Chapter 35

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"What the heck, Atropos?!" Y/N shouts at the hooded fate. Atropos holds her glare "I've thought of this long and hard, Y/N." Y/N paces back and forth in anxiety "But this isn't your problem! It's mine-"

"YOU GUYS REALISE I'M STILL HERE, RIGHT?!" Phobos shouts, Dark Pit scoffs "We do, but we don't care!"

Atropos turns towards Pit and Dark pit "I presume that you will take my life energy and use it to open up a portal?" she asks, Dark Pit looks at her weirdly "How do you know?" Atropos offers him a smile "I like reading about these things."

Pit gestures to Phobos "How do we get rid of Mr. Wolf-cut here?" he asks. Phobos sneers "I'm telling!! You won't stand a chance against Hades, Y/N!" And with that he whips around and runs. A few paces ahead he trips over his own cape and falls, Pit giggles but then covers it with a cough seeing that no one else is laughing.

Phobos gets back up and continues running like nothing happened. Y/N rolled her eyes, What a man...

"But- can't we just you know-... sacrifice a frog or something?!" Y/N asked Dark Pit. He shook his head "What? Do you think a frog has a god's life force or something?!" he retorts, his eyes soften "I'm sorry Y/N... I really am. But it has to be a spirit." Dark Pit looks away.

"Then I'm not going!" Y/N flops down on a nearby rock "I don't want anyone to die because of me." Pit groans and kneels down to be level with Y/N "We talked about this!" he says seriously "If you're not the one to kill Hades- then the whole underworld will disappear and be restarted!" 

"I won't be completely gone," Atropos says quietly, at this Y/N looks at the fate in interest "You won't?" Atropos nods "When I die, there will be a black stone. It will contain all my memories, give it to Persephone once you've defeated Hades- she'll be able to resurrect me."

Y/N looks at Atropos like a child looks to a mother "D-...Do you promise?" Atropos takes Y/N's cold hand in hers "I promise." Atropos says firmly, with a sad smile.

Y/N turns to Dark Pit "H-... How will she... die?" she asks with a tremor in her voice. Dark Pit instantly feels the little sympathy he has for Y/N, it hurts him seeing her eyes so misty. He hesitates but then pulls a potion from his toga "She has, drink this-" He winces and closes his eyes "...Poison-!" he finishes.

Y/N puts a hand to her mouth, what a horrible way to die! Atropos takes the potion with a blank, unreadable expression and she uncorks the small vial. Inside is a purple liquid, bubbling threateningly. 

Y/N puts a hand on the potion "No. Do you really want this, Atropos?" 

"I do." Atropos says with a smile.

Pit holds Y/N's hand as Atropos brings the potion to her lips. Y/N is too stunned and horrified to even pull her hand away. Atropos pulls her hood away to reveal ashy blonde hair that falls messily over her forehead and eerie light grey eyes.

She curls her lips into one last smile and looks at Y/N. Y/N looks away, not being able to bear the sacrifice Atropos is making for her. 

"Y/N?" Atropos stops, Y/N nods weakly "When I die... can it be near the river... with you?" Y/N nods at this, breathing hysterically.

Y/N takes Atropos by the hand, revealing her more gentle side, and guides her to the river. They wade in it until their waists submerged in the murky river. "Thank you." Atropos then brings it to her lips, but hesitates.

Y/N puts her hand on her shoulder, and Atropos downs the whole vial suddenly. As soon as the whole potion was finished, Atropos jerked violently and grasped Y/N's hand tightly. Y/N felt Atropos's nails digging into her skin and she did her best to hold back the tears. 

Atropos's last moments had to be happy ones.

Atropos coughed and her whole body trembled. At this point it was Y/N holding her up, each cough from Atropos pained her as if she was the one dying. Atropos looked up at Y/N tenderly "I'm-.... sorry..." she breathed.

Then Atropos's eyes widened in horror before she let out a quiet "Oh!" and then she went limp. She shook no more. Her eyes were blank and unseeing. Her chest did not rise and fall. The pink went out of her cheeks. Her skin was cold to the touch.

Atropos was no more...

Y/N screwed her eyes shut, wanting it all to go away. No words could describe the ache in her heart after having Atropos taken away from her. Sure, she led people to their death- but this was... different.

She laid Atropos in the river. Atropos's body sinked like a stone as the black water welcomed her to death. Y/N looked at Atropos blankly as she sunk and let her tears fall. A pair of scissors and a pale grey stone floated up to the surface.

Atropos's scissors. Atropos's memory stone.

Y/N just stood there, all her sass gone.

She felt a warm hand grip hers, it led her away from the carnage and towards the shore. She then was brought into a warm hug, but no amount of warmth could soothe her.

Pit pulled back from the hug, concerned.  He looked at Y/N's dejected expression helplessly, he knew that he couldn't do anything to help her- as much as he wished he could. He would have given anything to have Y/N nagging and shouting at him again.

Dark Pit gently took the scissors from Y/N's hand, and placed them on the sand. He took a vial of another potion, this one blue, and poured it on the scissors.

The scissors and the liquid began to glow as he chanted "Eripe me de inferis. Afferte mihi folia, flores, aves. Me reduces in orbem." Dark Pit then picked the scissors up and gave them a gentle toss. Where the scissors landed, a blue portal opened up.

Pit squeezed Y/N's hand "Let's go home," He said.


Sorry for the late update! I lost motivation- but I will try to write more often! The story has about 6-7 more chapters to go until the end! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe!


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