Untitled Part 4

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Cat Noir's POV

I had woken up to a painful cry. I sat up and gasped. I was in a hospital bed with a cast around my chest and a breathing mask over my mouth. I pulled the mask off and panted as if I hadn't breathed in ages. But then I remembered what had happened and I started to panic. What happened to Ladybug? I gazed around the room and saw Marinette unconscious on the floor. I instantly stood up and took her in my arms. What was she doing here?

Then I saw beside her had fallen a red kwami and Plagg. I gasped in realization. Then I searched her for a miraculous, and—sure enough—on her ears was red earrings. Not only that, I realized, but my ring was on her thin finger. That means—. I gasped. Why had I not seen it before?

Then I laid her on the bed and pulled up the covers. Her left leg was an awful purple-green color. A deep cut was on her cheek and she was covered in more cuts and bruises than I was. Then I laid her kwami and Plagg on a pillow.

I opened the door and called out to a nurse or doctor for help. They came rushing and I told them everything I knew. They looked at me like I was ghost, and I should've been, but I was still alive. But then a young nurse came up to me and told everything about what she had seen in the room. After that, everyone was shaking their heads in disbelief and wonder. They walked into the room and I was left with the young nurse.

"Uh—I guess I should check your injuries," she mumbled. Then she led me to another room and checked all my major wounds. I felt awkward as she checked them and decided to try some small-talk.

"So—uh—what's your name?" She looked up at me and blushed.

"Y—you're asking for my name?"

"Yeah. Is something wrong?"

"N-no! Of course not! It's just, I am taking care of, the Cat Noir, and you asked my name! The cute funny superhero that is super talented! Not only that but the handsome Adrian Agreste!" She looked like she would faint. I stared at her in confusion. She called me cute? Then she realized what she said and turned pale.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean—"

"No, no, no. It's fine! I'm actually flattered that you think Cat Noir's cool." She relaxed and her cheeks regained their rosy color.

"I'm Harper."

"Nice to meet you, Harper. Can I ask you a favor?"


"What happened while I was......out?" Her face became grave. Then she told me everything she knew. When she got to the part where Hawkmoth was......my father I gasped in horror and said, "I-I'm going to rest. Thanks for helping me." And I left.

When I got to a new room I sat down and cried my heart out. I didn't sleep that night and instead thought about all she told me. When I woke up Harper was at the door with a tray of pancakes and eggs.

"Good morning! You have some visitors. Should I let them in?" I smiled and nodded my head. Harper stepped out of the doorway and let in Nino. He just starred at me like I was ghost and then ran up to me. He hugged me and said, "Adrian, don't do that to me again."

We spent an hour talking and apologizing. Then he left and I asked Harper how Marinette was doing. She told me she was weak but could wake up at any time. I asked her if I could stay with her until she does and she check with her boss and he said it was fine. I sat on a chair beside the bed and held her hand. I sat there for hours, waiting for her to wake up.

Ladybug's POV

Light came through my eyelids and I twitched my fingers. I felt something warm holding my left hand. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. The light was blinding and I had to blink several times before I could see. I was lying down on a hospital bed with a cast on my left leg. I turned my head slightly to see Adrian leaning on my bed holding my hand. Then I saw his chest rise and fall; he was sleeping. I smiled. It worked! He was alive! I sighed a sigh of relief and relaxed. But, how do I get up without waking him?

I turned to my right and saw a table full of flowers, cards, and gift baskets. I picked up the nearest one, a pink heart box, and read the tag.

"'Hope you feel super again! Nathaniel and Marc'. Aww a comic!"

I got lots of gifts from all kinds of people. Perfume from Rose, flowers from Juleka, a watch from Alix, and a Jagged Stone T-shirt and concert tickets from Luka. But at the bottom of the pile was a small box. I opened it and inside was a phone. A phone? And on the screen was a sticky note that said, 'Play the video'. I turned it on and hit play.

