🤴🏻Healing Knight🤴🏻

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"Why are we here...just to suffer?"

Name: Jerome 

Nickname: Jermain 

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Age: 195 (17)

Gender: Male 

Species: Human 


True monster form 

Personality: He is the actual peacemaker. He is the most responsible and the most merciful. He only attacks when provoked or ordered too. He is loyal but can get annoyed 

Special Abilities: Rebirth, Black magic, Ice manipulation, 

Disabilities: Semi Blind (needs goggles)

Special features: He has small wings and giant puffy green hair

Disorders: Ptsd 

Strengths: Very skilled swordsman, great healer, Knows medicine 

Weakness: Can't see too well, Can get lost in herbs, can't stand other people 

Likes: Medicine, swordsman, Peace

Dislikes: Unnecessary Fighting, Others getting hurt, Humans

Family: Fern (adopted sister)

Rank: Healer (Outlawed)

Weapons: sword

Backstory: Unknown 

"I rather die then let my commands get hurt..."

Scenario 1

You were a lead guard. You were waiting upon new recruit. They came but you immediately recognized him. Samuel of the Outlawed. No one seemed to believe you for word got that Samuel died by your hands! You...

Scenario 2

Make it up!

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