CHAPTER 14: "The Turtle's Feelings & The Fangirl's Vision and Dream"

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[Raph's PoV]

I carefully turned around from the door, hoping that no one's behind me. Popping out of the corner of my eye, came out Mikey laying his hands over my shoulder, making me scared and shocked instantly.

"Hey, Raph!"

"AGH!! Mikey?!", I told him.

He smirks at me and says,"Man, for a hothead, you sure are sensitive...", trailing off as I pushed him off my shoulders and passed.

"...and a great singer, too!", he added, forcing me to stop in my tracks.

(*Play "Premonition by Keiichi Okabe"*)

I faced him, my features flaring a bright red and my fists crackling their knuckles.

"I what?!", I stressed my voice on the last word, my blood boiling over its limit.

Smiling, he remarks,"And you've got a pretty nice voice! Not to mention after singing a girly Japanese song...", chuckling in between.

Oh no, he did not just spy on us and hear me sing...

I walked closer to him, cornering him against a wall. I gave him a deadly glare, and spoke,"None of that is going to reach the others, otherwise; I'm gonna beat the green crap out of you until you cry uncle, understood?!", towering over him as he cowers below me.

"Sure... O-of course...", he replies and sweat drops.

"Good, now be quiet and don't  disturb Alexa, she just slept. I'll be in my room.", I said to him, turning my back and opening my room's door.

While I shut it closed, I heard him faintly reply,"You got it!", with me imagining him doing a soldier's salute.

(*End song*)

Entering my room, my eyes caught attention of a small turtle living inside a terrarium, snapping off a few tears of a leaf. I stepped closer to him, taking him out of the terrarium.

He automatically climbs on my shoulder, with a leaf still stuck in his mouth.

(*Play "Morning Glory by Keigo Hoashi"*)

I smiled and petted him,"Hey there, Spike. How's it been buddy?", greeting him.

He nods and rubs his head against my chin. It tickled me a bit, making me chuckle.

"Hehehe.. Man, today was a bit overwhelming, especially during training. Alexa and I battled pretty hard and, I accidentally injured her. But, who can blame me?! Her aura earlier was quite different from her aura the other night. You know what I mean, right Spike?", I asked my pet turtle, but I receive no response.

I fixed my frame, setting him down on the mattress, "Chew on your leaf if you agree.", and as expected, Spike did chew on his leaf.

"Yeah, I knew you would... I mean, it's like I'm living with two different persons at the same time. One moment; she's all nice and cute but annoys you, and then the next; she's filled with pity and easily understands things even in rough situations... It's just so confusing... Chomp on your leaf if you understand, Spike.", I remarked, and then Spike chomps off the leaf again.

"Heh, thanks bud... I knew you'd understand... You know, with her attitude like that, she can be really annoying and irritating though she's- in a way -similar to April. And, y'know that I see April as a sister, a best friend... But not as much of a best friend as you would be, Spike...", I stated and cuddled him in my grasp, putting him down immediately.

Returning to the topic, I said,"She's a really wonderful person if you meet her, she makes you go insane and then makes you sympathize for her. Y'know, like how Mikey would do for me. But somehow, I can't stand it staying next to her without getting pissed off or going rogue. She's like a weird and irritating little sister to me and-", but I paused when Spike stared at me, barely touching his leaf.

"What?", I asked.

He kept on staring at me, until I spoke up,"Don't tell me that you think Alexa likes me! She wouldn't have. She said she's a fangirl over the four of us, with no favoritisms. She also says nice and sympathetic things to the others, so why does it mean that you'd think she likes me?"

Spike faced his gaze upon his leaf, with some intentions. Oh shell, he's gonna bite that leaf, isn't he?

"Don't tell me you're gonna-", but before I finished, he ate the entire leaf with nothing left behind.

"What the-? Spike? C'mon, she must be like that from the start. She'd never like me.", I denied, yet he just walked closer to me and rubbed against my leg.

I really don't think that she'd like me, ever. I mean, who would want to love someone like me, a mutant-freak turtle. And besides, she's a human and I'm a turtle, what chances do we have?

I'm not saying that I like her, I'm just saying if she would ever like me, it wouldn't work out. And even if she really liked me, I would've known by now. But until then, she's gonna be like an aggravating younger sister or more like Mikey's twin.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Raph?", came in Leo's voice.

"Sup man!"

"How's Alexa doing? Has she slept already?", he asked me, leaning over the door.

I stood up from my bed, carrying Spike,"Yeah, she's fine. She's taking a few power naps to get better. Donnie said she'd need it.", replying to his question.

