Attack of the Furries

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Once we had set off Sophie and Katniss went off into the room near the stern to unpack. Sophie had only brought a backpack and Katniss had brought nothing but a bow, quiver, and some arrows. I had brought a trunk, and Percy brought a knapsack. He had these little yellowish squares and a drink inside that I wasn't allowed to have because apparently I would burst into flames and die, but I think Percy is just hogging all of the snacks to himself! I did bring some chocolate frogs, but those squares looked so good!

I was at the wheel, but wasn't really steering, to be honest. I was sitting there reading up on Greek Mythology to get a better understanding on my crew mates. So far I've read about Medusa, The Minotaur, most of the Gods, some of the.pGoddesses, and everything about Poseidon. So far he seems pretty weird and a little clueless. Especially with the rivalry against Athena. She seems like a goddess who you would not want to mess with! I mean, battle strategy and wisdom trumps water any day of the week if you ask me, but magic trumps all!

I was very deep in thought when a huge wave came at the boat! Percy grunted, and I had a feeling he was trying to stop it. I may have squealed loudly, but that's up for debate. When the girls heard a squeal they came out and Sophie paled. Katniss looked expectantly at Percy.

"I'm working on it" He said quietly and he turned paler and sweater by the second. The wave was about two meters from hitting us when it curled over us and drenched us. Percy managed to keep the boat upright, thank goodness! Sophie and Katniss both looked very unhappy about being wet, and the feeling was mutual. Only Percy seemed to be enjoying it, and that's when I realized he didn't have a drop of water on him or his clothes, or anywhere near him! I guess there are some perks to being son of Poseidon.

"Hahaha! You guys are soaked! Your clothes are so wet! Dad got you guys good!" Percy chuckled.

"Haha, not funny! I'm getting you back for this Percy! If there's anything I've learnt from my friend Keefe, it's how to prank, and this to Dex, I always keep some balding elixir with me" Sophie says with a smirk. Her voice wavered with her friend's names though. I wish Ron and Hermione were here right now. Hermione would like Katniss, I think, and Ron would get along with Percy. Ginny, well, she would like Sophie, and Katniss, and maybe Percy too. I wish they were all her. That's why it's crucial we get to Canada as fast as we can!

I went to sit down at the wheel again when Katniss walked up to me.

"I'll take over. You need to unpack your humongous trunk. Next time you should pack light, just saying." Noted Katniss. Packing light wasn't my style. Although I could've brought Hermione's bottomless bag.

I left to my room and realized how large the room looked on the inside. It had a closet on the left and a queen sized bed on the right. I took out my three Gryfindor robes and hung them up in the closet on the left side. I placed my extra set of glasses inside of the draw below my robes and came out of my room to screeching.

"What the heck are those things?!" Screamed Sophie.

"It looks like a couple of furies! They are Hades's minion sort of things that he will sic on you randomly, or they will sic themselves on you because they don't like you. One of them used to be my substitute, but I won't get into details about that. Anyways, if you can fight, do it!" Percy said quickly. I took out my wand as Katniss aimed her bow and Sophie made a concentrating face that told me she was probably going to pull out some Elven voodoo magic sort of thing with her mind, or that she had bad eyesight and couldn't see the monsters.

As they came closer Katniss shot her bow, but the arrow went straight threw the beast! I shot a bombardo spell at them and they were blown backwards, but not exploded or even injured at all!

"Uh, why did my arrows go straight through them!?" Yelled Katniss.

"Sorry, forgot to say that only certain metals can harm them, like Celestial Bronze, Stygian Iron, Imperial Gold-" Percy listed.

"Got it! Let's see how this works then, since I'm not physically attacking them it should work." Sophie exclaimed vaguely. She closed her eyes and then this very loud, pained screech, and two of the three furies turned to golden dust.
"Inflicting may be scary, but I gotta admit that it comes into handy" Sophie said.

I flicked my wand silently casting bombardo again. The third furry wasn't affected by it and charged straight toward Percy. He stood ready with his pen, which I was very confused about, and at the last second he uncapped it to reveal a sword! He then stabbed the furry and it turned to dust at his feet.

"Ok, so we need to get some monster-killing weapons for Harry and Katniss." Percy suggested. We nodded. "If you could go near New York Harry, we would be able to get weapons there."

"You know that we are several months from being there, right?" I said. Even if Percy used his magical water powers it would take a month at minimum, excluding monster attacks and pit stops for food.

"There has to be a quicker way! I can't stand just floating in a boat when my friends are probably being tortured and held captive by super powerful Elves, Wizards, Titans and evil plotting people who enjoy killing!" Sophie said, her voice cracking at the mention of her friends. Katniss nodded in agreement.

"Well the note said that we would find people who could help, so if we keep sailing, hopefully we will find someone to help." Katniss said. It did make sense. I just hope that one month or more isn't too late.

So, how was that? I saw that we have 11 views/reads before this chapter was posted, which means that 3 people are reading, which is one more than I expected! Maybe we can get a vote from that obscure reader? No pressure! Anyways, thanks for reading!


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