Chapter 8: Ryloth PT1

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A/N: OKAY! Chapter 8 is finished! I hope you all enjoy this!
A/N 2: Also this chapter's words are over 10,000 words!


After the vortex appeared out of nowhere and disappeared, many questions were raised, mainly from Captain Mar Tuuk. There is no doubt the Nemodian Captain will report this unexpected phenomenon to Count Dooku, and he expects the Count will ask or interrogate Jaune if he knows what was on the other side of the Vortex.

But the person who has more questions in his head is non-other than Jaune Arc himself.

He is sat down on his command chair as his droids work on the Bridge's monitors or console; checking on its status and condition. Making sure everything is operational and functional.

Buts there's questions in the Arc's mind now; Why now? Why did that vortex appear in front of him? Why did a vortex to Remnant appear before him after all these years? Why now? Just why? None of these makes sense.


He was broken out of his train of thought by OOM-116 and looks at his SIC.

"...sir... if it's too much to ask, but are you alright?"

Jaune sighs sadly as he says, "....maybe... or maybe not... I don't know how to feel at this moment... why are you asking?" He asked as he looks away.

"...well..." OOM-116 Trailer off as he scratches the back of his helm.

It's not every day a Droid question's your well being, OOM-116 is different. Due Jaune has upgraded his software and programming to be more efficient in battle and strategy, "...after that vortex appeared disappeared, you've been looking depress or upset ever since."

Jaune looks at his SIC before he sighs sadly.

He says to his SIC, "...if I have to be genuine with you OOM-116... when that vortex appeared and it showed me that planet, it brought me a lot of memories..."

"What type of memories?"

Jaune then narrows his eyes, "...painful memories... that planet was actually my home..."

OOM-116 and the other Pilot Droids, who stopped their task, look at the Arc in shock.

"Wait that was your home?!" OOM-116 exclaims.

Jaune didn't react to their exclamation of shock, but nods in confirmation.

The Droids glance at each other, before looking back at the Arc.

"So... what happened?" OOM-116 asked.

Jaune looks around to the see the Droids, in the bridge, looking at him for an explanation. This somewhat surprises the Arc in some way as he never expects his own Droids to pry in more questions regarding his past in Remnant.

There's no point to hide it, he'll have to explain to Dooku what he knows on the other side of the vortex.

Jaune sighs before leaning a bit forward, "...alright, I'll you everything from the very beginning, but first let me tell you the planet I used to live in..."

The Droids stood or sat there, listening to what the Colonel has to say. Jaune then begins, "...That planet we saw in the vortex is Remnant and my former home, there are four Kingdoms of Remnant. Vale, Vacuo, Atlas, and Mistral..."

Jaune then explains to his droids of each Kingdom's own distinct culture, like Atlas is known for its martial nature and technological advancement, and Vacuo for its rough-and-tumble lifestyle.

Then Jaune explains to them, the inhabitants of Remnant.

" we have, it's inhabitants are both the humans and their sub-species the, Faunus..."

"Faunus? What are they?" One of the Pilot Droid asked.

"The Faunus, they resemble humans in appearance but are easily distinguishable by their traits of animals, such as cat ears, bunny ears, etcetera, etcetera... the list goes on..."

OOM-116 then speculated, "...If there are two different species living in Remnant, I believe that both the humans and Faunus didn't get along that easily, right?"

"...Unfortunately, you're correct about that." He confirms, "...Most Humans in Remnant are like humans in this galaxy in the Inner-rim worlds, always viewing themselves superior to the rest. They used the Faunus' differences to exploit them for their own benefit and they continue to discriminate against them after years of co-existence. From what I've read in Remnant's past history, a Great War took place. Though this war is not on a galactic scale like ours, more so it's a planetary scale conflict, but it's considered one of the deadliest wars in Remnant. Its a war between the four kingdoms of Remnant." Jaune explains, before continuing, "...After the Great War, the Faunus have been given equal rights and the continent known as Menagerie as compensation for previous treatment."

Jaune pauses, as he looks at droids listening before continuing, "...however, not everyone is really satisfied with the outcome..."

The Droids around him listened to what Jaune has to say.

The Arc the goes on to explain the Faunus Right Revolution, "...not long after the Faunus receive their equal rights and Menagerie, some humans attempt to countermand the equal rights and confine them in Menagerie. When the Faunus learned of these actions the Faunus revolted, starting another war, a war between the humans and Faunus. This is known as the 'Faunus Right Revolution...' similar to what we are doing right now."

He continues, "...though I'm not sure if the Faunus are successful in their revolution, from I've witnessed so far many Faunus now live in human society. I believe that they are able to achieve the equal rights they needed. However, there is still Faunus discrimination across many parts on Remnant ..."

Jaune the goes on to explain the discrimination the Faunus has to face to his droids, he then tells them about the White Fang; once a peaceful organization to improve relations between Faunus and Humans, now a Terrorist group trying to achieve the respect the Faunus through the use of fear and terrorism, not respect. He even stated that many people, including the Faunus, greatly dislike and criticizing the method the White Fang uses to gain respect through fear. This only worsens the relations between humans and Faunus.

After Jaune finishes with his explanation to his Droids, he can help but compare both the White Fang and CIS since both goals in a way feels similar; Freedom, equality, independence, and fighting against tyranny.

Jaune then begins again, " we have the Huntsmen and Huntresses..."

"Huntsmen and Huntresses, are somewhat like Jedi except they don't use the force. They use these abilities, called semblance and aura."

"Semblance and Aura?" One of the Droids asked.

"Yes... those are the main abilities that Huntsmen and Huntresses use in battle, both defense and offense purposes..." Jaune Arc explains before he explains to the best of his knowledge about Aura and semblance.

"Aura is an ability that all those with a soul can use, at least with enough practice. Aura is mainly used for defense, sometimes ever used in offensive purposes. Anyone with aura can have their wounds heal automatically, not by will. There are more techniques that people use with aura, depending on the semblance, that I could make a whole novel about it. Anyways, Aura is the manifestation of the soul, it can appear very differently depending on who is using it. Like mine, for example, my Aura is white." Jaune explains.

" next we have is semblance. Semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user. With the sheer number of people unlocking their Semblances, it can lead to unrelated people gaining similar abilities. The nature of one's Semblance is noted as representing an aspect of their character." Jaune explained and paused.

He continues his explanation or story.

"...while they are indeed the so-called keepers of the peace and guardians of the innocents. They are trained in these Huntsmen and huntresses Academies that were built in each kingdom. The four main Huntsmen Academies are Beacon Academy in Vale, Shade Academy in Vacuo, Atlas Academy in Atlas, and finally Haven Academy in Mistral."

Jaune pauses before he continues.

"...unlike the Jedi, they don't take away babies and bring them to academies, they are given a choice to be enrolled."

Jaune's face turns into a frown.

"..However, that doesn't mean they no better than the Jedi themselves." He states bitterly, remembering the times they have tormented him during Beacon Academy.

"Wait, What?" The droids Look at him in surprise.

"...Unlike the Jedi, most Huntsmen only care for two things; Fame and Glory." Jaune states angrily, "...And I admit, I was training to be a Huntsman..."

The Droids are even more surprised by this revelation, "Wait what!?"

