A Pintch of Sweet & A Lot of Worry

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It had been exactly two days since Brooklyn had been away from the apartment she shares with Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, aka her brother and Feister, along with Kid Blink. It had been agreed a long time ago they'd all move in together once the lovebirds tied the knot due to the fact they're four college kids that mostly live off of takeout, though there is a system for meals, chores and other things like that. Back to the reason for her absence, it was because of Albert. It was a silent understanding that they wanted to spend time together. Nothing happened aside from kissing that may have been a bit on the heavier side. It wasn't new territory but the kind of things he makes her feel should be illegal. And Brooklyn definitely wasn't thinking how his strong arms felt wrapped around her...when his hands would run through her hair and skim her skin. The rough callouses made her shiver, sigh and -

"You're blushing',"

"Ah!" she jumped and quickly lifted up the bottle of pepper spray just in case. Feister may have her fists for back up, but she doesn't have the luxury. Screaming and kicking if she gets up she can definitely do that.

"I dunno if I should be happy or worried about your jumpiness," Mush stated as he raised his hands in front of him. "So, are you ready for all the fans invading your personal life? Fame by association and all that."

"Nope. I'm seriously considering locking up my book accounts for that reason." as Brooklyn spoke she jabbed her key into the lock and pushed the door open. "Or maybe going by a pen name. But my accounts are too established to go back now. And, Lucia's Books doesn't have the same ring to it as Brook's Books. Finally changing the public setting on some of the podcast episodes, or taking them down entirely and just keeping my takes on those books because I don't know what I was thinking when I let the three of you on the pod in the first place.'' She continued to ramble without realizing she had walked over to the kitchen and started pulling out ingredients to make lemon bars and had poured herself a large glass of raspberry lemonade. "Why is the world so interested in the people in a famous person's personal life? Am I going to get attacked now? Probably!'' She was aggressively tying her apron. The pale blue one with a cupcake pattern. Despite the fact she has lived in Manhattan for roughly five years, her Brooklyn roots were starting to show. It had fainted over time, sure, but still noticeable when she got going. "Why is the real question. People be actin' like I ran over their puppy!"

"Brooklyn," Mush said slowly. "Put the knife down."

Sighing, Brooklyn set aside said object she had been waving in the air just seconds ago with the smallest pout on her lips.

"Don't give me that look, remember what happened the last time you angry baked? The wrapper for the butter was inside the brownies."

"At least it wasn't egg shells and two cups of salt," Brooklyn muttered. The first and only time she angry baked was when she was basically ignored at some victory party for the baseball team and despite Albert's constant claims he was there with her, his girlfriend, that fact was cast aside which caused her to leave early and proceed to bake two pans of brownies quickly followed by sulking in front of the tv. With Albert beside her because he left just seconds after she did. "Cleat chasers, aka the one thing that makes my blood boil." as she said this she angrily scooped the powdered sugar and flower into the bowl, which was soon followed by the salt.

"I thought questionable covers, and series not matchin' made your blood boil," Mush replied in a plan tone.

"Surprisingly M, that's number two on my list." as she stirred she continued. "I'm happy for him. I truly am. He's worked so hard and...maybe I'm a little scared that things aren't going to work out. I mean, not everyone can have the kind of love story you got. You lucky little piece of-"

"Oh so you've resulted in insultin' an innocent bystander, wonderful," Mush cut off. But he knew not to take it personally. Seeing his sister all riled up is a rare sight, so when she has a little explosion no one is safe. He doesn't know if Feister or Albert is to blame for that. Probably the ladder. "Seriously, don't talk like that. I see the way he looks at you. For Al, you're the only person in the room. Pretty sure he wants to marry you but hey, your love life plan is way different than mine, cause as you've nicely said, not everyone is lucky to have the love story I have." he smirked.

That seemed to ease Brooklyn because she laughed. "Yeah, now I'm startin' to see why Mush is your nickname."

Walking up to the counter he leaned his arms on the cool surface. "Trust me Brook, you've got nothin' to worry about."

