts.

TA-175 quickly relay orders to many Battle Droids to split their forces to deal with both slaves and resistance.

The engagement went on as both Twi'lek and Droid forces exchange blaster fire. None backing down, with the Twi'leks wanting to be free from Separatist oppression as for the Separatists, hold the enemy back until they come out victorious.

Though Twi'lek slaves are not the best fighters, but they know how to shoot a blaster.

A couple of Twi'lek slaves led by one of the Resistance Spies broke into the control room, taking out the B1 Battle Droids stationed there with ease.

The Twi'lek Spy and her fellow Twi'lek slaves activated the bridge. Then the plasma bridge activates, creating a clear path towards the Capitol.

Back on the Battlefield Cham Syndulla is busy commanding and giving out orders.s.

"Sir! The bridge has been activated!" One of the resistance reported before firing more blaster fire at the droids on the wall.

Cham Syndulla saw the Plasma Bridge has reactivated, he looks over to the window of the bridge control room and spots the Twi'lek slaves inside, confirming that the Twi'lek slaves have taken control of the Plasma bridge.

Seeing this opportunity given to them, he ordered, "People of Ryloth! Now it's our chance! CHARGE!"

Those riding on the Bluurgs charged ahead as Cham Syndalla follows suit behind them, they all charge towards the Capitol while letting out their war cries.

The Droids stationed on the wall quickly fired on the charging Twi'lek forces their but the riders are already closing in to the capitol.

The five Twi'leks who has secured the bridge control room felt a wave of hope as they watch the resistance forces charge towards the Capital.

They could finally be free from the Separatist Occupation, live in prosperity-

The Door behind them slides open.

The Twi'lek resistance spy and five Twi'lek slaves whip around before a trio of Commando Droids have entered the bridge control room. Before any of Twi'leks could react or even raise their blaster, they were gunned down by the Commando Droids, giving them no chance to fight back, even the Twi'lek resistance spy was killed.

The Commando Droids then went in to secure the place in case there are any more surprises.

TA-175 enters the room before a Commando Captain addressed him, "Control Room secured."

"Good, stand guard outside the room..." TA-175 orders.

The Commando Droid Captain nodded in compliance.

TA-175 then walkovers to the bridge control console and looks out of the windows, the view shows many of the Resistance Fighters are about to cross the headlight towards Capital.

He has a plan formulated in processor and took advantage of this. He walkover to the controls as his view is still on the Twi'lek Resistance. He waited for a few more seconds until the time is right.

Then it happened.

When the resistance fighter charge across the plasma bridge towards the Capitol, it became Chum Syndulla's biggest and fatal mistake he ever made and the worst turn of events to the Twi'lek Resistance.

TA-175 deactivates the bridge at the moment when they were half way close to their objective.

The plasma bridge begins to flicker, causing panic amongst those who has ran on the bridge before it deactivates completely and many of skilled resistance fighters fell to their death as they scream in terror at their mistake.

Cham Syndulla stops his ride from moving any closer when the bridge deactivated, he, and what is left of the rear guard, was the last one to charge when he gave them words of encouragement to charge straight in when the bridge was actived. The rest of Cham Syndulla's forces also saw what happened and they too express their horror and disbelief.

"No..." Cham Syndulla muttered in horror, he can't believe it. He unintentionally just lead his people to their deaths.

What has transpired demoralized the Twi'lek fighters completely to a full extent, there's no fixing what was lost. The resistance has lost 2/3 of their forces, while the Separatist Defenders in the Capitol remains strong. All that Cham Syndalla has now are a couple of riders, the AAT tanks, and the small squadron of Twi'lek sharpshooters.

This small force won't be enough to take Capitol, even with the help of the slaves inside isn't going to enough.

To make matter worst for the Resistance, one of the Twi'lek AATs were destroyed, taking some soldiers who were standing close to the explosion.

The Twi'lek AAT wasn't destroyed by the Droids within the wall, it was destroyed by an attack from behind.