"Yes... I was a former Huntsman-in-training..."

The Droid just stood shocked by the information, they didn't think Jaune Arc used to be a Huntsman-in-training, they were all under the assumption he was just a random citizen from Remnant.

"If you were does that men you have-"

"If you mean a semblance, no I don't... I still have not discovered it yet." Jaune cuts him off before he could finish.

" what happened? Why don't you want to return back to Remnant?" OOM-116 questioned.

Jaune became silent when he was asked that. He remains quiet as the memories being tormented in that forsaken Academy crawl on his mind, the times he was hurt physically, psychologically, and mentally.

Jaune then spoke with anger evident in his voice, "...I was betrayed..."


Jaune leans back on the command chair and exhales before he spoke, " happened in Beacon Academy ten years ago, I was seventeenth at that time. I desperately want to enroll myself in Beacon Academy, after hearing all the achievements of what my great grandfather did during the Great War. His actions inspired me and I want to be just like him... however... my family doesn't have any beliefs in me other than my sister Saphron. I want to prove myself, so I left home and cheated my way into Beacon by using a false transcript."

He continues his backstory, "...After the initiation, we have teams formed..."

Jaune goes to explain how the torment all has begun. Starting off from his first week of Beacon, being bullied by Cardin, telling Pyrrha the truth of cheating his way to Beacon, which resulted in her letting her Pride blind her to see reason and abandoned him on the rooftop. Being blackmailed by Cardin and forced to do his dirty work, nearly turned against his own team and instead turned against Cardin from hurting his own team, before he saved his pathetic life from an Ursa.

He explained to his droids, he warns Cardin to stay away from his team and never bothers him again which resulted in Winchester revealing his entire secret to the Academy. Thus resulted in everyone, including his so-called friends and team, to turn on him except, Ruby and Team CFVY as they are the only students to show and care for an understanding of his intentions.

Their pride in being enrolled to Beacon Academy greatly blinds them from reason or even see Jaune's good intentions despite cheating his way in. He then goes to explain he was disowned by his Father, leaving Beacon for good and lastly, trying to save the village from a Grimm attack, he tried to escape after the villagers have escaped from danger but instead got pursued and chassis by the Grimm which resulted in his right arm getting bitten off, attempted to end his life but ended up here in Raxus.

"...And there you have it...that's what happened..." Jaune said as he looked at his droids with a sad expression, still pained from the past he once has endured.

The Droids stared at him, but he can feel OOM-116 feeling bad for what his colonel has to go endure.

"So... did you cheat your way into the Officer Academy as well?" OOM-116 hesitatingly asked.

"No... I didn't, it doesn't require a transcript, rather it's more of an enlistment." Jaune states.

"Well, should we report this to Count Dooku?" One of the Pilot droids asked.

"In due time... I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell him of this... Plus, I believe it's best if we don't make contact or conquer Remnant during this wartime."

"So... why don't you want to conquer Remnant?" Another Pilot Droid asked.

"The reason why I see no point conquering Remnant; It's a huge waste of resources to conquer a planet I no longer care for, and the last thing I need is the Republic finding Remnant and bunch of subgroups of wannabe Jedi fighting us. Plus there's I have a distinct feeling they are not in the same galaxy as ours a, also it's a possibility we might never come back if we enter the vortex." Jaune stated these reasons.

He continues, "Selfish? Yes, it does sound selfish, but we have a war to win. As much it hurts me not to see my sister and friends again, but the goals of the Separatist alliance are priority over everything else."

Jaune then sighs sadly, "...even if it means to lose the opportunity to see them again."

"...I... I feel sorry for you sir..."

"It's okay OOM-116." Jaune says to his SIC before he sighs, "...I don't know if I should tell Count Dooku about this..."

A familiar voice was heard.

"[ that so, Colonel?]"

Jaune gasp in fright at the sound of Dooku's voice as he frantically looks around to find where the voice came from, the same with the OOM-116 and the other Pilot Droids.

Then the hologram of Count Dooku appears before the Colonel, looking at him with a frown.

"[ to explain yourself, Jaune Arc?]"

Jaune shook in fear. His eyes never leaving the Count, who still has a frown on his face.

"Oh, um... Count Dooku, I didn't expect you to be-"

Count Dooku interrupts his eyes never wavering, "[...To be listening to your origin and how you used to a Huntsman-In-Training, the torment you go through you came before you arrived at Raxus.]"

Jaune is now even more scared of what he just said.

How could he not shake in fear? Jaune Arc has unintentionally revealed his true origins to the Leader of the Separatist Alliance without knowing! Now the Hologram of Count Dooku is standing before, waiting for an answer.

Immediately he hopped out of his command chair and kneels on the ground in all fours, in a pleading matter.

"Forgive me, my lord!"

Jaune continues to tremble in front of the Count with his head down, not wanting to make eye-contact.

"[...I'm disappointed that you didn't tell us of your true origins sooner, especially the knowledge of Aura and Semblance you keep for yourself. It could have benefitted the Separatist War effort.]" Count Dooku stated, his voice in a stern tone made Jaune remain quiet as he continues.

"[And I believe your knowledge in Aura and Semblance is limited, given that you don't have your semblance active yet, correct?]" He deduces making Jaune more nervous.

"I'm sorry, my lord. I didn't mean to hide such information, I thought they were irrelevant..." Jaune apologized, still with his head down, waiting for his punishment.

"]Though while it's unfortunate, I believe it's very beneficial that you lack knowledge of both Aura and Semblance...]" Jaune then looks at the Count in surprise that he said that.


"[You see as you stated before I made my presence known, if you still have the knowledge of Aura and Semblance and word spread of this, there is no doubt that that the republic will attempt to capture you and interrogate you for said knowledge for this use on their own soldiers. However, these Aura and semblance pale in comparison with the force.]"

Count Dooku states bluntly at the stunned Arc.

"[And given your past experience in Beacon Academy, you're achieving something that no huntsmen and huntresses are unable to achieve...]"

Jaune looks at the Count stunned.

"And what would that be my lord?"

"[ partaking on this galactic war; a fight for freedom and independence for the people Outer Rim colonies. I believe this makes you one of the first natives of Remnant to be apart of the Separatist.]"

This makes Jaune in ease a bit, seeing the Count is no longer somewhat disappointed in him. Though Count Dooku makes a point though, if word of Aura and Semblances spread Jaune would be targeted for capture by the Republic so they could utilize their troops with Aura and Semblance, It's for the best that Jaune has limited knowledge in Aura and Semblance.

"I... I appreciate the compliment." Jaune said gratefully.

"[...Also, I would like to inform you that the Hutt Cartel has joined the Separatist Alliance.]" Count Dooku stated.

This completely caught Jaune off-guard, not the same as Count Dooku finding out of his origin.

"What!? When did this happen?"

"[It happened not long after Jabba the Hutt, one of the leaders of the Hutt Cartel blamed Republic for the kidnapping and murder of his son, Rotta. The Hutt Cartel willingly joined the Separatist and we have access to their hyperspace lanes, also traded resources with us, connecting divided Separatist Territories, and dividing the Republic Territories. This has proved beneficial to the war effort for the Separatist, as a massive chunk of the Outer Rim has joined the Separatist Alliance.]" Count Dooku explained to the surprise Arc.

