Chapter 37

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Y/N's POV:

I opened my eyes, judging by the darkness and the sliver of moonlight coming in through the curtains, it was still night. I have awesome detective skills, I know.

I'm not used to this huge bed, with all these duvets. It's too soft. Boy, do I miss my house back in the underworld with it's tiny bed and cramped spaces. This room, with its marble balcony, pillars and luxurious bed is too much.

Then again, it's better than listening to people's death stories all day. Even though I'm out of the underworld, I feel no happiness nor triumph. I can't figure out why, what's missing? These are the thoughts that pass through my head at 3am. For some reason, the inevitable fight with Hades is the least of my concerns.

I rub my eyes and stand up, stretching. No- I will not go to the balcony, that would be cliche. And I don't do cliche. Pit on the other hand, is the literal definition of cliche. Though, I kind of owe him one- wait, I actually don't. I mean I did get him out the first time, so he just returned the favour.

I miss my gondola.

I miss Aether.

I miss Deimos.

I miss my house.

I miss the three fates.

I miss persephone.

I miss Hades.

I mean, the underworld was wild. Hades used to burst in at the most random times, complaining about Pit and telling us why he deserved to rule the world. Sure, Hades was evil, but he was also fun. If you were on his side- the other side, not so much. One thing I didn't miss was Phobos and his stupid wolf cut.

I pace around the room, the marble feels cool against my feet. How would life be like after Hades was gone? Would I stay here in this sky mansion thing with cupid? Or would I go back to the underworld and resume my job?

Why is life so hard?!

Should I stay or should I go?

Pit's POV:

I can't sleep.

And that's saying something, because I love to sleep! Usually it's all I can do to have a good night's sleep, because Lady Palutena is always waking me up to fight the underworld army or the forces of nature. I wonder if the forces of nature have ice cream? Or lasers?!

That would be so cool! And painful... 

Will Y/N like it here? Skyworld has so many cool things! Like ice cream, hamburgers, clouds and Lady Palutena! Why wouldn't she want to stay? But... what if she doesn't like Skyworld? Will she leave?! But we tried so hard to get her here!

"Oh No!" I gasp, a bang comes from the wall between me and Pittoo's room "Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" comes the yell. "Sorry..." I say sheepishly. Wait- Pittoo would know the answer!

I kick my duvet off and get off my bed so fast, I almost fall. I run to my door, I open it, and then tiptoe to Pittoo's room. "Pittoo!" I knock on the door harder than usual, on purpose. I hear a groan "Go away..." Too bad Pittoo, this question can't wait! I open the door and Pittoo hisses.

"Get out!" he glares at me "But I have to ask you something!" I protest. He just pulls his blanket over his head "God give me strength" he sighs. I'll take that as a yes! I plop down on the floor next to his bed and wait for him to say something. He pulls his blanket off "You're still here?!" 

He shakes his head and sits up on his bed "Yes? Why did you wake me up at 3am?" he glares at me, his dark circles making him look like a rabid raccoon. I take a deep breath "What if Y/N doesn't stay in Skyworld?!" I wail. 

Dark Pit starts laughing "That was your question?!" I cross my arms "What's so funny?! It's a genuine question!" Dark Pit stops laughing "Well, that would be her choice, Pit-stain." he looks at me seriously "If she wants to leave, you have no choice but to go with it. You can't just throw yourself at her feet and beg her not to leave!" How did he know?!

Dark Pit's glare softens "I know you like-like her... and it's freaking creepy." I stick my tongue out at him, guess it's that obvious. "But if you really do like her, you'll have to let her go at some point! You can't just eat ice cream with her your entire life-" "I can't?" I interrupt, not liking where this conversation was going.

"It's a two way street, idiot!" He bursts out "Now, let me go to sleep." He falls back onto his pillow. I think about what he said for a minute "I think you read too much Romance, Pittoo." he rolls over so his back is facing me "Shut up," he growls "And don't call me that!"

I sigh, Pittoo's advice didn't help. I think it un-helped, if that's even a word. I lie down on the floor and stare up at the ceiling, thinking. I don't usually think this much... it's starting to hurt my head.

"Really, Pit-stain?! You get an existential crisis at 3am, in my bedroom of all places?!" Dark Pit is looking at me, resting his head on his arm, a disgruntled expression on his face. "Of all the people in this world- I'm stuck with you!" he rolls his eyes as he says this, but I swear I saw a smile.

"Hey, Pittoo?" 


"Do you really think it's all gonna be okay?"

"Hell yeah, how else will I get my beauty sleep?"

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

I take a stray pillow and hit him on the face with it "Okay, okay! Since when did you become so aggro?!" he bats the pillow away. "You'll be fine, idiot! You'll have Palutena... and me." he looks away from me, probably trying to hide his smile. "Thanks Pittoo." I smile "Anytime, Pit-stain." he replies "Now let me sleep!"

Suddenly the door bursts open "GUYS! GUYS! I JUST SAW FREAKING HADES OUTSIDE MY FREAKING WINDOW!" Y/N yells at us. 

Dark pit pulls the blanket over his face, a light blush on his face "Jeez, Y/N! What the heck are you doing in a boy's room at 3am?!" 

Y/N pulls the quilt off of him "I SAID HADES IS HERE!" Dark Pit rolls his eyes "Of all days, and times... he just HAD to show up at 3am..." Dark Pit reaches out for his closet.

"Turn around! I need to put on my toga!" he hisses at Y/N "But you literally don't have to change, you just need to pin a piece of fabric on-" "I SAID LEAVE! WHAT DOES A MAN NEED TO DO FOR PRIVACY?!?" Y/N smirks "You're not a man-"

Pittoo looks ready to explode, so I pull Y/N outside "Stay here-" I say and then go to get myself changed "Boys and their vanity..." I hear Y/N mutter as I leave.


OHNO! HADES IS HERE! Also- I'm sorry but no, this chapter was not freaking pitcest. Thanks for reading and stay safe!


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