CHAPTER 3: "This Couldn't Get Any Worse..."

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Please enjoy minna!!! ^ω^

(Forest Fires by Lauren Aquilina)


[Unknown's PoV]

The one called Alexandra Akechii is found as the one we must find. The ones who will bring her to our dimension, which is the dimension of the turtles, are the ones called Kraang, which is none other than Kraang.

The boss of Kraang, known as Kraang, has given orders to Kraang to bring the one known as Alexandra Akechii to the dimension known as the dimension of the turtles, for the experiment.

"Kraang, prepare for the mission given by Kraang to Kraang, which is the capture for the one known as Alexandra Akechii, for the experiment."


[Alexandra's PoV]

After a tiring day of learning and being bullied, AGAIN, I'm now on my way to detention.

Mr. Anderson was at his desk in front of the classroom, as usual. When I stepped in, I greeted him a,"Good afternoon, Mr. Anderson...",and he gave me a little smile.

"What's the reason this time, Ms. Akechii?...",he asked.

"I was late for Science class....",said and let it out like a whisper.

"Please take a seat...", he spoke as he gestured the seat at the back where I would always sit.

As I sat down, I flopped my bag on top of my desk and pulled out my phone from my pocket. I went to YouTube and viewed the recent episodes of TMNT.

Mr. Anderson wouldn't mind if I used my phone during detention, 'cause all he did was just catch zzzs and wake up when detention is over.

The episode was about when Rafaeru-kun met a female newt he named, "Mona Lisa" and that they both had the same feelings in the end. I felt a bit happy since he finally found his true love, but I'd be happier if it was me....

Two hours later, Mr. Anderson woke up from his 'beauty sleep' and stood up from his desk.

"Alright, you may go now. Detention is over.",he said. I nodded and walked out of the room and approaching the school exit.

I took my usual ride through the subway and arrived at my apartment, only to see an empty room of loneliness....

"Man, I wish Raymond could get here sooner before I start to lose my sanity...",I whispered to myself.

'How were you able to say that YOU are sane?! You already lost your sanity when our parents died....'

Oh.. So I'm not sane anymore....


I heard a loud roar coming from my stomach, means that I'm hungry. I looked around my kitchen, yet all that I saw was the several packs of udon cookies Raymond bought me, about a few days ago.

I took seven packs and opened the TV with the same old news and other channels. I switched to Nickelodeon, but to my dismay, it was an old ep of TMNT, season 1 episode 1, when they went to the surface for the first time.

I remember when Donnie first met April and fell really hard!! Hahaha!!!

I decided to switch the TV off and go to the rooftop for some fresh air and maybe a short sketch session. I took my scarlet backpack and emptied all of the notebooks and books inside. I replaced it with all of my sketching books, pencils, markers, and some other notebooks and papers, including my diary and my past sketches.

I also packed some of my clothes that lasts for 5 days for a strange reason. Hmm... I wonder why? But I just had the feeling that I had to.... Hmm...

Then I took all of my udon cookies from the kitchen and packed them in my bag, which I also don't know why??...Geezz.. What's going on with me??...

I took my power bank and my phone, and opened up the windows to climb up to the rooftop.

When I was there, I felt like the weight of the world just fell off my shoulders. It was relaxing, calm, and peaceful. I opened my diary and began writing in Japanese.



( Veronica Jackson is a big jerk... I wish that she'd just die. She thinks that my crush is idiotic... But... If Rafaeru-kun became my friend... He would protect me... I know so because I love him very much... But...)

I stopped writing when a sudden noise came from the alley below me. I jolted and let go of my pen. It fell waaaayyyy down to the alley itself, which made me keep my sketch book in my bag and climb down to get it myself...

Just great....

When I got down the alley, there was barely any light for me to see. The only bright spot was at the opening near the lamp post. I looked around if my pen was anywhere to be seen, but sadly, I couldn't find it.

I was walking out of the alley, back to my rooftop, when I heard a laser blast behind me. My reflexes were alarmed. I stood in a defense stance, in case someone would hit me.

I shouted,"Who's there? Show yourselves!!!!",while slowly backing away and near the lamp post.

Footsteps were heard from all directions, like I was surrounded. Then I heard a voice speak up as it came closer.

"The one known as Alexandra Akechii will be captured by the ones known as the Kraang, which is us to the dimension, of the dimension of the turtles by orders of Kraang to Kraang for the experiment of Kraang.",the man said.

Wait! Horrible grammar? Weird accent? Laser blast? *Gasp* No way! It can't! It can't possibly be the....

No, it is.... It's... It's... The...

"KRAANG!!!!!" , I screamed as I saw their figures exactly the same as the ones in the show!!!

Ugh!!! This day just can't be any worse than to cross over them...

But how are they real?! I thought that they were only imaginary and a part of Nickelodeon's animation?!





(A/N: OH MY SHELL!! IT'S THE KRAANG!!! But I'm sure you guys have already figured it out. Y'all better be ready for next chapter!! It's one of the few climaxes in the story!!!)



Arigatogouzaimasu Minna ^ω^



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