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"So we came here for nothing, that's what you're saying" you mumble as Seokjin, Yoongi and Jimin stand by your side, your eyes on the multitude of shifted hybrids currently running in the park.

"To rephrase your indirect accusation, Y/N, you never asked us if we wanted to run in the park with strangers, you simply stated that we would go to the park and then opened the door. You can run with them if you want, we can watch" Seokjin tells you with a tone of voice that makes you go silent.

What about that website then? Don't they need exercise? You thought that applied to every predators but you can see now that anything written by humans for hybrids isn't really worth believing.

You can't deny that you feel a little stupid for bringing them here, they really don't look excited at all.

At the sight of your pout, it is not the three hybrids who now live with you that make a move to comfort you but a timid-looking dog hybrid, the little flower ring he holds in his hands handed to you like a gift.

Confused, you accept it with both hands, and before you can part your lips to thank him, before Jimin can even make a sound, you all watch as he runs away to join another hybrid seated away from the crowd beneath a tree, his black wings stretched and relaxed behind him.

You blink at Yoongi who meets your gaze with the same energy, the two of you simply dazed by the whole thing while Jimin and Seokjin are more on edge. Why did the pup give you a gift before they could? How did he make that flower ring?

Damn it, Jimin really wants to know.

"You know what? I think staying here could be interesting after all. Yoongi, Seokjin, come with me" Jimin decides all of a sudden before pulling both hybrids by the hand, and you're left behind feeling even more confused when you see them join the duo beneath the tree.

You scratch the back of your neck when they sit with them, half of you relieved that they're not picking a fight while the other part is left hanging, because what are you supposed to do now?

You glance around you to find the hybrids' owners talking together, and you immediately know that you want nothing to do with them when you hear what they say. Some things simply don't change.

With your lips pursed and feeling a bit let down, being alone like this not really what you had in mind for this outing, you make your way towards an unused bench on the outskirt of the park and then sit down with a sigh, the pretty ring in your hand gaining your attention once more when you remember about it.

It's a very delicate thing, the small wild flowers that can be found pretty much everywhere threaded with grass to give it a circular shape, it puts a smile on your face when you fit it on your pinkie.

You stare at it for a bit longer before rising your gaze to the sky. It sure is a pretty blue today.

Jimin is observing very intently when the black swan shows their group how to build the ring with grass, and when he tries it himself, it's almost a success until it falls apart in his hands.

"You almost had it! Don't give up, you just need practice, Taehyung and I come here often so we're pretty good at making them now, we sometimes manage to exchange a ring for some water, even food when people feel generous" the little pup chirps, words that have the three predators frowning.

"Don't you have food at home? Why would you need to trade these rings for that?" Yoongi asks, and to that, the bird, Taehyung, sighs softly.

"We don't have a home. Jungkook and I were both thrown out in the street by a shelter a few weeks ago, coming here is our best bet to survive since owners always bring water and food for their hybrids, they usually don't mind sharing with us when we act cute".

"So did you give that ring to our owner to beg for food later?" Seokjin asks coldly, he could see the smile on your face when you put it on and he would hate for you to lose it after hearing about the intention behind the gift, but the pup quickly shakes his head with round eyes.

"No! She just looked disappointed so I wanted to cheer her up. We had water and food a while ago so we don't need more for now, I promise it was a simple gift".

The three predators fall silent for a minute, their eyes sharing a silent conversation as they ponder about what to do with these two.

Knowing you, they can already tell that you're going to lose sleep when you learn that they're homeless, so they would like to avoid that, but lying and keeping this under silence would most likely make them feel bad.

Isn't there a storm coming up tonight? Where will they stay once it begins pouring outside? They'll be freezing in a matter of minutes and the trio will feel guilty as they rest in their warm bed at home.

You want a house filled with hybrids who need a second chance to live the life that they couldn't otherwise, so in a way, these two would fit in well, right? They look kind and helpful, they wouldn't take your kindness for granted.

"Who's that guy currently talking with your owner? Do you know him?" Taehyung cuts their thinking short with his question, and five pairs of eyes fall on you.

Yoongi, Seokjin and Jimin instinctively growl at the sight, your posture telling them that you're incredibly uncomfortable despite your smiling face.

"Tae, isn't he the guy who always hits on women who are alone? We can see him sometimes following them to their cars, don't you remember? Or is that not him?" Jungkook utters with squinted eyes, and Taehyung's brows furrow as he takes a proper look despite the distance.

"I think you're right... that does look like him. You should... go back to her" the black swan's murmur goes unheard when your three hybrids are already stomping their way over to you, teeth exposed as their chests rumble with anger.

They leave you alone for ten minutes and this is what happens?

Should they make it obvious for those stupid humans that you're not on the market anymore? They won't be able to keep their calm for long if this happens every single time, a head will eventually end up ripped from its body.

They'll just have to start claiming you now while people are looking.

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