👩🏿‍🦳Eldest Queen👩🏿‍🦳

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'Hail the stars.'

Name: Eskimo Nebula 

Nickname: Eskimo

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Age: 22

Gender: Female 

Species: Human shifter


Personality: A calm, serious, benevolent and chilly lady. She will be vicious if you were to harm her baby sister 

Special Abilities: Portals, can turn her hat and hair into monsters, Can manipulate the ice

Disabilities: none

Special features: Her eyes, two scars on her back

Disorders: none

Strengths: The smartest of the three, Very calm, hard to anger

Weakness: Sometimes too busy, Not the strongest, Can't stand messes

Likes: Her sisters, Reading, her people, Peace, Children 

Dislikes: The Misfits, Idiots, Unnecessary violence, Racists 

Family: Cygnus (Middle sister), Andromeda (Youngest sister)

Rank: Queen of Aliaxia

Weapons: A sword

Backstory: She the Eldest and was always taught to be perfect 

"May the stars forgive me."

Scenario 1

You were a common peasent, simply working your stall. You were one day talking to an employee when everyone gasped. You turned and saw the three royalties, Princess Cygnus, Princess Andromeda and Queen Eskimo. They were wearing normal clothing but still had jewelry. They were browsing. You...

Scenario 2

You were a maid/ guard in the family. You were always working and always fixing stuff. You noticed the that everything was gloomy. Suddenly you heard a scream from the queen room and ran in only to see two spears in her back. You...

Scenario 3

Make it up!

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