"Good, it's 11:00 AM but we're going out on a patrol in search for the rest of the canisters. You wanna come?", he offered me.

(*End song*)

I placed Spike back to his terrarium and retorted,"If it involves possible fights with some bots or mutants, I'm in!"

"Great! Donnie and Mikey are already outside preparing, we're the only ones left that they're waiting for.", he said, signaling me to go with him.

I followed him out of the room, then turned to Spike and waved a small goodbye at him,"See yah later, buddy. I'll be back.", closing the door. As soon as the four of us we're ready, we were off to the surface.

[Alexa's PoV]

(*Play "1 Star 1 Flower by Keigo Hoashi"*)

The darkness is blinding me again, making me unable to see my surroundings-let alone my own arms. It's a vast wave of shadows, covering me like a blanket. Suddenly, there were robot noises heard from my right, then from my left. Sooner or later, the noises surrounded me, with me unable to escape the ruckus they're making.

In a flash; light appeared-but it's a red light-illuminating white and shiny orbs. I glared at each one, who seemed to be staring at me. I took a few steps back and then emerged a group of footbots, all of them armed with sharp weapons.

My feet connected with the ground, as I froze in place. They were too many for me to handle alone! So, I began running from them but they gained on me, getting closer by the minute. Shurikens flew from their hands, aiming at me as a target.

I screamed clamorous Japanese pleadings from my lips, but no one came to my aid. I felt like all hope was lost, their feet raced the same pace as mine and pointed their weapons against me. I shut my eyes but kept on running and yelled,"Uh!! Rafaeru-kun!!! Doko ni imasu ka?" (Where are you?), with all my might, then I stumbled on my feet and fell to the cold hard floor.

I grunted as I tried to get up but my sprain got the best of me. I shut my eyes closed once again and didn't dare to watch the horrors these ninjas would do to me.

In an instant, I heard clanging metals and swords before me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Rafaeru-kun standing before me and fighting for me.

After finishing the footbots, he said,"I'm right here, Alexa... I'm here...", and faced me with a comforting smile.

I hesitated to get up, but he held out his hand and helped me arise. He kept on smiling while caressing my face, and then he made me bow just so that he could plant a kiss on my forehead. I was shocked at his actions, and instead of just pushing me away, he even hugs me. My cheeks blushed with all their might, exposing the color red to be dominant.

His embrace was so welcoming and warm, I felt like I was from a long journey and finally came home. Back to the days I recently lost my parents until today, he always became my shelter to rely on and a shoulder to cry on. I only used to imagine that he was standing next to me, hugging me, talking to me. All of that was in my imagination, but not anymore.

Now, he's really here. He came and he's real and alive. He can actually hug me, kiss me and talk back to me. He is my home.

"Rafaeru-kun... Omae wa.." (You're..) , I whispered.

He hugged me tighter, and said,"I love you, Alexa. Stay safe...", which made me confused why he said the last statement.

"Demo-" (But-)



Out of nowhere, a sharp sound was heard. Like a blade that sunk into flesh. Suddenly, Rafaeru-kun's hug loosened, too loosened. His arms grew weaker and then, he slid out of my grasp.

"Rafaeru-kun?!...", I curiously asked him.

My eyes were fully alarmed, desperate to know what's happening to him. I checked behind his shell and saw blood trickling down to his legs.

I shouted in his ears,"Rafaeru-kun?! Rafaeru-kun, daijubou ga?! Oi! Rafaeru-kun!!! RAFAERU-KUN!!! Anata wa kizutsuite iru!!!" (You're injured!!!), but it was no use, his skin just became more pale by the second.

Tears welled up in my black eyes, flowing like a river. I pulled him closer to my chest, crying my heart out in sorrow.

"Shinpaishinaide, omae wa daijubou dayo... *sob* Onegai... Ikanaide, Rafaeru-kun.... *sob* Shikariyashite... Watashi wa koko ni imasu... Daijubou desu ka... *sniffle*" (Don't worry, you'll be fine... *sob* Please... Don't leave me, Rafaeru-kun... *sob* Get a grip of yourself... I'm here... It's gonna be okay... *sniffle*), I tried to say to pull himself together, but he only smiles at me with blood trickling from his mouth.

"*cough* I'm... s-sorry,.... Alex-xa..... *cough*cough*", he replied and held my left cheek, tears invading his eyes as well.

(*End song and play "Wind Direction by Keigo Hoashi"*)

Out of the shadows; a huge figure came, holding a somewhat mace in its grasps. I furrowed my brows and gazed upon the figure. When it got close enough; I saw Spike turned into Slash, with his eyes as red as blood.

