Chapter 20

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Aphmau POV

As soon as I enter the room, I hear a voice in my head. A very familiar and loving voice.

"My little girl. I have good news. I have managed to find Sly's memories and now you have them. Please give them back to him." Irene says. I start to tear up.

"Okay mom. I will." I mumble under my breath before leading the others to the couches at the corner of the office. Sly isn't here so I close my eyes and quickly look through his memories, seeing what they are like and if it was bad like Kala. Luckily, they aren't.

"Why couldn't we just buy the materials or steal them!" Cory groans.

"What did you say about stealing?" I hear somebody say from behind Cory. I open my eyes to see Sly in his suit but without the helmet.

"H-he's right behind me isn't he." We all nod at him. "I meant nothing!" We all just face palm.

"I will let it slide for now. Anyway, why do you guys need to go mining anyway? Asguard should have all the materials you need." Sly sits down in between Ian and Cory while me and Jin share a look.

"The storage room kinda... exploded?" I question. Jin nods, backing me up. I remember Jin telling me before since I passed out before I could see what happened.

"How? Was you messing with something you shouldn't have?" He gives me a look.

"I was making some things with unstable ingots but somebody interrupted us and I dropped the ingot. I'm shocked Jin was okay." I explain.

"Well you saved us but you nearly died!" Jin exclaims. I just pat his shoulder.

"I'm okay now." I say m, giving him a reassuring smile. He smiles back.

"Anyway! If I help you, what do I get out of this?" Sly smirks at me. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Seriously?" I sigh. "Don't worry, I have something to give you for this. You won't be disappointed." I smirk at him. Jin gives me the folder with all the information needed and I pass it to Sly. "Here is all the information you need." Sly nods at me before standing up.

"Okay I will make these. For now, stay here and don't touch anything. I don't want a repeat of last time." Sly glares at me while I just awkwardly laugh. He walks away.

"What happened last time?" Ian asks.

"I may have touched something that blew up." I say. Suddenly, something pink comes and jumps on me, knocking the wind out my lungs.

"What the!?" Crainer jumps. I start to cough.

"N-nice to see you too S-silky." I say, trying to get air back in my lungs. I stole the pink creeper minion who just cuddles with me. She hisses, trying to speak to me but I don't understand her since we don't have a bond like me and Boomy.

"It's another Boomy!" Cory says. I just laugh at him.

"This is Silky. Slys pet minion." I explain.

"Where do you guys keep getting this and is there any more weird mobs as pets?" Jin asked, intrigued.

"Well Katz had a pet Gawkin. I wonder if he stills has him though. It has been a while." I say, thinking out loud.

"Wait what? Aren't They bad though?" Ian asks. I shrug.

"Not all are working with Loki. This one was a wild Gawkin that I helped capture. It was a baby." I say before yawning. Sly comes back with five envelopes.

"I have the licences now what do I get in return?" He asks, walking over to stand in front of me as I stand up myself.

"This." I smirk before shooting a ball at his head, the ball instantly absorbing into his mind, making him fall into my arms.

"Jess! What did you do!" Jin shouts, running over to us. I gave him a fake confused look.

"What? I gave him a present?" I tilt my head to the side before picking Sly up bridal style and placing him on the couch before grabbing a blanket and covering him with it. I then sit down and place his head in my lap.

"What did you exactly do to him?" Crainer asks.

"I gave him his memories back." Is all I say. We sit in silence for a while, looking at our licences before hearing a groan.

"Jess, I'm going to kill you." Sly mumbles, sitting up. I help him.

"But I just have you your memories back. I thought you would have wanted to remember your loving family?" I ask him with a smirk. He bolts off of the couch and turns to face me.

"My- I have my memories! How? What? Why?" Sly starts to pace in a circle, glancing at me every so often.

"I also have Kala hers but don't tell anybody about this until I can get their memories back as well. You're welcome." I say before standing up and hugging him. I let go a minute later. "Thanks for the licenses but now we have to go. Have fun watching your memories." I give him a sincere smile before grabbing my stick and teleporting us all to a clear area for us to mine.

"Okay let's chop some trees and make a little hit." Jin shouts. We all get to work and I make us some stone tools while everybody else does the guy since I can't build.

"I haven't mined in ages." I squeal. Everybody else just sweat drops. We all get to work on mining and I find a cave that we all start searching.

"What do we exactly need?" Ian asks. Jin stumbles on his feet when he hears this.

"I-I don't know." He mumbles.

"We mainly need diamonds, red stone and iron. Oh! And we also need materials to make an enchantment table. Get some obsidian as well because I need to go to the nether." I tell them. They all gasp at the last part.

"But the nether is dangerous!" Jin and Crainer try to talk me out of going to the nether while Ian gives me a knowing look. Cory just continues mining.

"I need to kill the wither and to do that, I need wither skeletons. Ian knows what I'm doing." I turn to Ian who nods. Jin and Crainer sigh before going back to mining, knowing that they will never be able to keep me away from doing what I want.

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