Chapter 4 (🍋) (Fixed)

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(A/N: The fixes I made are replacing the one word that shouldn't have been there because my dumbass didn't check it before publishing this chapter and also adding some extra dialogue in the end of the chapter. I won't need to do this if the old version of this chapter save it but it won't save for some reasons)

(A/N: I want to thank everyone for your support and I also want to apologize for the inconvenience)

(A/N: Special thanks to yamatodark and maxbonnetier057 for their ideas that make this fix possible)

(A/N: And don't forget to vote, thank you)

The next day

After Y/N and Akagi wake up, Y/N then goes to the bathroom to take a shower while Akagi is seen following him.

Y/N: Uhh, Akagi, I want to take a shower...

Akagi: I know, I want to go along too, I mean, it's been a while since we had a shower together, you know?

Y/N: Heh, I guess you're right.


(Lemon scene incoming)

Y/N is seen fucking Akagi in doggy style.

Akagi: (moan) Yes! Keep pounding me, shikikan-sama! I miss your dick so much!

Y/N: Alright! Here goes!

Y/N then increase the speed and the intensity of his thrusts.

Akagi: Yes! Yes! Keep going! More!

They keep going for a while until both of them finally cum.

(Lemon scene is done)


After they took the shower together, they went to the cafeteria together with Akagi hugging his arm between her breasts.

After they arrived at the cafeteria, both Y/N and Akagi ordered their breakfast and then enjoying their meal together.


After they're done with their breakfast, Y/N is seen walking around the HQ with some of the shipgirls greet him and he greet them back.

Washington: Morning, commander!

Y/N: Morning, Washington.


Y/N and Akagi are seen with the other shipgirls who want to hear more about his adventures in the Multiverse.

Y/N: So, I once went to the world which I personally called Cosmic Era world, where there was a war between Earth Alliance's Naturals and a space based nation PLANT's Coordinators who live in space colonies called Bloody Valentine War. Coordinators are genetically enhanced human while Natural are not. The war was started due to tensions of Naturals and Coordinators with many Naturals started to hate out of jealousy or for ethical reasons with some of the most extreme ones called them inhuman, not helped by some Coordinators called themselves superior being to the Naturals and stated that they are the next evolution of mankind and should replace Naturals. The war really started when the tensions escalated until the point where Blue Cosmos, a radical anti-Coordinators group ordered the Earth Alliance to launch a nuclear attack against PLANTs which destroyed Junius Seven, a colony owned by PLANT and killing 243,721 civilians. The incident was soon called the Bloody Valentine Incident, marking the real start of the war between the Earth Alliance and ZAFT, the PLANT's military. This world also has Mobile Suits and thus meaning Gundams are also in it. They are called such because their OS spells out the acronym G.U.N.D.A.M. in varying ways. The Gundams were at first created by Earth Alliance's G-Project to gain advantages over ZAFT's mobile suits which was aided by Morgenroete Incorporated, a company from a neutral country, Orb Union that actually had ulterior motives which was to steal the technology behind the machines so that they could be used to produce mobile suit to protect Orb against the Alliance and ZAFT. My Cosmic Era counterpart, Y/N Yamato, unintentionally aboard one of the G-Project's Gundam, Strike Gundam, here's the picture of it with its Striker Packs, that allows a mobile unit to adapt to a number of different roles, equipped.

While the other Gundams were stolen by ZAFT with one of the soldiers that captured them was Y/N Yamato's childhood friend, Athrun Zala, much to his shock...


The shipgirls are paying full attention to the entire story of Y/N in Cosmic Era world from the fall of Heliopolis, the time when Y/N Yamato went M.I.A., the Battle of Orb, the formation of Three Ship Alliance until he finally reaches the final leg of his adventure there where he finally had his last confrontation with Rau Le Creuset, the man who manipulated both Earth Alliance and ZAFT in this war so that they can finally completely annihilate each other and thus destroying the rest of humanity in the process.


Y/N Yamato was seen piloting Freedom Gundam with a METEOR unit attached to it.

As he seen fighting against Rau Le Creuset who piloted the Providence Gundam.

(A/N: Honestly, one of my favorite Cosmic Era mobile suits, in top 3 of my favorite Cosmic Era mobile suits even. With the Providence is in the second place, the first place is Freedom Gundam and the third place is Destiny Gundam)

The Freedom Gundam fired the METEOR's missiles at Providence with Providence's DRAGOONs destroyed all of them before it countered by launching all of its DRAGOONs and have them fire their beams at Freedom with Freedom narrowly dodged them all.