For once, her head, gut and heart are on the same page. She and Albert are as solid as can be. High school sweethearts and all that. Yet, Brooklyn's unsure if their relationship can be considered that. In her mind the high school romance thing to start at freshman year, they met when she was a junior and him a senior. If anything, the whole trope for her was with - now there's a name she hasn't thought about in years. As wrong as it is, maybe it's true she was a high school sweetheart with another boy in another life that doesn't feel like her own. How things have changed since then. She has people who actually care about her, and a boy that cares about her. Though, maybe he isn't so much a boy anymore, but he does have the charm. That boy can get her blushing with just one turned up corner of the lips.

"Hey M, how did you know Feister was the one," Brooklyn asked as she went onto the next step of the lemon bar process.

"I've always known," was Mush's reply. "We grew up together, a small part of me always had a soft spot for her, and as time went by, that spot became a lot softer." now he had an absent smile, yet, he didn't realize it. But Brooklyn did. "I loved seein' her laugh and smile, but I loved bein' the one to make her laugh and smile. I started to notice all the little things she does then the next thing I know I'm hit with a freight train and suddenly I wanted to be with her. She's the one for me."

There are times where Brooklyn finds their relationship gross all things considered, but this isn't one of those times. It's sweet watching her brother get all sentimental. Love works in weird ways and there's no denying they were made for each other. Soulmates written in the stars. "Do you ever think you still would've found her if your lives didn't turn out the way they did?"

"Yes. I do. I would've found her one way or another." no hesitation. That's how secure they are.

"Who found what now?" came Feister's voice as she walked into the kitchen area. As usual, she was wearing one of Mush's shirts. The material just barely brushed against her knees meaning if she was wearing shorts underneath was a fifty-fifty chance. Her dark hair was in her signature side braid and damp while her cheeks were rosy, indicating she had just gotten out of the shower. "Oh and I texted Al about makin' to the big leagues, said he was excited but not lookin' forward to missin' out on your bakin'' she shrugged as she plopped herself down on a stool. "Now back to my last question."

"If I'd told you, you'd punch me," Mush teased. He leaned in close and kissed her temple, the absent smile never leaving his face.

"Mush, everythin' you do makes me wanna punch you."

Shaking her head Brooklyn focused on the lemon bars. It's a weird relationship for sure, but she's never seen two people more in love than anything else. She figures that's how she must be with Albert. So caught up in him that everything, and everyone else no longer exists. The deeper part of her knows they'll make it, but the small annoying part of her head that causes every self doubt, worst case scenario and everything else in between is taunting her. "He's going to meet a hot underwear supermodel". "Girls in tiny, tiny dresses at the bars and clubs where there's a lot of alcohol". "Some chick is gonna sneak into his room and she'll be too much to resist."

Ok that last one was new but the point still stands. Maybe this all circles back to the one tiny factor of their relationship. They've had heated makeouts before ... .a few of them where his shirt had come off and his hands ran up and down her body causing the best shivers but it never went further than that. Suddenly, the room felt hot and her body tingled, but like always, Brooklyn pushed those feelings down before anyone noticed. And by anyone, I mean Mush. sure he's ok with the relationship she has with the redhead but there's some things that shouldn't be discussed.

"Brooklyn, I told you years ago that I've never seen Al so in love fore you came around, you two will be just fine," Feister reassured. But even then, deep down she knew no amount of words could stop the worry she was going through. Feister felt the same thing too once upon a time. "I don't think any of us saw idiot fallin' in love."

Mush nodded with a sigh.

"Thanks. I know there's nothing to worry about but in the same breath-"


"I mean, we're solid," the freckled girl continued.


"But even the most solid relationships are unstable. Have you two looked in the mirror lately?"

"Brooklyn!" Mush and Feister shouted.

"Go take a long hot bath with all your fancy salts and washes, maybe light a candle and a face mask wouldn't hurt afterwards either," Feister suggested.

"You just put a couple cups of baking' soda instead of...whatever it is that goes in you're supposed to put in lemon bars," Mush added.