He gave me an evil grin and pulled me by my hair as I hovered above the ground.

"Agh! Yameru! Ika sete, Surashu! Onegai!!!" (Stop it! Let me go, Slash! Please!!!), I yelped in pain and held my head, tugging my hair back.

He throws me to the ground, a few meters away from Rafaeru-kun. I grunted as I tried to get up, glaring back at Slash. His eyes remained ferocious, gazing at Rafaeru-kun's resting form and then smiles.

"Īe! Onegai! Yamenaide! Īe!!!" (No! Please! Please stop! No!!!), I begged him, but then he raised his mace and slammed it against Rafaeru-kun's shell!

"AAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!!", he cries in pain.

His shell cracked in half, along with some of his flesh ripping off. I watched in terror and fear, his actions never stopping, giving Rafaeru-kun more damage than what he can take.

"RAFAERU-KUN!!! ONEGAI, SURASHU!!! YAMERU!!! YAMERU!!! ĪE!!! RAFAERU-KUN!!! RAFAERU-KUN!!! RAFAERU-KUN!!! ĪE!!!" (PLEASE, SLASH!!!! STOP IT!!! STOP IT!!! NO!!! NO!!!), I yelled and cried before him, but he doesn't bother to restrain.

Rafaeru-kun's body became bloody and wrecked into oblivion. He barely moves a muscle and breathes, frozen to the ground.

"WWAAAAHHHH!!! RAFAERU-KUN!!! *sob* RAFAERU-KUN, GET UP!!! RAFAERU-KUN!!! *sob* WWAAHH!!! *sob* WAAAAHHHHH!!!", I sobbed louder than ever, crawling and hugging onto Rafaeru-kun's corpse on the cold floor.

Suddenly, someone from behind me pulls me by my feet, tugging me away from Rafaeru-kun.

"Agh! *sniffle*Ika sete!!! Onegai!!! Ugh! Rafaeru-kun!!! Rafaeru-kun!!! ", but whoever it was continued to do so as I extended my arms to Rafaeru-kun's direction.

When I turned around, my eyes spotted the Shredder in his armor, evilly smiling behind his helmet.

"Raphael is dead. You won't see him, anymore...", he says, his terrifying voice ringing in my ears.

I was shocked, but still determined to get out of his grasp,"AGGHH!!! IKA SETE!!! KUSO YARO!!! WATASHI IKA SETE!!! ARGH!!!" (LET ME GO!!! YOU BASTARD!!! LET ME GO!!!) , kicking my foot against his leg.

He forcefully stabs one of his blades in my arm, making it bleed and numb.


"Silence, unless you want me to stab you some more!", he threatened me, retracting his blades.

As he drags me, his henchmen arrive and took me from his grasp. I kept on struggling to get free, but it was no use. They held me until we reached an electric chair with belt straps all over it. They sit me down on it and locked the straps, with my escape to become impossible. Then they all began to laugh as one footbot pulled a lever, electrocuting me with hundreds of bolts.

The current flowed inside of me, frying my blood vessels and nerves. My brain felt like it was in a seizure, while my body shakes until it paralyzes.

I shouted out screams of pain and torture, begging for mercy and help none of them would give. In the midst of my screaming agony, pictures flashed in my mind. I saw and watched each and everyone of them, yet none seemed to be a part of any of my memories. They looked more like events that will happen in the future, like a vision.

The first seemed like Spike's mutation and his battle with Rafaeru-kun, but seemingly Rafaeru-kun is losing the fight. The second one showed the Manhattan Project of the Kraang, with the giant Kraang worms destroying the city into dust.

The third seemed to be me in shackles and captured by the Kraang, while they injected some green ooze in my arm. My image there was screaming in pain as well. The fourth image shows an entire Kraang Armada with Kraang Prime to lead in Dimension X, all of them were on their way to New York.

And the last one showed the turtles, Master Splinter, Casey and April lying down with blood all over them. They didn't move nor breathe at all. It was a vision of their dead corpses.

After the visions flashed through my head, the unbearable pain returned, electrocuting me again. My arms were flaring a dark red and my feet seemed to turn black from all of the volts. I repeatedly screamed and shouted for help, hoping that someone would come.

Suddenly, another vision appeared before me. It was Rafaeru-kun, covered in blood and completely injured. My eyes cried a river of tears again, as I shouted out while electricity fries me,"AARRGGHHH!!! RAFAERU-KUN!!! RAFAERU-KUN!!! AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!! NNOO!!!! RAFAERU-KUN!!!! RAFAERU-KUN, GET UP- AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! RAFAERU-KKKKUUUUNNNN!!!!"