Cham Syndulla, and some of the Twi'lek forces, turned and their hearts sank even further. The Separatist AATs that left to deal with their HQ has returned.

In one of the AATs, the top hatch opens and reveals OOM-116, he has led his troops to return to the Capitol.

From the safety of his AAT, OOM-116 observes the siege with his Macro binoculars.

"We got here just in time!" OOM-116 then relays his orders, "FIRE AT SECTOR 1!"

His AATs fire upon the Twi'lek Resistance's forces. An AAT fires at the Twi'lek resistance's Resistance AAT from behind, destroying it. The rest of Twi'lek forces realize they being attacked from behind, and some quickly turned around to deal with the droids attacking them.

The Twi'lek Sharpshooter started firing upon tanks though it be remain futile and useless against their armor. OOM-116 took notice of the Twi'lek infantry and orders the Droids stationed on the base of the AAT.

"Infantry; advance! Follow Protocol; Don't leave yourself in the open!" OOM-116 ordered.

The Droid infantry disembarks from the AAT and begins firing upon the Twi'lek resistance fighters while the AAT provided fire support, also ensuing a Tank Battle with the Twi'lek AATs.

The Battle Droids perform acceptably well against the Twi'lek Sharpshooters. OOM-116 ordered them what Jaune usually do, 'Take Cover and Don't leave yourself in the open.' His Droid forces took take cover behind rocks or prone or crouch to avoid being an easy target.

Most Droid Officers would have the majority of their forces to stay in the open and march towards their opponent in a swarm, but OOM-116 knows better to follow his master's footsteps or tactics.

Meanwhile back inside the Capital, the Arc was thrown onto the ground after receiving punch to the head by Folpace, leaving him slightly daze and giving him and Folpace a 5 feet distance. Luckily he has his aura active during the fight, making him physically stronger and durable, especially his aura acts as another layer of defense.

While his aura won't be able to block or protect him from plasma-based weaponry it helps provide protection from the punches and kicks he is receiving. However it seems this enrage Twi'lek can deal several damages to him despite his aura being active, but he is slowly healing his minor injuries.

Jaune recovers and steadily stood up,  while Folpace grabs a fallen blaster from the floor and aims it at Jaune and shouted.

"DIE, BUTCHER!!" He starts firing at him, directly at his head.

Instinctively, Jaune gets in one knee and raises his prosthetic arm to protects his face, he then charges at Folpace while keeping blocking the blaster rounds with his prosthetic arm.

Just as Folpace is about to fire more rounds at Jaune, the Arc grabs hold of his blaster and forces Folpace to aim and fire it upwards. Jaune activates his wrist blaster of his prosthetic arm and aims at his adversaries' face. But Folpace manages to break his grip by kicking Jaune back before he knocks his wrist blaster away, thus making Jaune miss.

Folpace attempts to land a punch, but Jaune blocks it with his regular arm before using his prosthetic arm to protect his face and deflects the blaster rounds fired from the Twi'lek blaster pistol but this in turn cause damage to the prosthetic arm.

The Separatist Colonel grabs hold of his blaster pistol and tosses it aside just before Folpace charges through and throws behind him to the ground.

Jaune recovers and tries firing another shot with wrist blaster, but the Reisatnce Fighters kicks his tactical droid arm to the side. Folpace is about to fire a blaster at Jaune but the Arc quickly grabs hold of his hand with his prosthetic arm.

Folpace struggles to break free of the colonel's tight grip as Jaune forces him to aim right at his own head. Fortunately for him, Folpace thinks quickly and kicks Jaune away, giving them some distance, and in the process drops his blaster.

Jaune aims his wirst blaster Folpace but he wasn't able to fire due to the extensive amount of damage it receives from blaster fire.

With their blasters out of the fight, Folpace pulls out his combat knife and prepares it to finish the Arc off. Jaune responded by acting a hidden blade in his prosthetic arm as he gets into a fighting stance before both combatants charge at each other.

