Lawful vs Chaotic.

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Guess who finished this two times and both times got it deleted because my phone overheated? Me! I fucking hate this! I can't make this as emotional multiple times in a fucking row! Also... when I say that not all laws are not to be followed, I honestly mean it. There is a punishment to being lawful but also to being chaotic. Chaotic is just the one you get more out of!

Upon realising there are like seventy people yelling shit, I leave the room, looking at them all.

"What the fuck? Does this have to happen here?"

"We want an explanation! How are you a witch?"

Kyle gets in between.

"Let's just take a breather and think about this before we interrogate someone because of something they can't control."

I look at him for a long moment.

"Is Stan okay?"

Kyle nods.

"He had healing to do yesterday after you brought him to us. He wanted to of course. So um...."

"What's going on in here?" Stan asks.

He's holding onto the wall.

"Stan! I thought you would be—," his father says.

I see Kyle rush over but Stan just shakes his head.

"Give me a minute. While you're at that, e x p l a i n, now."

Karen walks up next.

"Morning, lions. Hungry already? It's bare broken dawn!"

"Karen..... that's a bit weird," I tell her.

"No, this lion pack is a little weird."

"Is she seeing us as lions?"

"No but in case you didn't know, lions pick one victim and attack that fucker like hell."

"I, for one, am a tiger."

"No, I believe you're a gazelle."

Oh Karen is in a weird mood again.

"I swear to Jesus, if you drive us away, I am not running kilometres after my brother. Yeah bye, I'd rather just die," Kevin says, walking in.

"Someone explain this situation without calling people lions!" Stan says.

Kyle sighs.

"They're doubting that Kenny is actually a witch."

"And why couldn't that wait for a reasonable hour?"

I roll my eyes as Craig's little sister and Ike drag Karen away from the conversation.

"I saw *gah* it! For the last time, I saw him *gah* walk on water!"

There are a few adults that laugh.

"You aren't really a reliable—!"

"Tweek is the best source you will get!" Craig says.

"Might've been high or something, he's talked shit before."

"Who got him high?" Clyde asks.

There is a long silence between all of them, in which I just gather my shit.

"Okay. You wanna see proof? Who wants to get killed first?"

"Kenny, please."

Kyle takes my hand.

"Don't even threaten them."

I roll my eyes.

"What else am I gonna do? I'm offensive, meaning I don't do that defensive shit, meaning I can't do this without breaking something."

Stan just sighs.

"Try to hit something else, please."

I nod and just shoot straight at the wall behind the stairs, causing a hole into the kitchen.

"Now who wants to get killed."

"It's impossible! You're faking it!"

"Are you calling my brother a liar?"

"He couldn't—."

An another hole comes in the wall next to that person's head, Karen just puts her hand down, very slowly.

"I-I didn't do that.... did.....did I?"

Craig's little sister is the first one to react to this.

"I think you actually did."

Karen looks very confused by the situation.

"W-Why now?"

"I don't know either. One thing I know is that you're coming with me."

"Tricia, I—."

"Shut up and come."

She gets dragged away and Ike runs after the two.

"So........ can you please leave me alone now?"

Stan is the first one to start to leave.

"Expect you and Kyle, you two better stay here, you look like a fucking ghost and Kyle is just better here."

Kyle smiles.

"You heard him, ladies and gentlemen! Time to fuck off!"

They leave the house and I get Stan to sit down.

"How bad is it?"

"Don't worry about it, I just need to hold on after too much walking or too much of anything really."

Kyle nods but I just roll my eyes before I realise it.

"Does it mess with your blood sugar?"


I look at Kyle.

"You know.... the sugar is your blood. Too high or too low it can make you feel like you could faint and even faint."


I sigh and get up.

"Do y'all have anything? Berries or something?"

Kyle looks confused.

"Of course we do."

"I think, for one, that it isn't some 'from deep within' shit. Both of you, to safe food, are in your animal form for any kind of food or moving. That meaning Stan's blood sugar is low from the start. And if it's low from the beginning, a sudden big spike downwards would make him faint. I think that's what happens when he heals. His mom wasn't a shapeshifter, she wouldn't have had the option to do it so she was never bad at healing. Stan isn't bad either, clearly, I honestly believe it's from blood sugar."

"Explain why burns make people faint too then."

"I think—maybe I'm wrong—that it's about your blood sugar and/or pressure dropping and FAST, huge amounts. And if Stan is always lacking, the effects would be about the same for both. It's dangerous to live like that, spikes up and down."

"Why the fuck didn't we know this?"

"Because it's new to humans as well. Your blood sugar effects this shit and if this happens naturally, it's called diabetes. There are two common types of it, one that fits closer would be type one. It's really possible that's what it is."