Jaune froze in shock, the Hutt Cartel joins the Separatists? One of the biggest factions that own almost half the Outer Rim? This is mind-blowing to the Arc as he didn't expect this to happen. But Jaune beams at the news, with Hutt Cartel joining the Separatists this will no doubt help with the War Effort.

"...that, that sounds excellent sir!" Jaune exclaims.

"[Precisely... you may continue your task at hand.]"

Jaune looks surprised, that he isn't getting punished for hiding something important, "...Am I not in trouble?"

"[Though while you did hide your origins from us, It's understandable why you kept something valuable from us since it serves as a double-edged sword. Along with that, you have proven your worth to the Separatist; I see no point in punishing you... for now.]"

The Count Dooku cuts transmission before Jaune sat on his command chair lets out a sigh of relief. The atmosphere has become less tense and calmer.

He needs to take a breather.

~Small Timeskip~

After Jaune has recuperated from his discussions with Count Dooku, he stood in attention as the Holograms Mar Tuuk, who says in his control chair, and Wat Tambor, the new governor of the Separatist Occupied Ryloth, appeared before them.

"[Captain are you prepared?]" Wat Tambor asked.

"[Our blockade is impenetrable.]" Captain Tuuk, confidently reported, "[...When the Republic attacks they will get quite a surprise.]"

Then Jaune interjects, "Sir, from my experience I don't think it's a good idea to underestimate the enemy." He said catching both of their attention, "...They could have a trick up to their sleeves."

"[Oh, are you in charge of this operation, Colonel?]" Mar Tuuk challenged him, he yes narrowed at him.

"Uh, no. I'm just-"

"[Then don't question my strategy Jaune Arc! I know what I'm doing, I have more experience than you, Colonel!]" He scolded the Arc.

Jaune sighs, "...yes, Captain..."

"[I'm counting on you, Captain. We cannot allow the Republic to invade this planet.]" Tambor reminded, before he looks at Jaune, "[...especially you as well Colonel Jaune, I have expectations of you.]"

"You do?" Jaune looks in surprise.

"[Yes, Admiral Trench has been talking highly about your achievements; the occupation of Christophsis, then the defense of Rodia, and recently defense of the Blockade in Christophsis.]" Wat Tambor remarked, he remembered how he overhearing Admiral Trench talking highly of him not too long ago before the Arc's arrival.

"Huh... I did not expect that." Jaune stated.

"[I have high expectations of you Colonel, don't disappoint me.]"

Wat Tambor then cuts transmission, ending communications with the blockade captain and colonel of the Blockade.

Mar Tuuk looks at Jaune Arc, "[Colonel Jaune Arc, are your prepared Frigates ready?]"

"Affirmative, my fleet is prepared and ready to attack," Jaune states to the Blockade Captain.

"[Good...]" He nods in acknowledgment, "[...make sure we decimated much of their forces as we can...]" he advises before cuts transmission.

Jaune then goes to give his own orders to the droids under his command to have everything operational for the incoming battle.

"OOM-116, have our fighters ready for deployment for the incoming battle. Make sure everything remains operational and functional as possible for the assault.

"Roger Roger..."

~Small timskip~

After a few minutes of preparation, one of the droids alerts him.

"Sir! Enemy ships are exiting out of Hyperspace!"

As soon the Pilot Droid said those words, three Venator came out of Hyperspace before the blockade. Jaune orders his droids to be ready for battle, as the enemy Venators sends out their fighters at them, led by Ashoka Tano.

"Sir, Navigation Computer confirms multiple enemy fighters are heading our way."

Taking this information in mind, Jaune quickly activates his transmission to Mar Tuuk, "Sir, Enemy ships have sent out enemy fighters, permission to send out our own?"

Mar Tuuk says, "[Affirmative Colonel, Launch all Fighters!]"

Jaune nodded and ordered his droids to launch a small portion of his fighters, but he conserves many of his Vulture Droid squadrons in case something else had happened to them.

Mar Tuuk did the same, but he has launched all of his droid fighters to the Republic Fighters.

Their droids relaying the order, informing the Vulture droids that were clamped on the outer hull of the Lucrehulk-Battleship, Munificent-Class Frigates, and Jaune's Munificent Frigate, convert into their flight mode and flew towards the incoming enemy fighters.

As soon the fighters are in range, both fighters engage each other in a dogfight.

In the Lucrehulk, Mar Tuuk sat on his control chair observing a holographic image of the Venator leading this attack, Anakin's new flagship, after he ordered the identification of the ship.

"Hm... this must be General Skywalker's New Flagship, I wonder want to happen to his previous flagship." Mar Tuuk commented, "...he is leading this attack."

He recognized the new Flagship of the Jedi, but wonders what happened to his previous Venator that is dubbed, 'Resolute.'

He remembers the 'Resolute' was Anakin's old Flagship, the Republic Venator that helped the Republic win multiple Victories during the early days of the war, but it came to a surprise when the 'Resolute' was destroyed during the assault on the Christophsis Blockade, ending its service of the war.

That until a thought came in Mar Tuuk mind's, 'Wait... if Colonel Arc was presented during the Defense of the Blockade of Christophsis at the same time Skywalker's flagship was destroyed... does this mean, Colonel Arc, was the one that-"

Before he would continue his train of thought, one of the Droid Pilots informs him, "Sir! Their Pilots are closing fast!"

Mar Tuuk looks at him and confidently states, "Patience, let's see what trickery the Jedi has planned for us."

Meanwhile in the helm of the 'Huntsman', one of the Pilot Droid informs the Arc who is stood up, watching the battle before him.

"Sir, Enemy Fighters are closing fast."

"I'm aware, have our point-defense turrets primed and ready, and prepare to call in reinforcements until Captain Tuuk gives the order." Jaune said before he thought, 'Whatever he has on mind has to work...'

"By your Command!" The Pilot Droid complies.

On the space battle ahead, the Republic fighters are making quick work on the Separatist Fighters, dwindling their numbers before a squadron of fighters led by Ashoka Tano made their way towards the blockade.

OOM-Command Droid then informs him of a squadron of fighters heading towards their position.

"Sir, squadrons of fighters are attacking." The Command Droid then gestures, "They have a clear path right to us."

Mar Tuuk simply grinned, "Now it's the time to bring in our reinforcements!"

The droids on the bridge console went to do their task.

"Battle Cruiser 17..."

"Battle Cruiser 19, attack Formation!"

The Neimodian Captain then activates the hologram transmission of Jaune Arc and orders.

"Colonel Arc, time to spring the trap! Send in your fleet!"

Jaune Arc nodded as he relayed the order to the rest of his droid to deploy the rest in his small fleet.

"Call in reinforcements!" Jaune relayed the order to the rest of his droids.

"Roger Roger." The Droid complied and sent a transmission to his fleet to join the blockade.

Ashoka's small squadron of fighters was heading right to the Separatist fleet, until four Munificent Frigates exits out of hyperspace, springing the trap.

Despite this, Ashoka still continues her assault towards the Blockade despite her Master and Admiral Yuleran's protest, thus left her squadron to be surrounded by the Vulture Droids on all sides.

In the Lucrehulk, Mar Tuuk's Command Droid observes the holographic screen as he reports.