The two trade and parries each others blows before Folpace nearly stabs Jaune in the face, fortunately, the resistance fighter narrowly catches the knife with his prosthetic arm arm and pushes the knife away. The two clash multiple times before the Separatist Colonel overpowers him and pins the Resistance to the wall.

Jaune almost stabs him in the head but Folpace tilts his head to the side, causing the blade to get embedded in the wall. Jaune trie to pry it off but it's still stuck. Folpace exploits this and manages to stab Jaune in the stomach.


Unfortunately for him and to his shock, Jaune's aura protected him knife stab blow. In response, he is force to break the blade from his prostatic arm leaving the other have of the knife on the wall. Despite this he uses his prosthetic arm to punch the Twi'lek's several times, causing blood to spill on the rebel's face.

Despite the injury, he is not giving up easily.

Folpave manages to break free from the Separatist Colonel's grip and kicks him back sending him to the floor.

Jaune is surprised by the persistence of this Twi'lek, but he won't get that thought to distract him.

Folpace throws his knife at his grounded adversary, but Jaune manages to block it with his prosthetic arm and in the process causes the knife to get embedded into his prosthetic arm, causing it to malfunction and glitch out.

Jaune grunts in pain when the knife gets embedded on his arm, he grabs hold the knife pulls it off and tosses it aside. Folpace exploited this and tackles him on the ground, and starts strangling him to death.

"Die! Just die already!" Folpace growls angrily, "...your terror ends here Butcher!"

Just as Jaune is almost out of breath, he looks to the side and sees the knife he tossed aside. Taking advantage of Folpace's full focus on strangling him to death, he reaches out for the knife and grabs hold of it.

He caught the Twi'lek by surprise and delivers the final blow. He stabs the knife on his opponent's neck causing him to let go of the Arc, giving him enough time to breathe.

He watch as the Twi'lek Resistance fighter staggers and grabs hold of his neck as he chokes on his own blood. When he removed the knife from his neck, Folpace soon falls on the ground as his life leaves his eyes.

He just failed his mission of killing the Butcher of Ryloth.

Jaune let's out a breath of relief before looking back at the skirmish between the Twi'lek slaves and the B2 Super Battle Droids. He sees that the Twi'lek just came out victorious from the skirmish, though only two Twi'lek slaves are left for Jaune to get rid of.

After the Twi'lek slaves took care of the B2 Droids, they turn their attention to the Separatist Colonel. They immediately fire their blasters at him but Jaune manages jump to the side, avoiding the blaster fire. It seems Jaune isn't done with the fight.

Meanwhile with the Twi'lek resistance and slaves, this fight is not turning to heir favor.

Their Moral is weakened along with what courage they have left, the Droids exploited this and swiftly decimated any more form of resistance from within the capital.

At a corridor, some Twi'lek slaves are having a skirmish with a Droid Battalion, they use the pillars as cover from the incoming laser bolts from the Droid's attack. One of them tried to encourage the rest of the slaves to fight on, but they are too demoralized to do so.

"{Keep fighting! We can still win this!}" The Twi'lek slave encourages with hope in his voice while firing a few potshots with his blaster, but his comrades don't share his sentiment.

"{W-we can't keep fighting like this! We have lost!}" A Twi'lek slave argues, as he continues to cower behind the pillar.

"{No we haven't-}" He was able to finish when a blaster bolt went starlight through his head.

The Twi'lek cower further behind the pillars, too afraid to even fight on. It's clear to the Twi'leks, they lost.

The Droids firing on them sees that the Twi'leks are now losing their ground. One the B1 Battle Droids relays to his comrades.

"We got them where we want them, press the attack!" The B1-series Battle Droid ordered before firing on the enemy's position.

They continue to put pressure on the attack on Twi'lek slaves.

At the Throne room, Jaune panted tiredly. The droids in the room were all destroyed but Jaune managed to fight back the Twi'Leks and come out the victor from the sudden a attack of the slaves. Only all the bodies of Slave attacks are on the floor, alongside his Droids.

