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"Why is such a beautiful lady like you alone in a park for hybrids?" the stranger eventually comes closer to ask his question after you found him staring at you from a distance for an uncomfortable amount of time.

You give him a polite smile while also trying to bring back some distance between the two of you - he looks like he wants you to invite him to have a seat next to you on the bench but you really don't feel good about this guy for some reason.

Looking at your three hybrids reveals them still talking with their new friends and you inwardly sigh.

You brought them here so they could socialize, you should be happy to see them doing exactly that after their initial reaction, but you instead find yourself hoping they would come back to you so you could leave soon.

"My hybrids are over there so I'm not exactly alone" you say to the man still awaiting your answer, wishing he could leave it at that, but he simply makes an acknowledging sound, his eyes still fixated on you - he seriously creeps you out.

"They're bad hybrids, leaving you alone like this" he speaks up next with a tone that gives you the chills, but his words mostly make you huff in disbelief before you force a smile back on your face, what is he trying to achieve here?

"Well it's not like they're supposed to remain glued to my side all the time. They're free to spend time without having me in the way if that's what they want, I don't mind. We'll be going back home together either way so I'm not worried, that's all I need" you tell him before looking the other way to appear done with the conversation.

If he could leave now, you would feel a lot better.

Not getting the hint, he's about to find something else to say against the three lovely men when a deep growl makes him stop mid-breath, and you look behind him, hoping to find there some familiar faces.

"Sorry princess, we took a bit longer than expected but we're done now" Yoongi states with his husky voice before joining you on the bench, and the pet name he uses makes you flush instantly under the shocked man's gaze, especially when the panther swiftly picks you up before plopping you down on his lap, a possessive hold that allows you to feel the way he's shaking with rage.

Before you can even try to ask him if he's okay, he's pushing your head to rest on his shoulder, your face towards his throat so he can run a hand through your messy hair, and only then does he start to relax - when he knows for certain that you are safe in his arms.

He stares blankly at the man who dared try to take you from them just as Seokjin and Jimin join you on the bench, their silence overwhelming as they both lay a possessive hand on you while ignoring the stranger who has no reason to stay any longer, not when he can see their tails hit the air so aggressively.

"So these are... right, I... I'll be on my way then, it was nice to meet you" you finally hear him say before he's running away, and you release a deep sigh when a look at where he was previously standing confirms his exit.

"Thank god, he was making me so uncomfortable but I didn't know how to make him leave" you mumble to the three hybrids who do not answer you, their eyes still on his form until he fully disappears, it is good that he left because Seokjin would've bit him very soon.

At their maintained silence, you try to move from Yoongi's lap to have a proper look at them, but a rumble of warning coming from his chest makes you stop your movement and you begin to worry about their state.Did something happen or is this only because of the stranger?

"Let us stay like this for a moment longer, please" is all he murmurs to explain himself, but you decide to trust him with this and so you relax in his embrace while Seokjin and Jimin shift a little closer to rest their heads on the panther's large shoulders, their hands both on your back and knees with gentle motions to calm themselves.

Or that's what you assume, reality being that they're actually trying to scent you as discreetly as possible, in a way that will make you drown in their scents without making you feel uncomfortable - scenting you the way they need would be too much for now.

"Did you have fun talking with the two hybrids under the tree? They looked nice" you eventually ask them when you feel them calmer and less tensed, and Jimin makes a soft sound before nodding his head from where it's resting besides yours.

"They're good guys. They tried to show me how to make a flower ring like the one you were given but it didn't work, it's harder than I thought. I'll give you one after I've practiced more, I want it to look pretty".

You hum with a smile, so that's what they were doing? How cute.

"Y/N... can I ask you a question?" Seokjin asks suddenly, only continuing when your eyes meet his dark orbs. "If I asked you to let them come home with us, what would you say?".

Taehyung and Jungkook halt their walk out of the park when the wind carries the elder hybrid's words to their ears, a light flame of hope coming alive in their heart when they glance in your direction, did Seokjin mean them?

You blink in surprise at the unexpected question, you never thought that such a possessive predator could one day willingly open the door for new hybrids like this, it's a pleasant discovery that makes you smile as they anxiously await your answer.

"You want them to come home with us?" you echo the question for more precision, just to make sure that you understood their intention well, and when the three of them nod cutely, you inhale softly before nodding back, how could you say no to that? They must have really liked the duo.

"If that's something they want, then I'm all for it, Seokjin. I will trust whoever you decide to trust so if you want them to stay with us, it will be a pleasure for me to make this happen" you muse with your sweet voice, and Yoongi cannot resist it when he hugs you tightly, grateful for the permission.

They truly would've regretted it if they'd left the homeless preys behind in such horrible living conditions.

"Is... is this true? Do you really mean it? Taehyung and I can stay with you?".

You raise your gaze to find the dog and the bird hybrids standing near, hope all you can see on their face despite the faded traces of mud and dirt. You can see how thin they are now that they're so close, yet even that doesn't lower their beauty, they are both very pretty.

You finally manage to sit up properly, though Yoongi refuses to get you off him, and then offer them a handshake with an inviting smile.

"My name is Y/N, what are your names?".

The dog shakes your hand first, and the sight of his droopy ears fluttering cutely on his head makes you giggle softly, a sound that makes him perk up greatly, tail swaying excitedly behind him. "J- Jungkook, my name is Jungkook".

The other one, the black swan whose name you assume to be Taehyung, takes your offered hand next, his hold on your fingers very gentle as he shakes it before he's answering you softly. "My name is Taehyung".

"Jungkook and Taehyung, such pretty names you have. Are you ready to head home then? Should we go now?" you ask in a chirp, and when they both nod with bright smiles on their faces, Yoongi, Seokjin and Jimin begin to purr out of pure delight.

Who would've known that giving a home to someone who needs it would feel so good? They can understand a bit better now why you were so excited upon adopting them.

"Yes... please. Let's go home".

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