Looking down Brooklyn realized the mixture was all kinds of wrong. She had grabbed the salt instead of the sugar and half of the items on the island weren't the ones she needed. With a look of defeat she dumped the batter into the trash and headed towards the bathroom for some much needed relaxation.

"He hasn't done anything to make you question loyalty," Brooklyn reminded herself as the hot water began to fill the tub. Going through the cabinets she got out the items that made up the perfect spa bath. Salts, oils, a sweet smelling bomb. And at the end of it all she'd put on her favorite set of pjs, which was really just one of Albert's old shirts. The material was well worn but it was soft and smelt nice. Not to mention some of the good lotion she has among the many bottles. It wasn't long before scents filled her lungs. Mixed with the warmth of the water she suddenly felt at ease.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Hair somewhat damp, skin baby smooth, and a soothing face mask with every fairy light turned on in her bedroom, Brooklyn snuggled into bed about to set up her laptop to binge her comfort movie. Her phone started to ring, indicating a video call from her boyfriend. She knew it was Albert because he had set a special ringtone for himself, which so happened to be The Imperial March. Accepting the call the screen changed to show him laying in bed, shirtless, but that was a sight she had gotten used to over the years.

"Hey gorgeous." His voice was deep and laced with tiredness.

"Hey," she whispered back. "So, how was the meeting?'' The meeting in question was going to be a small series of the newly drafted athletes with the team owners, managers and other important people to discuss training and whatever else went into being a professional player. There would also be some team bonding stuff and...that's about as far as Brooklyn remembered before she blanked out. In reality, it was her enjoying the feel of his arms wrapped around her body and steadiness of his chest.

"Bunch of big shots talkin' bout random stuff to a bunch of us who don't understand half the terms they're using'," he chuckled. "Think I heard somethin' about a shirtless photo shoot in the mix, but I was expecting' somethin' like that anyways." there was a pause. "This is the part where you pull out your yearly Feisty card and say somethin' like "tell those little, I peaked in high school, makeup girls to keep their paws off. You're mine. End of story"." he said in a high pitched voice that didn't hold the same amount of threat Feister has when the green monster strikes.

"I already used up that card not long ago," Brooklyn admitted as she turned on her side. "And aren't you supposed to be the one that's all like, "I don't like it but can't keep all that hidden away" or whatever kind of cocky runs in every athlete's blood."

"Come back to me when it actually happens. Tomorrow is to get to know the player interviews. Think that'll be fun."

"Good luck explaining your family tree."

"Look forward to it," Albert winked. "And lettin' the whole world know how much you love your helmet heads."

"Fictional helmet heads Al," Brooklyn recalled with a smile. The one that Albert likes seeing the most. It's the soft, gentle kind that can only be described as the kind that will turn any guy's head and where all the girls want to hate but can't. Though, that can desbice Brooklyn entirely but in the same breath words were never his forte. It's a good thing she's low maintenance.

"My point still stands that those guys on paper were your first love."

"Actually my first love was a romcom lead," she corrected, then turned the camera to show the movie that was waiting to be played.

"Since I'm here I might as well set up a watch party."

"Albert, you hate To All the Boys I've Loved Before."

"I don't hate it, I ignore the other two movies because this one is perfect, duh."

"Oh my gosh," Brooklyn groaned, but she was smiling as she spoke. "What have I turned you into?"

"You didn't turn me into anythin' baby, it's called spendin' time with my girl because I can't fall asleep." Without another word they set up their laptops to watch the movie together and switched their video call over because why not. However, before things could get started Brooklyn peeled off her face mask then settled in as the opening scene rolled.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Author's note

There's a lot going on within the two halves but in the end it's still ended sweetly if I do say so myself. The thing I love about Alblyn is their banter. Throughout Brooklyn's journey I've loved gradually throwing in her more playful side with Albert until it became lighthearted and natural. Of course there's also the small Meister moment, you'll be seeing a little more of them. Hope you enjoyed thanks for reading and I'll see you next week.

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