Long Distance

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Summer was in full swing and before Brooklyn knew it, she'd be a senior. She knew what she wanted her major to be, though she was unsure if it was the right choice or not but that was something she wasn't all that worried about. Not when a life sized picture of her boyfriend in his uniform with the shirt unbuttoned and abs on full display. His signature backwards cap and of course, a bat resting on his shoulder while he looked out into the unknown distance that was the studio underneath millions of hot lights.

And so it happened. The dreaded naked photoshoot had come and gone in a blur. While the magazine had been a hit among the female population and definitely made some guys jealous that they don't have a nice athletic pack... .Brooklyn hated how the whole thing was plastered around the city. It wasn't just Albert who had to go through it but as well as the other up and coming rookies. Some interviews about staying in shape but also being able to enjoy the sweeter things in life. By sweet it was literally sugar induced food and how you can have both and still maintain a good muscle mass or whatever.

She had blanked out while Albert grumbled about the whole ordeal. There was something about how she should be the only one who gets to admire his chest. His words not hers. Brooklyn's only response was then that he should pose for a sports romance cover since every girl can agree that half naked men displayed on their paperbacks and e-readers isn't something they like showing off. In true Albert fashion he considered it. Though Brooklyn wasn't sure if he was serious considering she hasn't found a baseball romance she liked. Technically she's only read three in total. Each one was disappointment, and it's also beside the point.

How long does it take for these posters to be taken down anyways? Wasn't the magazine cover enough? She does own a copy but she had no interest in reading it and it was more of laughing at how ridiculous Albert looked. There was definitely oil and body glitter involved. Why mess with something that's already perfect. Again beside the point because what she's really here for is her favorite comfort meal. The restaurant in question was several blocks from where she lived and the fresh air would do her some good with Albert traveling now.

Turns out as soon as that contract was signed he was shipped off for training camp, a short break back in New York and it was off to a month or so travel leg of the season. Down south for a few weeks then off to conquer the west coast. His words not hers. That being said, time zones are the worst. When he's getting ready for bed she's already passed out. She has a free moment of time he's off running circles around the field. When he's free he's five seconds away from taking a power nap.

The only good thing is this is just for the summer and possibly a bit of fall if he makes it to the finals or whatever it's called. Brooklyn has no idea why every sports league has a different name when it's all the same thing. A bracket among the east and west and so on until there's two standing. But when it's all over she'll be deep in school and who knows what he'll be up to in the meantime. Apartment hunting would be a good place to start considering there was a break in at his and Race's place.

All in all she was ready for fall. As much as she loves summer, she was ready to get cozy in her collection of cute sweaters and to break out all her fuzzy socks and blankets. In the meantime with the weather being a little on the cold, cloudy side, not to mention being in a "I miss my boyfriend" state she decided to pick up the largest size of her favorite soup, stop by a bakery to get a loaf of fresh, crusty, bread and huddle down somewhere and watch movies until she falls asleep.

After she had gotten everything, and maybe a few extra things since she was out anyways, upon entering the apartment the first thing she sees is a sight that may or require eye bleach. "You two can take that to the bedroom you know," she said nonchalantly as she placed the bags on the island.

"I'm in love, sue me," Mush replied with a shrug. Not caring at all he was just caught kissing his wife. In his defense, he had just leaned in for the kiss when Brooklyn walked in. In other words, it was one of the calmer moments that had gotten interrupted. "What smells good..." leaning over he began to take a peek in one of the bags when Brooklyn smacked his hand away. Which made Feister laugh.

"Paws off, I'm in a snuggle up with the movie mood and don't have my boyfriend for the snuggle part."

"Never utter the sentence in front of me again," Mush grumbled.

"I'm in a snuggle up with the movie's mood," Feister replied in the sweetest voice she could muster.

"Ok," was Mush's reply. "Hey wait a minute!" he shouted when Feister began to walk away.

Shaking her head, Brooklyn got everything she needed then headed into her room. Since the curtains were already closed she turned on her fairy lights and changed into her favorite pair of pj shorts and one of Albert's well worn t-shirts. The cotton felt soft against her skin and the size of it was oddly comforting. Once that was all done she grabbed her laptop to play Tangled. The opening credits rolled and she dug into her hazelnut soup. Which is ironic since it's mentioned in the movie as well. It's been one of her favorite meals for years. All that was missing was her boyfriend who's currently somewhere out west.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

"I feel like my legs are gonna fall off," his roommate, Jay, and fellow rookie groaned when they entered the hotel room. "I taste grass and hear color."

