CHAPTER 15: "Secluded Training"

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Enjoy! ~Waashi^ω^



(*Unstoppable by Sia*)

[Alexa's PoV]

I struggled a bit as I walked, alongside with Sensei to the Dojo, while my right foot dangles above the ground. When we arrived, I stopped to lean against the wall and balance myself as Sensei went ahead of me.

"Let us now begin your training, Alexandra.", he stated and faced me.

I nodded in response,"So how exactly are we going to start, Sensei?", and asked him.

He caressed his beard and replied,"I suppose your encounter earlier would suffice some basic samples of hand to hand combat...", making me shoot my head towards him.

"What?! But, Sensei...", I whined but he retorts with a stern voice,"I cannot let you do another match of a simple spar, seeing that you've already gotten some headstart injuries on your way.", glancing at my damages.

He was right, in a way, but there's one question that's kept up in my mind,"But, then what are we going to do now?", wondering what sort of plans Master Splinter has in mind.

"I suggest we begin by choosing your weapon...", he said, gesturing to a closet which he opens.

Inside the closet were all sorts of blades and weaponry imaginable, I didn't even think that some weird looking ones would exist! I stared, jaws dropped, at the different arms attached and placed in the wardrobe.

"SUGOI! (=゚Д゚=) HOW MANY WEAPONS ARE IN HERE?!", I almost screamed and kept my gaze at Sensei's weaponry.

He chuckles,"Hehe... These weapons were from my clan, the Hamato clan, which I made myself... There is at least 20 weapons here...", and said with such confidence.


"Woah... Just, woah... They're really amazing, Sensei...", I uttered and raised my free hand in the air.

He nods,"Yes... Now, you may choose your weapon...", and extends his arm, gesturing the unique and several arms before me.

"Hmm... Kunai, shuriken, knives, a few chains- Hey! What's this?!", I curiously exclaimed and reached two strangely looking metal pipes with a curved blade at each of its ends.

He calmly says,"Ahh... Those are called 'Kamas'. They are expertly used in short range and close combats. Their blades are very sharp, so ninjas must be careful when handling-", he cuts off while I wasn't listening and spun one of them, accidentally throwing them towards the tree with the blade buried deep in its trunk.

"Ahh!", I yelped and jumped back at the sight of Sensei's Kama stuck to the bark.

I slowly turned my head towards him,"Ehehe.. Sorry...", I managed to say.

He walks to the tree and effortlessly pulls out the weapon, saying,"It's fine... The Kama isn't just the right weapon for you...", accepting my apology.

"Try to choose another one..", he encourages me as I glanced in the wardrobe, again.

I spotted a somewhat spiked ball that was connected to a handle, thanks to a short chain in between them.

I pointed my finger towards it and asked,"What about this one, Sensei?", curious about the arms.

He arched his brow and replied,"Ahh... This my child is a mace. It is a considerably powerful weapon. To use it, you must lift the handle and spin it over your head.", explaining as he easily lifts it and demonstrates how it works, spinning the spiked metal in mid air.

"Woah! Cool!", I admittedly spoke, gazing in awe.

Sensei refrained from using it and offered it to me,"Please, go ahead and try for yourself...", handing me its handle.

I grabbed it and held it in my grasp, but when Sensei released his grip on it; I was pulled downwards by the heavy spiked metal sphere on the other end.

"WWaaahhhh!!!", I yelled, as the ball hit the ground and stuck to the floor.

I tried to pull it back up, yet it refused and remained in its position. Attempting again; I pulled it into a circular motion, yet it simply resulted with one of the Japanese paper-covered walls to tear down in place while I got pushed and fell on my back on the ground.

I flinched and gave Sensei an apologetic expression,"Umm... Oops..." 😖😫😣😰

Splinter's eyes widened in anger and shock, but reverted them back to me as calm and collective ones. He takes in a few breathes and says,"Do not worry, my child.... It is but a simple mistake... Choose again...", trying to encourage me to pick another weapon and helped me get back on my feet.

Yet fear runs through me, making my hands quiver and shake. I don't know which weapon to choose. I mean, sure they look cool and awesome at first but when you try to use them; it's pretty hard and they seem to end up with unwanted consequences. Who knew picking your own arms could be this hard?!

I deeply sighed in defeat, feeling a lot of pressure on my shoulders,"Sensei, I don't think I can find the perfect weapon for me... It's so hard...", complaining to him.

