Chapter 17

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A\N: chickens.

"what is going on here?!?!"

Demo yelled, sending Burt and Sven to stop kissing and get off of each other.

"D-Demo! i-i.."

Burt tried to find the words to tell Demo why he kissed Sven.

but with Sven, he had a bunch of thoughts saying 'shit shit shit shit shit shit fuckkkk'

"why were you guys kissing?!"

Demo screamed. making Burt not say a word.

"i-it was accident!! i didn't mean to kiss Sven!"

Burt explained, but it only lead to more questions.

"then why did you??" Demo asked.

"something in me snapped...i didn't know what i was doing.."

he whispered. Demo heard it though.

"it's okay, it was an accident. right?"

Demo tested them, they both nodded.

Sven, at this case had no words.

Burt had kissed him and he doesn't think that it was an accident.

perhaps, it was something Burt WANTED to do. 

he'll need to talk to Burt at this case.

"alright, get up you two we need to go."

they both got up once Demo told them to.

Demo turned around and started walking foward.

they follow, y'know the same as always..

the thought wouldn't leave Sven's mind alone

Burt noticed, and wanted to talk.

without Demo being there.

just him and Sven.

just talking. nothing spicy is gonna happen.U

(A\N: okay, at this point, them horny bitches can get off of this story U-U)

"uhh Demo?"

Burt tapped Demo's shoulder, gaining her attention.

"yeah Burt?"

Burt cleared his throat.

"can i talk to Sven?-"

Demo tilted her head.

"whatever you can to him you can say in front of me"

Burt sighed and shook his head.

"i mean, can i talk to him alone?"

Demo sighed, she couldn't convince him to talk to Sven in front of her.

"fine, just be quick."

Demo walked away, and went a right.

she sat down, staring in front of a tree trunk.

Burt walked to Sven and pulled him into the woods.

Demo saw what Burt did, and sighed.

once inside, Burt let of Sven's arm.

"okay, there is something on your mind again. speak."

Burt's tone was cold.

and Sven got downright scared.

"uhh about...when me."

Burt froze.

"why..are you t-thinking about that?"

Sven took a deep breath and scratched the of his head.

"i was just wondering why you did it."

Burt looked away once he said that.

"the truth wasn't an accident.."

Sven's eyes widened and blushed appeared on his face.


Burt was madly blushing and didn't make eye contact.

"i wanted to do it.. i wanted to kiss you.."

Sven, still blushing yet still confused.


Burt was fiddling with his thumb, wondering what is gonna be his answer.

" me wanted to do so, it was a powerful urge and couldn't resist it."

Burt explained, Sven didn't believe him though.

Sven placed his two hand on Burt's shoulders and looked at him at the eyes.

"look at me and tell me, is that true?"

Burt breathing became faster, and he looked away, shaking his head.

"y-yes!'s not! i-i-"

Sven sighed. he placed his hand on Burt's cheek, gently turning it to face Sven.

"then why? it's only a simple question"

Burt was crumbling into pieces. 


Burt placed two of his hands on his face to cover it up.

Sven let of Burt's shoulders and smiled.

Sven took off Burt's hands from his face.

"i think i might know why"

Burt eyes widened.

"you do??"

Sven chuckled.

"'re just..scared of something and didn't because you ran out of options..sooo..."

Sven explained, his eyes were looking right and he was scratching his neck.

Burt thought it would be the right time to tell Sven the truth.

"Sven, the reason why i kissed you, it's because, i was scared that,if you die i wouldn't be able to do it. i..i just wanted to kiss you before it was too late."

Sven blinked, dusting the blush off his face.

"so i was kind of right?"

Burt nodded, and Sven smiled a bit.

a bit of silence got over them.

and Sven hated the silence.


Sven took a step closer to Burt.

he stroked his cheek with his thumb.

"S-Sven? what are you-"

Sven brought him closer and kissed his lips once again.

Burt was full with shock at first, but he closed his eyes and sank into the kiss.

they kissed for what seemed like forever, until the pulled apart to catch some air. (they are people)

they opened their eyes and looked at each other.

"i..i have always wondered how it felt like..."

Sven smiled and kissed him again.

god, Burt never wanted for this to end.

he loved it.

they kept diving in for another kiss after another.

finally they stopped

yeah it felt wonderful.


Words: 723

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