Freedom then tried to use the DRAGOON's right Beam Sword to attack Providence but it managed to dodge and slice the Beam Sword in retaliation with its Shield's Beam Saber, forcing Y/N Yamato to detach the right arm unit from the METEOR before dodging more of Providence's DRAGOONs' beams.

Rau Le Creuset: You're something that shouldn't have been allowed to exist, boy!

He said while firing the Providence's Beam Rifle at Freedom.

Y/N Yamato: What are you talking about?!

Which got dodged before Freedom countered with firing more METEOR's missiles that unfortunately got intercepted by the DRAGOONs.

Rau Le Creuset: If people learned of your existence, they would want to become just as you are! They would want to become like you! That is why your existence shouldn't be allowed!

Y/N Yamato: But I... even so... I'm not just my powers!

Rau Le Creuset: Who will understand that? What could they understand? They won't! Nobody will!

Creuset then keep rambling while also have the Providence fire all the DRAGOONs simultaneously while also firing its Beam Rifle and its Shield's Beam Guns at Freedom which Freedom narrowly avoided and before the DRAGOONs can fire more beams, some ray of beams suddenly appeared and destroyed some of the DRAGOONs with Providence avoiding an incoming beam coming his way and recalled the remaining DRAGOONs back to its backpack before it avoided another attack which was some black dragons coming from several directions, Rau then looked at the source of the attack.

Rau Le Creuset: [Angry] You...

Y/N L/N: 'Sup, Creuset. [Looks at Freedom] You okay, Yamato?

(A/N: both Y/N L/N and Y/N Yamato agreed to call each other by their last name so it wouldn't be so confusing while the other Cosmic Era people called Y/N Yamato by his first name and Y/N L/N by his last name)

Y/N Yamato: I'm okay. The METEOR is damaged but I can still fight with it.

Providence then shot Shurouga with the Beam Rifle which was easy to dodge for Y/N.

Rau Le Creuset: [Glares at Shurouga] You! You are even worse than this boy!

Providence then charged and swing its Shield's Beam Saber at Shurouga to no avail.

Y/N: [Teasing] Aww, I don't know you think so highly of me, Creuset. I'm flattered.

Shurouga then deployed some black dragons at Providence which got avoided again with Freedom immediately fired METEOR's missiles at Providence which got sliced by Providence's Beam Saber.

Y/N Yamato was not giving up however and decided to fire High-energy Beam Cannon from the tip of the left arm unit of the METEOR at Providence which yet again was avoided before Providence retaliated by shooting its Beam Rifle at the left arm unit, forcing Y/N Yamato to detach the left arm unit from the METEOR as it was about to explode.

Shurouga then charged at Providence with the Discalibur which got blocked by Providence's Beam Saber. They engaged in a sword fight for a bit until Providence decided to deploy some of the DRAGOONs at Shurouga to disorient it and also deploy some of them at Freedom to keep it away and Freedom in the meantime decided to fire the smaller caliber beam cannons that are mounted on the sides of the METEOR and also its own Beam Rifle, Railguns and Plasma Beam Cannons all at once to attack the Providence that was busy with Shurouga that resulted in Providence had to avoid the beams and losing more of its DRAGOONs that it deployed at Shurouga and Freedom before it can recall them back and thus leaving Providence with exactly one DRAGOON left.

Rau Le Creuset: WHAT? Only one DRAGOON left? You brat!

Enraged, Creuset then have the Providence to fire several shots from its Beam Rifle and its Shield's Beam Guns which destroyed the rest of the METEOR unit which forced Freedom to detach itself from it.

Freedom then draw its two Beam Sabers.

And charged at Providence and got blocked by its Beam Saber. Both of them keep at it until Shurouga fired some beams at Providence, Freedom then used this opportunity to try to get some hit at the distracted Providence and it managed slice its left arm, disabling Providence's melee options and when its about to hit the other arm, Providence managed to avoid that only to see Shurouga rushing in with the Discalibur but it also managed to avoid it but not without taking any damage though as it lost its right leg from that Shurouga's attack.

Rau Le Creuset: Kuh!

Y/N L/N: Let's finish this, Yamato!

Y/N Yamato: Right!

Both of them then rushed at the Providence at the same time to overwhelm him. Providence desperately fired the Beam Rifle, its CIWS guns, and the last DRAGOON to fend them off while moving away from them. Both of them finally managed to close the gap and started to strike it down with their own melee weapons until Providence chopped into pieces with Freedom stabbing its cockpit with one of its Beam Saber.

