Monsters and Evil Elves. What More can you Ask for?

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The rumble was deafening, as if Bulldozers were rolling toward us, ready to demolish everything in their path. Maybe they were the Greek Titans that Percy had talked about, or maybe it was a pack of mutated bears, coming to fight for the Gamemaker, or possibly it was elves gone bad that had the power to grow in size and weight. We soon found out that it was something very similar to Titans.

"Giants." Percy mumbled under his breath. Obviously he wasn't a fan. They were huge, and their heads barely fit into the tall building. They wore weapons on every part of their body, and bore murderous expressions. They took one look at Percy and his friends and charged. Everyone split up, some with weapons and others with powers. Peeta ran off toward the boy who was shooting flames from his fingertips and Prim went to hide, so I quickly grabbed my bow and aided a blonde girl. I shot my arrow at a female Giant's head, causing it to cry out in shock. A brown-haired girl gave me a thumbs up before firing a spell from her wand. Together we held off the monster, firing spells and arrows every which way. Then I saw a metal object soar through the sky and attach itself onto the giant's face. It flashed a red light thrice, and then,


It exploded, leaving a deep wound on the monster's cheek. It roared in pain, then looked for the culprit. A boy no older than 16 looked at the beast with a huge dimply smile, and then held up another bomb, ready to throw it. He wore a blue coat with lots of pockets, no doubt filled with other gadgets. The Giant roared and swiped at him, barely missing. Together the four of us battled, outwitting the giant, but not defeating it. Though it was very wounded it wouldn't let up. Obviously the others were having the same problem, since not one of the Greek monsters had fallen yet. The creepy elf woman stood watching us, a smug smirk plastered on her face. She snapped her fingers a few times, her entrancing evil glare never leaving me.

The monsters stopped, and turned toward her. They walked out of the room and into the long hallway, ignoring the spells, fire, water, and other projectiles being shot at them. Then Elf-Lady disappeared, leaving us all alone. I looked at the people around me and we all had very similar thoughts. Let's go get them.

"Okay, let's think about this in a smart way." The blonde girl said. "We need a plan, right now."

"Okay Annabeth, what's the plan?" Percy asked her, apparently eager to do what she said. Either she's smart or he's used to being bossed around.

"Uh, how about attack? As in go attack them right now." A golden haired boy suggested from the crowd. He wore fancy clothes like Sophie's, and had ice blue eyes. Obviously he liked action.

"I think that it'd be smarter to plan, Keefe." Sophie replied.

"How about we split up into groups, and investigate within those teams. That way if they left anyone behind we can attack them in waves." The brown-haired girl wizard suggested. We all agreed. We tried to group together those with similar thinking and skills.

My group was Dex Dizznee, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Fitz Vacker, Annabeth Chase, and Jason Grace. I was the supposed leader. We were in the last wave, or the last stand, as Annabeth called us. The first group had Peeta, Leo Valdez, Keefe Sencen, Percy, Marella Reddek, and Ronald Weasley, Percy leading. Second group consisted of Sophie, Piper McLean, Nico DiAngelo, Biana Vacker, Linh Song, Tam Song, and Neville Longbottom, Sophie leading. Third group was Harry, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Wylie Endal, Grady Ruewen (Sophie's Dad), and Will Solace, Harry leading. Everyone else was to stay back incase the monsters took down too many of us, otherwise know as reinforcements.

"Let's go!" Percy yelled, leading his group down the hall. Five minutes later Sophie lead her group out. When they didn't return Harry left, and finally, after what felt like ages I decided we should move out too. I led my group of seven outside to find a huge mess of humans, elves, demigods and wizards fighting many different creatures. Peeta was tackling a mutt, and Harry was battling a Greek monster. My group split up into smaller teams, ditching the 'stronger in numbers' idea. I charged toward a huge group of Mutts with bow out and arrows ready.

I shot three, killing them in a flash, but they just kept coming. Peeta soon joined me, and helped me by stabbing them. This fight was anything but a pretty one, there was so many stabbing sounds, and the entire plot of land reeked with the stench of blood. I shot a mutt right before it bit Peeta, but another one got my leg right before it was stabbed to death.

"Are you okay!?" Peeta yelled at me over the battle cries. I nodded, biting my lip and squeezing my eyes shut tight, trying to shake off the pain. I set up another arrow and proceeded to fight.

Arrows were flying, swords were slashing, things were being stabbed, slashed, cut and bruised, and monsters were falling by the dozen. The question was, would we be enough?

There we go! All done! Hope y'all enjoyed! Also, I'm sorry it's not really really long, but I have a hard time writing from Katniss' POV.  Finally, 1k view! You all are so awesome! Okay, bye! I'm tired.

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