"Sir, we have them surrounded."

"Good..." Mar Tuuk grins, satisfied his plan is working accordingly.

In the 'Huntsman' Jaune watches the battle unfolds before him as the Clone Fighters are getting decimated by droid fighters. He almost feels for them, almost.

OOM-116 then reports.

"Sir, the Enemy Fighters Are surrounded!" OOM-116 informs him.

"Well, good news..." Jaune watch as the enemy squadron of fighters still trying to break their line, " whoever leading those Republic fighters to continue their attack on is either desperate or foolish."

"I would say it's both," OOM-116 said bluntly.

He watches the battle turning to their favor, for now, Mar Tuuk has sent the majority of his fighters to attack the Venators, mainly just using suicidal attacks into the Venator while Jaune has his fighters stay close to the blockade while keeping the Republic Fighters pushed back, also sending out a small squad of bombers to assist them in taking down the Venator.

In the Mar Tuuk's Lucrehulk, a Command Droid approaches him and informs, "Sir, the Republic Space forces are in retreat, shall we pursue?"

"No, do not break out formation..." Mar Tuuk then smirks, "...let those cowards run!"

While in the helm of the 'Huntsman' OOM-116 approaches and informs Colonel Jaune Arc.

"Colonel, the Republic is in retreat."

"Hm... looks like things are going well as expected..." Jaune states, "Emir Tambor would be please of these results."

"Affirmative..." OOM-116 then looks at the Republic Space Force getting decimated as he asked, "...Who in the name of the Maker thought it was a good idea to continue a Starfighter Assault despite being outnumbered?"

"Maybe a child was leading them!" One of the Pilot droids, B1-099, joked looking at the Command Droid and Colonel.

Jaune and the OOM-Command Droid laughed at that statement.

Meanwhile, Ashoka and her squadron are falling back to Venators as the Vulture Droids pursue them until Ashoka sneezed all of sudden.

"[You got a cold?]" One of the Clone Pilots asked through the com.

"No... I think someone just made a joke about me." Ashoka said as she dodged the incoming fighters attacking them from behind.

"[What Wait?]"

After after a few minutes of fighting, what's left of the Republic squadron returned to back to the fleet, but in the process, one of the Venators were destroyed by his Hyena bombers.

Venators are without fighter support or protection thus making them vulnerable from any fighter attacks. Mar Tuuk's Vulture Droid and Jaune's Hyena Droid Bombers broke through their lines and started attacking the Venators.

From the helm of 'The Huntsman' Jaune watch as the there Venators are getting decimated by both Droid fighters and Bombers.

The Republic fighters entered the hanger doors, and the Venators soon turned to retreated into hyperspace, leaving the Separatist to victorious for now.

"Sir, the Republic has fallen back," OOM-116 reported the obvious to Jaune.

"I can see that." Jaune said, "...recall our fighters and have them recharged. I have a feeling the Republic will soon be back, from what I know they don't fall back without dealing enough damage to them."

OOM-116 nodded to Jaune's statement before he relayed the order for both fighters and bombers to return to cruisers. What's left of Mar Tuuk's Vulture Droid Squadron falls back to the Lucrehulk while the Vulture Droids under Jaune's Command returns back to his Munificent Frigates.

After Jaune has his forces replenished, he and are Mar Tuuk are asked of an update regarding the blockade by Wat Tambor through holographic communication.

"[Captain and Colonel, what was the status of the Enemy Attack?]" He asked both of them,

Jaune informs him first, "The Republic was pushed back, they suffered multiple and with that, they lost one of their Venators when they retreated in the process. As for the blockade, none of our battle cruisers were destroyed."

"[The Colonel is correct, the Jedi were crushed of course! They fled the system as their ships went up in flames.]" Mar Tuuk stayed confidently.

Jaune's eyes widen at the captain's first sentence.

"Wait, A JEDI?!"

"[Yes a Jedi was leading this attack, by General Skywalker himself...]" Mar Tuuk said to the surprise Colonel since he was unaware the Jedi were leading this assault he thought he was facing Admirals of the Republic.

"General Skywalker?" Jaune exclaims.

Ignoring Jaune's exclamation, the Emir of Ryloth congratulated both of them.

"[I suppose congratulations are in order but do not underestimate Jedi.]" He warns to both of them before cutting the transmission.

Mar Tuuk them asked the Command Droid behind him without looking.

"[Commander, bring me the archive data on General Skywalker, I need to know more of our opponent...]"

"[Roger Roger.]"

"Um, sir I may not have heard of Skywalker that much but seeing how much you talk of him I take that he is someone not to be trifled with."

"[Indeed he is, now tell me, Colonel.]" Mar Tuuk looks at the transmission of the former huntsman, wanting to know if Jaune was the one that destroyed Anakin's ship known as the Resolute', "[...during the Blockade of Christophsis, did you by any chance encounter General Skywalker?]"

"I'm not sure, during the battle I was unaware that it was a Jedi leading the attack until Admiral Trench informs me it was a Jedi attacking blockade."

"[Hm...Did you by chance destroy a Venator?]"

"Well, I have my fellow captain Jut send his bombers at the Venators while mine took care of the supply ships, one of the Venators were not yet destroyed until me and Jut's fleet fires upon it," Jaune explains.

'So it was him...' Mar Tuuk thought, "[Good, That's all have to hear.]"

He cuts transmission before Jaune could say anything. As for the Arc, he sighs before looks at OOM-116, deciding he should look up more information on the enemy they are up against.

"OOM-116, can you give the data archives regarding General Skywalker."

"You got it, boss..." OOM-116 left and went to get the data archives information of General Skywalker.

After a few minutes, the OOM-Command Droid returns and gives the Datapad to Jaune before he reads it and sits down on his command chair.

After a few minutes of reading skimming through the datapad, he places his droid finger and thumb under his chin as mutters with OOM-116 by side skimming or reading alongside him.

"Hm... I see this 'Skywalker is not a conventional Jedi..." Jaune summarizes.

"So, basically an unorthodox type of Jedi." OOM-116 commented, looking at the datapad.

"It seems so..." Jaune said.

Then a holographic transmission of Mar Tuuk appears before him, "[Colonel, have your fleet ready and your droids to their battle stations!]"

"Yes, Captain!" Jaune acknowledges before he cuts transmission, he stood up from his command chair and relayed his order to the B1-series Pilot Droids.

"B1-980, relay the order; have our fleet ready for combat!"

"Are we under attack?" B1-980 asked, looking away from his monitor.

"No... not yet, but regarding the data about General Skywalker." He looks at the same spot where the Republic Fleet once appeared out of, "...he will come back with whatever resources he has in his hands."

The droids understood this and relay the order to the Frigates on his fleet to be ready for the upcoming assault.

~Small Timeskip~

After they finish the preparation of their defenses, Wat Tambor gave his report to both Mar Tuuk and Jaune.

"[Count Dooku has assured me the Republic forces are stretched thin in our sector. They should be unable to mount a counterattack. Any attempt to do so would be suicide.]" Wat Tambor informs them

Tuuk wasn't convinced as he spoke confidently, "Still, I am certain this Skywalker will return. He's ultimate defeat shall be my greatest victory."

"You admire Skywalker?" Tambor asked, looks surprised by the tone in the Neimodian's words.

