Chapter 21

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Aphmau POV

"That should do it." I say as I wipe the sweat off of my forehead. Me and Ssundee just came out of the nether portal we built in our cave with obsidian. Cory, Crainer and Jin are off somewhere either talking to the mining force or mining. The mining force is basically the mining police.

"That took longer then I thought it would." Ian mumbles, sitting down on a chair. I sit down next to him after taking off my armour and backpack. I still don't have my charm because it's too weak for me to summon.

"You guys are back! How did it go?" Cory asks, quickly placing the ores in the furnace to cook before running over to us.

"It went well. Took a while to get three skulls but it will be worth it in the end. Now we just have to kill the wither back at Asguard and we should be ready to do the ritual." I say.

"Ritual? Has Ian been getting your head? Next you will be saying that cobblestone is life!" Crainer runs up to me.

"B-but I thought it already was?" I tilt my head in fake confusion. The pats my head.

"No dirt is life. Cobblestone sucks." Crainer says. Ian brings me into a side hug.

"Don't listen to him. Cobblestone equals life. Dirt sucks!" He exclaims. They start to argue while me and Cory are just laughing in the background. Jin soon comes back.

"They shouldn't bother us agai- are they arguing about cobblestone and dirt again?" Jin face palms while I laugh at him, nodding.

"Anyway! Everybody get suited up. It's time to kill the wither. The old fashioned way." I smirk at them as they groan. "Don't be wimps! It's for the good of the world! Now let's go to the obsidian room that you built." Crainer leads us to a room covered in obsidian.

"Okay I will put down the soul sand. Jess has the skulls." Ssundee says before going into the middle of the room, setting up the body as I put on my enchanted diamond armour. We used the enchanting table at Sly's house. He doesn't need to know...

"Ready?" I ask. Everybody nods, taking out their weapons. I put the last skull on before jumping backwards, away from the wither. We wait for the explosion, all of us diving at a the wither as soon as it explodes. Jin and Crainer stay back with their bows.

"This should be easy!" Cory says, hitting the wither with his sword while dodging the flying heads. Me and Ian do the same.

"Don't let your guard down. We just started this battle and we just caught it off guard." Ian shouts back at him. I jump in the withers back, cutting off one of the heads before being flung off of it and behind Jin and Crainer who keep shooting with their good aim.

"I'm okay! I'm going to cut the other heads off!" I shout before standing up and running at the wither, slashing at its chest since it's too high in the air. Suddenly, it turns blue. We have it down to half health, meaning it's going to start healing. It grows back its head in the process but it doesn't stop me from cutting it off again. Crainer shoots one of the flying heads that were coming towards me, saving me from being seriously hurt. But what he doesn't know is that if he hits it before it explodes, it releases a poison called 'wither' and with my luck, it lands on my left arm, making me hiss. I throw my sword at its head, killing it as it was low on health and it drips the item I want. The sigil for making unstable ingots. I look over to see the others cheering so I cover my arm the best I can, trying not to flinch at the pain that it hits me with every few seconds. Not even the scarf that I'm wearing is preventing the pain.

"We did it! I knew coming would be useful because you guys totally needed me." Cory says as I walk over. I just hit him over the head.

"Well we should get back to the house. We can always come back if we need any more materials." I say before taking my stick out while letting my arm hang loosely by my side. It's best not to move it. I quickly teleport us to the house but I might have did something wrong because the next thing I know, we are all falling from the sky.

"This isn't the house!"Ian shouts while Jin grabs us all, teleporting us to Mitch. He groans.

"I didn't expect to teleport us to the sky. Sorry guys." I mumble before getting off of Mitch and taking my stick out again. "I need to go somewhere really quickly. Set the ritual up Ian." I say, about to draw in the air but Jin takes it off of me.

"No teleporting until tomorrow." He says, putting the stick in his storage. I groan. I need to get to Hyria to see if she can get me a potion for my arm but I guess I will have to just tell somebody about it. I just don't want to worry anybody.

"I need to get to Hyria. I promise I won't teleport myself to the desert or in the sky." I look at him with pleading eyes.

"Why do you need to see Hyria?" Jin asks. I show him my arm that has turned a black colour and is slowly spreading to my chest.

"Oh no... Adam! We need your help! Now!" Jin shouts. Sky is the only person other than me that has a teleport to the forest. Nobody else really needed it so only Sky placed one down.

"What's wrong?" He runs up to us. Everybody else had already left to help Ian with the ritual.

"We need Hyria. Now. Take Jess to her before the wither sickness spreads through her whole body." Is all I hear before faintly falling forward into Sky's arms. He picks me up bridal style before nodding at Jin. My vision starts to go blurry as it goes up my neck. I cough a few times.

"It's alright Jess. Just hang in." Is all I hear before slipping into the darkness, thinking why everything bad always happens to me.

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