Chapter 5 (🍋)

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Several days later

Y/N is getting a such huge mood boost after killing one of the commanders that betrayed him that he can finish his paperworks much faster than usual these few days, much to the Enterprise's (his current secretary) surprise.

Enterprise: Killing one of them really make you feel better, huh?

Y/N: You have no idea. I've been itching to teach them a lesson ever since the day I died.

Enterprise: I can't blame you for that, that bastard had it coming. So, when are you going to do the same to the others?

Y/N: I'll kill the others when I feel like it and today is not the day. [Gets up] Alright, now that we're done with the paperworks. How about we spend time together? Just the two of us.

Enterprise: *Chuckles* Sure, I'd love to.


Y/N and Enterprise are enjoying their time together during their date with them always holding hands all the time. They went to the park, watched a movie together in a theater, and finally having some private time in a love hotel.

Love Hotel

(Lemon scene incoming)

Y/N is seen making out with Enterprise while thrusting her in face-off position.

Enterprise: [moans] Oh, Y/N~

He then gropes Enterprise breasts.

Enterprise: [moans] Oh yes, Y/N~. Grab them, they're yours to play with~

He keeps thrusting while also starts sucking her breast at the same time.

Enterprise: Yes, baby, that's it, suck my tits, you love them right? [moans] It feels so good!

They keep going at it for 20 minutes until they finally...

Y/N: [Groans] Enty, I'm about to cum!

Enterprise: Me too, my love, let's do it together! One! Two!

Y/N: [Groans]

Y/N & Enterprise: Three!

Both of them then cum at the same time.

Enterprise: AAAHHH~ [pants] That was amazing~

They're not done yet however as their sex session about to last for hours.

(Lemon scene ended)

Two days later

Y/N is seen with the shipgirls who want to know more about his adventures in the Multiverse.

Y/N: So, one of the worlds I went to is quite similar to the Cosmic Era world, the main differences are that that world had Union Academy and Union in it, Flay died during the Bloody Valentine War and also, apparently in that world, there was a war two years after the Bloody Valentine War dubbed the Second Alliance-ZAFT War which ended with Lacus Clyne became the Chairwoman of the PLANT Supreme Council and Y/N Yamato joining ZAFT and several months after the war, the Union of course tried to do something stupid such as trying to declare war at Earth Alliance, PLANT, and Orb due to their inflated ego, stating that the Naturals and Coordinators cannot be trusted to maintain the peace and so they told everyone that because they have superpowers meant they have the right to rule the Earth Sphere and everyone should bow to them, completely ignoring that fact that they are completely outgunned and outnumbered in every way, sure, they have that world's Atlas and the last remaining members of LOGOS' supports but it's still not enough, LOGOS is a secret society made up of a handful of powerful industrialists and defense contractors who see war as a business and manipulate world events to profit from the misery it creates that should have died after the Second Alliance-ZAFT War, LOGOS also shared a working relationship with the Blue Cosmos by the way. Some of the LOGOS members survived because they chose a different hiding place from the other LOGOS members that died during the Second Alliance-ZAFT War. At first, nobody took them seriously and just thought that they are joking because they don't have mobile suits and even if they have superpowers it won't enough, until they deployed several Destroy Gundams, Gundams that have nearly three times as large as an average mobile suits built for large-scale destruction, to several cities to show everyone that they're serious, here's the pictures of Destroy Gundam alongside with its Mobile Armor form.

Belfast: Oh dear, so they used these Destroy Gundams to raze any cities of people who opposed them?

Y/N: Yep. And apparently, from what the others said, the Earth Alliance, or more specifically the Atlantic Federation used to deploy these Destroy Gundams in an attempt to punish the others for not joining their anti-Coordinator crusade during the Second Alliance-ZAFT War, which made everyone thought that they had anything to do with the deployment of Destroy Gundams by the Union, but they actually don't had anything to do with their deployment this time and it was the surviving LOGOS members that funded the Union and Atlas to produce the Destroy Gundams for their own use.

Enterprise: So, where were the Union deployed these Destroy Gundams?

Y/N: Oh, they deployed these at Orb and at some Earth Alliance's territories. Those Destroy Gundams and the Union's mobile suits that also came with those were taken care of by the Cagalli, Athrun, Me, and the rest of Orb National Defense Force, and that world's Azur Lane and I heard Earth Forces successfully managed to get rid them off.

Prinz Eugen: We also have our counterparts there?

Y/N: Yes, in fact, they were also formerly members of Union.



Enterprise: Why did they even join them in the first place?

Y/N: That world's Azur Lane at first joined Union because they thought Union can help to bring peace to the world until they found out that Union don't really care about helping people. Another reason why they defected from Union was because they keep getting sexual harassments from Union's "star" students especially from the certain "emperor" and the headmasters, except Enterprise, not doing a damn thing about it. And even with that world's Enterprise's efforts, it wasn't enough to stop the sexual harassments and because of that they had enough and deciced to defect from Union.