*Back to Reality*

"RAFAERU-KUN!!!", I screamed, waking up in my room with my body uncontrollably perspiring.

(*End song*)

I heavily breathed in and out, looking around me and pinching my arm.

"Ouch!", I yelped.

'This isn't a dream, I'm awake.', I spoke to myself. But then that means, it was all a dream...

(*Play "Lilac by Sachitaro Senoo")

I sighed and clutched my chest,"Sore wa tada no yumedeshita... Demo, sore wa hontōni mieta..." (It was just a dream... But, it looked so real...) , I murmured, remembering my dream.

"Ano ne to bijon desu- Īe! Sore wa yumedeshita... Daijubou ga..." (There was a vision- No! It was a dream... It's fine...), I said, convincing myself.

I sat up and held my chest, in case it would hurt again. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt as much as it did earlier and it seemed to have healed a bit. Though my arm was still broken and my foot still had a bit of its sprain, I stood up and took the staff next to me that Dōnii-san told me to use for walking. I stopped at a mirror and sniffed an unnerving scent.

"Shiku sha! Nani wo- (Damn! What was-), I paused from whining and smelled myself. (Yes, I do that too after an afternoon power nap, thank you very much!)

I widened my gaze and realized,"I think I should take a shower or two...", looking for my bag. Opening it, I took out a white shirt trimmed with red, a pair of leggings and a dark denim blue jean shorts.

I headed to the shower but passed a glimpse of the time on my phone. It was pass 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. I took a quick bath and wore my clothes afterwards.

My staff still assisting me, I went to the kitchen to look for something to eat. I saw an instant ramen noodle cup and opened the cover. I grabbed the small kettle hanging from the shelves and filled it with water, heating up the small stove.

Once the water was heated, I poured it in the cup, then broke the chopsticks, saying,"Itadakimasu.", and began eating.

While I was digesting, I saw Sensei enter the kitchen, probably looking for a cheestickle. I slurped some noodles down my throat, greeting him,"Konichiwa, Sensei."

"Konichiwa, Alexandra. Eating ramen now, are we?", he asks.

I lifted the cup to my mouth and sipped some soup, replying to him after,"Hai. By the way, Sensei, where are Rafaeru-kun and the others?", I queried him.

He brushes his beard repeatedly, then he said,"Hmm.. Raphael left with the others to the surface hours ago. They were going to recover the lost mutagen canisters in New York.", answering my question.

"Oh.. Sokka..." (Okay...), I stated as a sign of agreement.

"How are your injuries?", he interrogates me.

I turned to him, placing down my chopsticks,"They're good. My chest doesn't hurt anymore, though. But my arm and foot are still a bit hurt.", replying to him.

"Hmm.. Good.. I was very impressed with your spar earlier... You seemed to be a natural when it comes to fights...", he remarked, brushing his beard once again.

My head shot up,"Ehehe.. You wouldn't know what I've been through to even be close...", remembering Veronica and the twins beating me up.

"Oh, is that so? Well then, I would like to suggest you to train and become a kunoichi... If you do wish to become one..."

(*"Tulip by Sachitaro Senoo"*)


"What do you say, Ms. Alexandra? Do you want to become a kunoichi?", Sensei repeats and stares at me with encouragement.


"Really?! You mean it?!", I asked for certainty.

He smiles and replies,"Yes, of course I am..."

I breathe in and out, calming my nerves and enthusiasm,"Then yes, I want to become a kunoichi!", I exclaimed, fist pumping my free hand.

"Very well then, let us begin in the dojo...", he said, and began in his steps.


"But-", he adds. "You must remember that you have injuries. And I do not wish my sons to know about this; especially Donatello, Leonardo, and Raphael.", and finishes.

Hmm... A training that none of them will know? That sounds okay... That way, they wouldn't worry too much and mess my training. Yup! That's good!

"Hai, Sensei. Yakusoku ga.", I stated and followed in his steps.

He stopped to turn to me,"Good... Now, let us begin your secluded training...", getting back to his tracks, on our way to the dojo.








(A/n: Eyo! This is my last update for 2017! My next update will probably in 2018, hehe... HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE AND MAY WE ALL BE BLESSED AND GIVEN A NEW LIFE BY THE LORD ALMIGHTY!!! 😘😇😊😙😄 So the next chapter has the weapons?! Ohh.... Now I know!😁😅😊 Thank you for all of the views, votes, comments and shares!)



Arigatogouzaimasu, minna!






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