Hogwarts does NOT have a Pig with Warts

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I leaned up against a brick wall and the next thing I knew I was on the floor.

"Katniss! Are you okay?" I heard Sophie yell through the other side. I slowly got up, made sure I was ok, and then shouted back

"Yeah,". Sophie and Percy then came through to my side. A train whistle blew and I looked to see a train coming.

Sophie, Percy and I shared skeptical glances as we boarded the train. It read Hogwarts on the side, and I couldn't help but imagine a warty pig, and laughed out loud. The others looked at me, then sat down.

3 hours later we arrived. There was a river and a few boats that led to a huge castle up ahead, and Percy rubbed his hands together.

"I got this girls." And in less than a minute we were at the castle gates. It looked like there were students roaming the halls, meaning that we were in some sort of school. I was still waiting to see the hog with warts!

We entered a dinning area with a boy who looked about Percy and I's age. He had jet black hair and circular glasses. He wore a long black robe with a red and yellow lion crest and stripes. He looked up, pulled out a stick, and yelled "expelliarmus!" And Percy's pen flew out of his pocket. My bow and arrows flew from me and landed next to the pen.

"Who are you? Where are my friends!?" He yelled. "Are you death eaters?" I looked at the others.

"Are you Harry Potter? We are here to get help from you to find our and each others friends and family too." Asked Percy.

"Yeah, I'm Harry Potter. How do I know that you aren't lying to me?" He inquired. We pulled out our notes and he nodded. "Well then, guess we're heading off to Canada. It's where my note says to go." Harry said.

"Wait! Where is the pig?" Asked Percy. I tried not to laugh. I was wondering the same thing, but thought that asking would result in disaster. Harry face-palmed and Sophie excused herself to burst out laughing a couple halls down.

"Hogwarts does NOT have a pig with warts! Are the United States all United and all best friends and all believe in the same thing? NO! Does this Camp Half-Blood only have half of the blood it needs? No! So, no, there is no pig or hog with skin disorders here! Back to important matters, how do we get there?" Asked Harry after his little rant. Percy rolled his eyes and ignored us.

"Well I can't teleport us because I've never been to Canada, and what part of Canada anyways?" Asked Sophie.

"Not sure. It says that we will find others that will point us in the right direction. Not sure who though. We could always fly out to somewhere in Canada that is popular and go from there." Harry suggested.

"Nope! Can't do that either, unless you like fried Harry in a plane!"Percy jumped in.That made Sophie and I laugh. It sounded like a main course at a bad rated restaurant.

"Well then how the heck are we gonna get there?!" Asked Harry, yelling. Obviously he was frustrated. How are we gonna get to the other side of the world if we can't teleport or fly a plane?

"Chill out bro. If we find a boat I could easily make it a smooth ride! Does anyone know how to drive a boat? It can't be that hard, I mean, right hand on the engine thingy, left hand on the wheel, eyes on the water." Percy suggested.

"I bet I could figure it out, but the throttle would be on the left. You Americans have your directions all wrong." Harry said.

"No, we don't! The throttle thingy would be on the right because the right side is right! It totally makes sense. You England-fancy-pinky-out-drinking-tea-people just didn't want to be copy cats so you switched everything around!" Said Percy. Sophie was laughing, but I was confused. I'm from district 12 in Panem, which isn't in anywhere near here.

"Actually Percy, the English were established before the United States, so we were the ones that "copied" them." Sophie explained with amusement.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! I win! Go England!" Yelled Harry. I rolled my eyes as Harry led us toward a dock singing "We Are The Champions" while Percy sulked.


After a half hour walk, an hour of lunch, and fifteen minutes of Percy sulking about being wrong, we finally made it. The harbour was fairly large, and there were lots of boats. Harry pointed to a large white boat with a few blue stripes. It had windows that inside showed two beds. It read Victoria III on the side and looked in great shape.

"We could take that one. The person that owns it will let us if we give him money. He takes any type of currency." Explained Harry.

I'm still getting over the fact that I'm standing with an Elf-not a Christmas one, an off-spring of a God and a human, and a wizard. I'm just a human girl! Sure, I've survived a death match between 24 people twice, but it's not like I have any magic or anything! Just a bow and arrows.

We walked over to a very large man with a black beard and talked to him. He asked for $500 just incase broke something.

Percy had $50 in human cash and $10 in drachmas, the money that demigods used to pay for Iris messages, which allowed you to call someone through a rainbow. Sophie had $10 in human money. Harry had $200 in wizard coins on him, and said he could get more. I had none. Altogether we had $270 which was a little more than half. Harry then told us to wait as he went to get the $230 left. He waved his hand and was gone. 15 minutes later he was back with a bag. We handed the money over to the man and we were off.

There we go! Chapter three! Did you guys wonder about the school name when you read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone? I know I was! Comment on writing style and mistakes I might have made if you want! Thx for reading! I'll try to update soon!

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