He sighs as well, putting a hand on my shoulder,"Very well, take your time... No one is pressuring you... When it comes to picking out your weapon, it must be compatible with; your personality, strength, stamina, speed, and wisdom... That is why it is very difficult to choose one so easily, but then ending up in a disadvantage. Go ahead, my child... Pick whichever favors you the most..", gesturing back to the closet.

This time, I inspected each and every weapon I see. Given Sensei's advice, I tried to imagine myself with each arm I see and if I would be able to master them in a short amount of time.

"Staff; no, kusarigama; no, scythe; nope, gauntlets; no, spear; nope, whiplash; ugh! No!...", I uttered while studying each weaponry before me.

Until my eyes laid on a large handle connected to something in a large brown sheath.

"Huh? What's this?", I began to become curious over it, unsure of what's inside.

I reached over it and carefully carried it with my two hands- even if my left arm's still damaged -on both ends, the sheath staying intact with the handle or whatever it's stuck to. It's so hhuuuugggeee!!! Like, 'almost as big as me huge'!

'Geez, whatever was inside must be really big to handle.', I thought so, at least.

"Sensei, what's this?", I queried him, glancing underneath the thin layer of brown cloth wrapped around the weapon- I think?

He took it from my hands and pulled the handle from the sheath, revealing a large flat piece of steel illuminating the light from the hole in the ceiling. At the very end, its blade was cut into a right-triangular shape.

My heart raced while gazing upon it, it made me feel a sudden adrenaline rush inside of me. I stood there, jaws dropped from my mouth, as Sensei held out what was a sword!

"This is an 'Ō-Ken', or a large sword. Unlike Leonardo's Katanas, this sword has a large blade yet its edge is not too sharp nor too blunt. It requires both strength and speed at the same time in order to relay a deadly attack to its target. It can also cut through anything, as long as the force exerted is enough to do so. It can also be used as a shield for the enemy's attack.", Sensei explained and demonstrated a few stances and slashes the air with the said weapon.

It looked a bit too much, but it seemed to be a reliable arm. Plus, swords are one of the most easiest and basic weapons to train with. This is going to do well.

"Now, I shall let you try...", he remarked and handed me the Ō-Ken.

I held on tightly to its handle, lifting up the heavy blade it was linked with mid-way. But the weight tries to pull itself down, causing me to rest the sword's tip on the floor and cringe at the surge of pain in my left arm.



"Aaaggghhh!!!", I said while struggling to make the pain go away, Sensei hesitantly running to my side and trying to offer help.

"Alexandra," he began."You do not need to force yourself to carry it immediately. It takes time to carry a sword with proper balance.", giving me another reason to light the fuse within me.

I confidently replied,"I'll be fine, Sensei. Watashi wa daijubou ga. I can do it myself.", I attempted to prove myself as I lifted the sword again, the flinching pain not leaving my broken appendage.

My arms started to give up on me, surrendering to the sore pain that crept in them. So did my legs, planked apart on the floor to keep myself from falling down. I took a good grip on the handle, trying to keep it in my grasp as my palms begin to sweat waterfalls. Sweat drops began to dot over my face, my entire body becoming tensed and rigid in its posture while holding up the Ō-Ken's blade.

Not a moment too soon, the blade was raised up in its proper manner. I smiled at the small and subtle achievement I gained, it was one of the several steps I would soon- hopefully -be able to achieve as well. Master Splinter also flashed a smile, seeing that I can handle the weapon now.

"Hmm.. It appears that you can lift the Ō-Ken with such strength and balance. You can also hold it up gracefully, like how it should be...", he complimented you and was able to clap his hands for a while.

He returned his stern and disciplined gaze on me,"So, Alexandra... Is this going to be your weapon?", asking for assurance in my eyes.

I stared at the Ō-Ken's blade, slightly reflecting my image. I grinned at it,"Hai, Sensei. This is going to be my weapon. The Ō-Ken...", answering his question.

He grinned back,"Then it is yours, my child."

"Really?! You're giving me the Ō-Ken?!", I excitedly squealed while jumping up and down.

Sensei chuckled and said,"It is all yours... Keep it...", giving me the sword's sheath, officially expressing it to me that it's mine.

I returned the sword to it's sheath, bowing before Sensei with the Ō-Ken in both of my hands,"Arigatogouzaimasu, Sensei...", and unconsciously hugged him, sensing a warm feeling from his aura.

His aura felt so welcoming and nice, like my father. Remembering those times he always comforted me before they left.


"Alexa, we're leaving!", Okā-san yelled from the front door, pulling her bags with the help of Otōu-san.

