Chapter 14

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Aphmau POV

As soon as me and Travis have finished eating, we both excuse ourselves from the table.

"Why the hurry? You are your food before we could even get halfway through it." Mitch raises his eyebrow.

"We are going down to our evil lair to make an evil machine. Why?" I ask him.

"Fine then... don't tell me." He huffs. I just told him though? Oh well! I drag Travis with me to the shed and put down a lever so we could open the door. It can only be placed in a certain spot on the wall for it to work. We quickly lock the room before opening the hatch to the lab.

"Oh wait! We need the blueprints for this to work!" Travis remembers.

"I will go get it. You just get all of the parts ready." I say before covering the hatch and walking out of the room, quickly and stealthily getting to mine and Katelyn's room. What I didn't expect was for Katelyn to be cleaning the floor.

"Stupid mess. They should at least clean up for themselves." She mumbles as she puts the paper in the black bags. I quickly take out my stick and levitate all of the paper into the bag before grabbing the blue prints of the device and running out, quickly dodging any of the people that pass by me.

"That was quick." Travis says, swinging on his chair as I climb down the ladder.

"It was. Let's start now." I say. As soon as I sit down, I feel a little push on my body. By little, I mean I am on the floor with a Phoenix on my back.

"Mommy! I followed you here!" Lucy cheers. I groan while Travis sits their, laughing at me.

"That's nice. Just don't tell anybody about this place. Okay?" I ask, petting her flaming head. She nods.

"Okie dokie!" She says before flying off and landing on the bed to curl up and sleep.

"Now let's get started!" I finally sigh before placing the plan on the table and grabbing the materials. We both start to create the machine. After an hour or two, i feel my mind link open.

"Where are you guys? We can't find you anywhere!" Jerome says, panicked. I hear everybody else in my mind link, agreeing.

"We are somewhere safe. Don't worry. Me and Travis are just working on a project. We might sleep here as well. Don't worry though, there isn't any water near us. We are next to the house" I inform before yawning.

"We will actually be going to sleep now. We are both tired. See you in the morning maybe." Travis says before cutting off his link. I do the same before standing up and walking into the bathroom. Yes, I actually put a bathroom in here. I use my charm and turn it into Pyjamas before walking out and falling face first onto my bed. Travis is already in his own bed.

"Night not alone buddy." I mumble. He mumbles back a reply before falling asleep. I do the same.

"Sir. It seems that we have captured Deadlox and Ssundee." I hear somebody say but I can only see darkness. I make a flame in my hand to see water, yet my flame isn't put out.

"Who's there?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I turn to see Deadlox and Ssundee chained to the wall.

"Guys! Oh my Irene we need to get you out of here!" I exclaim.

"Jess? What are you doing here? You need to leave!" Deadlox shouts instead of speaking like normal.

"Sir I think I hear one of the prisoners shout." I hear a voice which I can now know as a squid.

"Quickly grab onto me. I will teleport you guys to my actual body." They both reached an in chained hand towards me. I grab them both before forcing my Phoenix charm to work even though It hasn't finished it's cool down.

"Ouch! I now know how Mitch feels!" Sky shouts, his voice sleepy. I didn't mean to teleport us to him. We all get off of him.

"I wasn't expecting to be teleported with you guys." I run the back of my neck with my transparent hand. "Now I have to get back to my body. Talk later!" I shout before letting myself fall into the darkness to be woken up again by Travis shaking me.

"Oh thank Irene you're awake. You were shouting in your sleep." He sighs in relief.

"Don't worry about me. I was just saving Ssundee and Deadlox from the squids... somehow." I try to sit up but I fall back down. I look at my charm to see it wilted. "Hey Travis, can you carry me to Sky's room?" I ask him. He picks me up.

"What exactly happened?" He asks.

"I don't know. I opened my eyes and saw Ssundee and Deadlox chained to a wall so I forced my charm to work and we teleported to Sky and now here I am." I raise my arms to emphasise my point before letting them drop again.

"Well, we are here." Travis says. He opens the door and walks in, placing me on Sky's bed.

"Okay...?" Sky stops talking to the two others in the room to look at us.

"Hi! I'm kind of weak from using my Phoenix charm too much so I couldn't move so I made Travis carry me here." I say to him.

"Well I am gonna go back to sleep. Call me if you need me... or don't since it's 1am." Travis says before walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I turn to Sky.

"I swear I didn't mean to teleport to them! It was my dreams again! They keep transporting me different places." He just sighs.

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