The droids outside finished off the last of the resistance. The Resistance is surrounded by all sides. If they attempt to retreat any forces Syndulla has left will be killed in the process.

Cham Syndulla knew this is his last stand, if he dies then the rest of the Resistance dies with it, along with his vision of a free Ryloth.

Suddenly, a blaster bolt hits him square in the chest and he falls off his Bluurg.

And with Cham Syndulla taking his finale breath, the resistance died out. Any remains survivors were quickly killed off and none were spared.

The Twi'lek Resistance is no more.

Back in the room with Jaune, he is looking down at the recently killed Twi'Lek woman that was trying to kill him and Tambor while the gears in his head turned.

It dawn to him the only reason that the Techno Union wants Ryloth is because that greedy Skakoan Tambor wants it for it's treasure. Something that doesn't stand for the values of the Separatist.

A thought came in mind.

If Tambor were to, say, DIE, then the Techno Union wouldn't want Ryloth anymore and someone from the Separatist Parliament who is more responsible could take over as governer.

And... Now that he thinks about it... Jaune looks around and the discovers the room doesn't seem to have any cameras... good.

Wat Tambor comes out of hiding after the fighting died down, he approaches him and gratefully said, "Colonel, I believe thanks should be in order. You saved my life, for that you will be given a large sum of the Twi'Lek treasury and maybe a slave girl or two, as this is a Separatist victory and the fall of Resistance!"

Jaune didn't turn to look at him, there was silence before he eerily replies with his back turned.

"Yes. It's just a shame that was unable to save you... from the Twi'Leks."

Before Wat Tambor could react or respond, Jaune then whips around and shoots Tambor three times in the chest and once in the face before the Skakoan falls dead on the floor.

Jaune just stands there looking at the dead Skakoan with resentment in eyes as he harshly said, "The Twi'lek will no longer be suffering under your rule..."

After looking at the body for a good 6 minutes, a Tactical Droid, followed by a couple of Battle Droids, finally run into the room.

TA-175 glance at the dead Skakoan on the floor before looking at the Colonel of this assault.

"Colonel, what has happened?" TA-175 asked the Colonel Arc.

Jaune makes up the story that it was the Twi'Lek resistance fighters that killed Tambor. The droids are easily fooled by this made up story and TA-175 went to report to Count a Dooku of this unfortunate event while Jaune recovers from injuries.

Just a few minutes later TA-175 returns back to Jaune and says.

"I reported to Count Dooku of what happened. With Wat Tambor dead, you will take temporary leadership of the occupation." The tactical Droid informs him.

"I'm aware," Jaune puts his blaster a way, "...and if I'm the temporary leader of Ryloth, then we will do things my way."

"What should we do?" TA-175 inquire.

Jaune eyed all the droids and stated, "We can now focus on fixing the damage he has done to Ryloth. We'll first start fixing their homes, improving their livelihood and provide the necessary supplies they need."

The Tactical Droid sees the logic in this and says, "In return, the populace will willingly accept Separatist Occupation with minimum resistance."

"Yes... you're correct." Jaune confirmed, "However it would be a long way to fix relations with the Twi'leks. We should start the operations now! Prepare all the necessary supplies for distribution, let's make the people of Ryloth know that they are under new management."

TA-175 nods in acknowledgement before exiting the room to give the new orders that was given.

Just a few hours later, Jaune and TA-175 are in side the command center, before the Arc asked.

"Are the convoys ready?" He ask the Tactical Droid.

The Tactical Droid looks away from his datapad to Jaune and replies, "Affirmative... approximately we have twenty MTT filled supplies, from food, water and clothing."

He looks back at the Datapad, "...I don't think this will be enough to sustain all the villages."

"Then we split the convoy," Jaune said, "...two MTTs to each settlement, the supplies will last for a week before resupply. At this moment we don't have the resources to supply every village affected by Emir Tambor's we atleast can show we are here to improve their livelihood and we are different from him."

"I agree with this solution..."