While Jaune narrows his eyes at the Neimodian's words of confidence.

"As a general, yes; his record shows he is a great warrior." Tuuk stated, his voice showing admiration before finishing, "And I want him to know it is I who has beaten him."

Jaune heard this and can't help but mentally sigh, he knows that an overconfident leader would eventually lead to their demise.

'Didn't Wat Tambor inform him not to underestimate the Jedi?!' Jaune exclaims in his mind, 'His overconfidence reminds me of Jut for some reason.'

Wat Tambor took the Captain's words into consideration before cutting communication.

Jaune looks at Mar Tuuk, "Sir I suggest you don't underestimate Skywalker. I read the information regarding him, he can be unpredictable."

"But with what remaining forces he has left with him? Not a chance, colonel. You heard what Emir Tambor informed us."

"But, sir I humbly advise you not to underestimate-"

Mar Tuuk cuts him off, "[Colonel, who is in charge of this blockade?]"


"[Colonel, I ask you again! Who is in charge? Me or you?]" He challenges him.

Jaune lets out a sigh of discontent, " sir..."

"[And who is under my command?]}


"[And who will be the one to defeat Skywalker?]"

Jaune narrows his eyes at him before answer, "You..."

"[Good...]" Mar Tuuk said smugly, "[...remember your place.]"

After Mar Tuuk then cuts the transmission. Jaune glares at where the holographic image of Mar Tuuk once appears before he muttered something under breath.

"Overconfident fool... he will be the cause of the destruction of the blockade," Jaune mutters angrily.

He turns around and sat on his command chair, waiting for what Skywalker will throw at them.

After an hour minutes of waiting for the assault to happen. A Venator appears out of hyperspace, still damaged and in flames.

"Colonel, Enemy ship has appeared out of hyperspace," OOM-116 informs him.

"I can see that." Jaune said, before ordering, "...all droids! Battle stations!"

The droids comply as they relay the order to the rest of the fleet to be ready for combat.

In Mar Tuuk's Battleship, the droids onboard inform him.

"Sir, an enemy ship is emerging from hyperspace." His Command Droid reported to Tuuk, pointing at the inflame Venator.

"See, I knew he'd return." Mar Tuuk said as he watched the cruiser approaching, still in flames.

The OOM-Command Droid receives a transmission and informs, "There is an incoming transmission sir."


Before he could tell the droid to patch it in, Jaune's voice is heard through the

"[Sir, Enemy ship is approaching. I'm ready to attack it!]"

"No, Colonel. Halt your actions." Mar Tuuk denies, surprising the Arc, "...the General wants to talk.

"[What, but..."]"

Mar Tuuk cuts him off, "Colonel! Remember, your place!"

He hears sighs before he replied, "[Very well...Captain.]"

The Neimodian Captain grins in satisfaction before ordering his droids.

"Put it through."

"[Greetings, Captain. I'm Anakin Skywalker, general of the Grand Army-]"

"We know who you are, Skywalker." Tuuk interrupted, not interested in formalities now that he was close to claiming victory.

"[My reputation precedes me, then.]" Anakin remarked, his tone of voice amused.

Unbeknownst to both of Mar Tuuk and Anakin, Jaune Arc is secretly eavesdropping on their conversation.

He continued, "[I've been ordered to surrender myself, the entire crew of this vessel and my ship in exchange for safe passage of food and medical supplies to the people of Ryloth.]"

"A noble gesture, Jedi, and your capture would make me the envy of the Separatist fleet."

"[Well, I'll take those as compliments.]" Anakin said, still smiling confidently to them.

In the 'Huntsman' Jaune narrowed his eyes in suspicion at Anakin's confident tone of voice.

He looks over to the OOM-116 and ordered, "Scan his vessel and report its status to me immediately."

OOM-116 nodded in compliance, as he gestures one of his droids to carry out the order while Jaune continues to listen to his conversation. Unaware of the Venator flying too close to the Lucrehulk.

After a few minutes of Jaune listening to their discussion, OOM-116 walks up to him and informs him, "Colonel, we have completed scans of the enemy ship. The ship is heavily damaged and all power is diverted to forward shields, there is only one lifeform aboard."

Jaune's eyes widen in surprise, he disconnects his from Mar Tuuk's discussion with Anakin and exclaims, "WHAT!?"

The droids around him flinch from his tone before OOM-116 stated.

"It's true, sir. The scans said so."

Jaune looks in surprise as he mutters, "What are you planning, Skywalker?"

One of the Pilot droids immediately informs him, "Sir, a second Republic ship is entering the system!"

As he said t, another Venator, the last one from the Republic fleet, appears out of hyperspace.

Jaune recovers from his shock and orders, "Prepare for battle!"

As the droid went on to relay the order, one of the Pilot Droids notices something.

"Um... is it me or is that ship still flying a little close to the Captain's ship." One of the Pilot droids pointed out, breaking Jaune's concentration.

"Excuse me, WHAT!?" Jaune then views through the window of the helm, getting a clear view of the Lucrehulk.

True to the Dorid's word, he watches as the burning Venator flies towards the Lucrehulk, with increased speed.

Jaune looks at his droids and orders, "OPEN FIRE! OPEN FIRE!"

The Munificent Frigates beside the Lucrehulk fires upon the Venator, but it's was proven futile.

Jaune watches as Mar Tuuk's escape pod jettisoned out of the Lucrehulk while the Venator collides with it, thus causing a chain reaction to happen as both ships exploded.

The Arc watches this event before happen as he sneers angrily, "Mar Tuuk, you fool!"

As this was happening, the second Venator then rotated ninety degrees on its axis, exposing its bow.

Inside the hanger of the Venator, Ashoka is in her Y-wing in preparation for their assault on the Separatist Blockade as the Admiral Yuleran then com. link her.

"[I don't think they're going to attack commander.]" Admiral Yuleran stated.

"[We'll have to retreat...]" Rex suggested.

"No, wait!" Ashoka cries out as assures her allies, "Remember, they are droids. They're just a little slow. They'll figure it out."

Meanwhile with Separatist Blockade.

Several holograms of OOM-Command Droids appear before him, while OOM-116 reported, "The Captain Mar Tuuk has left."

"[So who's in charge?]" One of the Command Droids questioned.

"[Not me...]" Another stated.

"[Not me...]" One added.

OOM-116 then interjects, "Colonel Jaune Arc is next in Command for the defense."

The Command Droids of the helm looks at Jaune before one of them stated, "[Sir? What should we do?]"

Jaune remains silent, watching the Republic doing what any average commander, or head in command, would see as an illogical and foolish attempt to attack a blockade head-on with one ship and exposing its bow.

But Jaune knows better. What the Anakin did was unorthodox, attacking while under a white flag. Jaune won't fall for the Jedi's tricks.

Jaune looks at the Droid commanders and ordered, "Begin assault, hold and open fire! Relay this order, intensify power to both forward Shields and laser cannons. Keep our fighters and bombers in a stand by, launch them when I say so!"

The OOM-116 and the Commander Droids relay the Order as the Munificent Frigates begins firing in the Venator, while they remain on their position.

Jaune watch as the Venator-Class Destroyer is being bombarded by the continuous Turbo-laser fire by the seven remaining Munificent Star-Frigates staying on their positions and not advancing forward since Jaune has ordered them not.

