Part 3

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I felt the chill of transforming go through me, but this time, more intense. My whole body tingled like it was on fire and my emotions came spilling out. Sorrow at Adrian's death. Regret of rejecting Cat. Determination to defeat Hawkmoth. Anger at him for what he did. And most of all; love to both Cat Noir and Adrian. I felt like a boiling pot ready to explode. Then my emotions melted.

Once it was all over, I glanced at my suit. It was a dark purple that glowed in the sunlight. A cape of lighter violet draped behind me. My hair had grown twice as long and loose, blowing in a wind that wasn't there. A ribbon was tied in my hair. And in my hand was a glowing white ribbon on a wand.

Time to finish what Cat started.

My leg was like new. In fact, I felt like I was hovering over the ground. My head was clear, I felt nothing; no sorrow no anger, just determination.

Walking along the road to the radio station I startled some people. I wonder what they see in me. But no time for breaks. This will be finished now. Then I walked through the doors of the studio and turned the camera on to film me. Then I started the broadcast.

"Hawkmoth; wherever you are, whoever you are, come out of hiding you coward. Come out and face me. Be at the base of the Eiffel Tower at nine tonight, and finish this." Then I turned it off. Hopefully, Hawkmoth was watching the news.

Hawkmoth's POV

I was staring at the sunset in the horizon with my hands behind my back. Suddenly I heard the door open behind me.

"Come in, Natalie." The woman continued walking up to me with a tablet in her arms.

"Sir, have you watched the news recently?"

"No. It is not my duty to watch the news every minute of my day." I turned to her, my lips pressed together. She nodded in respect.

"But I told you to never come back until you have found Adrian!" She looked alarmed but handed over the tablet anyway.

"I think he was something to do with this."

On the tablet a news report began and showed Nadia, the news reporter, talking about something that happen earlier that day.

"Earlier today, a fight with Hawkmoth alone had Cat Noir seriously injured. To protect his ring, he jumped off the top of the Eiffel Tower ready to meet his fate. But Ladybug had saved him, breaking her leg in the process. Cat Noir was unconscious and struggling to breath so Ladybug sent him to the hospital. But Ladybug had taken his ring. Just an hour later, a mysterious woman snuck into the TV studio and filmed this;"

A woman in violet with navy blue hair blowing in a nonexistent wind was in front of the camera.

"Hawkmoth; wherever you are, whoever you are, come out of hiding you coward. Come out and face me. Be at the base of the Eiffel Tower at nine tonight, and finish this."

"We have reason to believe that this is Ladybug. She has evacuated the Eiffel Tower for the night so stay in your rooms. Come back later tonight to see how this is fairing for both Cat Noir, and this new Ladybug."

Then the news report ended, leaving me in a mix of thoughts. I handed the tablet to Natalie.

"Sir, what are you going to do now? Ladybug—is—is twice as powerful as before!"

"No, this is great news. Cat Noir is useless to help Ladybug. And now I don't have to captured both of them, just Ladybug."

"So, you're saying that Ladybug—"

"Yes, Ladybug has both miraculouses."

Ladybug's POV

I was waiting alone at the base of the Eiffel Tower. The street lamps were on, and the city mostly deserted. Suddenly a dark figured walked out of the shadows on the other side.

"Hawkmoth." I spit out the name like it tasted like poison. He had his cane in his hand and a wicked grin on his face.

"Ah, Ladybug. You ready to go down just like Cat Noir?"

I growled. "No. I'm afraid not today. But I was wondering if you would like to." Then I pulled out my ribbon and swung it around me. Then I flung it at him and rapped him in it.

"A ribbon? I must say; you're losing your touch." I pulled him toward me and held him by his collar.

"I never lose."

"Cat Noir didn't either, until today." Hawkmoth's evil grin didn't waver. Then I tried to grab his miraculous but he got out of the ribbon and backed away.

I whipped the ribbon around me and prepared for an attack. Then he sidestepped and slashed at me. But I was too quick for him, I moved out of way. Then I tried again. But he got onto his knees, swung his leg around and knocked me to the ground. Already I had several bruises and a bloody nose.

