Chapter 13

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Aphmau POV

Right now, me and Travis are in my bedroom, creating a machine to help me block my memories from being changed. Nobody but us two knows about this and I persuaded my guards to do training and that I have Travis to protect me. Travis learned how to wield a sword when he was younger by his father so he was trained to fight.

"What if we change the frequency of the machine to counter-react the brain washing machine so the machine will instantly break." I offer. Travis thinks it over before nodding.

"That seems like a good idea but how would we be able to do that?" He asks. I take another piece of paper from the stack.

"Like this!" I exclaim before drawing the design and doing the maths in an inhuman speed.

"That looks good but the squids might have already done something to the machine to stop anything else from happening to it. Loki is helping them after all." Travis says, making me think then. I fall back into my chair and sigh.

"We will never be able to figure this out!" I shout. Suddenly, the door bursts open.

"I heard shouting. What's..." Max looks around the room to see many papers scrunched up and all over the floor of the room. Literally. We have used probably 200 sheets of paper for this. Maybe more? "What happened to the floor?" Max asks.

"That's a secret. Now leave, we are busy." I say, telling him to shoo with my hands. He just face palms before leaving. I use my wind magic to shut the door.

"So where were we?" Travis asks, turning back to me. I turn to the wall next to me and start to lightly hit my head against it. "Stop that Jess! It's unhealthy and it might cause brain damage. We don't want you to lose your memories or something." He says, making me stop.

"I got it!" I shout. He gives me a look.

"You do?"

"Why don't we store my memories onto something like a copy and if anything bad happens, you can use the machine on me to give me back the memories!" I shout, proud with my idea. Travis looks deep in thought.

"That's a great idea! We need to design a layout of how to do the machine." He grabs a piece of paper for me and I sketch out a diagram. "This should work! Let's get the materials and we can build it." We both walk out of the door, kicking the paper back into the room that rolled out and went out of the door, before closing it. We walk into the dining room to see a bunch of papers on the table and a Skydoesminecraft at the end of the table, scribbling his life away.

"Hi Sky!" I shout, making him jump.

"Jess! Don't scare me like that, I could have tried to attack you!" He exclaims, standing up and walking over to me to hug me.

"Sorry! But me and Travis want to ask you something." Sky pushes me at arms length away from him.

"What would that be?" He asks, confused.

"Can we go to Asguard and get some materials? I promise it won't take long!" I give him the puppy eyes, knowing he is going to say no.

"I- ugh fine! Just be careful and don't go near water." He orders. We both sarcastically salute him before Travis grabs my arm and teleports us to his room in Asguard. I look around to see it covered with The Flash posters. One of his walls has red paint with his symbol in the middle.

"What do you think?" Travis asks, sitting down on his desk chair.

"Pretty nice. Not better than my room though!" I stick my tongue out at him before running out of the room and to my main room. Me and Travis both fill my storage with supplies since he doesn't have his ring.

"That should be enough. Let's go back and get started." He cheers. I grab his wrist before teleporting us onto Max this time. I thought we should give Mitch a break.

"Where did you come from!" He shouts.

"Just above you. Why?" I ask him as Travis helps me stand up. Max gets up off of the floor.

"Never mind... Dinner will be ready in a few minutes." He informs us both before walking away. Me and Travis look at each other and grin before running all the way downstairs and outside. We quickly build a little shed and put an iron door on it before filling it with furniture. We then dig a giant room under it and decorate it with furniture and all of the materials that are in chests.

"We now have our own evil lair!" Now let's go and eat some food." I cheer before going up the ladders after Travis, shutting the trap door and putting a rug over it before going back to the dining room.

"Where were you guys?" Jin asks as he sets down some food in front of us.

"It's a secret!" We both say at the same time.

"Not again." Both Cadenza and Katelyn groan.

"Whats?" Barney asks them.

"When they start speaking at the same time then they are hiding something big." Katelyn says. We just both stick our tongues out at her.

"Nothing good can come out of this." Cadenza groans. Me and Travis both laugh.

"That's kinda creepy." Pink says. We both shrug our shoulders.

"This is really weird. What are you guys planning?" Max asks, giving us a look.

"Nothing! Nothing at all." He grin at him. Before sighing into our food.

"They use to be very good friends when we all first met. Travis and Jess were the closest because they were the last people to join our friendship group and felt like they weren't included so they became 'not alone' buddies. They always did everything together until Jess moved in with us." Katelyn informs them. This makes me remember how I met the gang.

"Hey guys! I think I heard something over here!" A person with white hair points into an alley.

"It was probably just your imagination Travis! Now come on!" A man with blue hair shouts but Travis doesn't listen to him. He walks into the alley way to see a girl with black hair lying in the alley, all beaten up.

"Guys! We need help!" Travis shouts. Jess groans. She had been split from Castor while they were running. Her wounds from the battle just hours before did not heal just yet.

"Oh my Irene?! Are you okay? Somebody call an ambulance!" A girl with fire orange hair shouts. A girl with pale blue hair quickly takes her phone out and rings a number.

That was the day I met the guys and lived with them. At first, we all lived together in a big apartment but the apartment shut down so we decided to live in our own little groups, me being with Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan. I met Castor a few days after I was let out of the hospital. He had been looking for me. This was when he decided to go undercover so nobody knows who he is.

"Those were good times." I smile.

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