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Since Jungkook and Taehyung started living with you, the ambiance in the house became... lighter? Not to say that it was bad beforehand, but them being preys made their staring at you not quite as intense as when it's the predators keeping you within sight.

During the last week, you took them out to buy them their own clothes as well as a similar furniture set to furnish another bedroom up the stairs, something that they insisted upon - they wanted to keep sleeping together, they can't fall asleep otherwise.

The three predators seem to hop from one bed to another one all the time anyway, so it didn't really bother you, there's always an empty bed nowadays so you're not worried that they can find an arrangement if someone wants to be alone for once.

Your phone ringing from besides your laptop has you pausing your work for a moment to look at who this could be, and when you find the shelter's number, you raise a brow in curiosity before answering, what could they want after all this time?

"Hello?" you speak while leaning back into your chair, and the sound of your voice has Yoongi peeking into your office to see what you're doing, were you calling for one of them or did he mishear?

"Yes, this is the hybrid shelter, am I speaking with miss Y/N?".

"That's me, can I help you with something?".

"Actually, yes. We have received a gentle bearded dragon recently, a hybrid who was abandoned outside last week, we tried to help him but he's not quite fitting in with the other hybrids and he's not very open to the people working here either. I thought of you since you said that you were hoping to adopt multiple hybrids, would you be willing to give him a try? His name is Namjoon, a bit shy but otherwise harmless, I'm sure you would get along well" the voice explains from the other side of the line, and you sit up straight while Yoongi walks into the room to better hear the call, are you going to accept someone new in the house?

"He was abandoned? That's awful... I can go meet him later today if that's fine with you? I could bring the guys with me, see if they get along too, we recently had two more additions so it's important to me that everyone agrees" you answer, and Yoongi once more feels his heart swell with so many emotions, you never fail to include them when it comes to the important stuff and that makes him respect you like you could not imagine.

"Yes, of course, feel free to bring them with you. I'll let Namjoon know so we'll be waiting for you! Thank you so much for accepting to meet him".

You exchange some polite goodbyes before ending the call, then turn on your chair to glance at the panther standing behind you, you could see his reflection on your laptop's screen so you're not surprised to see him there.

"What do you think? I think it's worth going to see him, right?" you ask, and he nods with a pleased sway of the tail before turning your chair again so he can stand behind you, and when his fingers begin to massage your neck and shoulders, you melt right there and then, how did you deserve such caring hybrids?

"He's going to be wary since he was abandoned so I think it's a good thing that we come with you, he can see how you treat us, that we're happy with you, maybe it'll help him to trust you more easily. Jin is trying to prepare us a snack with the recipe you showed him, can you take a little break from your work to eat with us?" he asks you, and though you wish you could accept, a new email states that you, in fact, cannot take a break.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi, I really would but I have to make a few calls regarding a problem that just occurred. Can I count on you to let the others know? I'll probably be done with work a little later today but we can head to the shelter afterwards, maybe we could grab something to eat on the way back?" you offer with a pat to his hands that rest over your shoulders, and though you can't see the drooped ears and tail, you hear it in his voice when he replies.

"It's fine... I'll let them know, don't worry. We'll bring you a plate when Jin's done so you can at least eat a little while working, and let us know if there's anything we can do to help you, we all know that we're having it easy right now by being free all day while you work hard".

You chuckle before dropping your head backwards to stare up at him, the pout on his face one that you've seen plenty of times while working, you can see that it's starting to bother them more and more.

"Do you feel bad that you're not working?" you ask him, and he quickly nods his head, they've all talked about it during the last few days and they all came to the same conclusion - they want to help you make money, they want to help you cover the expenses that come with such a big group of hybrids.

"We want to work, Y/N. It doesn't matter what kind of work it is, but we want to help you, we feel restless doing nothing at home now" he admits, and you hum before patting his hands again.

"We'll see what can be done about that soon, I promise. There are many places where hybrids can work but I don't want you to work in an abusive workplace, I actually have a place in mind but we need to get an appointment with them first, I'll see to it later, okay? Now I hate to cut this conversation short, but I really need to make those calls, I'll let you know if I need anything in the meantime".

Half relieved and half bothered, he accepts nonetheless and exits your office to let you make those calls before heading to the kitchen where everyone is gathered to observe how the caracal is doing with the cooking, something that he's doing a lot better than he expected himself.

The smell of the good food tickles Yoongi's nostrils as he joins them, and one look at the food tells him that you're going to eat something that might taste just as good as what you usually make them.

"This looks good, Jinnie. Y/N won't be able to join us because she's busy with work, but I do have some news to tell you all. Let's sit down first".

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