Chapter 28

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Pit's POV:

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath.

It worked- I'm alive!

I look around and see the familiar spirit docks, the first time I came here I met Y/N! She's probably sailing her gondola as usual! I see an approaching gondola and instead of Y/N sailing it I see... Phobos?!

I quickly hide behind all the spirits. What did they do with Y/N?! One thing's for sure- she's not out here...

As much as I don't want to, I know I have to go inside the underworld. But I don't have a boat! Then I remember the conversation me and Y/N had when she agreed to help. Swimming...Great!

Jeez! Since when was I so sarcastic?!


I jump at the sound of Lady Palutena's voice "Lady Palutena?"

"Thank goodness you're alive! Don't do that again!"

"How come you can talk to me?"

"The last time you died your laurel crown was bent, this time it's fixed!"

"Can you give me the power of flight??" I ask hopefully.

"Sorry, Pit. But you're too far inside!"


I take a shaky breath and walk up to the edge. I screw my eyes shut and jump in- the cold water goes up my body and soaks my toga! I hate it! It's murky and weird- I can't see through it. What if something from below grabs me?!

I don't want to wait and find out! With a groan I start swimming... The things I'm doing for Y/N! The water soaks through my clothes and wings making me slower. It was always hard for me to swim, what with my wings getting in the way.

When Lady Palutena had me go to the sea, I practically had a heart attack! The underworld docks are still far away, I keep swimming in desperation. I grit my teeth, I'd rather walk all the way...

I hope Y/N's okay- if they hurt her... I don't even know what I'll do! This feels like it's all my fault! If only I could have helped her earlier- or showed her that I trust her, none of this would have happened.

I am so caught up in my guilt that I hit my head on the wooden pole holding up the docks. I rub my head, Finally! I hoist myself up onto the bridge and look around, I don't see anyone around... But the cage I saw is now gone!

Looks like I'll have to get in if I want to save Y/N. I suppress a sigh and walk in a stance, I an't afford to get caught! From the corner of my eye I see Y/N's familiar cottage.

I see something else- I stop in my tracks and pause to take a closer look at the house. Through the windows I can see....Bars?


That means a cage!

I'm so relieved to have found her! I run as fast as I can to the cottage, I trip over a rock and face plant.

This mission is giving me a lot of concussions...

I get back up and resume running. I skid to a stop in front of the door and fling it open. I rush in expecting to see Y/N and-

No such luck....

It's an empty cage....

I fall onto my knees in disappointment. "We're could she be?!" I wail out loud sighing in frustration. Don't tell me I died all over again for nothing!

A hand grabs me, I screamed and jumped forwards. I quickly turn around and get my swords ready for a fight.

"Who knew a scream could be that high pitched??" Came a mocking voice. I look closer at the person and make out neat, white hair and fiery, red eyes "What do you want Deimos?!" I ask defiantly.

"Because if you're here to stop me from saving Y/N- You can't!" I growl and lunge at him. I hear a warping noise and I am frozen mid-jump...This is humiliating...

"Who said I was going to stop you?!" Deimos laugh and drops me, I land on the floor with a painful thud. Know what else is painful? This mission! I get up and and turn to him "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Y/N is safe. Pit."

I get into a protective stance "How do you know?!"

"I helped her escape!"

"How can I trust you?!"

Deimos rolls his eyes "Clearly you have trust issues," he sighs "But look-" Deimos points at a piece of wood in the cage "She left that there- that means she's gone." he says. I look back at him "She could have forgotten it!" I persist.

Deimos holds up his wrists "She tied me with these and gave me this-" he gestures to his black eye. "We did it so it looked like I didn't let her go. Are you satisfied?!" he asks in an annoyed tone.

I nod "Yes...Sorry about that! The last time I met you, you were trying to kill me." I rub the back of my neck. "You're okay." Deimos gives me a tired smile "Could you tell me where she went?" I ask.

Deimos shakes his head "She never told me." I nod feeling disappointed...Where would she go? She'd go somewhere safe, where people would understand her... I snap my fingers "Aether's cottage!" I exclaim.


"She's Y/N's friend!" I exclaim.

"Are you sure she'll be happy to see you?" Deimos asks, tilting his head. I nod "Why wouldn't she be?" I ask suddenly feeling very worried. "She seemed very mad at you- and if she wanted to find you why would she go to Aether's cottage?" Deimos explains.

I nod slowly "But why?" I wail "I mean you did leave her-" Deimos starts before I interrupt him "I tried my best to save her! I swear on Lady Palu-" "I get it, I get it!" Deimos interrupts.

"Then why is she mad?" I sigh, Deimos shrugs "Girls are complicated." he says. I nod "They are!" Deimos pats my back.

"Is there any vehicle I can use to go to Y/N?" I ask, Deimos hesitates "...Well there is-uh... Phobos's new... Gondola-" "Great!" I smile.

"But he's already lost his first one!"

"He can suck it!" I exclaim "Because I need it to save Y/N!"

Deimos nods warily "Thank you, Deimos..." I give him a wide smile before leaving the house.

Here I come, Y/N!- wether you like it or not!

I will save you!


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Drama will rear it's head in the next three chapters- so prepare yourselves! Stay safe!


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