I stood back up and twirled the ribbon around me. Hawkmoth walked around me and stabbed me with the tip of his cane. Then I flung the ribbon at him again and caught him. Then I pulled him to the ground. He stood and dusted his suit. I wasn't the only one with cuts and bruises.

"I have to admit, you're stronger than you look. Looks like I will have to upgrade my gear." Then pulled off his sheath and revealed his sword. My eyes widened.

Then I prepared myself; it's not going to be easy. But I trust Plagg and Tikki so, here goes nothing.

He came at me running and when he reached me started stabbing the sky. I dodged it barely and only one slash made a cut on my cheek.

Then I twisted the ribbon around the sword and tried to pull it away from him. But he sliced the ribbon in half and backed off. I was terrified but to my amazement, it grew back and looked like nothing had touched it.

Then I missed another attack and dodged some more of Hawkmoth's.

"Cat Noir was lucky to have died quickly, but just for you I will make it long and painful."

"Do you even know who he was?!" I yelled angerly while trying to miss his sword and grab his miraculous at the same time.

"Not only had you killed the superhero of Paris's, but you killed their most famous model; Adrian Agreste!" That was the best attack I could have ever done. Hawkmoth was frozen in shock and terror.

"That—that can't be true." I glared at him.

"Think about it. A model locked inside his own house who goes missing frequently, isn't Cat Noir?!" His eyes were as big as saucers, and his body shook like jello. He dropped his sword and fell on his knees staring at the ground.

Then I felt all the emotions that were stored up in me. Anger, sorrow, regret, determination, and love. All of the sudden I felt like I could do anything. The power to defeat darkness itself, and the fire of the sun ten times over. I felt my feet lift from the ground and pure power run through my veins.

Then with a cry I threw my hand down at Hawkmoth and a blinding light shot out from fingers and washed him out. When the light was gone in Hawkmoth's place was the shaky Gabriel Agreste. And in front of him was the Moth Miraculous.

I was completely calm. My emotions had left me. Even knowing that Hawkmoth had killed his own son didn't bother me. I picked up his Miraculous and before I left a regretful voice called out to me.

"Ladybug, please—please forgive me. I now know what you felt. Please! I was wrong, all I wanted to do was bring back my wife!" Tears were streaming down his face. But I ignored him. I suddenly knew exactly what to do.

I left him for the building where Master Fu lives. When I got there, he gasped in surprise. I didn't say a word but instead handed him the Moth Miraculous. He slowly took it, as if I was a shark with my jaws wide open.

Next, I headed for the hospital and hovered right inside. The doctors and nurses backed away in shock and let me right into the room Adrian was in.

He was laying in a white hospital bed with a breathing mask over his mouth. Bandages were covering a lot of his face and a stiff cast was wrapped around his torso.

The nurse that was in the room backed up to the wall and gasped in surprise.

"How is he?" My voice was booming and sounded like an echo.

"N-Not much better. W—we tried our best but......but he isn't going to heal." I knew this already, but I wanted to hear it said anyway.

I nodded and walked over beside him. I gazed on his scarred face and moved a strand of his golden hair out of his eyes. Then I placed a hand on his forehead and the other on his heart.

Then I closed my eyes and thought of all my emotions about all the events of before. Cat Noir's plummet to his death. Adrian's reveal. Hawkmoth's sword that cut him. And all the times I had rejected my real love. Hawkmoth being his father. And finally, defeating him.

Through all this emotion I started to feel the pure light again. But this time, with a new emotion. Joy. The nurse left the room in a nervous hurry and I was left alone with him.

I concentrated all this light into my hands. Then with a glow I pushed this power and emotion into Adrian. Time seemed to stop and the sky dimmed. He started to glow as my emotions left me and went into him. After what seemed like hours, time sped up, the sky lightened again, and Adrian stopped glowing.

I heard a gasp as I turned back into the violet Ladybug, then back to normal Ladybug, and finally, into Marinette Dupain-Cheng. All my pain and emotions came thundering back and I fell to the ground with a cry. With my consciousness fading, I thought one more silent thought. It has been done.

To be continued......

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