🦘Kangaroo Girl🦘

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'Wanna play a game?!'

Name: Gail 

Nickname: Gaiy, Gigi

Sexuality: Straight 

Age: 199 (18)

Gender: Trans Female 

Species: Kangaroo Demon 


Human form

True monster form 

(Wears Green clay)

Personality: She is the friendliest, sweetest and kind. She is not the brightest but she tries to make the others happy

Special Abilities: Super strength, High jump, Durability, Black magic, Earth Manipulation 

Disabilities: Giantisimt

Special features: Albino and the largest and also has a severe scar on her stomach 

Disorders: Ptsd 

Strengths: The strongest, Very good with secrets, Good fighter

Weakness: Can't be in the sun, not the best hearing, Not the smartest 

Likes: Fighting, Dancing, Drums, Loud noises, Darkness 

Dislikes: Lights, Can't run too well, not the best hearing

Family: none

Rank: The Bodyguard, Outlawed 

Weapons: Fist and feet

Backstory: Unknown 

'Please don't fight...'

Scenario 1

You were a Apprentice to Gaia. She was very friendly towards you and often gave her gifts. You were walking when you saw she was getting captured. You...

Scenario 2

Make it up!

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