Kyle gets up.

"We should test that. If that's true, holy fuck, we've left Stan to faint for 17 years."

I nod and sit next to Stan when Kyle leaves.

"I hope it's it. Firmly do."

I nod.

"I don't. I said it's dangerous for people to go unnoticed for so long. Diabetes can kill people."

"Oh mother of Jesus."

"Did you take that up from me or some shit?"

He nods and I laugh slightly.

"That's adorable."

He rolls his eyes.

"I don't think it's that special."

I laugh.

"I do think it is adorable. You're adorable!"

Oh shit, that didn't mean to come out that way.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. Do I have to tell you many times for you to understand that I love how adorable you are? Because for real, you have a really weirdly adorable way of being. Especially when it comes to being such a good boy, I have never met someone who is one as strongly as you are."

He blushes a little.

"I don't think it's adorable, I just think it's good to follow the rules."

"Ah, c'mon, it's more than that. It's not that good to be someone that follows rules! You miss out on what we came here to do, it's life!"

He nods.

"But I still think you can live without breaking rules."

"You can live, but you won't have a life. Small difference."

"What is the difference?"

"Having a life is knowing you did something to remember. Living is holding on and going on until you're old with safe options."

He blinks for a moment, as if to think about it.

"Having a life sounds better."

"Exactly! And being a good boy won't get you there! You need to experience to have had a life!"

"I don't know...... what if I were to make all the wrong choices?"

I laugh.

"Then you just do! Because without mistakes, there is no life!"

Stan laughs and leans with his back... well what else would he lean with, Kenny? Ass? Hand?

"I mean... I could see that. But what if there is a mistake that ends your life? What do you do then?"

"No mistake is unfixable if it's fully a mistake. If you realise a mistake could kill you, either get the fuck away from the thing that could kill you or stop thinking that way, depending on where it comes from. Life's about not following everything set out, we all run in the forest sometimes!"

He looks at me with a look of 'explain what that means.'

"Rules are kinda a path set out for you but that's just stupid in my opinion. Follow it, sure.... but if you truly wanna make something, rules are gonna drive you away from that. The thing you need to learn is where to stay within the lines and where it's better to step out for fun."

He nods, listening. I can tell he is listening by basically everything in his body language, maybe most the fact he's leaning towards me as well as forwards (because of the angle, of course.)

"So... what you're saying is that the rules are both good and bad?"

"Depending on the rule, yes."

"And that people need to know what is a good rule and what's bad?"

I nod yet again.

"Wouldn't it be easier to live by all of them?"

"That, Stan, is not how you get a story, you don't get a life by keeping it in those lines. They're bland and often more than other things, hurt you. Especially they hurt the creative soul because even creativity has it's rules. Everyone knows that and even the makers of those rules don't follow them all. Following those rules is like going on a stone bridge when you could swim across. Sure, it's harder and feels like the wrong choice for a while but then it's great. Then you feel like it was good you did it because the bridge is overridden with people that didn't think to swim because everyone said to cross the bridge."

"But what if the water is freezing?"

"Then walk over the ice."

"What if it could break?"


"What if none are available?"

"Then you can be lawful, it's the moment where rules are correct."

"I mean I guess that's understandable."

"Every rule is understandable if you start putting enough in front of it."

"But when you start to take away obstacles that you make up in your mind, the rules become stupid. There are so many things you had to make up for you have to cross by the bridge meanwhile I just had to present an another option. If you can, for sure, hurt yourself or someone else by going against the rules, that rule is right. But if it's a stupid opposition made for it to be harder, don't follow. That's how you get a life."

"What's hurting?"

"If you're risking someone's job, you hurt them. So don't steal or jump on trains, those I ain't proud of. Or do the later, just make sure to never get caught so nobody loses their job. You need to be good at jumping trains before you actually do it. Also, don't steal booze. Also not proud of that. If you steal booze, make sure to not to get caught."

He laughs.


I roll my eyes and take his hand.

"So, if I may, I would like to show you how great it is to take a moment and say 'fuck the rules'. It's mentally amazing to have a moment and notice that all these things don't fucking matter, it's great."

He kisses me. Only seconds before he pulls away, smiling slightly.

"Well, that's nice."

Kevin is smiling at us at the door.

"Am I literally the only one in this family that isn't fucking gay?"


There are two seconds of silence between all of us before Kevin laughs.

"I love you gays!"

It's the two of us, Stan and I, that start laughing next.

"Now fuckers! Here we have what we call berries!"

Kyle comes in and sits next to Stan, in between us as we let go at some point.

"Come on, eat."

"What if I'm just shit?"

"We'll figure it out then!"

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