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I reach the casino and automatically feel a cold removal enveloping me. That's not good.

I park and go out locking the car. I keep all my composure because something tells me I'm going to need it.

I walk into the lobby of the casino and give my details. I go further into Dorian's office. I see Stephan outside the door. He freezes when he sees me. He blinks as if he sees a ghost.

"You don't have to make an announcement, Stephan. You know already I have permission to enter Dorian's office freely," I say directly, for he insists on standing imperiously in front of the door barring my entrance.

"Didn't... didn't Ridge call you?" he says, chewing his words.

"No, no one called me," I lie.

"Well, it's better-"

"Step aside, Stephan," I warn him.

He insists on not letting me in.

I'm moving away from Dorian's office. I enter the first room with roulettes and look at the people trying to test their luck at gambling. I'm quickly thinking about what I can do to get Stephan away from the door. Fuck. All points have guards. There's nothing I can do.

I sigh with indignation. That's definitely Marinell's job. She must have told Stephan not to let me into Dorian's office. I can understand that by her phone call when she told me to go straight home after work. She prevented me from coming to the casino.

I must find a way to get Stephan away from the office door.

Well, he saw me leaving, didn't he? He'll think I gave up trying to get into Dorian's office and just left the casino. Good!

I approach a clerk from the adjoining room where the buffet is housed.

"Hello. Please notify Mr. Stephan Lucas that Reva Lennox is asking for him out in the parking lot," I say, smiling, having mustered all my persuasiveness.

This employee doesn't know my name compared to the receptionist who already has my details. I'm sure as soon as Stephan hears my name, he'll come to the parking lot to find me, even out of curiosity.

I'm hiding beyond the buffet hall, on a thick, round pillar, and I silently wish all this would work, and Stefan would come out.

I see the clerk I sent talking to him. Stephan looks puzzled and joins his brows while looking at her. He raises his eyes and scans the space at the entrance to the buffet room.

I'm hiding more behind the big pillar, and I feel my heart beating fast.

My anguish climaxes as I see Stephan not stir from his position. He looks once more at the space and finally walks towards the exit.

I don't waste a second and rush to the door of Dorian's office. I open the door and close it quickly before Stephan returns.

I had time to listen to speeches, but a deafening silence spread over my abrupt appearance.

Each one of them looks at me in a different way that I still find difficult to understand.

Suddenly I feel like I'm being flogged by the way they look at me. It's like there's going to be a revelation in this office right now.

First of all, I see Dorian. He looks at me with a mixed look of disappointment and anger.

I swallow dryly as my gaze falls beside him who stands a blonde, tall woman, with a thin body. She has her arms crossed and stands in an imposing style.

"Who is she now?" The blonde woman asks, pointing with her eyes at me.

"Dorian's new toy! But he did well to come. It's a chance for her to learn what's really going on," Elva says in an aggressive tone, standing near the window and smoking.

When she says Dorian's toy, does she mean me? What's that supposed to mean now?

I turn my gaze suspiciously and look at Marinell. Beside her stands Ridge with lowered head. Marinell comes to me with a protective attitude.

I turn my gaze suspiciously and look at Marinell. Beside her stands Ridge with lowered head.

Marinell comes close to me with a protective attitude.

"Why did you come?" she whispers, grasping my hand.

I take her hand off me and move away slightly, so I have full visual access to everyone. Instead of yelling, I keep my temper and just let everyone talk.

At times like this, composure may seem difficult, but it all depends on how you handle situations. It's up to you how you react.

In this way, you keep your mind clear before thoughts and potential anger overwhelm you and make you explode. If you explode, you'll be out of your mind. If you stay calm, you'll get the rematch.

"That's Reva you were telling me about?" The blonde woman asks Elva.

"That's her," she replies.

I notice Dorian who is about to explode. I can feel his anger, but I don't know why. I no longer know what all these people want from his life and the reason he lets them exist around him.

"Reva, let's go, please," Marinell tells me in a serious tone.

The office door opens abruptly, and we see a startled Stephan storming into the office.

"You shouldn't have fooled me into getting in here, Reva," he says upset.

"A lot of things should not have happened, Stephan. But as you can see, they are happening," I speak in a low voice.

Claudine follows Stephan, and he pushes her aside and locks the door.

I smile ironically. "Apparently, we're not expecting anyone else, are we?" I say with a mysterious calmness that has bewildered Dorian.

Be ready for anything. Be prepared to see the emotions stabbed and bleed. Be prepared to see thoughts losing the value you gave them as if they never existed. Be prepared to face what you feared might happen.

My inner voice struggles to support me with a barrage of words.

"That bitch is to blame for everything!" Marinell blames Elva.

"You shut up! You're just as guilty!" Elva says.

"I told you to get the fuck out of here!" Dorian speaks, gnashing his teeth toward Elva.

"Oh, really? Did you think you could get rid of me so easily by kicking me away?" Elva assails.

"Well, stop all of you. The first and last word is mine," the blonde woman says and points to herself imposingly.

"Bridget, get your ass, and get out of here!" Dorian shouts.

Who is this Bridget?

Certainly, someone of his past, and it seems she also has a share of his present, my inner voice says.

"Apart from all the others whom I know already, may I also get to know you?" I say to Bridget.

She turns her gaze towards me and looks at me haughtily.

"I'm Bridget Carter Green," she says in a tone as if she's doing me a favor.

"You're just Bridget Carter and not Green," Dorian corrects her.

"That's not what you told me when we were together," Bridget says, looking at Dorian angrily.

"What exactly was he telling you?" I ask in a low voice.

"I and Dorian love each other and we're ready to get married," Bridget replies, with exasperating confidence in her tone.

"Are you still?" I ask jokingly, but from within I have already heard the pieces of my heart fall one by one. I'm falling apart...

"You don't exist for me!" Dorian shouts. "Get the fuck out of here, and don't see you again!" he shouts even more and rushes toward Bridget.

Stephan and Ridge are holding him back.

"That man is only for destruction. After hurting Bridget, me, your friend Marinell, Claudine, and a bunch of other women, now he wants to shirk his responsibilities!" Elva says, looking at me, unleashing an unquenchable hatred against Dorian.

From all these names which I have heard, which I 'swallow' as a sign that I still endure, my attention is directed to Marinell.

She's supposed to be my friend. I don't care about anyone else in here but her.

When did Dorian hurt Marinell, and in what way?

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