Just like that Jaune and TA-175 stood outside the balcony of the command centre and supervise the operation. They watch as twenty MTTs drive out of the capital with AATs providing the convoy protection.

Jaune lets out a satisfied smile, things are about to chance for the better for the Twi'lek people.

When the convoy arrived to one of the ruined settlements, the Twi'lek people are frightened as they cower at the sight of the same war machines that attack their homes.

When the hatch of the MTT opens, they flinch expecting a battalion of Droids to be deployed but instead they are meet with a surprising sight. Instead of droids, they are supply crates.

The people are stunned but became more stunned when the Droids accompanying convoy started distributing supplies to them, many were hesitant to approach the droids.

One of the B1 Droids offers a supply crate to one of the Twi'lek family.

They hesitantly accept it, but when they opened the supply crate it's contained with food, water and medicine.

The family look stunned by this kind gesture before looking at the B1 Droid and as the father asked, "{Why are you giving us this?}"

What the Battle Droid said afterwards left them speechless, "Emir Tambor has been killed, Colonel Jaune Arc is taking temporary leadership of the Ryloth Occupation. He is ordering all the damage that has been caused to be fixed and supplies to be distributed. Especially improving the livelihood of the Twi'lek people."

The Villagers fell silent at the announcement, the cruel Skakoan Emir of Ryloth is dead and Jaune Arc the temporarily the new leader of Ryloth. To hear that the Separatist Officer, who has been executing orders to raid their villages and also undermining Wat Tambor's rule is now the new governer brought shock to all of them.

After a few seconds of silence the Twi'leks rejoice!

This is happening throughout each settlement of Ryloth, the Twi'leks are rejoicing and celebrating that Jaune Arc, the Separatist Officer they once feared and now respect, cheers for their freedom from the tyrannical rule of the Separatist Council Member, Wat Tambor.

An added bonus to that, Jaune has his droids return all the stolen treasure back to the people. 

As this was going on, Jaune at the moment is being interrogated by the Separatist Council, or put in trail as how you put it through via holographic transmission in the Command Centre of Lessu. When word of Wat Tambor's death is heard many of the Separatist Council Member Express their disdain towards the Arc for not protecting one of their important members, except Poggle the Lesser.

"/Do you have any idea why you are here?/"

"I'm aware..." Jaune says, "...I'm place in trail for the failure of protecting Wat Tambor from the Twi'leks."

After Jaune takes over the Ryloth occupation and he tells the Separatist Council HIS version about Wat Tambor's death. Everyone seems to buy or fall for it, except for a certain force user.

Dooku of course knows that's a lie, and can only guess that Jaune was the one to kill Tambor, but he doesn't say anything because he is impressed.

He thinks to himself, '..If only he was born Force Sensitive, he would make an excellent apprentice. Oh well...'

The most of the Separatist leaders aren't satisfied with his explanation of how he died.

"/I vote that the Colonel Jaune should be removed from service entirely!/" Viceroy Gunray proposed, much to Jaune's surprise.

Nute Gunray looks at the rest of the Council and explained, "/...How can we put our trust for his protection when he failed to protect one of our council member, Foreman Wat Tambor from a bunch of slaves!/"

"/I agree, with his statement./" San Hill, a male Muun and Chairman of the Banking Clan, agrees with the Neimodian's proposal, "/...if Colonel Jaune Arc wasn't able to do the simple task of protecting the Foreman, then what use is he./"

Jaune felt insulted by such claim.

To everyone's surprise Poggle the Lesser came to his defense.