"Drama queen," Albert muttered as he collapsed on his bed while kicking off his shoes. If he had any more strength he'd curl right up and sleep till new year but right now muscles he never knew he had were screaming.

"Easy for you to say! You're not playing center field," Jay pointed out. His voice was muffled by the pillow.

"Come back to me when your fists aren't stuck in a grip position.'' It was true. He held that bat for so long his fingers curled inwards. If he tried to open them he'd feel the need to close it up again. And the heat! Why is it so hot out here anyways?! Back home the temperature would be all sorts of whack. Hot one day, cold and cloudy the next. Who knows, maybe the leaves have changed already. Who knows. Time is...what is it really? Just a bunch of numbers on a clock or whatever. He wasn't really sure if he was making any sense.

The answer to that would be no. No sense was being made but who cares right? After spending what felt like a seven hour practice of endless running, hitting, throwing and more running Albert swore his whole body was going to curl up then fall apart. When that happens, Coach would attach all his limbs together with a single handedly and drag him back on the field tomorrow night. Not to mention, the hotel bed was kind of hard and the pillows were so soft he had to pile them together.

Brooklyn's million fluffy blankets and pillows suddenly look a lot more comfortable. Not to mention those little scented candles and the way her fingers would run through his hair. What a sight for sore eyes she'll be when he heads back home in a few weeks. Granted the road trip began when he boarded the plane but it felt a lot longer than a few days. How bad would it be if he took a power nap that lasted until the end of the week? Coach would probably dump an ice bucket and start shouting like a drill sergeant but it was worth the risk. What made his younger self decide to go pro, Albert will never know. Right now he's hating his past self for his current situation.

Just then a text came in from Brooklyn with a picture of her snuggled up in her room watching a movie with a message that said "I miss you" with a heart. In the rush of everything, it's times like this he really feels homesick. What the rest of the guys are up to and missing out on spending time with his girl. On one hand this is what he's always wanted, but his screaming body and being far away for long periods of time is the deal breaker in all this.

The conversation fell into the usual: I miss you too, what're you doing and so on. It didn't take long for him to learn that she was watching Tangled with her comfort meal. And because it's Brooklyn, a little something sweet on the side. It's no wonder she's the sweetest girl he's ever met, it's because she has a daily dose of sugar. Might be unhealthy to a certain extent but it makes her happy. It's also cheaper than her book collection.

"Stop your sulking."

"I'm not sulking," Albert groaned.

"Yes you are. I can smell the, "I miss my girlfriend" all over you."

"No, that's you. Go take a shower Jay."

"You go take a shower."

Neither of them made a move towards the bathroom for said shower. Jay only curled up in his bed while Albert adjusted himself for better phone viewing. The conversation fell into the usual, I miss you, what're you up to, and how is your day. With lots of emojis of course. Brooklyn admitted to stalking his socials to see the comments filled with how handsome he is, and whatever photos of her were up she was just a tiny bit happy those who were sane said she looks cute. It was a no-brainer that Albert wanted to keep their relationship private. So he only kept the photos where her face was hidden. There was one side shot, but her hair acted as a cover.

While it was only five o'clock wherever he was, it was currently eight back home. Sadly, when he has a moment of free time she'll most likely be asleep. Something they would both have to get used to and that thought alone may or may not be bringing up thoughts of marriage.....yes, he knows she's the one but the whole timeline of it all feels weird. He doesn't want to do it right away or it'll feel like he's partly doing it cause Mush and Feister's wedding wasn't long ago. Maybe it was the whole magazine thing that has him worked up.

Love is funny like that. Ring or no ring, he still loves her the same. Their relationship is solid. He knows that but Albert's well aware of all of Brooklyn's doubts about their love life. Or rather lack therefore of certain activities. Obviously, he has thought about it. He's only a guy, or human, whichever one sounds less weird. What it would be like and such...she's so innocent and perhaps his more destructive side wants to see just how far he can push her. Not in a creepy way just - was he starting to sound like one of her book characters?

Well one in particular from a book that she's obsessed with but when you mention a ship and the guy who took a step too far she goes down the rabbit hole. Yeah that podcast episode was an interesting session to say the least. But those were fun times nonetheless. Ok, there's no doubt Brooklyn wanted to murder all of them. Or cause bodily harm as far as she's capable of causing. Which wouldn't be much, but the point stands.

Eventually texting turned into a video call. Through the screen he could see she was all tucked in. From the glow of the fairylights he could just make out a bit of shine on her lips and face looked as fresh as ever. She must've done her skincare routine somewhere during one of the pauses during their texts.

"You look comfy," he said.

"You look exhausted."

"It feels worse than it looks," Albert replied. "But I think Jay might've died," he chuckled.

