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•-•-One Month Later-•-•

Piper POV

"I'm going to kill you Prissy!" Clarrise yells chasing after Kelp Head. He had the brilliant idea of waking her up by soaking her when she feel asleep as we talked by the beach. He runs with Clarrise close behind. He runs up the path nearly runs into Octvian. He skids to a stop and runs back and grabs Octvian and throws him at Clarrise. Clarrise grabs Octavian as he bumps into her.

"Let go of me you graceus!"

"Shut it you obnoxious twig!" The two continue to bicker until Clarrise goes after him with Mamier. He gives a scream worthy of an Aphrodite camper and runs off. Percy momentarily forgotten. I look over at him. He crosses his arms looking smug and pleased with himself.

"You know she'll come back after you. And she'll be even more mad. Or are you that much of a Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asks. He shrugs and begins to right a message in water when he is bulldozed by the Stolls.

They ignore the fact they just ran down the most powerful person here and run straight up to me. They begin talking quickly but all that I catch is

"Drew." And. "Help." I am about to tell them how stupid they are when they are grabbed by a wave and held a good thirty feet in the air by an annoyed Percy. Drew rushes up is about to yell but seems pleased by Percy holding them there and walks off. This continues until Annabeth starts yelling at him. He gets distracted and the Stolls begin to fall until Jason catches them. Yup. Just your average day at Camp Demigod. All we are missing is Damien trying to start a fight.

"Jackson!" I spoke to soon. Percy rolls his eyes and simply shoots a jet at water at him then walks off. Annabeth yells after him. Things between them are so weird. Percy has been semi distancing himself from all of us especially Annabeth. At times they may lean on each other or he'll unconsciously puts an arm around her but as soon as he does he pulls back and seems to scold himself. All bickering seems to stop as the conch sounds for lunch. We head up to lunch and we are in line for offerings when a scream followed by a roar sounds ringing in our ears.

Percy POV

A scream rips through the chatter followed by a roar. I jump up and rush toward the sound. Damien and Vulcan girl stand battling a small swarm of monsters. Well the girl is. Damien stands there and I'm going to take a wild guess and say he is the one who screamed.

I rush into the fight. Slash. Stab. Dodge. Jab. Stab. Spin. Evaporate. My mind goes on autopilot. I can feel a few scrapes but I ignore them. I focus only on a few things.

1. Kill all these monsters
2. Don't let anyone get hurt
3. Who is in charge of this attack?

I continue to fight. Other campers join the fray. The fight is over quickly. I glance over everyone to be sure they are okay. I soon notice everyone is staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I ask touching my face. Wait. I spoke. "My voice is back! But that means..." I trail off as realize there is something sticky in my hand. Oh gods. Ichor. Oops?

I look over everyone. My friends stare at me in disbelief and Annabeth lets a few tears escape.

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