Jordan Rork

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Percy POV

I woke up early out of habit. The sun isn't up yet. I sit on my bunk deciding what to do when the Fates flash in infront of me. I don't bother to bow and just wait for them to speak. Atropos hands me a folder, inside are a few pieces of paper.

Name: Jordan Rork

Species: Mortal

Age: 46

Sex: Male

Height: 6ft 3in

Weight: 194

State: New York

City: New York

The infomation continues and I skim over it. Where he lives, works etc. I pause to look over a picture. Mid forties, light brown hair with gray streaks, glasses, normal stature etc. After looking over the file I look back at the Fates waiting for an explanation.

"He wishes to do things which will result in many deaths. The Empire State Building will be partly destroyed if he follows through. Which may cause problems with Olympus," Atropos explains as The Fates cut his thread. I nod. I flash into the clothes I usually wear.

Black t-shirt, pants, gloves and combat boots and a green sweatshirt. I normally wear a black one around daily but for missions green makes me look less suspicious. I grab my backpack and make sure I have everything I need. I can summon it when I need but it is bright blue and once again makes me look less suspicious. I turn back to them and they nod.

"Be sure not to flash back here. Call Blackjack," Lachesis says. I nod once before flashing out. It is still early and it have time to kill so I stop wait a few blocks down from Rork's apartment on a bench reading the file once again.

No family. Wife took kids and moved to Arizona to be with family. He isn't allowed to see the kids. Though he does have a girlfriend (who is twenty years younger). According to his daily schedule sheshould past by me around 7:12 am. So I sit and wait and according to my watch I have about 3 hours to kill.

3 hours later she walks by. I watch her disappear before standing and walking the way she had came. I walk the few blocks to the apartment building. I scan the building before walking inside. A key is needed to get in and I was planning on flashing through but there is no need when a girl comes through the door. I take the door and wait for her to pass before heading up to the fourth floor. I take the stairs and head up slowly.

When I reach the apartment, 3D to be exact I check to be sure there are no cameras and no other presences. I flash inside and silently walk around. I look around and walk toward where the bedroom should be. He is still asleep. I walk and look in the bed side table and find what I am looking for. His gun. It has a silencer even better. I give a small sad sigh at what I am about to do. My mind quickly flashes to when I killed my friends illusions but, I shake it off. It's not like I have a choice. I place a pillow on his face then I pull the trigger thrice and all three hit him in the heart. After I put the gun back I flash to the roof. Once on top I take breath to calm myself. That never gets any easier.

I whistle loud and a minute later Blackjack lands beside me.

Another mission boss? He asks. I nod and take two doughnuts out of my backpack. I give him one before eating the other myself as I climb on his back. About ten minutes later we arrive back at camp. He goes back to the stables and I head back to my cabin.

When I walk in I'm surprised to see Annabeth sleeping in my bunk. I take off my gloves and shove them in my bag then place it next to my bed before gently shaking her awake.

Annabeth POV

I wake up I someone shaking me. I open my eyes to find myself in the Poseidon cabin on Percy's bunk while Percy gives me a questioning look. I sit up.

"Sorry," I say sheepishly. He waits for me to say more as his sits next to me on his bunk. "I came to talk to you but you weren't here so I thought I would wait but I guess I fell back to sleep." He nods slowly and grabs his bag and looks through it. As he does I look him over. He has the same raven black hair, sea-green eyes and hasn't grown. But he still seems different. He is dressed in all black, including black combat boots. He also wears a green hoodie and I see he has his camp necklace on. After finding what he was looking for he takes out a clear plastic bag. Inside blue chocolate chip cookies. He takes one out and has a bite and offers me the bag. I gratefully take one and hand it back.

"You visted your mom?" He nods and water comes out of the fountain and spells


I nod and take a bite if my cookie.

What did you need?

"Well I just wanted to see if you are okay," I answer which is partly true. "You didn't say much yesterday. Well you didn't spell much. And I've just missed you so much. And I love you so much and gods, I just..." I trail off and sigh. I lean over and give him a hug but once again he flinches and stiffens. I let go and try not to show the hurt on my face. Does he not love me anymore? He looks away.

"So where'd you go?" I ask changing the subject.

I walked in the forest and went to the lake.

"Of course the lake," I say with an eye roll. I give him a smile before telling him I should head back to my cabin. He smiles back and I walk out. As I head back to my cabin thinking I should talk to Piper later.

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