I came running down from the stairs, excited and sad at the same time. When I got down, I sprinted into their opened arms and hugged them with all my might, subtle tears running across my cheeks.

"Oh, Alexandra... We'll miss you so much...", Okā-san whispers in my ear, crying and caressing my head to comfort me.

"Arikuzandera, daijubou dayo... Yakusoku shita dayo, we will come back for you... We just have a few businesses to attend to... I promise...", Otōu-san convinces me, looking into my deep dark onyx eyes with sincerity.

It only made me cry harder. I buried my head in Otōu-san's shoulder, getting a better grip. I stared at their faces,"Yakusoku shita?", asking for assurance in between my sobs.

They simultaneously smiled,"Yakusoku shita, Arikuza...", and both promised me.

I flashed them back a smile, and said,"Hai! I'll be waiting for you to come back, Okā-san and Otōu-san...", confidently.

"Just remember to; do what is right, never give up, and to try your best until you succeed.", he remarked, giving me advice and adjure.

"Hai, Otōu-san!"

[Back to Reality]

Sensei pets my head, showing it as a sign for "Your welcome". I lifted my head and broke the embrace as he said,"Now, let me teach you how to do some basic moves and defenses using your Ō-Ken.", indicating me to unsheathe the sword.

I carefully drew it out of its scabbard, my right hand tightly grasping the handle, then held onto it with both of my aching arms and copied my pose from earlier. Its blade towered over my head but i try to keep it balanced and fixed properly.

Master Splinter glints a hint of a smile or smirk, and says,"Good... Now try to hit it with a target...", making me lost in a second.

I turned around me, looking for any possible things to attack but not a single one fitted. I stared at Sensei,"Uhh.. Sensei, there's no target to hit...", dumbfounded as he looked around, too.

"Hmm... If there's no target in sight, why not try and attack me?", he suggested, my gaze widened and fixed at him.

"Hai! Wait- what?!", I exclaimed, questioning looks all over my expression.

He shifted his body, facing me,"Hajime!", and shouted out.

I froze and hesitated to move, after he suggested himself to be my target. I was scared of fighting him- let alone to try. I knew that he wasn't called "Master Splinter" for no reason, and whatever the reason was; its has to be scary.

"Umm.. Sensei, are you really sure? I-I mean, do I have t-to... Because, I'm a b-bit sca-", I stammered but was cut off.

Sensei spoke,"I said, HAJIME!", as he stood perfectly still like a post.


"HAJIME!", on his signal, my hesitation partially disappeared, and began to slash the blade towards him.

He easily dodged them, moving a few steps back every time I tried to hit him. The Ō-Ken was a bit heavy and tended my limbs to hurt, but I continued to fight and slash attacks on Sensei.

When he came to a sudden stop, I took the chance and thrusted the blade at his neck, screaming a battle cry.

"Aaagggghhh!!!!!", I yelled while pushing the sword forward.

Just when it was about to hit him, an arm came in between with a tessen at its hand. I came back to my senses and glanced at where it came from; a girl with ginger red hair, a yellow and white striped shirt, denim blue jean shorts, black leggings, and a pair of furred boots. Her blue eyes glared at me, anger and flaring emotions filling them up. Her weapon blocked my Ō-Ken from moving forward any further, with the Hamato clan symbol on it.

My mouth gasped in shock, realizing who it was. She leaned forward at me and yelled,"Who are you?! How did you get in here?! And what do you think you're doing to Splinter?!", questions flying out of her lips.

My thought spoke to itself, stating,'It's April O'Neil....', still frozen in place.









(A/n: HAPPY 2018 EVERYONE!!! A new year, and a new story published."Your Guardian Angel (Billy Batson/Shazam X OC/Reader)"'s chapter 1 is already posted on my account. Thanks to my cousin, RafaelJayTercero for the support and first view/vote -even though he just scanned it - on the said story's first chappy! Oh, and thanks to AwesomeWriter1104 for the follow. Now I have 7 followers!! Yay!! #goals So, thank you for all the views, votes, comments and shares.)


(P.S.: Is anyone out there a #Maikeranjiro-Kun/Michelangelo fan? If you are, please comment or pm me. I need a cast for the OC of the SOON Part 4 of this Fictional Series. I'm going to need a full physical [hair length, hair color, eye color, skin color, height, personality, hobby, real name initials, and all out appearance] and attitude [grumpy, rebellious, happy-go lucky, depressed, moody] forms for it. I hope you all love this series and book - even though the other books aren't out YET - and continue to support it. And I'll keep on improving and writing for you all.)



Arigato ne minna!





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