Chapter 34

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I glance over at Pit, who is crouched down by the river. "Sooo... What are we supposed to do now?" I ask him, he looks at me over his shoulder "I guess we just wait," he smiled wryly "Lady Palutena never told me how she'd get us out, but I trust her!"

That last remark put an amused smile on my lips, Pit must really have a lot of faith in his goddess. Kind of reminds me of the humans, the way they rely on the gods for their every need. I almost feel sorry for them.

Pit stands up, taking me out of my thoughts. Still facing the river he turns his head to the right, creepy, to look at me. He has a mischievous smile "Pittoo should be here soon...!" 

I arch a brow "Dark Pit? Here?" Pit turns to face me and nods vigorously, like a child insisting unicorns exist, "Lady Palutena told me so!" I shake my head "Likely sto-" before I can finish, I hear a scream in the distance.

Pit edges closer to me, I turn a whole 360 looking for the source of the sound. But wherever I look, I see nothing there. The scream becomes louder and louder, It's getting closer...

What if it's Hades? Or Atropos? Phobos?! What if they've come to take me back?! I can't go back there!

"Pit!" I look at him frantically, he grips my wrist "It's okay. I will protect you!" 

I roll my eyes and shake his hand off "No, idiot! What if someone needs help?!" Pit blushes in embarrassment and clears his throat "Oh-! er... right!"

Before I can say anything else something drops right in front of us with a sickening thud. Black feathers fall from the sky slowly, I look up and see nothing? I wince and Pit steps closer... It looks like a half dead crow or something. Said dead crow, sits up "Aren't you idiots gonna help me or something?!" comes an all too familiar voice.

"PITTOO!" Pit tackles Dark Pit in a hug "You came back!" Dark Pit pushes Pit off and gingerly brushes Pit's feathers off his clothes. I pass his my oar to help him up "Long time no see, Kid," 

He glares at me and opens his mouth to speak but, instead of words, his eyes widen and he hunches over and starts coughing and wheezing. Pit hurriedly rushes to Emo Pit, but before Pit reaches, Dark Pit holds a hand up.

"...*Cough* I fell a few... hundred *Cough* .... meters... What the hell did you guys *Cough* expect?!" He stands up holding his sides "I think I broke a rib..." he hisses. "So this- uh, Palutena- sent YOU?"

Dark Pit stands up straight "Take it or leave it, reaper." 

"...Fine!" I cross my arms, better than nothing, right? "I think Palutena's trying to kill me..." Dark Pit groans. "Where did you even come from?" I ask him "Palutena did some kind of ritual to put me in a coma so that I could bring you guys back."

I burst out laughing "You?! Take us back?!" Dark Pit just rolls his eyes "What?! Are you some sort of go-"

Pit pushes me away "How are you going to get us back up?" he says with wide eyes. Dark Pit's red eyes grow intense "We'll need a sacrifice..." 

Pit and I do a double take. 

... A sacrifice?? What?! Pit, the idiot that he is, would probably volunteer. Why me?! Why do these things always happen to me?! Before I can finish my train of thought the silence decides to suck at it's job and not be silent.

"The only one that's going to be sacrificed..." I hear a dark chuckle " you! To Hades!"

Dark Pit sighs "Jeez, Y/N! Can't you like tell your fanboys to stop?!" 

"Come back, Y/N. It will be like before!" I turn towards the river and see Atropos and Phobos "It will be us, messing around in hell- like we used to!" Atropos pleads.

Atropos's hood is lowered and her hands are clasped, it makes her look... almost pathetic. Phobos on the other hand looks the same except he got a stupid new haircut- like some sort of male wolf cut gone wrong or something.

"HECK OFF YOU CREEPS!" Dark Pit raises his fist "Yeah! She doesn't want to go with you!" Pit adds. "Atropos- just let me go!" I search her eyes for affection, but before I can find any she turns her head away.

"I'm still angry about my boat Y/N!" Phobos says in a singsong voice "But I promise not to be angry if you come back with us!" he says in the same stupid voice. 

He comes closer, staring at me with those creepy black eyes the whole time. "We're your family! We've always been there for you, Y/N!" he tilts his head with a grin "Have we not?" 

I mean he's not wrong. I've only known these to idiots for... what? Like a month or something. Whereas these guys have been tormenting me for centuries! Always there to borrow something without asking, to steal my food, to read my diary and to prank me every living moment of my life.

"We've always been there to listen to your hopes and drea-"

"A real family would actually TRY and make those hopes and dreams come true!" Atropos steps up, I flinch expecting it to be some sort of joke.

"I know that I've been terrible, Y/N-" She begins "Yeah! I mean you literally swore revenge when she left AND you tried to kidnap her-" Pit interrupts, I silence him with a poke.

"Yeah, I just thought that by leaving you were- you know- betraying me! I thought that this meant that you hated us. So then I tried to take you back... but when you escaped I knew that this life wasn't for you."

"And yeah- Deimos talked to me and I realise that you weren't the problem. I was..." Atropos hangs her head in shame. Phobos elbows her "What?!" he stares at her "This wasn't part of the plan!"

"Yeah, nice speech- but why should we believe you?!" Dark Pit claps his hands sarcastically. I nod "What are you trying to say, Atropos?"

Atropos offers us a smile "I will be the sacrifice."

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