26. Courage? Like Seriously Terrance?

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Terrance's POV

I opened my eyes and they widened instantly. Lying on me was my stunning wife with my arms all over her.

I don't know how she ended up here but I wanted to stay like this.

"What the hell?!" I yelled. She groaned and woke up.

"Morning hubby." She grinned.

"Why the fuck were you on me?" I snarled when she got down and stretched her body. She ignored my question and trekked into the bathroom.

I ran my fingers through my hair and laid back onto the bed as the thoughts of yesterday rushed into my mind.

The image of Esther in that wedding dress, with glamour and beauty spilling out of her. Why the hell did I feel I like her?

After a while, she came out fully dressed in a tee and some shorts. The first place my eyes glanced was her tanned legs then to her now red face.

"Hurry and come for breakfast." She chirped and quickly left the room as my eyes trailed on her backside  and the lavender scent filled the room.

I grunted as I got out of the couch and moved to the bathroom.

When I finished bathing and dressing up, I got a call from dad.

"Terrance. Tonight is dinner so come with your wife." He ordered and I groaned. He also said I had to take Esther to the company and show her around.

I left my room and jogged downstairs as the aroma of sandwiches and coffee filled the hall. I was now an arms length from the table as Esther was dishing out the sandwiches onto a plate.

She glanced at me, walked over and held my arm. "Hubby, breakfast is ready." She chirped grinning and I glared down at her.

Ignoring my look, she went on her toes and pecked my cheeks, making me blush but I managed to keep a straight face.

I yanked my hand out her her hold went to sit. Just as I was about to enjoy my meal,"Wait! Wait." She said and moved to stand by me.

"What?" I groaned.

"Let me feed you." She whined. She dragged a chair and sat next to me and I gulped hard when my gaze flickered to her thigh.

"Um..hubby?" She cleared her throat and my gaze shifted to her face.

"Stop calling me that." I snapped even though..I liked it?

"Ok ok." She said. She broke a piece of bread and brought it close to my mouth.

"Baby, open your mouth." She chuckled and my heart skipped a beat at what she called me.

"What the.."

"Baby shut the fuck up and eat." She ordered and forced the delicious food onto my mouth.

"Now, I think you can eat the rest yourself." She sighed.

No! Feed me!

What the hell?!

I took the food and ate it slowly whiles she stared at me like a hawk. I wanted to ask her whether she had eaten but I didn't have the courage.

Courage? Like Seriously Terrance?

"Why are you looking at me?" I snapped.

"So that you eat everything." She informed and I felt good she cared about me. I even blushed a bit.


"Will this be great?" Esther asked and I looked at her dressing. She was wearing a sundress with her chestnut hair tied into a bun and she looked simple yet gorgeous.

I ignored her and went back to my phone.

"Baby." She whined but I didn't look at her.

"Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe." She called tugging my arm.


"How do I look?" She whined pouting and I stared at her pout and licked my lips. I put my phone into my pocket, faced her and trapped her to the wall.

"Don't you dare do anything to embarrass me understand? " I warned lowly.

"Um..um.." She said nervously and I just remembered something. I smirked and buried my face in her neck.

"Are you so nervous you can't answer my question?" I asked and tilted my head to face her earlobe.

"Um..um." She tried to speak in a barely audible voice. "We..we need to go." She reminded and gasped softly when my lips pressed against her skin.

"You really care that much?" I asked stroking her cheek with my thumb.

"I'm gonna get you one day." She muttered. I stroked her hip with my fingers on my left hand up to her waist and I coiled my arm around it and tugged her close to me as her front crashed against mine and I brought my lips close to her ear.

"Are you?" I asked in a raspy voice and she shivered slightly. "Come on Ester, push me." I said when when I removed my face and rested my nose on hers. I glanced at her tempting lips through my lashes and I licked mine and gulped. But I quickly hid it with a smirk to hide the fact that she had some amount of effect on me.

I removed my nose from hers and looked into her hair.

"Esther talk." I whispered and brought my finger to her chin and raised it up, making our lips centimetres away.

"Terrance." She whispered when I kissed beneath her chin close to her lips.

My lips hovered over hers, not touching at all as the tension thickened when she moisturized her lips with her tongue. Just as I was about to lean in and feel a taste of her full lips, my fucking phone had to just ring and I removed it from my pocket and I mentally cursed dad for calling.

After the call, we walked out of the room and she followed closely behind. We exited the house into the car and the chauffeur drove us to the company.

I had my eyes glued to my phone, whereas Esther's face was was pasted to the window as she sang "Beautiful day" by 'Jamie Grace.'

"Wake up and smile 'cause it's been awhile

It's been like a whole day since I stopped so You could hold me

This child awaits, strong in the faith

Lord you are the refuge that I can't wait to get to

'Cause I can't let a day go

Can't let a day go by

Without thanking you for the joy that you bring to my life

And oh there's something 'bout the way Your sun shines
on my face

It's a love so true, I could never get enough of You

This feeling can't be wrong, I'm about to get my worship
Take me away, It's a beautiful day yeah yeah yeah

It's a beautiful day yeah yeah yeah"

After she sang the song for about four times over, it stuck into my mind and we had reached the place.

"Remember what I told you don't em-" I didn't finish my statement because she got out and slammed d the door shut.

I also got down, approached her and gripped her upper arm.

"I am not done talking to you and you just walk away?" I growled.

"Yes..yes I do." She answered simply and I let go of her as we entered through the sliding glass door.

"Good morning, Sir." Some guys greeted me and I just nodded walking briskly.

"Ugh! Baby slow down!" She whined trying to keep up with me. "If you don't slow down, I'm gonna embarrass you." She threatened and I slowed down.

Some of the ladies there glared at Esther an looked at me in a way that made me feel uncomfortable.

"Eyes off my husband, you bitchy hoes." Esther snapped and they gasped. I mentally face-palmed. I would have done it physically is she wasn't holding my arm like it's glued to hers.

"Esther, what did I tell you about embarrassing me?" I groaned.

"Such a beautiful day!..." She sang to ignore me.

"Hey dudes." She chirped and waved at some guys making me angry.

I gripped her wrist and glared at the guys to go back to work. Later, I and dragged her to my office and shut the door.

"Stand here and shut up." I warned and moved to sit at my desk.

She was silent for exactly two seconds and she started clicking her tongue.

"Are you mad?" I snarled looking up from the files I was going through.

"Baby, don't be angry, I'm just feeling bored." She whined.

"Hey do you mind if I-" She started.

"Yes, yes I mind." I cut her off and she opened the door.

"Where the fuck are you going?" I demanded.

"I was asking if you mind whether I stay here and you said you do so I'm leaving." She announced.


"Bye baby!" She shut the door and left.


So who is this marriage being hell for? Esther or Terrance?

Hey, let's have a drunk Ester during the dinner party shall we? Ok then!

Does Terrance remind you of Nathaniel? Or he's different?

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