🐊Alligator girl🐊

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Name: Joel

Nickname: Jolly

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Age: 199 (19)

Gender: Female 

Species: Alligator Demon 


True monster form 

(She more chubby)

Personality: A shy, quiet, Timid and friendly. She is a cold, calm and peaceful girl but is still sadistic 

Special Abilities: Black magic, Rebirth, Shadow manipulation

Disabilities: Mute

Special features: Acid burn on her face and pigmentation

Disorders: none

Strengths: Very silent, good at Stalking, Great artist, Can swim well

Weakness: Not the fastest, Can't speak due to her vocal chords being burned

Likes: Water, the darkness, Sweets, Painting, Dresses

Dislikes: Pink, Idiots, Jerks, The light

Family: Angico (older brother)

Rank: The stalker/ Spy

Weapons: Claws, Fangs

Backstory: Unknown 


Scenario 1:

You were a model. You saw a lady with short chubby body. You looked at her and she saw you. You noticed her artwork and needed the extra coins so you offered. She agreed and after some time saw her amazing art. She paid you not only coins but diamonds as well. You?

Scenario 2:

Make it up

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