"/{This just a minor setback. This is first time he failed./}"

"/How is this a minor setback?!/" Viceroy Gunragy argued to the Geonosian, "/We were just fortunate that Count Dooku was able to convince the Techno Union to remain to support us if not they would joined the Republic! His incompetence nearly cause us the support of the Techno Union!/"

"/{The boy is more competent you previously think Viceroy}./" Poggle the Lesser countered, "/{...if you believe demoting or suspending from service him due to his failure would help the Separatist cause then you are sorely mistaken. While he indeed failed to save or protect Foreman Wat Tambor he at least got the Planet to support the Separatist! And should I remind you his efforts so far has benefited the cause and help us gain more Allies than we previously have, he's after all slowly gaining more recognition from the Separatist territories as a whole and I don't think our supporters people would be happy to hear the Separatist Council demoting or even executing one of the best Separatist Officers over a small misstep, Viceroy.}/"

Everyone, including Jaune Arc, are stunned by the Geonosian's defense on the Arc and they're quite surprise to hear such high respect from a Geonosian of things.

Geonosians are known for their xenophobia towards outsiders and it's surprising that Jaune Arc is one of the few rare exception, probably because he speaks Geonosians fluently and befriended a few of them which earned him the respect of many Geonosians.

Another separatist council member supports his statement.

"/I agree./" Tikkes, a male Quaren and member of the Separatist Council, agrees, "/...despite his failure, Mr. Arc's did benefit the Separatist Cause. As Archduke Poggle stated, he is after all slowly gaining recognition and I believe it has inspired some of my people to join the Separatists Military./"

"/Especially the Separatist Militia Program that Mr. Arc proposed." Senator Pa Nudo added, "...not only it strengthen the effectiveness of the local militia against the republic, it also bolsters the war effort. Including potential Military Commanders./"

Murmurs of agreement is heard amongst Council. Jaune is delighted to hear that some of the Separatist Council are defending him.

Hearing this shift of opinion amongst of the council, Viceroy Gunray looks at Count Dooku, "/My Lord, please surely you will not leave this transgressions unpunished? He has failed-/"

"/I'm aware, but we should be open minded of Emir Tambor's progress in the Ryloth System./" Count Dooku said, "/So far he wasn't able to keep the Twi'lek under control and instead lose control of it. And if it weren't for Colonel Jaune Arc, Ryloth would not be supportive of the Separatist as it has now. Though, it did benefit the cause as a whole./"

Poggle the Lesser nodded in agreement with some agreeing to his logic while Viceroy Gunray express his disdain and disapproval along with a few members.

Count Dooku looks back at Jaune and declares.

"/...and it is therefore the decision of the Head Council Member that Colonel Jaune Arc is be cleared of any insubordination and failure during the occupation in Ryloth. Dismissed./"

Most of the Council Members, except a select few such as Poggle the Lesser, express their dissatisfaction by such decision but it was made nonetheless.

One by one, they cut of their transmissions leaving Dooku and Jaune. Dooku looks at the Colonel and stated.

"/You will continue to manage Ryloth until the Parliament sends someone to take over as governor. You will have supplies distributed to in matter of hours./

"/And what of the Techno Union? Who is going to take leadership?/" Jaune asked.

"/After Foreman Tambor's death, his brother Hristo Tambor has taken over as the new foreman of the Techno Union and pledge their full support to the Separatist./" Count Dooku answered, "/...besides that, be sure you continue to keep stability over the planet and keep it from republic hands./"

"Yes my lord." Jaune nods in acknowledgement.

With that said, Count Dooku cuts communication. Jaune lets out a sigh of relief before walking to the balcony of the Command Centre.

He leans on the rails, and watches as the sun set. He knows he has a lot of damage to fix and he will show the Twi'lek that he and Separatist Movement are not what many perceived them.

He will show the Twi'leks what the Separatist truly stand for;

Freedom and Independence from the Republic.

He will fight on this galactic scale war and until it is over or die trying.

For he is Jaune Arc! Colonel of the Separatist Alliance!


To be continued

Well this chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter and I apologize for the long delay, I have too much stories to focus on and arts to finish, including the college task I have to focus on aswell.

A/N: Also, if I did the dimensions theater, I wonder how will Team RWBY, (J)NPR or other RWBY characters react to this when they reach this part.

Also, I want give huge thanks to GhostFang12 who helped me in this chapter and don't forget to check out.his content.
Stay tuned for chapter chapter 10!

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