🥷🏾Middle Princess🥷🏾

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'I will stab him!'

Name: Cygnus Nebula 

Nickname: Cygy

Sexuality: Bisexual Cupiosexual 

Age: 19

Gender: Female 

Species: Human shifter


Personality: She is the most violent, sadistic, cruel and bitter girl there was. Also very vulgar

Special Abilities: Can regrow hair quickly, Can manipulate heat, Can open portals

Disabilities: Blind in one eye

Special features: Snake hair, Blood red eyes, all her scars

Disorders: Impulsive disorder

Strengths: Skilled fighter, very strong, Can handle any weapon, the largest of the group 

Weakness: Hates cold, Can lose her tempers, need to be watched

Likes: Violence, Pain, Torture,  hurting, family 

Dislikes: No Violence, weakling, Being told no

Family: Eskimo (Older sister), Andromeda (younger sister)

Rank: Commander, Princess 


Backstory: She was always overlooked and became violent from it

'Get away from them!'

Scenario 1

You were a guard who was assigned to a raid. You got there and saw Princess Cygnus leading the raid. You?

Scenario 2

Make it up!

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