CHAPTER 2: "Bully Issues"

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(*You Can Be King Again by Lauren Aquilina, male cover by You'll*)


Arigato minna for your views and comments and votes!! ^ω^


[Alexandra's PoV]

After a quick ride in the subway, I've finally made it to school. But I can get the feeling that I'm being followed while getting here.

"Hello, Nertle!!!"

Damn it!!! Here I come with my bully issues....

"Good morning, Nertle!!!", yelled one of the three bullies in front of me.

There are two boys and one girl in the trio. One of the boys have jet black hair, he's wearing a bonnet over his head, a blue shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans and blue converses. His name is Drake Smith.

The other boy has black hair with white highlights. He's wearing a white cap, an orange long sleeve, a white tank top under it, blue jeans and orange converses. He's Blake Smith, Drake's twin.

The girl in the middle has beautiful blonde locks in a high ponytail with some of her bangs on her forehead. She's wearing a carnation pink cocktail dress, a rose pink leather jacket over it and black heels. The lollipop in her mouth makes her more intimidating, not to mention her heavy make up. She is Veronica Jackson, the MOST POPULAR GIRL IN THE CAMPUS!!!

'Pshhh.. More like the most nose-ular bitch in the City'

That's right,inner. These three have been treating me like shit since I was in Elementary here...

Yes, that's 9 years of my life I won't get back...

"Good morning, Jackson!! Good morning, Smiths!!", I greeted them with a fake smile.

"Shut it, Nertle! We got a job for yah!!!",Veronica sassed at me.

'Grrr!!! Let me at her!!! LEMME AT HER!!! IMMA GONNA RIP OFF HER FUCKING--'

OKAY!! Calm down, inner!!

"What do you need? I'm gonna miss my first period.", I said while I began walking past them.

Suddenly, I felt my hair being pulled out of my hoodie and going backwards. "Aaaggghh!! Shit!! What the heck?!", I exclaimed as I saw Jackson's hand filled with the strands of my hair.

"We need you to finish our crappy homework, you bitch!! And that better be finished by tomorrow!! 'Cause if I don't see that with you tomorrow, you are so gonna get it!!", she explained while tugging my hair more.

Did I mention that she did this to me before? I mean, I tried to ignore her and threw her notebooks away. But she cornered me in an alley and almost killed me. Luckily, the NYPD were on a patrol and saved me.

Yup! She's that dangerous! She's capable of doing whatever she wants because she's a RICH KID!!!

I had no other choice but to say,"Yes, I promise I will.... Count on it...",and she let go of me. "Good! You better not put that stupid kid's show of yours first before my homework, or you're dead!!!", she yelled in my ears, loud enough for my eardrums to explode and my eyes to burst into tears.

I felt the fear creeping into my tear ducts,but I bowed low enough so they wouldn't see the tears crossing my cheek.

"Ye-yes...", was all I could answer back. I didn't want to talk back to her in a sassy way, but I also didn't want to get bullied like this.

(I hate people who force you to do that. Especially in front of other crowds.)

I kept my head lowered until I got to my locker. Locker no. #8668. It had the same numbers where the letters TMNT were. I opened the lock and took out some of my books, then I headed for class.

When I walked into the classroom, everyone was looking at me. And when I mean everyone,I.



It was like I did something so horrible to make them stare at me like that. The teacher from in front took a step forward towards me and slammed a book on my forehead.

Yikes! It's Science Class, isn't it?!

"You're late again, Ms. Akechii. Because of that, you've earned a two-hour detention ticket!!", spoke my professor, handing me out my detention ticket.

I took it gently from her hand and said,"Sorry Professor...It won't happen again...",while the rest of the class laughed at my failure to come to school early.

"Okay, please take a seat...",My professor said as she pointed to my seat, next to my other bullies.
Yeesh... Do I need to make a club of 'Anti-Nertle'for them just because of their large population.
"Hehehe.. Nertle!!!!"


"Still think your turtle friends can protect yah?!..."

"No, dude. Remember?... They're just a stupid animation..."

"Yeah... That's right.."

"Look at her! She's already a nerd but even she can't realize that they don't exist!!!"

"Hahaha... Nertle!!"


"Black Sheep..."

Nobody wants me...

I'll always wish that I could have belonged to a world where I want to be...

Where some certain friends could understand me...

If only they existed....

If only....



(A/N: Sorry if this story flow isn't much of what you guys expect. Thank you again for the votes and comments)


Arigatogouzaimasu Minna!!!!!


^ω^ ^ω^ ^ω^

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