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I want death. I WILL finish, I will, I promise.... I just. I have beyond lost interest in this... so that's the reason this is the last chapter.

Upon reaching the edge of the village, I just look over. Dear fuck, I'm so homesick.

"Is.... everything okay?"

I nod, staring ahead.

"I just miss home."

"Isn't this your home?"

"Not yet."

"It's been months!"

I laugh and turn about.

"Months don't replace 17 years so quickly."

"I... I'm sorry you had to leave."

I laugh.

"Don't be, I'm pretty sure all the others in my family miss it too. It's natural."

Kyle bites his lip a little.

"Is there anything we can do?"

"No, I'll just miss home. But this is my new place."

"I'm glad."

"If this was a book, we would go on some grand quest to make magic legal again."

He laughs.

"Seems like a stupid way to go about it, that's dangerous and I don't fancy dying."

Stan walks up to us while talking.

"Plus.... as interesting as they seem to be. Racism, sexism, homophobia.... Hm, no, I'll pass."

"Not all humans are like that."

Stan nods.

"Yeah but you never know who is and when it comes to burning you alive, I would rather not find out which I can trust."

I nod.

"Well, we did come here to tell you something."

I look to Kyle, who smiles at Stan. Immediately, I know what this means.

"Are you two together?"

"Yeah.... wanna come along?"

"Excuse me?"

"Y'know, a relationship but three people."

"That...... exists?"

"Sure does! And it is GREAT!"

I laugh before nodding.

"I'm fine with that."

There are a few more moments of silence before Kyle nods.


We continue to stay silent, keeping our silence in place. Maybe it is only awkward to me... or maybe I just am not used to both of them being silent at the same time....
...that's when Kyle has a coughing fit. Stan grabs onto his shoulder, helping him stay up.

"Shit, I'm probably gonna be sick."

"Ah, I can help you out."

Stan does his magic trick, smiling. Ever since we discovered the whole blood sugar mistake, he's been an effective healer if you want to underestimate him. He is actually fairly amazing at doing it by now. Not like the greatest but pretty good. I think that's really important to notice that he is really good enough to not have fainted once in like a month... which is amazing.

"Feeling better?"

Kyle nods, putting his hands around Stan.


Stan just smiles and gets on the very tips of his toes to properly kiss him. They're cute.... I don't know if I have a place in it but I guess they asked me in anyway.

"Is everything okay?"

I nod, taking one last glance at my old home.

"I um...... I want to get to repairing the area behind the fence yet again."

"Need a helping hand?"

"Or four?"

"Or a few?" Kevin asks, smiling towards me.

A few people in the village nod along.

"Okay people! We are going to be dividing you into four groups who all fix up certain things."

Kyle draws four lines with his foot.

"Let's try to get an around equal amount of people on each line."

People go into the lines and Kyle drags all of us into one, making it easier to fill the four.

"Okay, first line is going to be working on the farm."

Damn, he's better at leading than I remember him being. Not that I mind, he seems really cool now that he can lead people so well.

"Second row will be fixing up the bigger house, third row is on the tracks and fourth row is on the other house. Don't hesitate to ask for help in anything needed."

They all go towards the place. It took a while to get them out of the thought of the place being spooky creepy cursed but once it was done, these people have been sweethearts in the helping department. I don't know much else but yeah.

"Let's do this!"

Kyle laughs and turns into his tiger form. Stan turns into his coyote right after and Kyle pushes me on, both of them taking the run towards the ex-fenced area.

"Jesus Christ! I should learn to know when you're gonna drop me!" I screech as we reach the place, Kyle turning into his human form again. Is it human or is it technically fairy? Whatever, look alike enough I guess.

"Let do this!"

I nod and take a hold of the axe I left, hitting at the tree from various angles before getting it down (with help of course, it wouldn't be so fast if there weren't three other people hitting other sides of the tree).

"We should clear the farm a bit more."

Kyle nods but Stan is already at it, throwing non-needed plants in his coyote form. Probably does make it easier.

"You aren't gonna do that alone."

Stan turns back to respond, spitting out the plants that were slightly left.

"No, I sure hope no at least."

I kiss him. I don't know where it comes from, he was just being too nice and I couldn't handle it.

"So.... any interest in giving one my direction or is he the only one with that privilege?"

I roll my eyes at Kyle's joking tone, kissing him as well before getting back to work in removing the branches of the tree. From the corner of my eye, I see the two lovebirds kiss again before they turn into animals, attacking the plants. This will be done really quickly if this is any indication. They do it really quickly, indicating to me that they will be done fairly quickly. I doubt if I did this in my old village, I would get it done in sixteen years. But they are grabbing  the bull by the horns and I can really appreciate it.

Damn, this really is a fantasy village.

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