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I see Bridget on that bed again, and I don't fucking know if it's real or if I'm having a dream.

How asshole am I?

She sits comfortably in the middle of the bed. She supports her body on her elbows and has her legs wide open. She looks at me confidently. The same fucking confidence she had when we were together.

It turned out I was the only one who was actually with her. She was elsewhere.

She looks at me and knows well what I want from her. She's more than fucking willing to satisfy me; like she was back then.

I light a cigarette and stand up in front of her. I make a nod to her to approach me, and she defiantly drags her body towards me. She rotates her tongue on her lips and kneels before me.

I low my head and see her in the submissive position she deserves; one with the floor. That's the position I should have put her in at the time.

She raises her hands and strokes my ass. She narrows her gaze as she looks at me and drags her hands gently up to my knees from the backside. She rests better and puts my penis in her mouth.

Her tongue slips from the bottom of my irritation, and I inflate my lungs with air. I see her smiling obliquely. She puts it all in her mouth, and I hear her growling like she's eating something delicious.

She gets more and more passionate while giving me strong thrusts in and out of her mouth.


I'm so horny with her that if she ever dares to leave me, I'll chase her wherever she goes. I just want her to be mine.

She's totally mine.

I like to sit around and watch her give me a blowjob and enjoy her devotion. I like to see her lips fill with my penis, and we just become one.

*End of flashback*

I swallow dryly and instantly drive that thought out of my mind. It doesn't count anymore.

I grab her hair with my fingers and push her head to move faster, while with the other I hold the fucking cigarette.

She pulls her mouth a little to get a breath, but I don't let her. I have more strength, so I immobilize her head where it is. She's trying to breathe while she sucks it in fast.

She wants to talk, but I won't let her. I keep her there stubbornly sucking it for as long as I fucking like.

I pop up from my sleep bathed in sweat like I had a nightmare. "Why, my God!" I stammer in despair.

All I want is to sleep, if only for a little while. I sigh with indignation.

It fucking hurts... it hurts so much...

Until the time passes so to heal the wound in my heart, it will be a torment.

I swallow the knot in my throat and lie down on the sofa again. My sleep is no longer normal. I'm grateful if I can get some sleep, even if I'm sitting in a chair.

My bed has turned into something unwanted. No matter how much I lie there, the stress keeps throwing me off like my bed doesn't want me anymore.

I hear Bridget draw a groan from the bottom of her throat, and I loosen my hand a little from her hair. I let her sit on her knees, and I go by the bedside to put out the cigarette in the ashtray.

I come again in front of her in the same position I was in before. She looks at me startled but tries to keep her seductive gaze by narrowing her eyes.

She doesn't know what awaits her. She made the mistake and came to meet me again. She still thinks I'm that same asshole when she had me in her hands and played the game the way she liked. But this time she made a tragic mistake.

She will suffer the consequences.

She tries to get up to rest her aching knees, but I won't allow it.

My palm finds her head, and I make her sit down on her knees as before. She frowns, yet obeys. Besides, there's nothing else she can do. I abruptly put my penis in her mouth and grab her head with both hands.

I push her head hard and make her 'swallow' it all. She's almost choked and, with no room to react, she looks at me bewildered. This is getting interesting. It's fun to see her stuffed with my penis.

She moans and her eyes begin to sparkle. I bite my lower lip and clench my fists while holding her hair. I force her to do strong and fast thrusts on my penis.

I feel like emptying into her fucking face, but I'm holding back my urges. I abruptly pull her head back and come out the sound of cupping as my penis moves away from her lips.

I smile obliquely. She pretends to be fearless, but she cannot hide from me. She's already starting to regret coming this far.

You have seen nothing yet, I'm thinking silently, and I'm getting even darker.

She snorts and coughs slightly from the sharp invasion of my penis. She sits on the floor more comfortably trying to rest her knees. She has an expression that shows stubbornness, but deep down she's starting to get scared.

You're right to be scared, baby, I'm thinking and chuckling.

I open the drawer of the bedside table and grab a fairly large, white rope. I look at it with half-open eyes and then approach Bridget.

I wrap the rope around my fist while I watch her get up and crawl with her back stuck to the bed, reaching up to the headboard.

I climb onto the bed and stand in front of her. I'm opening her legs wide and start licking her clitoris furiously. She sighs and is stirred by pleasure.

I'm reaching her to the top, but I'm not letting her end. She moans indignantly, and her breast heaves with quick breaths. She moistens her lips with her tongue and swallows dryly.

I remember when I loved tasting her all the time.


"No more, Dorian. Please..." she whispers in delight.

"You already know it. I love having your taste in my mouth," I answer her and continue to lick her clit, letting out sensual kisses.

*End of flashback*

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