He recognized what the Republic is trying to do, thanks to all the studies of warfare Admiral Trench taught him, he knows a thing or two to not be deceived easily by such tactic. An inexperienced or overconfident Officer would have fallen for this easily and would brush it off as a foolish attempt to trick them, but Jaune is not like that...

Inside the Venator, Yuleran and Rex watch the holographic table shows the Venator being bombarded by continuous turbo-laser fire from the Munificent Frigate, but the said frigates still remain in their positions.

"[The enemy is attacking, sir. But they are not moving from Terri position.]" Rex stated, as the Venator shakes from the impact.

"[Commander, on your Order. Commencing flanking maneuver.]" Yuleran ordered.

Ashoka's bomber emerges out of the hanger with other Y-wing bombers following her lead as she states, "Okay boys, here we go! Follow my lead!"

They launch all their bombers and fighters at the Separatist fleet. Ready to break through the blockade.

Unfortunately for them, Jaune has been preparing and predicting something like this. He's aware the Republic use their fighters for offensive and defensive purposes as a Venator is really under-armed and acts more like a carrier than a battleship.

He has many Vulture Droids Squadron in his disposal, he's just lucky he has them keep in each Munificent-Frigate instead of Lucrehulk, they are currently stationed on the hull of the Munificent-Class Starfriagtes on a stand by.

"Colonel! Navigation computer has confirmed the Republic has sent their fighters and bombers to our position!" OOM-116 inform his Colonel.

Jaune immediately orders.

"Launch our Vulture squadrons at them, with the Arc formation. I want our Frigates to continue their assault on that Venator! Get all Point-Defense laser cannons primed and ready!" Jaune orders.

"Roger Roger!" The Droids complies and relay the order to the rest of the Droids in the Frigates.

Multiple squadrons of vulture droids are deployed as they flew off and engaged the Republic Fighters into a dog fight and prevent the bombers from coming close.

This caught Ashoka and the Y-Wing Bombers off-guard as they thought all of the Vulture Droids were inside the Lurcrehulk, not in the Munificent Frigates.

Nonetheless, Ashoka and her attack force are forced into a dogfight with the Squadron of Vulture Droids, but they are being outmaneuvered by the Vulture Dorid's use of the Arc Formation. This is something they are not prepared for nor did they predict this When are about to face them head out, the vulture droids from the flanking sides of the Arc Formation attacks unprotected bombers from the flank.

A few Y-Wings try desperately to fly through the swarm of droid fighters but it was proven futile as the Droid Fighters have taken them out, either through blaster fire or suicidal attacks from the Vulture Droids.

Some Y-wing Bombers were able to break through the swarm of Vulture Droids but they fell victim to the Point Defense Laser turrets from the Frigates, killing them as they're vulnerable on their own without any Starfighter escort protection.

With their failed Bomber assault on the Separatist Fleet and their Venator dealing too much damage it would be destroyed any moment, it dawns on Ashoka and Admiralty aboard that the battle is now a lost cause.

In the escape pod not far behind, Anakin watches as the Y-wing bombers and fighters are getting decimated by Separatist fighters. He is not happy nor satisfied by this turn of events, his tactic was supposed to take out the leadership in the blockade so they could take on the separatist blockade with ease but that plan is now falling apart in front of him.

Worst, this failure in the plan reminds him of the defeat in Christophsis. That is something Anakin can't get his head out of.

Meanwhile, in the space battle, things are not looking for the Republic. Ashoka's comms were in chaos, as pilots yelled over it, asking for support, assistance, or were simply trying to regroup.

"I can't shake them! There's too many of them-AAAARGH."

"I need assistance!"

"We can't breakthrough!"


Ashoka watch as more of her Y-Wing Bomber squadrons are being decimated by the Droid Forces, realizing they can't break through the blockade, she relays her order to fall back.

"All Squadrons, withdraw! I repeat, withdraw!"

What's left of the attack force quickly withdrew from the fight and returned back to the badly damaged Venator, unfortunately for them the Vulture Squadrons they were engaging earlier pursued them, taking out more of them as they reach the Venator.

The Republic Bombers and Fighters arrived at the Venator as the two durasteel hanger doors split open, Ashoka is about to enter the hanger, but her bomber was then hit by the Vulture Droids pursing behind her, losing altitude she made an emergency crash landing to the hanger of Venator as she fell unconscious from the collision.

"Commander, what happened out there?! Do you copy?!" Rex exclaims through the comms.

There was no response from the Jedi Padawan, as the clones in hanger quickly extinguish the fire from her bomber and pull the unconscious Jedi Padawan off the cockpit while the captain inside the Venator sent a transmission they surrender.

In "The Huntsman", One of the droids monitoring in on the bridge console then informs him, "Sir, we have received a transmission from the Republic captain onboard that they surrender."

Jaune Arc heard this, his expression hardens. Normally he would be merciful and spare, however, the stunt that Republic did made him skeptical or distrustful to their surrender. Attacking under a white flag is not something Jaune would tolerate. And now they have the opacity to say they surrender after the stunt they pulled?

He's not taking anymore changes from Republic surrenders, especially ones who are led by a Jedi!

He is no longer in a merciful mood.

"Decline their request, keep on firing, and hold your positions! Have our Bombers destroy their engines! We will not let them leave this fight alive!"

"By your command, Colonel!"

The Munificent Frigates intensified their firepower on the Venator as it begins to sustain more damage.

In the Venator, Rex, Yuleran, and the clones in the hanger quickly ran towards the escape pods or Gunships to escape the battle with the unconscious Ashoka, realizing the Separatist Blockade is no longer taking any more chances on accepting their surrender.

Then a miracle happened for the Republic if you even think it's a miracle.

Obi-wan and Mace-Windu's invasion fleet appears out of hyperspace, comprising of mainly Acclamators. Apparently, Anakin's fleet was supposed to break through the blockade and secure the space foothold around Ryloth's space while Obi-wan and Mace bring the invasion force.

When they exit Hyperspace, they are met with a shocking sight.

A Venator, on its bow, getting hammered down by seven Munificent Frigates while the Republic fighters are getting decimated by their separatist counterparts.

"What is going on?!" Obi-wan exclaims in shock at the sight before.

Mace walks up beside, his gaze hardens on the battle before him, "This is not looking good."

The two Jedi Masters watch at the disaster of a fight happened before him, it is chaos for the Republic indeed.

"What was Anakin thinking?" Obi-wan said as he watches the Venator getting decimated by the Munificent Frigates.

"It's obvious..." Mace stated before he stated bluntly, "He wasn't..."

In the Venator, when the clones got word that the invasion fleet has arrived, they quickly enter the Shuttles and Gunships, with Ashoka, and flew out of the hanger towards the acclamators, and in a nick of time when they left the Venator erupts in flames, it remains now floating through the vastness of space.

Some of the Gunships and the shuttles went to retrieve Anakin's escape pod before it heads to the acclamators.

Unfortunately for the escaping clones, and unconscious Jedi, Jaune, and his cohorts took notice of the invasion fleet that appeared out of hyperspace.