Enterprise: I take it the Union was not taking it well?

Y/N: You're right. The Union was not taking it well and decided to attack the Azur Lane HQ shortly after the Second Alliance-ZAFT War but months before their attacks on Orb, PLANT and Earth Alliance.

Illustrious: Oh my, Did anyone survived their attack?

Y/N: Oh, you don't need to worry about that. Sure, the attack destroyed the HQ but they failed to kill any of the shipgirls because they fucking suck.

Tirpitz: So, where do they live now?

Y/N: Orb let them live at their territory and even help them build their new HQ there.


Athrun Zala was seen piloting Infinite Justice Gundam fending off some Union Forces that were using Windams and other mobile suits that were funded by the surviving LOGOS members who tried to invade the Orb in their foolish attempt to conquer the Earth Sphere.

Athrun: Damn! What's with these guys?!

And after he's done with the Union mobile suits that were getting in his way, Athrun then immediately went straight to the nearest Destroy Gundam and avoiding all of its attack before stabbing it in the cockpit with Infinite Justice's Beam Sabers that were combined into a twin-edged Beam Saber, killing its pilot before he went for another Destroy Gundams.

Meanwhile, Cagalli Yula Attha was seen piloting Strike Rouge with its Ootori Striker Pack equipped also fighting some invading Union Forces with Y/N's Shurouga assisting her.

Cagalli: [To Y/N] Were the Unions in other worlds you went into this annoying?

Y/N L/N: Not really, probably because they didn't have those massive Gundams.

Cagalli and Y/N then avoid an incoming beams from two Union's Destroy Gundams and charged at them.

Cagalli's Strike Rouge Ootori evaded one of the Destroy Gundam's beams while flying towards it and it retaliated by firing its Beam Rifle and Small Missiles at the Destroy Gundam that was in the Mobile Suit mode and once it get closer to the massive Gundam, it stabbed its cockpit with its Large Anti-Ship Sword.

Somewhere in the battlefield, Rondo Mina Sahaku in her Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina was quite impressed by Cagalli's performance.

Rondo Mina Sahaku: Very impressive, she really have the conviction of the one who shoulders Orb's burden. Well then, [to Union Forces] let's see how well you dance!

She then activated her mobile suit's Mirage Colloid Stealth System to disappear from both visual and sensor detection much to the Union's pilots confusion.

Union pilot 1: Huh? It disappeared? Where did it go?

Before it appeared and stabbed one of Union's Windams with its "Totsuka no Tsurugi" Saber.

Union pilot 1: Ghk!

Before it disappeared again from their sight and sensors.

Union pilot 2: What the hell is that thing?

Then it reappeared again slicing several Union's mobile suits with its "Trikeros Kai" Offensive Shield System's Beam Saber.

Union pilot 2: UAAHH!

After she's done with the Union's mobile suits around her, she then moved on to another area in the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Shurouga was seen rushed at one of Destroy Gundams that attacked him at high speed while dodging its attacks before it slashed its head and destroying it before he slashed at its chest downward before stabbing it at the cockpit.

Mu La Flaga was also seen fighting the Union mobile suits in his Akatsuki Gundam with its Oowashi Sky Pack equipped letting the Union mobile suits to fire at him with their beams before reflecting the beams back at them with its "Yata-no-Kagami" Anti-Beam Defensive Reflection System much to the Union pilots shock.

Union pilot 3: What the fu-

His last words got interrupted as his mobile suit along with the other Union mobile suits that fired at Akatsuki Gundam got destroyed by their own beams.

Mu La Flaga: Sheesh, these guys don't know who they're messing with.

Somewhere far away from the mobile suits battlefield, some of the Union's "Heroes" and Atlas Soldiers were seen on foot tried to destroy the new Azur Lane HQ and capture any shipgirls they find there.

Union "Hero" 1: We're gonna capture those traitorous bitches and make them pay for defecting from us.

Union "Heroes" & Atlas Soldiers: YEAH!

Union "Hero" 1: Let's g-

He turned into red mists due to one of the shipgirls riggings' cannon fire.

Enterprise: We won't return to that miserable place! GIRLS! FIRE!

The other shipgirls fired at the Union "Heroes" and Atlas Soldiers who can't find any cover from their fire. One of Atlas Soldiers managed slip away and try to get closer to them.

Atlas Soldier 1: (Finally! I can make those bitches pay!)

But before he can do anything else, he got decapitated by Takao.

Takao: Scum.

The other Union "Heroes" and Atlas Soldiers that managed to escape the shipgirls' ambush and try to get closer to them also got killed easily because the shipgirls also predicted that some of them will survive their ambush and try to get closer to them.