Y/N Yamato: It's over. [Noticed something] Isn't that... Flay!

Y/N L/N: Hey, where are you going?

Meanwhile, Flay Allster in a shuttle from the destroyed Dominion battleship saw Freedom coming towards her and she felt so happy to see that Y/N (Yamato) was alright.

Flay: Y/N!

Y/N Yamato: Flay!

Y/N L/N who watched Freedom approaching the shuttle just look amused at this situation.

Freedom and Shurouga then escorted the shuttle to the Archangel. While they escorted the shuttle, they saw a beam of nuclear energy from GENESIS that was caused by Jachin Due's self-destruction before the superweapon itself was destroyed by the self-destruction of the Justice. They then saw Strike Rouge that was piloted by Cagalli with Athrun also in it after he self-destruct the Justice Gundam on their way to Archangel.


Y/N: And after that, Y/N Yamato and Flay had their reunion with them happy to see each other again and she apologized for every bad things she did to him. He then told her that he's with Lacus now, but Flay said that she's fine with them just being friends, and then Lacus came in and said that she don't mind sharing him with her as long as she's genuine with her feeling for him. Both of them can't believe with what she just said and Flay decided to accept sharing him with Lacus as she no longer hates Coordinators.

After the war ended, it was time for me to leave but not without saying goodbye to the Three Ship Alliance.

Y/N: Man, we've been here for quite a while, it's almost evening.

"Huh? Already?"

"How did I not notice it?."

New Jersey: Really? [she looks at her phone] Oh yeah, you're right. [Kiss Y/N's cheek] We'll meet later, honey~

The other shipgirls also started to leave and Akagi reluctantly also have to leave without Y/N because she got some stuff to do.

Azur Lane HQ

(Lemon scene incoming)

After he's done telling his story in Cosmic Era to the shipgirls and also done with his works today. Y/N is seen entering his quarters and he's quite surprised with what he sees there once he enter the room.

New Jersey: (winks) Hi, honey~

Y/N: NJ? What are you- Oh, I think I know why are you here.

New Jersey: Yup! You're right, honey~


Y/N is seen kissing New Jersey passionately while also squeezing her ass.


Y/N is currently seen thrusting New Jersey in mating press position.

New Jersey: Oh yeah, honey! Keep thrusting!

He then does what she wants and increase his thrusting speed and intensity.


Y/N: Okay, honey~, here goes!

He keeps thrusting even harder which makes New Jersey screams in esctasy.


Y/N keeps going until he cums inside of her.

New Jersey: Aahh~ That was wonderful, honey~

They then keep having sex for hours.

(Lemon scene is done)


Y/N is seen with Belfast who is unlocking a door and letting Y/N enter a room with a crowbar in his hand as he about to have a "reunion" with the former commanders while she waits outside.

Y/N: Yo! How y'all doin'? Miss me? Because I sure do miss you guys!

The former commanders are quite shocked with appearance of a man they thought they killed and started to get afraid when they see the crowbar in his hand while the supposed replacement commander also afraid that Y/N already heard what he planned to do to his wives and he tries to do something horrible to him for planning that.

Y/N: [Looks at the his supposed replacement] Ah, you're must be my supposed replacement, eh? Nice to meet you, NOT!

Y/N then beats his supposed replacement to a pulp.


Before he stops and let him live much to the others' confusion.

Y/N: [Looks at the Random Commander That No One Cares About 1] Yo man, 'sup. Long time no see, huh? Your face is ugly as usual I see. Don't worry though, I know exactly how to fix it.

Random Commander That No One Cares About 1: Huh?

Y/N then starts swinging the crowbar at his face repeatedly until the guy drops to the ground which makes Y/N decides to also stomps on his face and after that, he tears his jaw and one of his legs which caused the others to wince at the sight of such brutality and now they are more afraid of Y/N. After he's done with the guy who clearly in so much pain and wanting to die already instead of having to deal this pain anymore, Y/N then starts to leave which makes the others confused, questioning the reason why he didn't also kill them.

Y/N: Alright, that's it for now. [Looks at the curious former commanders who want to know why he's not killing them already] Don't worry though, you'll get your turn sooner or later, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, maybe next week, or maybe even next month. Ciao~.

Y/N exits the room and Belfast locks the door, leaving the guy to die a slow and painful death and the others former commanders can only watch him suffers while also not wanting to look forward for the next time Y/N visit them.

(A/N: Anyway, here's some bnuuy pictures and other stuff)

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