"Sir, Enemy ships have exited out of hyperspace." One of the Command Droid in the helm informs Jaune, "Navigation computers confirm to it to be three Acclamator Assault Frigates."

Jaune, on his command chair, says, "...That must be their invasion fleet, send in our bombers to attack those Acclamators, and have the two of our Munificent Frigate from the far right and left to engage them. Destroying them would drive the Republic back and possibly postpone their invasion of Ryloth for a long time."

The OOM-Command Droid relay the order to the Hyena bombers, who were standing on the hull of the Frigates, as they were soon deployed to attack the three Acclamators while the Munificent Frigates from the far right and left engages the Republic invasion force.

The retreating clones were able to arrive at the Acclamator that is being commanded by Obi-wan and Mace.

The Republic shuttle detaches the pod as it drops to the floor of the hanger, Anakin exits the pod, not all too happy by this sudden change of events.

When Anakin got out, he spots an unconscious Ashoka on the stretcher exiting out from one of the Gunship. Alarmed he runs over her, he went to check if she's alright before asking one of the clones.

"What happened!?" Anakin exclaims, as one of the clones answered.

"Her bomber was shot down when we withdraw from the battle and made an emergency landing, she fell unconscious after that. She's will make it sir."

Anakin lets out a sigh of relief, the clones then bring Ashoka to med-bay as he quickly made his way to the helm of the Acclamator.

When he arrived he sees Obi-wan and Mace, both looking at Anakin after he entered the helm of the ship.

"Skywalker, what happens out there?!" Mace demanded, his eyes narrowed at the so-called chosen one.

Anakin scratches the back of his head as he explains, "Well... there was a bit of a slight miscalculation."

"I find 'slight' an understatement right there, Skywalker. Now tell us what happened out there!?" Mace demanded.

Anakin sighs, "I had fabricated a plan that would help break through the blockade while Ashoka-"

He wasn't able to finish when one of the Clone Officer onboard exclaims to his Jedi Generals, "Sir! Navigation confirmed we got bombers coming at us along with two enemy cruisers!"

The three Jedi generals have their eyes widen in shock as they turn to the window of the helm. True to the Clone's words, a couple of Hyena Bombers escorted by a couple of squadrons of vulture droids are heading towards them with two Munificent-Class Starfrigates following behind them.

The three Acclamator immediately opened fire on the incoming Separatist Offense.

But the Separatist Bombers quickly evade all the incoming turbolaser fire from the three Acclamator, with taking a few causalities while the Munificent Frigates fired their Long-range heavy ion cannons for support, with accuracy and precision.

The Bombers reached their destination and dropped their payload on the unfortunate invasion fleet, one of the Acclamators erupted into flames while the other was severely damaged from the bombing run but was taken out by the Separatist cruisers.

In the leading Acclamator, Obi-wan and Mace realize the situation they are in. With the rest of the invasion force destroyed, and Anakin and Ashoka's failed attempt to break through the blockade, they have no choice but to fall back

Obi-wan looks at clone officers and orders, "We must withdraw immediately! The battle is now a lost cause."

The clones nodded in acknowledgment as they relay the order to the crew members to the last Acclamator to escape.

As this was going, Anakin on the other hand just stared at the Separatist Fleet that has succeeded in driving them back. Enraged, he has a feeling Mar Tuuk isn't the only Separatist Officer stationed in that fleet.

Only time will tell, for now, this is another humiliating defeat to the Republic and another Victory to the Separatist Alliance.

There's no doubt that the Republic will cease their operations on Liberating Ryloth for now as their forces are stretch tine throughout the galaxy.

They start to fall back as they managed to maneuver around and have their hulls take most of the turbolaser fire. Jaune and the other OOM-Command Droids watch the last remaining Acclamator retreating.

Jaune watch in satisfaction as the Acclamator soon jumped into hyperspace. There's no doubt in Jaune's mind that he has won.

The Separatist is victorious!

"Sir, the Enemy has retreated!"

"Good..." Jaune looks at the other OOM-Command Droids and orders, "Retrieve Mar Tuuk's pod and send a transmission to Wat Tambor and Count Dooku. I want to have a word with them."

"Roger Roger..." The Command Droids nodded and went on to do their task.

Jaune sat on his command chair, feeling the sense of relief the battle is finally over. All he has to do now is tell the Count and Wat Tambor of the situation and report Mar Tuuk's incompetence and insubordination.

~Small timeskip~

After the Republic has been droved back, Jaune Arc now stood before the two holographic images of Count Dooku and Wat Tambor, both looking at him for an explanation of what happened.

"[Colonel, what has happened out there!? Where is the Captain!?]" Emir Tambor demanded.

"I can assure you, Emir Tambor the blockade is still intact, excluding the Captain Mar Tuuk's battleship," Jaune assured the Emir of Ryloth.

"[And what of Captain Mar Tuuk?]" Dooku asked calmly.

"The Captain? He escaped through an escape pod after his ship was rammed by a Venator, not long after he fell for General Skywalker's trick."

Emir Tambor growled angrily, "[Idiot! His actions would have cost the blockade!]"

"Well, you don't have to worry. After he has left in an escape pod, I was next in line to command the rest of the fleet as I have beaten the last of the remaining Republic invasion force. The majority of them have been destroyed and only one Acclamator fled. I believe this victory and their current losses, any future plans of attacking Ryloth will cease."

Wat Tambor looks at Jaune in surprise, he didn't expect this while Dooku nodded in respect.

"[But... what of the Captain?]" Emir Tambor asked.

"I sent my droids to retrieve his escape pod after the battle has been won. He would be arriving at any moment."

True to his word, the doors of the bridge slide open, revealing Mar Tuuk being restrained by two B1 Battle Droids as OOM-116 escorted them inside.

"Let go of me! Do you not know who I am?!" Mar Tuuk struggled, "I am Captain Mar Tuuk! I'm in Command fo this blockade! You will do as I say!"

If the Droids would have eyes or optics, they would be rolling their eyes or optics in annoyance.

OOM-116 bluntly states, "Yeah, you used to be."

Before Mar Tuuk would protest, Jaune then walks up to the former-Captain and grabs him before he throws Tuuk 'under the Rancor' metaphorically speaking.

Feeling gazes under him, he looks up and is met with Count Dooku and Emir Tambor looking at them with anger on their eyes.

"My Lord, and Emir Tambor!" He steadily rose, "As you can see the blockade is still intact thanks to my-"

"[It's thanks to Jaune's effort the blockade hasn't been destroyed, I was informed by Colonel Jaune Arc that you fell to Skywalker's tricks and fled the battle while Colonel Arc was left to defend the blockade."

"[And Your actions would caused the blockade!]" Emir Tambor brought up.

Mar Tuuk tries to defend himself, "B-but to have to understand, I didn't expect this and, I fully prepared you to face him."

"[Yet you underestimated the Jedi and let your ship get destroyed on the process by an obvious trap.]" Dooku bluntly states.

"[Especially when it was Jaune Arc that has beaten Skywalker. You'll be remembered as the fool who beat by Skywalker.]"

"[Indeed...]" Count Dooku then states, "[You will be punished accordingly for your insolence.]"

"M-my Lord, you have to understand-"

"[Enough...]" Dooku said sternly, "[I'm tired to hear your excuses.]"