Y/N: And the ZAFT Forces were able to intercept Union's mobile suits that tried to attack PLANT at the same time with the Destroy Gundams attacks in Orb and Earth Alliance's territories.


Shinn Asuka was seen piloting Destiny Gundam fighting the Union Forces' mobile suits.

(A/N: Destiny Gundam my beloved)

Shinn: Are you guys really trying to start another war?! Even after everything that happened?!

Then the Destiny Gundam fired its High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon at the approaching Union's mobile suits and destroyed them all easily.

And then Lunamaria Hawke in Force Impulse Gundam was seen firing its Beam Rifle at some Windams.

Lunamaria: Looks like the Union let their superpowers get to their head and think this is the best course of action. Not a good idea honestly.

And in the near of their place, Y/N Yamato was seen trying to communicate with the Union Forces to make them retreat.

Y/N Yamato: Please stop this! There's no need to do all of this!

Cardin: Screw you, space monster, we won't listen to you.
(A/N: Some of the Union students volunteered to join their space force to attack PLANT)

Lunamaria: Hey, who are you calling space monster?

Cardin: That guy and also all of the Coordinators. We, Union Academy, are the truly superior ones here and we will prove it by destroying all of you!

Cardin's Windam then started firing its Beam Rifle at Force Impulse which got dodged before she countered him by firing her own Beam Rifle at him, heavily damaging the Windam.


Lunamaria then shut him up by firing at his Windam one more time which make his mobile suit explode.

Y/N Yamato's Strike Freedom Gundam then was seen used its Full Burst Mode and firing its beam rifles, DRAGOONs, railguns and multi-phase beam cannon all at once to disable a large amount of Union's mobile suits simultaneously.

While Shinn was seen activating Destiny's Wings of Light.

Before he rushed to the Union's mobile suits at high speed.

Shinn: HAAAAAAA!!!!!

While also leaving a trail of afterimages that confused the Union pilots and cutting them all with the "Arondight" Anti-Ship Sword with ease.

The other Union pilots that tried to attack him had a hard time hitting him due to the Destiny's speed and afterimages it left behind.

Dove: Aarghh! Die already you space monster!

Lunamaria and the other ZAFT mobile suits took advantage of the Union's pilots that were too busy firing at Destiny to notice them by firing at them.

Russell: NO! IT CAN'T BE!

Lunamaria: Man, they really think they can conquer the Earth Sphere with people like this?

Meanwhile, Shinn was able to destroy many Union's mobile suits easily with Destiny's Wings of Light activated.

Sky: [Desperately firing at Destiny Gundam] NOOOO! GO AWAY!

And slicing any Union mobile suits that stand in his way while Y/N Yamato was able to disable many Union mobile suits with ease.


Y/N: After repelling Unions on their territory, Orb, ZAFT, Earth Alliance, and that world's Azur Lane launched a massive counterattack at the Union to stop their madness and stupidity that caused unnecessary casualties. Oh, there are also some defectors from Union who don't like how Union do things and decided to defect during the war and join the counterattack to change Union for the better. (A/N: I'll just let you guys decide for yourself on who the defectors are here)

Bismarck Zwei: I take it they defeat Union in such short time?

Y/N: Correct, even with their superpowers and the mobile suits and Destroy Gundams they got from the surviving LOGOS members' funds, they were very outnumbered in every way and Atlas' Paladins are just worthless junks.

Union Academy

Destiny Gundam was seen activating its Wings of Light and rushed at the one of the Destroy Gundams that were stationed there and in the Mobile Suit mode and managed to gave it some slashes at their chest before firing its High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon at their chest in point blank range, destroying it before moved on to the nearest Destroy Gundam in area.

Once it get closer to the nearest Destroy Gundam, it fired its DESTINY FINGER- I mean, "Palma Fiocina" Palm Beam Cannon to its head, destroying it in one shot before it stabbed its cockpit with its "Arondight" Anti-Ship Sword.

Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice were seen fighting the Union mobile suits without any problem due to their amazing teamwork. Some Destroy Gundams tried to stop them but they took care of them without any difficulty on their end.

Shurouga also had no problem at defeating the Destroy Gundams with its speed which made the massive Gundam unable to hit it and also gave him a clean hit to the cockpit which killed the pilot, some Union's mobile suits tried to surround him but Y/N had a solution to that...


After he's done with the Union's mobile suits around him, a certain "Red Dragon Emperor" arrived and said something really stupid.

Issei: [To Y/N Yamato and Athrun] After I'm done with you Coordinators scum, I will take Lacus and Cagalli and make them mine!

Y/N Yamato & Athrun: .....

Both Y/N Yamato and Athrun activated their SEED mode in respond to this.

