Chapter 29

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Y/N's POV:

It's been a day since Aether revealed her identity as Ariadne. I feel anger- How could Theseus do that to her?! How was Ariadne okay with that?! Whenever I asked her she would answer the same thing.

"Y/N, it's love... You'll understand one day..." She smiles and returns to spinning the cotton into string. I rolled my eyes "But he left you! How is that love?!" I argued.

Aether stopped spinning and looked me in the eye "Love, Y/N, is putting someone else's life before yours. Theseus... he made a mistake- but as his lover it was my duty to do what was best for him!" she said patiently.

That was what annoyed me!Ever since the revelation she's been acting as if nothing happened! If this is love- I don't want it! All I've ever gotten when I've listened to my feelings was hurt and betrayal.

I helped Pit thinking that I could be free- and look where that got me! He's not coming back... he won't keep his promise.

Maybe deities can never be free.

Overall listening to my feelings causes more problems than I solved. It was a good life, but it only ended in tragedy...

Maybe this isn't so bad after all...

Living with Aether, catching souls and sailing a gondola again. I wouldn't mind doing this for the rest of my life. I catch souls all morning and then I could do whatever I wanted!

It felt nice having most of the day to myself...the only problem was that I had no idea what to do! I mean I don't have any talents other than rowing my gondola with that GODFORSAKEN OAR! I sigh, I mean that is my purpose in life after all.

I envy people like Cupid and Pittoo, they can choose their purpose in life! Persephone always used to tell me that they're the ones with no purpose- they're the wandering souls with nothing in their life. "Y/N, you're the one with a purpose in life! Don't envy humans!" She used to chide.

Now I know that she's wrong.

Pit had the capacity to make his own choices- lead his own life! While I... I'm being controlled- manipulated! What freedom is that?! I wanted to escape but, I just can't.

I'm not the free one here, Persephone.

I'm just a hollow shell for Hades to use and fill with his evil.

I'm the one with no purpose.

I'm the one with no life.

Oh shut up! Make the most of it! I scold myself, moping around won't do anything- at least I escaped. Well- almost! I still have that idiot of a reaper inside of me.

I have nothing better to do so I spend the rest of the day catching souls for Aether- until she calls me inside that is.

"Y/N! You've already caught enough! Get back inside!"

I drop the yellow koi fish shaped soul I had just caught back in the water. It swam back into the depths of the river with a flick of its tail "Coming, Aether!" when will she stop acting like my mom?! I already have Persephone- one is enough!

Aether holds the door open for me and I meet her inside "What, now?" I smile. Aether looks at me seriously and my smile slips off. "Y/N- why are you so against love?!" She says with concern.

I groan "Not this again!"

"But why?"

I roll my eyes for what seems like the hundredth time that day "Jeez- I've never even experience love! What are you- Aphrodites?!" I snap. Aether doesn't even flinch "I want what's best for you! Unlike you I wasn't born a deity- I was a mortal once. I remember what it is to love... and it's a wonderful thing..." her voice trails off.

I wrinkle my nose- she's love sick! I hope it isn't contagious! Why would anyone die for someone else though?! It doesn't make sense!

Then I realise that I practically risked my life to help Pit... Oh no... That doesn't mean-? Nah! That's different! I don't love Pit! I don't love anyone! I'm a deity, I'm better off on my own without emotions trying to hurt me at every corner!

"Having a battle with yourself, Y/N?" Aether laughs "If you were so sure about you not loving anyone, Y/N, you wouldn't be thinking about it so much!" she adds stifling a laugh.

She's right there... I still don't love anyone!

"Who's the lucky person?"


"I think I know who!"


"Fine, fine! I'll drop it!" Aether laughs. I allow myself a smile "I'm staying here for the rest of my life..." Aether smiles "Really? Why?" she asks. "This place is perfect! I get to help you, do my job, escape from Hades and be with you! Plus- they're no pomegranates!" I answer.

"I wish you could stay here Y/N- but Fate tells me that you must leave"

"WHO THE HECK'S FATE?!" I jerk up from the sofa and stare at her. "No one! Fate is just a sort of Oracle- you know... like uh... Delphi!" she struggles trying to explain. "Oh! Delphi! How is she? The gods aren't slave driving her too much are they?" I laugh.

"Are you kidding?! Delphi lives the life!" Aether laughs.

The Oracle of Delphi was the most famous of all the oracles in the divine world. We nicknamed her Delphi but her actual name is Pythias- Delphi sometimes stepped her holy feet into the underworld to inform us of the future.

The only thing the whole underworld society could agree on was- That Delphi is too overrated! Everyone went to visit her! Even mortals! There's an even better Oracle who charges less called Cassandra- but no one really visits her.

Her prices are cheap- it's like once Roman sesterii per visit unlike Delphi who charges things like gold and diamonds! Anyways back to the conversation!

"You know the three fates right?" I nod "Well since I was a part of them, I had received the power of divine sight to see into fate. The three sisters and I needed this sight so we could see how the strings' lives would play out. Like who was born when and who'd die when!" Aether explains.

"So you're saying that I need to leave?"

"Yes, and I think fate is about to work it's magic."

"Wait wha-"

I am interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who could it be at 12 O'clock at night?!" I complain and get up to open the door seeing as Aether made no move of getting up.

I unlatch the lock and force the door open and look at the being standing there.




I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading! Chapter 30 already?? Wow! The next few chapters will be in only Y/N's POV unless I say otherwise! Keep reading and stay safe!


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