A video started with Alya holding the camera. "Hello! Is this thing on?" Nino whispered to her and she nodded. Everyone in my class was there, huddled around Alya and the camera.

"Hey, girl! We just wanted to say how proud we are to have such a great superhero to protect us! And we are sorry about how we treated you, thinking you were just plain clumsy and lazy. Even Chloe. Right, Chloe?" She had her arms crossed but said;

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry."

"And we wanted to show you what the city has done in your and Adrian's honor!" Then they walked on and bit and then turned the camera onto the streets. A crowd had gathered and was holding signs in our names like 'Ladybug and Cat Noir: You're our Heroes!' and 'Thanks for all you've done for Paris!'. Tears of joy streamed down my face. I didn't think my smile could get any wider. They were shouting our names and cheering. They were all wearing a Ladybug and Cat Noir shirt. She turned the camera back to them.

"Thanks so much for all you have done to protect us, Marinette and Adrian. We love you!" And the video ended. I put the phone back and wiped my tears.

Adrian groaned and slowly stood back up. Then he saw me and smiled. But when he saw my tears, he looked concerned.

"Marinette! You're awake! But why are you crying? Are you in pain?" I laughed and hugged him.

"No, silly Kitty. I'm glad you're okay." He hugged me back and replied,

"Thanks to you."

We spent the rest of that day together talking about what had happened. But I was afraid to talk to him about anything too serious so all we talked about was the events. Adrian asked me if I could come to the river with him to talk. I said yes and he told me to meet me at Pont Notre-Dame at five.

I got in my favorite red dress and shoes, fixed my hair, and headed out that way. Fortunately, I only needed to wear a boot to walk. When I arrived, Andre the Sweetheart's Ice cream Man, was there with his cart. I got two ice creams and thanked Andre. Adrian came running and apologized for being late.

"No worries. You risked your life and saved Paris. What more can you do? Here." I handed him his ice cream.

"Thanks. Um, do you want to go and sit over there?"

"Sure!" We enjoyed our ice creams as we walked to the bench looking of the river. When we got there, we sat down and continued eating them.

But when I bent down to sit, I tripped over my boot and hit the ground, spilling my ice cream. Adrian stood and helped me up. I dusted myself off and sat down.

Adrian just looked at his ice cream as I sat there looking at my hands in embarrassment. Then he said, "Uh—do—do you want to share?"

I looked up at him in surprise. A bright red blush had bloomed on his cheeks and I felt my own cheeks turn warm. I nodded slightly and we both leaned in to eat to the ice cream at the time. Our eyes never shifted from each other's eyes. Both of us are red as tomatoes. We press forward into it until our noses dip into the ice cream. We pulled ourselves away from it and laughed. Our noses were covered in ice cream. Adrian pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the ice cream off the tip of my nose and then his.

We threw away the rest of it and sat there, watching the sun set.

"I-I wanted to ask you something I have been wondering for a while now." I nodded.

"How did you save me?" I looked at my hands in thought.

"I'm—I'm not really sure. I just knew how to save you." I replied. "I guess I just gathered up all my emotions and it powered me. Then I gave it all to you." I looked at him. He was deep in thought. We sat there in silence.

"So, what do we do now?" He looked at me. "I mean now that Paris no longer needs superheroes. Do we just go back to normal life like nothing happened?"

"I don't think that's going to be possible. Everybody knows who we are, they won't let it go that easily. Besides, now that everybody knows that—my father—was Hawkmoth, I—I don't know where to go." He put his head in his hands. I gazed sorrowfully at him. Then I put a hand on his shoulder and said, "You know you can always stay with me." Adrian looked up at me in surprise.

"Really?" I nodded.

"And I'm sure everybody else would be happy to too. You're not alone. You have us!" He smiled. "I never thought of it like that." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Now you know." Then he turned toward me, lifted my chin to meet his face and kissed me. It took me by surprise but I soon recovered and kissed him back. Whatever was ahead for us, we would face it together. Us against the world.

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