And Y/N Yamato in Strike Freedom wordlessly charged at Issei and while Issei was prepared to fight it, he didn't count on it to just bumped into him which make him staggered before Infinite Justice deliver the finishing blow by stabbing him with its twin-edged Beam Saber while he was distracted due to his confusion as to why Strike Freedom didn't just attack him.

The other Orb, ZAFT, and Earth Alliance's soldiers were doing fine as well. Sure, they had difficulty with the Destroy Gundams and Union's "Heroes" superpowers were really annoying to deal with but they managed to get through all that.

The shipgirls also had a problem with Union "Heroes" and Atlas Soldiers but in the end they managed to defeat them without any casualties with the help of the defectors.

Lacus tried to convince them to surrender but they were stubborn as hell and fully convinced of their superiority and gloating that they're gonna win this war despite the evidences that proved otherwise.


Y/N L/N in Shurouga was seen about to finish the Union's Headmasters.

Y/N L/N: Man, you guys are always making a mess. Welp, time to die! EMBRACE THE INFERNO!


Y/N: After I was done with the Headmasters and the surviving LOGOS members, some of the rare reasonable Union members agreed to surrender. After they surrendered, we might as well also capture or kill any Union Villains that tried to take advantage of the "Heroes" being either dead or taken prisoner so they won't cause any trouble to anyone else with the help of the defectors who know how they operate better. And after completely making sure that no one from Union either the "Heroes" or the Villains will be making any more problem in the future, I decided it was time for me to leave.


Y/N L/N: Well, it's time for me to leave, I enjoyed my time here.

Y/N Yamato: Thanks for your help and please, take care on your journey.

Y/N L/N: No problem, I'm just glad I can be helpful here and don't worry, I'll be careful. Ciao~


Y/N: Well, that's all for today.

Kronshtadt: May I ask a question?

Y/N: Sure, go ahead.

Kronshtadt: Are there any Union Academies that actually good in the Multiverse? I find it weird that for a hero school, they sure have way too many evil counterparts.

Y/N: Good question. There are actually few Union Academies that actually legit good in the Multiverse, but for some reasons they somehow have WAY too many evil counterparts compared to the actual good ones and because of that, the actually good Union Academies are extremely rare.

Y/N: Alright, if there's no more question, that's all my story for now.

Azur Lane HQ

(Lemon scene incoming)

After he's done with his works today, Y/N goes to his quarters and finds Prinz Eugen wearing her Race Queen outfit in his quarters.

Prinz Eugen: (winks) Hey there, cutie~

Y/N: Heh, I always love seeing you wearing that outfit.

Prinz Eugen: *Chuckles* Oh, I know that, darling. I'm wearing this for a reason~ can you guess why?~

Y/N: *Chuckles* Oh, I think I know very well why.

Eugen: Fu fu, Come here, sweetheart~

Y/N then approaches her and as he gets closer, Eugen hugs him and starts making out with him.


Y/N then is seen fucking Eugen in doggy style position.

Eugen: [moans] Oh, Y/N~. Your cock feels amazing as always.

Y/N then increase his speed much to Eugen's pleasure.

Eugen: Oh YES! More!

He keeps thrusting for several minutes until he finally cums in her.

Prinz Eugen: Aaahh~ [pants] That's the stuff~ [pants] Thanks, sweetheart.

Y/N: I'm not done yet though, I can go for more rounds.

Prinz Eugen: Oh my~

Y/N keeps having fun with Eugen for hours.

(Lemon scene ended)


Y/N is seen beating the shit out of one of the commanders that betrayed him with a spiked baseball bat.

Random Commander That No One Cares About 2: No! Please stop! I'm sorry!

Y/N: What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of me beating the shit out of you.

He then kicks his crotch.

Random Commander That No One Cares About 2: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

He then stops for a bit, much to the his and the others' confusion before he grabs and rips off one of his legs.

Random Commander That No One Cares About 2: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

And beats him to death with it.


Several minutes later

After he's dead, Y/N then spits on his corpse and throws his severed leg at the horrified former commanders before telling Belfast...

Y/N: Bel, I'm done here.

Belfast: Understood

Y/N exits the room, with Belfast about to close the door. But before she close the door though, she glares at the former commanders for a bit and scoffs at them.

Belfast: Hmph, serves you right.

Before she closes the door and locks it before she goes with Y/N.

(A/N: This is the longest chapter in this book so far)

(A/N: Anyway, here's a bnuuy picture and other stuff I found)

(A/N: Pat the bunny hunny)

(A/N: Found this interesting Destiny Gundam X Astray Red Frame fusion on pixiv. Made by shinobufujiwara. I think I also saw an interesting fusion of Destiny Gundam X Crossbone Gundam made by the same guy)

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