Chapter 19

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Aphmau POV

I open my eyes to face a sleeping purple dinosaur with an eye patch. Usually, I would know straight away that it was Barney since he would always sleep walk into my bed back at our old base. The first thing I did was scream and shove him off of me. What would you do if you wasn't expecting a person in a purple dinosaur onesie in front of you with only one centimetre apart from your face.

"What's wrong!" Max sits up straight away, turning towards me and then looking at Barney. Ross jumps onto my shoulder.

"Ouch..." Barney groans. I awkwardly laugh.

"Sorry Barney... I was startled. I am a girl after all." I say. Suddenly, the door slams open and Sky, Jin and Castor run in with their weapons. They look around the room before looking at us and sighing. Well Barney was wrapped in the covers hanging off of the bed while Max is glaring at me for waking him up. Ross is laughing on my shoulder while I'm just sitting here with an innocent look.

"Good morning. What's for breakfast?" I yawn. Jin and Castor face palms.

"I'm not even going to ask... anyway, I have a job for you so come to my room. Inform Ssundee and Crainer about this as well." Sky tells me before walking out of the room, probably because he wanted to look like a leader figure and the predicament we are in would probably make him lose his seriousness. It is pretty funny after all.

"I'm going to let you guys get ready. See you in a bit Jess." Jin says before turning and walking out the door, waving at us. I get out of bed and use my magic to quickly change and wash my hair. If Sky wants to talk to me in a serious way like he just did then he obviously wants me to do something.

"I'm going to go and eat some breakfast. See you in a bit." I say to the shocked guys in the room before running down into the dining room to see nobody here. Must have already eaten. I instead go into the kitchen to see Ian and Crainer coming some bacon and toast.

"Morning Jess. I'm cooking us some food before we go to Sky's room to get our assignment. It will be ready in a few minutes if you want to just sit over there and wait." Ian informs me before paying attention to the bacon again. Crainer finishes cooking the toast and butters it before placing it all in the table. Yes. There is a table in the kitchen even though there is a big dining room, probably because only Jerome and Mitch live here.

"How much toast did you make?" I look at the three giant plates full of toast. Ssundee places two giant plates of bacon with the toast. My mouth waters just at the sight.

"I thought we would need the energy since me and Ian keep forgetting to eat. We usually had our armour feed us but we left everything at the sky factory when we came here." Crainer explains before stuffing some bacon in his mouth with toast. We all do the same and soon, we have finished eating it all.

"That was good!" I sigh. The two boys nod in agreement. "Well I guess we will have to go see what the boss wants from us then." I say before standing up, grabbing the plates and putting them in the sink for some other person to clean.

"That would be a good idea. Let's go." Ian says, walking out of the room with me following.

"Wait for me man!" Crainer runs up to catch up with us. We bump into Nick and Cory on the way here.

"Where are you guys heading to?" Cory asks.

"Sky is giving us an assignment. Why?" Ssundee replies to him.

"Can I come along. It gets boring just doing training!" Cory begs. I shrug at him.

"I can't see why not. What about you Nick?" I turn towards Nick.

"No thanks. I need to do something in town today. Maybe next time." Nick says before walking off. We continue our way to Sky's room.

"So what did you need us for?" I ask Sky who is sitting next to Jin.

"I need you four- or five I guess- to go mining for materials. Jin will fill you in on what you have to search for on the way." Sky tells us. Cory speaks up.

"Wait, don't we have to have a license since the mining incident a few years ago?" Cory asks.

"They stopped giving those out though. What are we going to do now?" Ian sighs.

"We could alwa-" Cory starts but we cut him off. By shouting no. "But it's-"

"We aren't going to get ourselves arrested man. We need to think of a better idea. Maybe we could but the resources?" Crainer says.

"Or we could get permission from a superhero. They allow it if it's permitted by a person of importance and I know just the person." I smirk at them before taking my phone out. Don't ask where it came from.

"Stark residence. Sly speaking." I hear over the phone.

"Hey Sly, I need a favour. Can you get us a mining license? It would really be appreciated." I hold my finger over Sky's mouth, cutting him off from saying anything while Cory in fangirling. Well it isn't everyday you get to hear from the most richest person in the world who is also a superhero.

"Sure. Come to my tower with who you want the license to be for and I will get you it as soon as I can." Sly says before hanging up.

"Well that's sorted. Let's move out miners! Bye Adam!" I say before grabbing everybody who is coming with me and taking out my stick, using it to teleport us since I still don't have my charm. I will just summon it to me later.

"Wow! I can not believe I am in the tower of the Iron man! I think I need to sit down." Cory says. I sigh before grabbing the back of his collar and dragging him upstairs to Sky's office. Everybody follows me up.

"You gotta admit though. It is pretty cool!" Crainer says, looking around himself. We soon reach the door to his office.

"Please compose yourself. He still is a famous rich person." I say before turning towards the door and pushing it open, not bothering to knock. Why would I anyway? He never knocks for me.

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