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When you wake up one morning, it's to your head pounding as if a dwarf is stuck inside with a hammer, and your skin so sticky and hot to the touch that it feels gross. You're clearly coming up with a cold, one of the things you hate most.

You head to the shower before everyone wakes up, the new routine that has taken place with Namjoon liked by everyone so far, you included. As it is, Jungkook and Taehyung have really taken to him, and the predators like to include him in whatever they're doing so he's not left on his own.

You still remember the first time Namjoon broke your favourite pan, and the look of pure distress on his face when you found them all standing in the kitchen, helpless. He almost burst into tears then and there, and you had to reassure him that you weren't mad, and that you didn't hate him.

So in that sense, you've found out that Namjoon is emotionally very sensitive, and his insecurity makes him somehow afraid that you will abandon him too. You never could do something like that, you like having Namjoon around, but you figure he will need time.

You wash off the sweat, make sure to wear something light, then head out to the kitchen to make them breakfast with a smile. They wake up one at a time, sleepy pouts reaching you for a morning hug before drooping over the dining table, and you chuckle at the sight, heart endeared.

After breakfast, you help them clean the dishes, then head to your office to work despite your terrible headache that isn't getting any better, and though your thoughts are a bit jumbled and disorganized, you manage to get most of your work done as usual.

By the end of the day, though, you're not doing well at all.

Your hair is sticking to your head and neck, your eyelids are heavy, and your mind is covered by a blanket of mist. You feel like your body is suddenly weighing a few tons, but you still push yourself to your feet to have a look at the others.

After all, you always take some time to remind Namjoon that you're happy he's here, and ask if he's done anything fun with the others during the day.

You usually compliment Jungkook and Taehyung on their drawings and paintings, and you allow Jimin, Yoongi and Seokjin a moment to coddle you the way they need, either by allowing them to feed you a snack, of by letting them make you a coffee or tea.

You answer their questions about your work, you let them comfort you when they hear about the mean customers, and then you go on with the usual routine they have for the evening. You will not change that for them just because you're sick.

You stumble out of your office and drag your feet to the living room where they're all sat in front of a movie, one that is held on pause when they hear you. The light from the windows makes you wince and you shield your eyes on reflex, which doesn't go unseen by the six hybrids.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Taehyung asks with a frown that is mimicked by the others, and at your lack of response, hand now held to your wobbly head, Yoongi stands up quickly to push a hand against your forehead.

His hiss is instantaneous, and Seokjin is immediately taking his place to have a closer look at you. The sweat, the clammy skin, the body heat, the weakness, he sees it all, and he swears when you almost lose your balance, hands now holding onto him to not meet the floor.

"Damn it, Y/N, have you been sick all day?" he asks with an irritated tone that makes you wilt slightly. He doesn't want to be angry at you, but he is. He's angry at you for having hidden your state from them, and angry that they didn't notice sooner.

You looked perfectly fine this morning, and nothing seemed any different other than the fact that Namjoon hugged you a little longer than usual. They thought it was only because he was getting more comfortable, but they can see now how that was a wrong guess.

You shake your head a little before standing on your own, but you can barely open your eyes anymore. " 'm fine... it's just a little cold, Jin" you mumble, right before your knees give up on you. Seokjin catches you, and your mind blanks there, too exhausted and ill to focus on anything anymore.

"Just a little cold?" Jimin repeats with a low growl, his guts burning with disapproval as he sees you passed out in his hyung's arms. "She worked all day, sick like this, and we didn't even know. Does she not trust us to take care of her?".

"Don't say that" Jungkook hurries to speak, worries creasing into his pretty face, the fear behind those words making him imagine the worst. "You know she trusts us, so don't say things like that unless you truly mean it. I don't like it".

Namjoon runs forward to open your bedroom's door while Seokjin carries you. "Trusting someone into your home, and trusting them to tend to you while sick are different things. Maybe she never had someone to care for her before, so asking us didn't cross her mind".

His words leave everyone upset, and they all try to do something to help. Yoongi closes your curtains, Jimin turns on the lamp in the corner of the room, a low orange that's easy on the eyes, and Jungkook and Taehyung work together to fill a bowl with cold water, along with some clean towels.

You're gently lowered onto your bed, and Seokjin glares at the beads of sweat on your skin, as if that could scare the cold away. How did he not notice? It's his job to make sure you're safe and healthy.

He's been learning to cook so that he can take the burden off your shoulders, he's been reading more about useful skills to care for a big household, and yet you still got sick without his knowledge. He's still too lacking, and he can't accept that.

"Let's try to lower her temperature, first" Jimin murmurs as he drains one of the towels to pat over your face, gentle and careful. "When she's better, we can scold her for not telling us, but until then, we focus on her recovery".

"Oh, I'll scold her alright" Yoongi grumbles as he paces the room at the foot of your bed, only calming down when Namjoon makes him sit down at the edge of the mattress with a hand over his shoulder. "She would have noticed, if it was one of us getting sick. She would have noticed".

"I know, she would have" the bearded dragon repeats softly, himself feeling disappointed at himself.

He'd noticed that you were warmer than usual, but he'd simply hummed and hugged you longer, liking the heat. It hadn't crossed his mind that it could be abnormal, because you're the first human he's ever been allowed to touch.

"We should make her some porridge" Jungkook eventually says while looking up to a restless Seokjin. "That's what they do in movies and series, they make porridge when someone is sick. Do you know how, hyung?".

With a frown, the caracal tries to search his memory to think of where he could have seen such a recipe, then remembers one of the books he read recently. He runs out of the room with Taehyung and Jungkook on his heels, leaving you to the others' care.

"I'm getting a job" Jimin decides after letting the silence work for a minute. "I'll do whatever job is available on the market, as long as it allows her to take it easier. I hate seeing her like this. She didn't take a day off because she needs the money for us, and now she's... I can deal with bad conditions, as long as it pays".

"I feel the same way" Yoongi adds without hesitation. "She said that she knows a place, but she hasn't called since she told me about it. I'll remind her when she's not ill anymore, and if it doesn't work out, we'll find some other place".

"Me too" Namjoon blurts out next, even though he's been there only a few days. "I want to help too. This home... it's changed my life for the better and it's all thanks to her. I want to lower her burden, no matter how".

The three hybrids share a firm look, then focus back on making sure you're alright. The towel is rinsed before Jimin cleans your skin again, a new resolve growing in his heart.

He won't have you do things on your own ever again, that era is over.

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