"Hi Brooklyn," Jay mumbled. Though it was barely audible.

"He sounds alive," Brooklyn said.

"Just barely. But I think he likes being a drama queen."

"Tough practice?" It was more of a statement than a question. A small frown formed on her perfect pink lips. "I wish you were here, I could kiss all those sores away."

Albert let out a soft, but low, groan. "Don't tempt me gorgeous. Fallin' asleep next to you is so much better than listenin' to someone's snores." looking over at the guy who was currently half dead in the other bed, Jay made a sorry attempt to flip him off.

"Yeah, I think my brother's snores would argue with that. Last night I heard Feister smack him with a pillow cause she couldn't fall asleep." she laughed. There are times when her brother's relationship is entertaining. It can also be weird and Brooklyn often questions how two people who are polar opposite in every way can be so in love. But in the same breath, she's never seen two people more perfect. "How is it over there anyways? Have any crazy cleat chasers broken into your room yet?" amusement danced in her blue-gray eyes.

Albert let out a low chuckle. "The only crazy person here is my idiot roommate. Who, by the way, might be crazier than Race."

"I would kill you if my limbs worked," Jay mumbled.

Once again ignoring his roommate, Albert said, "Ok, EAM." which made Brooklyn do some sort of happy squeal. She always makes the cutest sounds when she's happy or excited. If she's eating something sometimes she'll do a happy little head bobble. It's adorable. She's one cute package wrapped in adorableness. It may sound like an overkill but it's true. Never in a million years did Albert think he'd end up with someone like her. In the past, while he gravitated towards the shy and quiet ones, it was pretty easy to get them out of their shell, but with Brooklyn he had to work hard to get her to show even an ounce of her personality. He quickly learned it doesn't take much to make her happy.

"So, what're you doin'? Wait, lemme guess, spendin' time with one of your fictional helmet heads?"

"Albert," Brooklyn sighed.

"You know, I'll admit that lacrosse is just hockey but on grass, less padding and talent," Albert pointed out nonchalantly. "But at least they get to keep their teeth and ya know, there's no gettin' smashed against the wall and no knives on your feet."

"Al," Brooklyn sighed again. "How about you hang up and go to sleep, you're making less sense by the minute."

"Now baseball, that takes a lot of skill. It's just you against the game of passing the ball around."

"Yes, because baseball has a much higher complexity than hockey."

"You better believe it does. It's America's pastime after all," Albert said proudly and a firm nod for good measure.

"One, is in a frozen tundra but at least it's easy to warm up. Then on the other hand you get hot sweaty nights, or maybe rainy, not to mention the bug bites."

"Brooklyn I've taken you to hockey games, and you said, and I'm quoting' here, "I prefer my fictional boys over this chaos"."

"And they're better looking," Brooklyn teased.

"Please I could take them all on easy."

This is what reminds her why she fell for this boy in the first place. He can get playful without hitting any sore spots or crossing any lines. But it's the laid back I don't care vibe that makes all the difference when in reality there's a chance he might care just a little. Case in point, her fictional crushes and love of hockey in romance books. Sometimes when she needs a pick me up, she'll listen to one podcast episode where Albert was especially grumpy. He's oddly cute when he gets like that. Two words Brooklyn never thought she'd put together, cute and grumpy.

"Speakin' of which, don't you ever take me on an adventure and get us stranded in a snowstorm on New Year's Eve."

"Even if it means we get married when we make it out said storm?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Brooklyn paused to think over the pros and cons of that before saying, "I'd rather not take any chances. Who's to say we won't end up freezin' to death."

"Yeah true. But I still get to marry you."

"Well obviously." she rolled her eyes. For the next few seconds, they fell into a comfortable silence. The distance was a hard change they'd have to get used to. But as always, Brooklyn looked on the bright side, she got him for the cozy season if he doesn't make it to the world series. Of course she wants him to make it to the playoffs - is that what it's called in baseball? - but....she likes getting comfy in all things fuzzy and snuggling next to Albert, who can live in sweatpants and t-shirts no matter what season it is. Sometimes he'll wear a hoodie but that's it. "Albie."

"Yeah gorgeous?" he had to hold back a chuckle when her cheeks flushed. How many years and she's still not used to all the nicknames he's given her. Not to mention when he starts flirting. It's cute.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Author's note

Welcome to the oh so fun struggle part. I knew what I wanted, but wasn't too sure how well it came out in the end, but it was still fun nonetheless and important to Alblyn's journey, long distance sucks, time changes and all that fun stuff. So I wanted to bring that out while also keeping those sweet fluff vibes we all love. Hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading and I'll see you soon.

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