🐎Kirin Ruler🐎

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'I...hate you.'

Name: Calliest

Nickname: Cally

Sexuality: Asexual Bisexual 

Age: 322 (36)

Gender: Non Binary 

Species: Kirin 


Personality: A bold, Ambitious and slick person. They hate people 

Special Abilities: Speed, light balls, Jumping 

Disabilities: None

Special features: There horns

Disorders: none

Strengths: They are very fast, they can climb really well, they can jump high, The can shoot light balls

Weakness: Can be rash, has a short patience for people, Can't stand humans

Likes: Her territory, Her children (even if she didn't like conceiving them), Her people 

Dislikes: Humans, Idiots, Dragons

Family: Prince Call (Son)

Rank: Ruler of the Kirins

Weapons: her hooves, legs and Magic

Backstory: Basically a normal childhood 

'I will smack you.'

Scenario 1

You were friends with Calliest for years now. She asked that you visit them in your secret spot. She looks worried. You?

Scenario 2

Make it up!

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