Chapter 16

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Demo been eyeing the two every 5 minutes.

Sven, to her is acting really suspicious.

but to Burt, he's fine.

the every five minutes that she looks at them,they stop doing what they were doing before.


but when Demo turn back around, those two just giggle or laugh.

she turned around and looked at them.

"you two are acting weird. what's happening?"

Burt was holding a laughter in the back of his throat

"yeah, w-we're fine.."

Burt must have been holding that laugh since morning, because he let it out halfway.

Demo didn't see anything funny.

Sven was trying so damn hard not to fucking laugh.

"what's funny?"

Demo turned back, left and right.

she didn't see something funny.

did Sven say something make these two laugh?

Demo didn't quite get it.

Burt shrieked with laughter, making Demo snap her attention to him.

Sven also started laughing, but not as loud as Burt.

'damn, even mother nature can hear Burt's laughter right about now.'

Demo's eyes widen with confusion.

"what?! what's so funny??"

Burt took deep breathes, not wanting to die of laughter.

"you..*huff* acted like if me and Sven were dating!"

Demo paused.

i mean, Burt's not wrong.

in fact, he's right.

Burt laughed harder, that he fell to the ground.

"i...i'm still confused, i'm sorry, what??????"

Burt finally calmed down, getting up from the ground.

"why would i think you would be dating Sven??? even my mother wouldn't allow it!"

Sven blushed a bit.

him and Burt.

the more i think about that thought, the more i like it.

Sven and Burt.

but on the the other hand, Demo is hating the thought.

Burt finally has calmed and shook his head.

"Demo, me and Sven? i mean, Sven's cute, sure. but it would take a million years for me and Sven to fall in love with each other!"

Demo smelled lies.

ooh, now she knew.

Burt has developed a crush on Sven.

Demo is now starting to panic.

and she can say the same for Sven.

Sven also has a crush on Burt.


Burt giggled a bit.

meanwhile for Sven, he's a blushing mess.

Burt thinks he's cute.

what? he said so himself!

"you look like a blushing mess Sven? who is making you feel that way?"

Sven snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Burt.

"do you have a special someone in your mind?"

Burt asked, making Sven blush more.

"m-me? uhh pft! n-no!"

Sven looked away, knowing Burt is still looking at him.

"lair, i know you are thinking of someone!"

Sven started sweating.

it's not Burt can read minds.

"i can tell you."

Sven eyes widen and his head turned to Demo.

Burt looked amazed.

"okay, who?"

Demo blinked at coughed.

"he's thinking about you Burt."

Burt eyes widened and blushed.


Burt pointed at himself as Demo nodded.

Sven started shaking his head.

"N-NO!! I-I'M NOT!!"

Burt looked at Sven, who was trembling.

Burt hugged him. 

"i don't care, plus i don't believe it"

Sven sighed in relief.

Demo did as well.

Burt lost his balance and fell down.

with Sven.

they two started rolling down a hill nearby them.

not crashing into a tree.

"BURT! SVEN! wait-"

they finally crashed down to the bottom.

the grass was now clear, and no trees around them.

Sven felt something odd.

some bliss spark in him.

Burt felt it too.

they both looked into each other's eyes.

Burt was on top of Sven.

Sven didn't know what to do.


Burt kissed him.

his lips.

the action surprised Sven.

but couldn't help but kiss back.

Demo had came to where they were.

but stopped.

Demo's eyes widen with shock.

Burt was..kissing Sven.


Demo couldn't believe it..


oh shit!

it happened!

(and Demo is not surprised but very pissed, SISTER DISAPPROVAL)

thought deleted part:

Ice come out of nowhere, and yells: "HA GAYYYYYYY" but then Demo hit her with her paw from behind.



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