Chapter 5

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Shruti was sitting on a couch, in Mimi's room, the walls had maroon wallpaper and Mini sat next to her. One strange thing that she noticed all over Mimi's house was that the windows were shut with curtains drawn everywhere. Not even one window had the curtain slided over it. 

"To join the feast you have to first promise that you won't tell about the feast to anybody, not even your parents, and you have to stay here tonight " Mimi said with a dead serious look.

"I won't tell anyone about it, but is it necessary to stay here overnight? Can't I come tomorrow to your home in afternoon or something?" Shruti arked chewing on the resins that Mimi gave her, "No, you can't. It's a rule."

"Oh, okay, I have slept over at my other friend's houses before also, it's not a big deal, let me message my mum that I'm sleeping over at your house," Shruti said, taking out her phone from her backpack.

"No you can't tell your mother that you're staying here. It's against the tradition. Neither you can talk about the feast nor tell anybody that you stayed in our house."

"What? Then… What should I do?" Shruti asked, keeping her phone down. 

"Switch off your phone and act like you are missing. Don't contact them until tomorrow night after the feast."

"What! But won't that make them worried about me? They might even start searching for me." Shruti couldn't believe what Mini was saying, 'Has she lost her freaking mind?' Shruti thought. 

"Yes they would, but that will benefit you afterwards. You see when parents get back their children after losing them, they become more affectionate towards them because losing them and being away from their child even for one single night make them realize the true value of their kid's presence." Mimi held Shruti's hand and said with a concerned tone, "And as much as I know, Shruti, your parents have been neglecting you due to work your whole life, So let them realize your value by staying away from them for one night."

Shruti's eyes filled up with tears as her lips trembled, "Do you really think they'll start loving me and giving me attention after this?"

"Yes, I'm sure they'll, you're not the first girl Shruti, my other friends also did it and they all said that their parents have become more caring to them after doing this."

Shruti's heart felt like bursting, she would live alone all the time in that cold apartment while her parents would work overtime. Just the idea of coming home and seeing her parents waiting for her over the dining table to eat dinner together warmed her heart so much that more tears rushed down her cheeks. 

Mimi passed her a napkin and Shruti put down her glasses and dabbed the napkin over her eyes and cheeks. She sniffed. For her parents she had to do it. Shruti took a deep breath and long pressed the power button of her phone shutting it down while remembering her parent's faces. After switching off her phone she put in her bag and smiled at Mimi hopefully. Mimi smiled back at her getting on her feet and held Shruti's arm, "Now come, have a warm shower."

"What? Why?" Shruti stood up. 

"It's a cleansing bath. You have to purity yourself before taking part in the holy feast tomorrow," Mime smiled, "I'll provide clothes for you while you bath."

"Okay." Shruti was a bit hesitant but still agreed to cooperate. 

Mimi and Shruti went out in the hallway, downstairs, the stairs made a creaky sound as they went down. At a corner of the hall the bathroom was.

Mimi asked Shruti to wait outside the bathroom and left. After some minutes she came back with a medium sized box. Mimi was very serious and talked with a monotone voice, "Here, take this. There are serums and body oils in it. After the bath thoroughly rub those over your body and face. Wash your hair too and also thoroughly clean your private parts too. Are you having periods?" 

"No." Shruti said and took the box from Mimi.

"Good, after your bath wear those undergarments. You'll have a full body massage after this." Mimi said, handing over Shruti a small basket. 

"Is all this to really neccescary?"

"Yes, it is to completely purify your body. The bath will purify your body and the massage will relax your brain and purify your mind. 

"Oh, okay, that makes sense." Shruti smiled nodding with agreement.

After a long relaxing bath Shruti came in her undergarments and followed Mimi who lead her to a room next to the bathroom. It was a dim lit room. There were scented candles burning and an old woman clad in black saree with a grim face appeared from the dark. Shruti almost jumped looking at her. 

"Please don't be scared of her, Shruti, she is a servant here and has been serving us for more than forty years."

Shruti nodded. The women made Shruti lay on a wide lid made out of stone. There were candles around her giving off a warmth and relaxing scent. 

The old woman poured a thick layer of oil over Shruti while chanting some verses, Shruti closed her eyes and only imagined about how her parents would react after getting her back again. Would they cry or would they be angry over her for making them worry so much? She smiled.

Mimi watched all this standing afar and went outside the dark room when her phone buzzed and she took it out. Shruti's father was calling. She picked it up, keeping it to her ear while she slid her other hand in her jeans pocket.

"Yes uncle?" She asked with a relaxed tone, only to receive a worried voice from the other side of the call, the voice belonged to Shruti's father, "Mimi is Shruti with you? She hasn't returned home yet and it's past 9pm."

"No, we ate ice cream together and after that we parted ways, I went home and she went to the bus stop."

"But, her bus was an hour late!"

"What? she didn't tell me anything about it." Mimi said. 

Shruti's father gasped and his voice trembled, "Okay, thank you. I will call you back again afterwards." 

"Okay, uncle." Mimi said and the phone hung up. 

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