He looks at the Arc and stated, "[Colonel, you may take him his cell. I'll have someone retrieve hm, and I can assure you he will be punished.]"

"Very well, my lord..." Jaune acknowledgment before two B1 Battle Droids grab the Mar Tuuk and takes him out of the bridge to his cell.

After Count Dooku cuts transmission, the foreman of the Techno Union looks at the Arc in interests. When he first heard of the Separatist occupation of Christophsis and the defense of the blockade, at first he dismissed him as another expendable Officer.

But after his ordeal today, and Mar Tuuk's insolence would have cost them the blockade, he realizes that Jaune is a better strategist than he first thought.

Emir Tambor then said, "[Colonel Arc, your feats of defeating the Republic forces and keeping the Blockade intact are admirable. I believe congratulations are in order]."

"Thank you, sir..."

"[But, I have a task for you. Recently, not long after the planet has been occupied, we have been dealing with a Twi'lek resistance group. With that in mind, I order you to deal with the rebels.]" Emir Tambor orders.

But Jaune is surprised by the order, but nonetheless protested, "Sir, I must respectfully deny..."

Wat Tambor is caught off by his words as he continues, "...I must stay here in case the Republic plans to attack again, my place is on the blockade."

The foreman isn't satisfied by what he heard and argued, "[Your droids can handle the blockade, you will go down to the surface and destroy the Twi'lek resistance!]"

Jaune tries to argue again, he is not denying his request out of insubordination, he is denying his request to go down the surface since someone needs to handle blockade from another Republic attack.

"But Sir-"

Emir Tambor cuts him off, proclaiming, "[I am a member of the Separatist Council, your place is where I tell you it is! And I say, its. Down. HERE! And I expect you to obey, Colonel.]"

Jaune flinches, before could say anything Emir Tambor cuts off transmission.

He curses under his breath in Geonosian, "{Kriffing Skakoan.}"

Jaune turns to OOM-116 and orders, "OOM-116, relay the droids on the hanger to prepare my shuttle, you are in charge of the blockade. Inform me if the Republic has sent another attack on us again."

OOM-116 nodded, "Roger Roger."

He relays the orders as Jaune left the bridge to the hanger.

As Jaune walks on the hanger of "The Huntsman", a the Sheathipede-class transport shuttle is seen at the center of the hanger, with two B1 Battle Droid, standing in attention waiting for Jaune to arrive.

As Jaune arrives at the Shuttle, one of the B1 Battle Droids walks up to him, and said: "Sir, the Shuttle is ready."

"Good, now let's go. Let's not keep the Foreman waiting." Jaune said.

"Roger Roger!" The B1-Series Droid complied.

Jaune and the ten Droids soon entered the Shuttle, before the Shuttle closes the ramp and closes the door. The Shuttle then ascends from the platform of the Hanger, and flies off to the planet surface of Ryloth, leaving OOM-116 in charge of the fleet.

Unaware of Wat Tambor ruling over Ryloth with an iron fist.

The shuttle first arrives at one of the Twi'lek villages, Jaune was hoping the occupation of Ryloth improved the livelihood of the people here.

The shuttle lands as the door slide open and two Battle Droids Exit the shuttle before Jaune Arc exits.

When he exits out of the shuttle what he saw left him frozen on his place, a face of horror slowly forming as he stared what he could consider, a very miserable scene.

"What happened here..." Jaune gasped.

He hesitantly walks and eyes the ruins of the village before him as the Twi'lek people look at him in different expressions; fear and also resentment as he bares the same symbol of the faction that invaded them.

Jaune is saddened and disgusted with how the Twi'Leks are being mistreated badly. He was speechless, he doesn't know what to say.

As he looks on, he spots a Twi'Lek man who fell to the ground from severe hunger and exhaustion. A B2 Super Battle Droid took notice of this and approaches the unfortunate Twi-lek before he orders.

"Get up!" The B2 Super Battle Droid orders.

The Twi'lek man tries to get up but is too weak and hungry to move.

"I said get up!"

There was no reply or movement as the man lays there.

"Last warning..." the B2-series droid raise his servo to hurt him for not following his orders.

But Jaune comes in and stops him.

"STOP!" He rushes at him and grabs the arm of the Super Battle Droid from hurting the weak Twi'lek Male.

The Super Battle Droid is stunned as he recognized the man that stopped him is a Colonel before he questioned, "Colonel?"

"Stop! That's an order!" Jaune ordered angrily, the Super Battle Droid registered the order as two B1 Battle Droids came to the Arc's side.

He hears the small pitch sound of a young girl crying out in horror.


Jaune looks up to see a young Twi'lek girl run to her father's side, half-starved like the rest, ignoring him and the Droids.

Jaune feels his heart clench at the sight, he kneels down to the starved and dehydrated Twi'lek's side, from the look of things it looks like he has been starving for weeks and barely had any rest.

He frantically glances at the two B1 Droids behind him and orders

"Medic! Someone get a Medic! He needs medical attention now!"

The two droids followed his orders without hesitation and went to get a Medic.

Jaune looks back at the father and daughter, looking at him with fear and slight respect.

He spoke to them in their native language, "{Don't worry, you'll be alright, you'll be alright!}"

The poor Twi'lek girl looks at him in hope for his words, but her father mutters in his native language to him, what he said to Jaune nearly broke him.

"{Its... too late... for me...}"

Jaune watches in horror as the Father Twi'lek lets out its final breath and lays there motionless, life living his eyes. Her daughter shakes to wake her father up, but it was no use as it implies the father has died from exhaustion and starvation.

Jaune watches in sadness as the poor daughter of her recently deceased father mourns to his death.

The Colonel thought of adopting and taking care of the Young Twi'lek girl, but the mother of the daughter came to her side and mourn the death of the father.

Jaune stands up and takes a step back, letting them mourn the death of their family member while the other Twi'leks watch on in sadness.

Jaune Arc starts to shake in rage, his fist clenched at the sight of what Emir Tambor has done to the Twi'leks of Ryloth, worst his friend is Twi'lek. Could he imagine how Zoh would react to see his people like this? He would be enraged.

This is not what Jaune fought for, he fights for freedom and independence, not tyranny.

This scene, this display of what the Separatist Council Member did before him... is against everything the Separatists stood and fought for.

"Colonel Jaune Arc, welcome..." A Tactical Droid greets as he walks up behind him, unaware of his growing anger.

Jaune stops looking at the miserable scene before he whips around and grabs the Tactical Droid by the neck with his prosthetic arm and slams him against the wall.

The Droids who were accompanying the Tactical Droid flinch, while the T-series Droid showed no reaction. This action also caught the attention of the Twi'leks as well as watch the scene before them.

Jaune glared at the Tactical Droid and demanded, "Take me to Emir Tambor!"


To be continued

Well this chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter and I apologize for the long delay, I have too many stories to focus on and arts to finish, including the college works I have to focus on as well.

Also, this took a while to finish, so I hope you enjoy also special thanks to GhostFang12 for helping me making this chapter, but the second part of this chapter where he helped me the most, so don't forget to check him out.

Also, I want to thank Hunter-of-dawn for pointing a subtle detail about the importance of the battle of Christophsis. So since the Hutt Cartel joined the separatist, this no doubt helps the War effort. Here's the map.

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